/* * Copyright 2019 The Hafnium Authors. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style * license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at * https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause. */ #include "hf/plat/iommu.h" bool plat_iommu_init(const struct fdt *fdt, struct mm_stage1_locked stage1_locked, struct mpool *ppool) { (void)fdt; (void)stage1_locked; (void)ppool; return true; } bool plat_iommu_unmap_iommus(struct vm_locked vm_locked, struct mpool *ppool) { (void)vm_locked; (void)ppool; return true; } void plat_iommu_identity_map(struct vm_locked vm_locked, paddr_t begin, paddr_t end, uint32_t mode) { (void)vm_locked; (void)begin; (void)end; (void)mode; } bool plat_iommu_attach_peripheral(struct mm_stage1_locked stage1_locked, struct vm_locked vm_locked, const struct manifest_vm *manifest_vm, struct mpool *ppool) { (void)stage1_locked; (void)vm_locked; (void)manifest_vm; (void)ppool; return true; }