# # Arm SCP/MCP Software # Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Arm Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause # # cmake-lint: disable=C0301 cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.18.3) list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake") # # Individual firmware targets are configured based on the 'Firmware.cmake' # living in the firmware source directory that the user provides to us, which # determines the default set of configuration options we are given, including # the toolchain file. # if(SCP_FIRMWARE_SOURCE_DIR) get_filename_component(SCP_FIRMWARE_SOURCE_DIR "${SCP_FIRMWARE_SOURCE_DIR}" ABSOLUTE BASE_DIR "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/product") include("${SCP_FIRMWARE_SOURCE_DIR}/Firmware.cmake") if((NOT SCP_FIRMWARE) OR (NOT SCP_FIRMWARE_TARGET)) # cmake-format: off message(FATAL_ERROR "Insufficient firmware metadata provided.\n" "Please ensure your 'Firmware.cmake' has set both `SCP_FIRMWARE` " "and `SCP_FIRMWARE_TARGET` to the name of your firmware and the " "firmware's CMake target respectively.") # cmake-format: on endif() if(NOT SCP_FIRMWARE_BINARY_DIR) # # Derive the binary directory from the location of the source directory # if it's in-tree. # file(RELATIVE_PATH SCP_FIRMWARE_BINARY_DIR "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}" "${SCP_FIRMWARE_SOURCE_DIR}") endif() if(SCP_FIRMWARE_BINARY_DIR MATCHES "\\.\\.") # cmake-format: off message(FATAL_ERROR "Invalid firmware binary directory.\n" "Please ensure your firmware binary directory is a relative path. " "This path is used as the location within the project binary " "directory that will be used for firmware artifacts.") # cmake-format: on endif() endif() # # Handle automatic selection of the toolchain. This only occurs if the user has # not explicitly provided the path to a toolchain file and the firmware has # given us a default preference. # if(SCP_TOOLCHAIN_INIT AND (NOT CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE)) # # Let the firmware decide what its default toolchain should be, but allow # the user to override it. # if(NOT SCP_TOOLCHAIN) set(SCP_TOOLCHAIN "${SCP_TOOLCHAIN_INIT}") endif() set(CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE "${SCP_FIRMWARE_SOURCE_DIR}/Toolchain-${SCP_TOOLCHAIN}.cmake") endif() if(SCP_TOOLCHAIN STREQUAL "Clang" AND NOT SCP_LLVM_SYSROOT_CC) message( FATAL_ERROR "When Clang is set as toolchain SCP_LLVM_SYSROOT_CC must be defined" ) endif() project( SCP VERSION 2.11.0 DESCRIPTION "Arm SCP/MCP Software" HOMEPAGE_URL "https://developer.arm.com/tools-and-software/open-source-software/firmware/scp-firmware" LANGUAGES C ASM) # # Configure the default build type to be "Release". We choose to default to a # release build as non-developer consumers will generally want a release build, # whereas developers who need a debug build are generally familiar with how to # enable it in the build system. # if((NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) AND (NOT CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES)) set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "Release" CACHE STRING "Build type." FORCE) set_property( CACHE CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE PROPERTY STRINGS "Debug" "Release" "MinSizeRel" "RelWithDebInfo") endif() # # Set the default C standard to C11 plus any compiler extensions. # set(CMAKE_C_STANDARD 11) set(CMAKE_C_STANDARD_REQUIRED TRUE) set(CMAKE_C_EXTENSIONS TRUE) # # We use `__declspec` when available, but Clang needs to explicitly enable # support for