// vi:set ft=cpp: -*- Mode: C++ -*- /* * (c) 2011 Alexander Warg * economic rights: Technische Universität Dresden (Germany) * * This file is part of TUD:OS and distributed under the terms of the * GNU General Public License 2. * Please see the COPYING-GPL-2 file for details. * * As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software * library without restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate * templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile * this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this * file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by * the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however * invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by * the GNU General Public License. */ #pragma once namespace cxx { class D_list_item { public: D_list_item() : _dli_next(0) {} private: friend class D_list_item_policy; D_list_item(D_list_item const &); void operator = (D_list_item const &); D_list_item *_dli_next, *_dli_prev; }; class D_list_item_policy { public: typedef D_list_item Item; static D_list_item *&prev(D_list_item *e) { return e->_dli_prev; } static D_list_item *&next(D_list_item *e) { return e->_dli_next; } static D_list_item *prev(D_list_item const *e) { return e->_dli_prev; } static D_list_item *next(D_list_item const *e) { return e->_dli_next; } }; template< typename T > struct Sd_list_head_policy { typedef T *Head_type; static T *head(Head_type h) { return h; } static void set_head(Head_type &h, T *v) { h = v; } }; template< typename T, typename C = D_list_item_policy > class D_list_cyclic { protected: template< typename VALUE, typename ITEM > class __Iterator { public: typedef VALUE *Value_type; typedef VALUE *value_type; __Iterator() {} bool operator == (__Iterator const &o) const { return _c == o._c; } bool operator != (__Iterator const &o) const { return _c != o._c; } __Iterator &operator ++ () { _c = C::next(_c); return *this; } __Iterator &operator -- () { _c = C::prev(_c); return *this; } Value_type operator * () const { return static_cast(_c); } Value_type operator -> () const { return static_cast(_c); } private: friend class D_list_cyclic; explicit __Iterator(ITEM *s) : _c(s) {} ITEM *_c; }; public: typedef T *Value_type; typedef T *value_type; typedef __Iterator Iterator; typedef Iterator Const_iterator; static void remove(T *e) { C::next(C::prev(e)) = C::next(e); C::prev(C::next(e)) = C::prev(e); C::next(e) = 0; } static Iterator erase(Iterator const &e) { typename C::Item *n = C::next(*e); remove(*e); return __iter(n); } static Iterator iter(T const *e) { return Iterator(const_cast(e)); } static bool in_list(T const *e) { return C::next(const_cast(e)); } static bool has_sibling(T const *e) { return C::next(const_cast(e)) != e; } static Iterator insert_after(T *e, Iterator const &pos) { C::prev(e) = *pos; C::next(e) = C::next(*pos); C::prev(C::next(*pos)) = e; C::next(*pos) = e; return pos; } static Iterator insert_before(T *e, Iterator const &pos) { C::next(e) = *pos; C::prev(e) = C::prev(*pos); C::next(C::prev(*pos)) = e; C::prev(*pos) = e; return pos; } static T *self_insert(T *e) { C::next(e) = C::prev(e) = e; return e; } static void remove_last(T *e) { C::next(e) = 0; } protected: static Iterator __iter(typename C::Item *e) { return Iterator(e); } }; template< typename T, typename C = D_list_item_policy, typename H = Sd_list_head_policy, bool BSS = false > class Sd_list : public D_list_cyclic { private: typedef D_list_cyclic Base; public: typedef typename Base::Iterator Iterator; enum Pos { Back, Front }; Sd_list() { if (!BSS) H::set_head(_f, 0); } bool empty() const { return !H::head(_f); } T *front() const { return H::head(_f); } void remove(T *e) { T *h = H::head(_f); if (e == C::next(e)) // must be the last { Base::remove_last(e); H::set_head(_f, 0); return; } if (e == H::head(_f)) H::set_head(_f, static_cast(C::next(h))); Base::remove(e); } Iterator erase(Iterator const &e) { typename C::Item *n = C::next(*e); remove(*e); return __iter(n); } void push(T *e, Pos pos) { T *h = H::head(_f); if (!h) H::set_head(_f, Base::self_insert(e)); else { Base::insert_before(e, this->iter(h)); if (pos == Front) H::set_head(_f, e); } } void push_back(T *e) { push(e, Back); } void push_front(T *e) { push(e, Front); } void rotate_to(T *h) { H::set_head(_f, h); } typename H::Head_type const &head() const { return _f; } typename H::Head_type &head() { return _f; } private: Sd_list(Sd_list const &); void operator = (Sd_list const &); typename H::Head_type _f; }; template< typename T, typename C = D_list_item_policy, bool BSS = false > class D_list : public D_list_cyclic { private: typedef D_list_cyclic Base; typedef typename C::Item Internal_type; public: enum Pos { Back, Front }; typedef typename Base::Iterator Iterator; typedef typename Base::Const_iterator Const_iterator; typedef T* value_type; typedef T* Value_type; D_list() { this->self_insert(static_cast(&_h)); } bool empty() const { return C::next(static_cast(&_h)) == &_h; } static void remove(T *e) { Base::remove(e); } Iterator erase(Iterator const &e) { return Base::erase(e); } void push(T *e, Pos pos) { if (pos == Front) Base::insert_after(e, end()); else Base::insert_before(e, end()); } void push_back(T *e) { push(e, Back); } void push_front(T *e) { push(e, Front); } Iterator begin() const { return this->__iter(C::next(const_cast(&_h))); } Iterator end() const { return this->__iter(const_cast(&_h)); } private: D_list(D_list const &); void operator = (D_list const &); Internal_type _h; }; }