Lines Matching defs:tiff

103 struct tiff {  struct
126 #define TIFF_BIGTIFF 0x80000U /* read/write bigtiff */ argument
131 uint64 tif_diroff; /* file offset of current directory */
132 uint64 tif_nextdiroff; /* file offset of following directory */
133 … tif_dirlist; /* list of offsets to already seen directories to prevent IFD looping */
134 uint16 tif_dirlistsize; /* number of entries in offset list */
135 uint16 tif_dirnumber; /* number of already seen directories */
136 TIFFDirectory tif_dir; /* internal rep of current directory */
137 TIFFDirectory tif_customdir; /* custom IFDs are separated from the main ones */
138 union {
142 } tif_header;
143 uint16 tif_header_size; /* file's header block and its length */
144 uint32 tif_row; /* current scanline */
145 uint16 tif_curdir; /* current directory (index) */
146 uint32 tif_curstrip; /* current strip for read/write */
147 uint64 tif_curoff; /* current offset for read/write */
148 uint64 tif_dataoff; /* current offset for writing dir */
150 uint16 tif_nsubifd; /* remaining subifds to write */
151 uint64 tif_subifdoff; /* offset for patching SubIFD link */
153 uint32 tif_col; /* current column (offset by row too) */
154 uint32 tif_curtile; /* current tile for read/write */
155 tmsize_t tif_tilesize; /* # of bytes in a tile */
157 int tif_decodestatus;
158 TIFFBoolMethod tif_fixuptags; /* called in TIFFReadDirectory */
159 TIFFBoolMethod tif_setupdecode; /* called once before predecode */
160 TIFFPreMethod tif_predecode; /* pre- row/strip/tile decoding */
161 TIFFBoolMethod tif_setupencode; /* called once before preencode */
162 int tif_encodestatus;
163 TIFFPreMethod tif_preencode; /* pre- row/strip/tile encoding */
164 TIFFBoolMethod tif_postencode; /* post- row/strip/tile encoding */
165 TIFFCodeMethod tif_decoderow; /* scanline decoding routine */
166 TIFFCodeMethod tif_encoderow; /* scanline encoding routine */
167 TIFFCodeMethod tif_decodestrip; /* strip decoding routine */
168 TIFFCodeMethod tif_encodestrip; /* strip encoding routine */
169 TIFFCodeMethod tif_decodetile; /* tile decoding routine */
170 TIFFCodeMethod tif_encodetile; /* tile encoding routine */
171 TIFFVoidMethod tif_close; /* cleanup-on-close routine */
172 TIFFSeekMethod tif_seek; /* position within a strip routine */
173 TIFFVoidMethod tif_cleanup; /* cleanup state routine */
174 TIFFStripMethod tif_defstripsize; /* calculate/constrain strip size */
175 TIFFTileMethod tif_deftilesize; /* calculate/constrain tile size */
176 uint8* tif_data; /* compression scheme private data */
178 tmsize_t tif_scanlinesize; /* # of bytes in a scanline */
179 tmsize_t tif_scanlineskew; /* scanline skew for reading strips */
180 uint8* tif_rawdata; /* raw data buffer */
181 tmsize_t tif_rawdatasize; /* # of bytes in raw data buffer */
182 tmsize_t tif_rawdataoff; /* rawdata offset within strip */
183 tmsize_t tif_rawdataloaded;/* amount of data in rawdata */
184 uint8* tif_rawcp; /* current spot in raw buffer */
185 tmsize_t tif_rawcc; /* bytes unread from raw buffer */
187 uint8* tif_base; /* base of mapped file */
188 tmsize_t tif_size; /* size of mapped file region (bytes, thus tmsize_t) */
189 TIFFMapFileProc tif_mapproc; /* map file method */
190 TIFFUnmapFileProc tif_unmapproc; /* unmap file method */
192 thandle_t tif_clientdata; /* callback parameter */
193 TIFFReadWriteProc tif_readproc; /* read method */
194 TIFFReadWriteProc tif_writeproc; /* write method */
195 TIFFSeekProc tif_seekproc; /* lseek method */
196 TIFFCloseProc tif_closeproc; /* close method */
197 TIFFSizeProc tif_sizeproc; /* filesize method */
199 TIFFPostMethod tif_postdecode; /* post decoding routine */
201 TIFFField** tif_fields; /* sorted table of registered tags */
202 size_t tif_nfields; /* # entries in registered tag table */
203 const TIFFField* tif_foundfield; /* cached pointer to already found tag */
204 TIFFTagMethods tif_tagmethods; /* tag get/set/print routines */
205 TIFFClientInfoLink* tif_clientinfo; /* extra client information. */
208 TIFFFieldArray* tif_fieldscompat;
209 size_t tif_nfieldscompat;