it before we can use them. # if(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "Clang") string(APPEND CMAKE_C_FLAGS " -fms-extensions") endif() # # Enable inter-procedural optimization for all targets if we can. # `CheckIPOSupported` doesn't play particularly nicely with toolchains that # cannot build executables right off the bat, so we skip this check if we're # cross compiling. # include(CheckIPOSupported) include(CMakeDependentOption) check_ipo_supported(RESULT SCP_IPO_SUPPORTED) cmake_dependent_option( SCP_ENABLE_IPO "Enable the interprocedural optimization (IPO) if supported?" "${SCP_ENABLE_IPO_INIT}" "DEFINED SCP_ENABLE_IPO_INIT" "${SCP_ENABLE_IPO}") if(CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING AND (CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "GNU") AND SCP_ENABLE_IPO) set(SCP_IPO_SUPPORTED TRUE) endif() cmake_dependent_option( CMAKE_INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZATION "Enable interprocedural optimization?" TRUE "SCP_IPO_SUPPORTED;SCP_ENABLE_IPO" FALSE) # # Export a `compile_commands.json` file for generators that support it. # set(CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS TRUE) # # Set up Cppcheck if it's available and enabled. # if(NOT DISABLE_CPPCHECK) find_program(CMAKE_C_CPPCHECK NAMES "cppcheck") if(NOT CMAKE_C_CPPCHECK) unset(CMAKE_C_CPPCHECK CACHE) endif() if(CMAKE_C_CPPCHECK) # Prepend cppcheck_wrapper.py before binary to perform pre and post # cppcheck operations. set(CPPCHECK_WRAPPER ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/cppcheck_wrapper.py) # cmake-format: off list(PREPEND CMAKE_C_CPPCHECK ${CPPCHECK_WRAPPER}) list(APPEND CMAKE_C_CPPCHECK "--quiet") list(APPEND CMAKE_C_CPPCHECK "--suppressions-list=${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/cppcheck_suppress_list.txt") list(APPEND CMAKE_C_CPPCHECK "--enable=all") list(APPEND CMAKE_C_CPPCHECK "--error-exitcode=1") if(SCP_ARCHITECTURE STREQUAL "arm-m") if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR MATCHES "cortex-m(33|55)") list(APPEND CMAKE_C_CPPCHECK "--library=${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/.armv8m.cppcheck.cfg") elseif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR MATCHES "cortex-m(3|7)") list(APPEND CMAKE_C_CPPCHECK "--library=${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/.armv7m.cppcheck.cfg") endif() endif() if(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "ARMClang") list(APPEND CMAKE_C_CPPCHECK "--library=${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/.armclang.cppcheck.cfg") else() list(APPEND CMAKE_C_CPPCHECK "--library=${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/.gnu.cppcheck.cfg") endif() if(COMMAND_OUTPUT_VERBOSE) list(APPEND CMAKE_C_CPPCHECK "verbose") endif() # cmake-format: on endif() endif() # # Set up Clang-Tidy if it's available and enabled. # if(ENABLE_CLANG_TIDY) find_program( CMAKE_C_CLANG_TIDY NAMES "clang-tidy" "clang-tidy-3.6" "clang-tidy-3.7" "clang-tidy-3.8" "clang-tidy-3.9" "clang-tidy-4.0" "clang-tidy-5.0" "clang-tidy-6.0" "clang-tidy-7" "clang-tidy-8" "clang-tidy-9" "clang-tidy-10" "clang-tidy-11") if(NOT CMAKE_C_CLANG_TIDY) unset(CMAKE_C_CLANG_TIDY CACHE) endif() if(CMAKE_C_CLANG_TIDY) # cmake-format: off if(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_TARGET) list(APPEND CMAKE_C_CLANG_TIDY "--extra-arg=--target=${CMAKE_C_COMPILER_TARGET}") endif() foreach(dir IN LISTS CMAKE_C_IMPLICIT_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES) list(APPEND CMAKE_C_CLANG_TIDY "--extra-arg=-isystem") list(APPEND CMAKE_C_CLANG_TIDY "--extra-arg=${dir}") list(APPEND CMAKE_C_CLANG_TIDY "--extra-arg=-fms-extensions") endforeach() if(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "ARMClang") list(APPEND CMAKE_C_CLANG_TIDY "--extra-arg=-D__ARM_PROMISE=__builtin_assume") list(APPEND CMAKE_C_CLANG_TIDY "--extra-arg=-D__ARMCC_VERSION=600000") list(APPEND CMAKE_C_CLANG_TIDY "--extra-arg=-D__ESCAPE__(x)=(x)") endif() list(APPEND CMAKE_C_CLANG_TIDY "--quiet") # cmake-format: on endif() endif() # # Set up Include What You Use ("IWYU") if it's available and enabled. # if(ENABLE_IWYU) find_program(CMAKE_C_INCLUDE_WHAT_YOU_USE NAMES iwyu include-what-you-use) if(NOT CMAKE_C_INCLUDE_WHAT_YOU_USE) unset(CMAKE_C_INCLUDE_WHAT_YOU_USE CACHE) endif() if(CMAKE_C_INCLUDE_WHAT_YOU_USE) # cmake-format: off if(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_TARGET) list(APPEND CMAKE_C_INCLUDE_WHAT_YOU_USE "--target=${CMAKE_C_COMPILER_TARGET}") endif() foreach(dir IN LISTS CMAKE_C_IMPLICIT_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES) list(APPEND CMAKE_C_INCLUDE_WHAT_YOU_USE "-isystem") list(APPEND CMAKE_C_INCLUDE_WHAT_YOU_USE "${dir}") endforeach() if(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "ARMClang") list(APPEND CMAKE_C_INCLUDE_WHAT_YOU_USE "-D__ARM_PROMISE=__builtin_assume") list(APPEND CMAKE_C_INCLUDE_WHAT_YOU_USE "-D__ARMCC_VERSION=600000") list(APPEND CMAKE_C_INCLUDE_WHAT_YOU_USE "-D__ESCAPE__(x)=(x)") endif() # cmake-format: on endif() endif() # # Try to locate Arm Compiler's 'fromelf' tool. # if(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "ARMClang") get_filename_component(base ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER} DIRECTORY) find_program(SCP_FROMELF fromelf ${base}) if(SCP_FROMELF) mark_as_advanced(SCP_FROMELF) endif() endif() # # Try to identify any standard libraries that require special treatment. # include(CheckSymbolExists) check_symbol_exists("__NEWLIB__" "sys/features.h" SCP_HAVE_NEWLIB) # # If the user asks for it, we can save them some time by creating a flat binary # from the firmware's compiled ELF image. # include(CMakeDependentOption) cmake_dependent_option( SCP_GENERATE_FLAT_BINARY "Generate a flat binary (.bin) image?" "${SCP_GENERATE_FLAT_BINARY_INIT}" "DEFINED SCP_GENERATE_FLAT_BINARY_INIT" "${SCP_GENERATE_FLAT_BINARY}") # # If the firmware developer has given us initial values for these configuration # options, we can expose them to the user. # include(CMakeDependentOption) # Common build options if(SCP_ARCHITECTURE STREQUAL "optee") set(SCP_ENABLE_SUB_SYSTEM_MODE_INIT TRUE) endif() set(SCP_ENABLE_OVERRIDE_FIRMWARE_NAME ${SCP_ENABLE_OVERRIDE_FIRMWARE_NAME_INIT} CACHE STRING "Override firmware binary name") cmake_dependent_option( SCP_ENABLE_SUB_SYSTEM_MODE "Enable the execution as a sub-system?" "${SCP_ENABLE_SUB_SYSTEM_MODE_INIT}" "DEFINED SCP_ENABLE_SUB_SYSTEM_MODE_INIT" "${SCP_ENABLE_SUB_SYSTEM_MODE}") cmake_dependent_option( SCP_ENABLE_NOTIFICATIONS "Enable the notification subsystem?" "${SCP_ENABLE_NOTIFICATIONS_INIT}" "DEFINED SCP_ENABLE_NOTIFICATIONS_INIT" "${SCP_ENABLE_NOTIFICATIONS}") cmake_dependent_option( SCP_ENABLE_RESOURCE_PERMISSIONS "Enable the resource permission support?" "${SCP_ENABLE_RESOURCE_PERMISSIONS_INIT}" "DEFINED SCP_ENABLE_RESOURCE_PERMISSIONS_INIT" "${SCP_ENABLE_RESOURCE_PERMISSIONS}") cmake_dependent_option( SCP_ENABLE_SCMI_NOTIFICATIONS "Enable the SCMI notifications?" "${SCP_ENABLE_SCMI_NOTIFICATIONS_INIT}" "DEFINED SCP_ENABLE_SCMI_NOTIFICATIONS_INIT" "${SCP_ENABLE_SCMI_NOTIFICATIONS}") cmake_dependent_option( SCP_ENABLE_SCMI_SENSOR_EVENTS "Enable the SCMI sensor events?" "${SCP_ENABLE_SCMI_SENSOR_EVENTS_INIT}" "DEFINED SCP_ENABLE_SCMI_SENSOR_EVENTS_INIT" "${SCP_ENABLE_SCMI_SENSOR_EVENTS}") cmake_dependent_option( SCP_ENABLE_FAST_CHANNELS "Enable the transport Fast Channels?" "${SCP_ENABLE_FAST_CHANNELS_INIT}" "DEFINED SCP_ENABLE_FAST_CHANNELS_INIT" "${SCP_ENABLE_FAST_CHANNELS}") # Include firmware specific build options include("${SCP_FIRMWARE_SOURCE_DIR}/Buildoptions.cmake" OPTIONAL) # # Wrap `add_executable` in a way that allows us to do some extra processing on # the firmware target.(e.g. flat binary generation) This is necessary almost # exclusively because `add_custom_command` cannot be used with a target created # in a different directory. # # cmake-lint: disable=C0103,C0111 macro(add_executable target) _add_executable(${target} ${ARGN}) if("${target}" STREQUAL "${SCP_FIRMWARE_TARGET}") if(SCP_GENERATE_FLAT_BINARY) # # Invoke 'objcopy' or 'fromelf', which we use to generate a flat # binary for the generated firmware image. We make this optional # because some binaries consist of disjoint sections far apart from # one another, which can generate huge binaries. # if(SCP_FROMELF) # cmake-format: off add_custom_command( TARGET ${target} POST_BUILD COMMAND ${SCP_FROMELF} ARGS --bin "$" --output "$/$.bin" COMMENT "Generating flat binary ${target}.bin") # cmake-format: on elseif(CMAKE_OBJCOPY) # cmake-format: off add_custom_command( TARGET ${target} POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_OBJCOPY} ARGS -O binary "$" "$/$.bin" COMMENT "Generating flat binary ${target}.bin") # cmake-format: on endif() endif() endif() endmacro() if(SCP_FIRMWARE) # # Pull in the CMSIS package. # add_subdirectory("contrib/cmsis" EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL) # # Load in the firmware. We do this now so that the firmware list files can # make adjustments to any modules it wishes to load in, configure the # architecture library, etc. # add_subdirectory("${SCP_FIRMWARE_SOURCE_DIR}" "${SCP_FIRMWARE_BINARY_DIR}" EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL) # # Generate a map file for the firmware. # if(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "ARMClang") target_link_options( ${SCP_FIRMWARE_TARGET} PRIVATE "LINKER:--map" "LINKER:--list=$/$.map") else() target_link_options( ${SCP_FIRMWARE_TARGET} PRIVATE "LINKER:--cref" "LINKER:-Map=$/$.map") endif() # # Make the firmware target a part of the 'all' pseudo-target and give it a # fixed output binary name so that different toolchains don't generate # different names (which is desirable especially for higher-level build # systems). # if("${SCP_ENABLE_OVERRIDE_FIRMWARE_NAME}" STREQUAL "") set(SCP_FIRMWARE_NAME ${SCP_FIRMWARE_TARGET}) else() set(SCP_FIRMWARE_NAME ${SCP_ENABLE_OVERRIDE_FIRMWARE_NAME}) endif() set_target_properties( ${SCP_FIRMWARE_TARGET} PROPERTIES EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL FALSE OUTPUT_NAME "${SCP_FIRMWARE_NAME}" RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/bin") set_target_properties( ${SCP_FIRMWARE_TARGET} PROPERTIES EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL FALSE SUFFIX ".elf") # # Load in the CLI debugger if it was requested. # cmake_dependent_option( SCP_ENABLE_DEBUGGER "Enable the debugger-cli subsystem?" "${SCP_ENABLE_DEBUGGER_INIT}" "DEFINED SCP_ENABLE_DEBUGGER_INIT" "${SCP_ENABLE_DEBUGGER}") if(SCP_ENABLE_DEBUGGER) add_subdirectory("debugger" EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL) endif() # # Load in the architecture support