* @file IHaasDataInput.h
* @author HaasAI Group
* @version V1.0.0
* @date 2021-01-10
* @license GNU General Public License (GPL)
* @brief Data input, for example:image.video file,camera ...
* @attention
* This file is part of HaasAI. \n
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify \n
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as \n
* published by the Free Software Foundation. \n
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License \n
* along with HaasAI.. If not, see . \n
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software \n
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, \n
* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. \n
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and \n
* limitations under the License. \n
* \n
* @htmlonly
* History
* @endhtmlonly
* Version|Author|Date|Describe
* ------|----|------|--------
* V1.0|HaasAI Group|2021-01-10|Create File
©COPYRIGHT 2021 WELLCASA All Rights Reserved.
#include "base/include/base/HaasDataInputDef.h"
* @brief All Data input Class
* @author HaasAI Group
class IHaasDataInput
virtual ~IHaasDataInput(){}
* @brief Open the dataSouce
* @param[in] filename : The Name of DataSource
* @note Notice that the filename is the full path.
* @return
* 0 successfully \n
* -1 failed \n
* @par Sample
* @code
* IHaasDataInput * mDataInput = NULL;
* mDataInput = IHaasDataInputInstance();
* char* filename = "/data/HaasAI/testvideo.jpg"
* res_ res = 0;
* res = mDataInput->Open(filename);
* @endcode
virtual int Open(char *filename) = 0;
* @brief Open the Camera
* @param[in] cameraNum : the number of Camera
* @note Notice that 0 = Front Camera;1 = Back Camera.
* @return
* 0 successfully \n
* -1 failed \n
* @par Sample
* @code
* IHaasDataInput * mDataInput = NULL;
* mDataInput = IHaasDataInputInstance();
* int cameraindex = 0
* res_ res = 0;
* res = mDataInput->Open(cameraindex);
* @endcode
virtual int Open(int cameraNum) = 0;
* @brief Close the Camera
* @note NULL
* @return
* 0 successfully \n
* -1 failed \n
* @par Sample
* @code
* IHaasDataInput * mDataInput = NULL;
* mDataInput = IHaasDataInputInstance();
* res_ res = 0;
* res = mDataInput->Close();
* @endcode
virtual int Close() = 0;
* @brief Check the data Ready state
* @note NULL
* @return
* 0 Ready \n
* -1 Not Ready \n
* @par Sample
* @code
* IHaasDataInput * mDataInput = NULL;
* mDataInput = IHaasDataInputInstance();
* bool res = false;
* res = mDataInput->CheckDataReady();
* @endcode
virtual bool CheckDataReady() = 0;
* @brief Request Source Data
* @param[in] image : image Struct include data information
* @param[in] timeout : set the timoutout value
* @note NULL
* @return
* 0 successfully \n
* -1 failed \n
* @par Sample
* @code
* ImageBuffer_t *image = NULL;
* IHaasDataInput * mDataInput = NULL;
* mDataInput = IHaasDataInputInstance();
* res_ res = 0;
* res = mDataInput->RequestData(&image, 1000);
* @endcode
virtual int RequestData(ImageBuffer_t** image, int32_t timeout) = 0;
* @brief Release Source Data
* @param[in] image : image Struct include data information
* @note NULL
* @return
* 0 successfully \n
* -1 failed \n
* @par Sample
* @code
* IHaasDataInput * mDataInput = NULL;
* mDataInput = IHaasDataInputInstance();
* res_ res = 0;
* res = mDataInput->ReleaseData(image, 1000);
* @endcode
virtual int ReleaseData(ImageBuffer_t* image) = 0;
extern "C" {
* @brief Get HaasDataInput Instance
* @note NULL
* @return
* !0 successfully \n
* NULL failed \n
* @par Sample
* @code
* IHaasDataInput * mDataInput = NULL;
* mDataInput = IHaasDataInputInstance();
* @endcode
IHaasDataInput* IHaasDataInputInstance(DataInputType_t type);