#!/bin/bash # # This script generates 'WebP.framework' and 'WebPDecoder.framework'. An iOS # app can decode WebP images by including 'WebPDecoder.framework' and both # encode and decode WebP images by including 'WebP.framework'. # # Run ./iosbuild.sh to generate the frameworks under the current directory # (the previous build will be erased if it exists). # # This script is inspired by the build script written by Carson McDonald. # (http://www.ioncannon.net/programming/1483/using-webp-to-reduce-native-ios-app-size/). set -e # Extract the latest SDK version from the final field of the form: iphoneosX.Y readonly SDK=$(xcodebuild -showsdks \ | grep iphoneos | sort | tail -n 1 | awk '{print substr($NF, 9)}' ) # Extract Xcode version. readonly XCODE=$(xcodebuild -version | grep Xcode | cut -d " " -f2) if [[ -z "${XCODE}" ]]; then echo "Xcode not available" exit 1 fi readonly OLDPATH=${PATH} # Add iPhoneOS-V6 to the list of platforms below if you need armv6 support. # Note that iPhoneOS-V6 support is not available with the iOS6 SDK. PLATFORMS="iPhoneSimulator iPhoneSimulator64" PLATFORMS+=" iPhoneOS-V7 iPhoneOS-V7s iPhoneOS-V7-arm64" readonly PLATFORMS readonly SRCDIR=$(dirname $0) readonly TOPDIR=$(pwd) readonly BUILDDIR="${TOPDIR}/iosbuild" readonly TARGETDIR="${TOPDIR}/WebP.framework" readonly DECTARGETDIR="${TOPDIR}/WebPDecoder.framework" readonly DEVELOPER=$(xcode-select --print-path) readonly PLATFORMSROOT="${DEVELOPER}/Platforms" readonly LIPO=$(xcrun -sdk iphoneos${SDK} -find lipo) LIBLIST='' DECLIBLIST='' if [[ -z "${SDK}" ]]; then echo "iOS SDK not available" exit 1 elif [[ ${SDK%%.*} -gt 8 ]]; then EXTRA_CFLAGS="-fembed-bitcode" elif [[ ${SDK} < 6.0 ]]; then echo "You need iOS SDK version 6.0 or above" exit 1 else echo "iOS SDK Version ${SDK}" fi rm -rf ${BUILDDIR} ${TARGETDIR} ${DECTARGETDIR} mkdir -p ${BUILDDIR} ${TARGETDIR}/Headers/ ${DECTARGETDIR}/Headers/ if [[ ! -e ${SRCDIR}/configure ]]; then if ! (cd ${SRCDIR} && sh autogen.sh); then cat <