/* * Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Alibaba Group Holding Limited */ #include #include "CoAPPlatform.h" #include "CoAPExport.h" #include "CoAPServer.h" #define COAP_INIT_TOKEN (0x01020304) static unsigned int g_coap_running = 0; #ifdef COAP_SERV_MULTITHREAD static void *g_coap_thread = NULL; static void *g_semphore = NULL; #endif static CoAPContext *g_context = NULL; static unsigned int CoAPServerToken_get(unsigned char *p_encoded_data) { static unsigned int value = COAP_INIT_TOKEN; p_encoded_data[0] = (unsigned char)((value & 0x00FF) >> 0); p_encoded_data[1] = (unsigned char)((value & 0xFF00) >> 8); p_encoded_data[2] = (unsigned char)((value & 0xFF0000) >> 16); p_encoded_data[3] = (unsigned char)((value & 0xFF000000) >> 24); value++; return sizeof(unsigned int); } static int CoAPServerPath_2_option(char *uri, CoAPMessage *message) { char *ptr = NULL; char *pstr = NULL; char path[COAP_MSG_MAX_PATH_LEN] = { 0 }; if (NULL == uri || NULL == message) { COAP_ERR("Invalid paramter p_path %p, p_message %p", uri, message); return COAP_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (COAP_MSG_MAX_PATH_LEN <= strlen(uri)) { COAP_ERR("The uri length is too loog,len = %d", (int)strlen(uri)); return COAP_ERROR_INVALID_LENGTH; } COAP_DEBUG("The uri is %s", uri); ptr = pstr = uri; while ('\0' != *ptr) { if ('/' == *ptr) { if (ptr != pstr) { memset(path, 0x00, sizeof(path)); strncpy(path, pstr, ptr - pstr); CoAPStrOption_add(message, COAP_OPTION_URI_PATH, (unsigned char *)path, (int)strlen(path)); } pstr = ptr + 1; } if ('\0' == *(ptr + 1) && '\0' != *pstr) { memset(path, 0x00, sizeof(path)); strncpy(path, pstr, sizeof(path) - 1); CoAPStrOption_add(message, COAP_OPTION_URI_PATH, (unsigned char *)path, (int)strlen(path)); } ptr++; } return COAP_SUCCESS; } void CoAPServer_thread_leave() { g_coap_running = 0; } void *coap_yield_mutex = NULL; static void *CoAPServer_yield(void *param) { CoAPContext *context = (CoAPContext *)param; #ifndef AWSS_DISABLE_REGISTRAR extern int registar_yield(); #endif COAP_DEBUG("Enter to CoAP daemon task"); while (g_coap_running) { CoAPMessage_cycle(context); #if defined(WIFI_PROVISION_ENABLED) && !defined(AWSS_DISABLE_REGISTRAR) registar_yield(); #endif } #ifdef COAP_SERV_MULTITHREAD HAL_SemaphorePost(g_semphore); COAP_INFO("Exit the CoAP daemon task, Post semphore"); g_coap_thread = NULL; #endif return NULL; } typedef void (*func_v_v)(void *); static func_v_v coapserver_timer = NULL; void CoAPServer_add_timer(void (*on_timer)(void *)) { coapserver_timer = on_timer; } static void *coap_init_mutex = NULL; CoAPContext *CoAPServer_init() { CoAPInitParam param = { 0 }; #ifdef COAP_SERV_MULTITHREAD int stack_used; hal_os_thread_param_t task_parms = { 0 }; #endif if (NULL == coap_init_mutex) { coap_init_mutex = HAL_MutexCreate(); if (NULL == coap_init_mutex) { return NULL; } } HAL_MutexLock(coap_init_mutex); if (NULL == g_context) { param.appdata = NULL; param.group = ""; param.notifier = NULL; param.obs_maxcount = 16; param.res_maxcount = 255; param.port = 5683; param.send_maxcount = 16; param.waittime = 50; #ifdef COAP_SERV_MULTITHREAD g_semphore = HAL_SemaphoreCreate(); if (NULL == g_semphore) { COAP_ERR("Semaphore Create failed"); HAL_MutexUnlock(coap_init_mutex); return NULL; } coap_yield_mutex = HAL_MutexCreate(); if (NULL == coap_yield_mutex) { COAP_ERR("coap_yield_mutex Create failed"); HAL_SemaphoreDestroy(g_semphore); g_semphore = NULL; HAL_MutexUnlock(coap_init_mutex); return NULL; } #endif g_context = CoAPContext_create(¶m); if (NULL == g_context) { #ifdef COAP_SERV_MULTITHREAD HAL_SemaphoreDestroy(g_semphore); HAL_MutexDestroy(coap_yield_mutex); g_semphore = NULL; coap_yield_mutex = NULL; #endif COAP_ERR("CoAP Context Create failed"); HAL_MutexUnlock(coap_init_mutex); return NULL; } #ifdef COAP_SERV_MULTITHREAD g_coap_running = 1; task_parms.stack_size = 4608; task_parms.name = "CoAPServer_yield"; HAL_ThreadCreate(&g_coap_thread, CoAPServer_yield, (void *)g_context, &task_parms, &stack_used); #endif } else { COAP_INFO("The CoAP Server already init"); } HAL_MutexUnlock(coap_init_mutex); return (CoAPContext *)g_context; } void CoAPServer_deinit(CoAPContext *context) { if (context != g_context) { COAP_INFO("Invalid CoAP Server context"); return; } if (NULL == coap_init_mutex) { COAP_ERR("CoAP init mutex is NULL"); return; } HAL_MutexLock(coap_init_mutex); COAP_INFO("CoAP Server deinit"); g_coap_running = 0; #ifdef COAP_SERV_MULTITHREAD if (NULL != g_semphore) { HAL_SemaphoreWait(g_semphore, PLATFORM_WAIT_INFINITE); COAP_INFO("Wait Semaphore, will exit task"); HAL_SemaphoreDestroy(g_semphore); g_semphore = NULL; } if (NULL != coap_yield_mutex) { HAL_MutexDestroy(coap_yield_mutex); coap_yield_mutex = NULL; } #endif if (NULL != context) { CoAPContext_free(context); g_context = NULL; } HAL_MutexUnlock(coap_init_mutex); HAL_MutexDestroy(coap_init_mutex); coap_init_mutex = NULL; } int CoAPServer_register(CoAPContext *context, const char *uri, CoAPRecvMsgHandler callback) { if (NULL == context || g_context != context) { return COAP_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM; } return CoAPResource_register(context, uri, COAP_PERM_GET, COAP_CT_APP_JSON, 60, callback); } int CoAPServerMultiCast_send(CoAPContext *context, NetworkAddr *remote, const char *uri, unsigned char *buff, unsigned short len, CoAPSendMsgHandler callback, unsigned short *msgid) { int ret = COAP_SUCCESS; CoAPMessage message; unsigned char tokenlen; unsigned char token[COAP_MSG_MAX_TOKEN_LEN] = { 0 }; if (NULL == context || g_context != context || NULL == remote || NULL == uri || NULL == buff) { return COAP_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM; } CoAPMessage_init(&message); CoAPMessageType_set(&message, COAP_MESSAGE_TYPE_NON); CoAPMessageCode_set(&message, COAP_MSG_CODE_POST); CoAPMessageId_set(&message, CoAPMessageId_gen(context)); tokenlen = CoAPServerToken_get(token); CoAPMessageToken_set(&message, token, tokenlen); CoAPMessageHandler_set(&message, callback); CoAPMessageKeep_Set(&message, 1); CoAPServerPath_2_option((char *)uri, &message); CoAPUintOption_add(&message, COAP_OPTION_CONTENT_FORMAT, COAP_CT_APP_JSON); CoAPMessagePayload_set(&message, buff, len); if (msgid) { *msgid = message.header.msgid; } ret = CoAPMessage_send(context, remote, &message); CoAPMessage_destory(&message); return ret; } int CoAPServerResp_send(CoAPContext *context, NetworkAddr *remote, unsigned char *buff, unsigned short len, void *req, const char *paths, CoAPSendMsgHandler callback, unsigned short *msgid, char qos) { int ret = COAP_SUCCESS; CoAPMessage response; unsigned int observe = 0; CoAPMessage *request = (CoAPMessage *)req; if (NULL == context || g_context != context || NULL == remote || NULL == buff || NULL == paths || NULL == req) { return COAP_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM; } CoAPMessage_init(&response); CoAPMessageType_set( &response, qos == 0 ? COAP_MESSAGE_TYPE_NON : COAP_MESSAGE_TYPE_CON); CoAPMessageCode_set(&response, COAP_MSG_CODE_205_CONTENT); CoAPMessageId_set(&response, request->header.msgid); CoAPMessageToken_set(&response, request->token, request->header.tokenlen); CoAPMessageHandler_set(&response, callback); if (msgid) { *msgid = response.header.msgid; } ret = CoAPUintOption_get(request, COAP_OPTION_OBSERVE, &observe); if (COAP_SUCCESS == ret && 0 == observe) { CoAPObsServer_add(context, paths, remote, request); CoAPUintOption_add(&response, COAP_OPTION_OBSERVE, 0); } CoAPUintOption_add(&response, COAP_OPTION_CONTENT_FORMAT, COAP_CT_APP_JSON); CoAPMessagePayload_set(&response, buff, len); COAP_DEBUG("Send a response message"); ret = CoAPMessage_send(context, remote, &response); CoAPMessage_destory(&response); return ret; } void CoAPServer_loop(CoAPContext *context) { if (g_context != context || 1 == g_coap_running) { COAP_INFO("The CoAP Server is already running"); return; } #ifndef COAP_SERV_MULTITHREAD g_coap_running = 1; CoAPServer_yield((void *)context); #endif }