library. # add_subdirectory("arch" EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL) # # Load in the modules specified, plus any that need to be included to # support other modules. # add_subdirectory("module" EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL) # # Load in the framework. This should be the last of the targets we need. # add_subdirectory("framework" EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL) # # Collect up all the source files used to build the various targets created # above. # # cmake-format: off string(APPEND scp_sources "$$") string(APPEND scp_sources "$$") string(APPEND scp_sources "$$") string(APPEND scp_sources "$$") string(APPEND scp_sources "$$") string(APPEND scp_sources "$$") string(APPEND scp_includes "$$") string(APPEND scp_includes "$$") string(APPEND scp_includes "$$") string(APPEND scp_includes "$$") string(APPEND scp_includes "$$") string(APPEND scp_includes "$$") string(APPEND scp_defines "$$") string(APPEND scp_defines "$$") string(APPEND scp_defines "$$") string(APPEND scp_defines "$$" ) string(APPEND scp_defines "$$") string(APPEND scp_defines "$$") list(APPEND scp_libraries "$") list(APPEND scp_libraries "$") list(APPEND scp_libraries "$") foreach(module IN LISTS SCP_MODULE_TARGETS) string(APPEND scp_sources "$$") string(APPEND scp_sources "$$") string(APPEND scp_includes "$$") string(APPEND scp_includes "$$") string(APPEND scp_defines "$$") string(APPEND scp_defines "$$") list(APPEND scp_libraries "$") endforeach() set(scp_sources $) set(scp_includes $) set(scp_defines $) # cmake-format: on # # Load in the documentation generation. # add_subdirectory("doc" EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL) endif() set(SCP_FIRMWARE_LIB "${SCP_FIRMWARE_TARGET}-all") # merged libraries is only built when `make ${SCP_FIRMWARE_LIB}` is issued add_custom_target(${SCP_FIRMWARE_LIB} # COMMAND/COMMENT must be upper case COMMAND ${CMAKE_AR} rcT $/lib${SCP_FIRMWARE_LIB}.a ${scp_libraries} COMMENT " Merging all libraries in a single lib${SCP_FIRMWARE_LIB}.a" ) add_dependencies(${SCP_FIRMWARE_LIB} ${SCP_FIRMWARE_TARGET}) # # Set up global inclusions and exclusions for source file quality assurance # tools. This is intended to filter in external directories (e.g. out-of-tree # modules) and filter out third-party directories. # list(APPEND glob_includes "${SCP_SOURCE_DIR}") list(APPEND glob_excludes "^${SCP_SOURCE_DIR}/contrib/cmsis/git") list(APPEND glob_excludes "^${SCP_SOURCE_DIR}/contrib/run-clang-format/git") list(APPEND cmake_globs "CMakeLists.txt") list(APPEND cmake_globs "*.cmake") list(APPEND markdown_globs "*.md") list(APPEND yaml_globs "*.yml") list(APPEND yaml_globs "*.yaml") list(APPEND c_globs "*.[ch]") list(APPEND c_globs "*.[ch]pp") list(APPEND c_globs "*.[ch]xx") # # Glob sources and place them in their respective variables. Globs for source # types can be with specified with a `${type}_globs` variable, which should be a # list of globs to be fed into `file(GLOB_RECURSE ...)`. # # cmake-lint: disable=C0103 foreach(type cmake markdown yaml c) unset(sources) foreach(include IN LISTS glob_includes) foreach(glob IN LISTS ${type}_globs) file(GLOB_RECURSE _sources "${include}/${glob}") list(APPEND sources ${_sources}) endforeach() endforeach() foreach(exclude IN LISTS glob_excludes) list(FILTER sources EXCLUDE REGEX "${exclude}") endforeach() set(${type}_sources ${sources}) endforeach() # # Configure cmake-format. # find_package(CMakeFormat OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS Format Lint) if(TARGET CMakeFormat::Format) add_custom_target( format-cmake COMMAND CMakeFormat::Format -i "${cmake_sources}" WORKING_DIRECTORY "${SCP_SOURCE_DIR}" COMMENT "Formatting CMake sources..." COMMAND_EXPAND_LISTS) list(APPEND format_targets "format-cmake") add_custom_target( check-cmake COMMAND CMakeFormat::Format --check "${cmake_sources}" WORKING_DIRECTORY "${SCP_SOURCE_DIR}" COMMENT "Checking CMake sources..." COMMAND_EXPAND_LISTS) list(APPEND check_targets "check-cmake") endif() if(TARGET CMakeFormat::Lint) add_custom_target( lint-cmake COMMAND CMakeFormat::Lint --suppress-decorations "${cmake_sources}" WORKING_DIRECTORY "${SCP_SOURCE_DIR}" COMMENT "Linting CMake sources..." COMMAND_EXPAND_LISTS) list(APPEND lint_targets "lint-cmake") endif() # # Configure markdownlint. # find_package(Markdownlint) if(Markdownlint_FOUND) add_custom_target( lint-markdown COMMAND Markdownlint "${markdown_sources}" WORKING_DIRECTORY "${SCP_SOURCE_DIR}" COMMENT "Running Markdown sources..." COMMAND_EXPAND_LISTS) list(APPEND lint_targets "lint-markdown") endif() # # Configure yaml-format. # find_package(Python3 COMPONENTS Interpreter) if(Python3_Interpreter_FOUND) add_custom_target( format-yaml COMMAND Python3::Interpreter "${SCP_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/yaml-format.py" format -i "${yaml_sources}" WORKING_DIRECTORY "${SCP_SOURCE_DIR}" COMMENT "Formatting YAML sources..." COMMAND_EXPAND_LISTS) list(APPEND format_targets "format-yaml") add_custom_target( check-yaml COMMAND Python3::Interpreter "${SCP_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/yaml-format.py" diff --check "${yaml_sources}" WORKING_DIRECTORY "${SCP_SOURCE_DIR}" COMMENT "Checking YAML sources..." COMMAND_EXPAND_LISTS) list(APPEND check_targets "check-yaml") endif() # # Configure yamllint. # find_package(Yamllint) if(Yamllint_FOUND) add_custom_target( lint-yaml COMMAND Yamllint -s "${yaml_sources}" WORKING_DIRECTORY "${SCP_SOURCE_DIR}" COMMENT "Linting YAML sources..." COMMAND_EXPAND_LISTS) list(APPEND lint_targets "lint-yaml") endif() # # Configure Clang-Format. # find_package(Clang OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS Format FormatGit) if(Clang_FormatGit_FOUND) add_custom_target( format-diff-c COMMAND Clang::FormatGit HEAD WORKING_DIRECTORY "${SCP_SOURCE_DIR}" COMMENT "Formatting modified C/C++ sources..." COMMAND_EXPAND_LISTS) list(APPEND format_diff_targets "format-diff-c") endif() if(Clang_Format_FOUND) add_custom_target( format-c COMMAND Clang::Format -i "${c_sources}" WORKING_DIRECTORY "${SCP_SOURCE_DIR}" COMMENT "Formatting C/C++ sources..." COMMAND_EXPAND_LISTS) list(APPEND format_targets "format-c") endif() # # Configure run-clang-format. # find_package(Python3 COMPONENTS Interpreter) if(Python3_Interpreter_FOUND) add_custom_target( check-c COMMAND Python3::Interpreter "${SCP_SOURCE_DIR}/contrib/run-clang-format/git/run-clang-format.py" --clang-format-executable "${Clang_Format_EXECUTABLE}" "${c_sources}" WORKING_DIRECTORY "${SCP_SOURCE_DIR}" COMMENT "Checking C sources..." COMMAND_EXPAND_LISTS) list(APPEND check_targets "check-c") endif() # # Create the final check targets. These targets consist of miscellaneous quality # assurance tasks like linting and formatting, and act as dummy targets that # invoke the various tools we set up above. # add_custom_target( format-diff DEPENDS ${format_diff_targets} COMMENT "Formatting modified sources...") add_custom_target( format DEPENDS ${format_targets} COMMENT "Formatting all sources...") add_custom_target( lint DEPENDS ${lint_targets} COMMENT "Linting all sources...") add_custom_target( check DEPENDS ${check_targets} lint COMMENT "Checking lint...")