## 第一部分: 基础信息 name: haaseduk1 # <必选项> 包名称 (符合C语言变量命名规则),长度少于等于64字节 version: master # <必选项> 组件版本号 description: HaaS EDU K1 board configure. # <必选项> 建议至少20字以上 type: board # <必选项> 组件类型,为:solution, chip, board, common tag: 核心模块 # <可选项> 组件分类,缺省值: '' ## 第二部分:依赖信息 # 指定该组件依赖的组件及版本,版本支持条件比较,支持:>=v1.0, >v1.0, ==v1.0, <=v1.0, 该组件依赖其他的组件,合理的依赖才能保证组件能编译、使用 # - minilibc: v7.2.0 # - aos: >=v7.2.0 depends: - libc_stub: master - haas1000: master - init: master - ulog: master - kv: master - littlefs: master ? - watchdog: master ? - netmgr: master ? - lwip: master ? - uservice: master ? - wifi: master ? - ble_host: master ? - a2sa: master ? - uvoice: master ? - fatfs: master ? - sh1106: master ? # - kernel_init: v7.4_dev # - minialsa: v7.4-dev # - drv_sdmmc: v7.4-dev # - drv_wifi_rtl8723ds: v7.4-dev # - drv_bt_rtl8723ds: v7.4-dev ## 第四部分:编译连接信息 # build_config: # <可选项> 编译配置项 # include: # <可选项> 编译时,影响编译器的-I 参数 ,全局有效 # - src # include 只能是该软件包下的目录,不能使用外部目录 # internal_include: # <可选项> 编译时,影响编译器的-I 参数 ,组件内有效 # - include # cflag: '' # <可选项> C 编译器所需要要的编译参数 # cxxflag: '' # <可选项> CXX 编译器所需要要的编译参数 # asmflag: '' # <可选项> 汇编器所需要要参数 # define: # <可选项> 宏定义, 增加编译器的-D 选项,如: # XXX: 1 # -DXXX=1 # AAA: 1 # -DAAA # STR: "abc" # -DSTR="abc" # libs: # 该组件中支持的二进制静态库,如:libxxx.a, libyyy.a # - xxx # -lxxx # - yyy # -lyyy # libpath: # 指定静态库所在的路径(相对于该组件路径) # - libs # -Llibs build_config: include: - drivers/ - drivers/oled/ - drivers/sensor/ - config/ cflag: > -DCHIP_HAAS1000 -DCHIP_HAS_UART=3 -DRESAMPLE_ANY_SAMPLE_RATE -DCHIP_HAS_TRANSQ -DRTOS=1 -DCQ_FUNC_ATTR= -DDEBUG=1 -DPERSIST_DATA_SECTION_SIZE=0x1000 -DLASTWORD_RAM_ADDR=0x20166000 -DSYSINFO_PRODUCT_MODEL=\"ALI_AOS_HAAS_EDU_K1\" asmflag: -DLASTWORD_RAM_ADDR=0x20166000 -c -x assembler-with-cpp # source_file: # <可选项> 指定参与编译的源代码文件,支持通配符,采用相对路径 # - src/*.c # 例:组件 src 目录下所有的扩展名为 c 的源代码文件 source_file: - "startup/startup.c" - "config/board.c" - "config/partition_conf.c" - "config/partition_conf_legacy.c" - "config/k_config.c" - "drivers/oled/*.c" - "drivers/sensor/*.c" - "drivers/led.c" - "drivers/watchdog.c" - "drivers/key.c" - "drivers/do.c" - "drivers/di.c" - "board_test/adc_test.c ? " - "board_test/audio_test.c ? " - "board_test/ble_test.c ?" - "board_test/board_test.c ? " - "board_test/sensors_test.c ?" - "board_test/key_test.c ? " - "board_test/led_test.c ? " - "board_test/oled_test.c ? " - "board_test/pwm_test.c ? " - "board_test/sd_test.c ? " - "board_test/uart_test.c ? " - "board_test/usb_test.c ? " - "board_test/watchdog_test.c ? " #cflags: -DCHIP_BEST2001 -DCHIP_HAS_UART=3 -DRESAMPLE_ANY_SAMPLE_RATE -DCHIP_HAS_TRANSQ -DRTOS=1 -DCQ_FUNC_ATTR= -DDEBUG=1 -DPERSIST_DATA_SECTION_SIZE=0x1000 # -DSYSINFO_OS_VERSION="v3.1" -DSYSINFO_PRODUCT_MODEL="ALI_AOS_HAAS100" -DSYSINFO_DEVICE_NAME="HAAS100" -DSYSINFO_ARCH="Cortex-M4F" -DSYSINFO_MCU="mcu_haas1000" -DSYSINFO_BOARD="haas100" -DOS_CLOCK_NOMINAL=16000 ## 第五部分:配置信息 # def_config: # 组件的可配置项 # CONFIG_DEBUG: y # CONFIG_PARAM_NOT_CHECK: y # CONFIG_CLI: y def_config: STDIO_UART: 0 CLI_CONFIG_STACK_SIZE: 8192 RHINO_CONFIG_TICKS_PER_SECOND: 1000 WITH_LWIP: 1 POSIX_DEVICE_IO_NEED: 1 AOS_2ND_BOOT_NO_LDS: 1 AOS_2ND_BOOT_AB: 1 AOS_2ND_BOOT_LATER_ERASE: 1 CONFIG_NETMGR_V2: 1 CONFIG_A7_DSP_ENABLE: 0 # SYSINFO_OS_VERSION: "AOS-R" SYSINFO_PRODUCT_MODEL: "ALI_AOS_HAAS_EDU_K1" SYSINFO_DEVICE_NAME: "HAAS_EDU_K1" SYSINFO_ARCH: "Cortex-M4F" SYSINFO_MCU: "haas1000" SYSINFO_BOARD: "haaseduk1" OS_CLOCK_NOMINAL: 16000 RHINO_CONFIG_MM_DEBUG: 0 RHINO_CONFIG_MM_BLK: 1 RHINO_CONFIG_MM_BLK_SIZE: 256 RHINO_CONFIG_MM_TLF_BLK_SIZE: 0x800 BOARD_HAASEDUK1: 1 ENABLE_FACTORY_TEST: 0 # 必选:使能产测功能,默认为0。如需要打开产测,可在solutions中重新定义为1。 # littlefs config CONFIG_LITTLEFS_CNT: 1 # lfs supports up to 2 partitions, please choose 1 or 2 here CONFIG_LFS_MOUNTPOINT: "/data" # the mount path of the lfs partition CONFIG_LFS_PROG_SIZE: 1024 # the mininal programable size, usually page size for nand and any size for nor CONFIG_LFS_PAGE_NUM_PER_BLOCK: 4 # choose the right value for nand, and usually any value for nor CONFIG_LFS_BLOCK_NUMS: 1198 # the total block count for lfs parition # MTD partition config to support mtd vfs apis(open/close/read/write/ioctl). MTD_PART_ID_BOOT: 0 MTD_PART_ID_ENV2: 1 MTD_PART_ID_2ND_BOOT: 2 MTD_PART_ID_KERNEL: 3 MTD_PART_ID_2ND_BOOT2: 4 MTD_PART_ID_KERNEL2: 5 MTD_PART_ID_FS: 6 MTD_PART_ID_BOOT_SEC: 7 MTD_PART_ID_ENV: 8 MTD_PART_ID_KV: 9 MTD_PART_ID_FACTORY: 10 ## 第六部分:安装信息 # install: # - dest: include/ # 安装的目的路径 dest是相当路径,通常是相对于YoC SDK 安装目录 # source: # 安装源列表 # - src/*.h # 支持通配符,相对路径 install: - dest: "drivers/" source: - "drivers/*" - dest: "config/" source: - "config/*" - dest: "board_test/" source: - "board_test/*" board: chip_name: haas1000 ## 第七部分:导出部分 # export: # - dest: "/generated/data" # 安装的目的路径 dest是相当路径 # source: # 安装源列表 # - "bootimgs/boot" # - "bootimgs/tee" # - "bootimgs/mtb" # - "configs/config.yaml"