/* * (c) 2009 Adam Lackorzynski * economic rights: Technische Universität Dresden (Germany) * This file is part of TUD:OS and distributed under the terms of the * GNU Lesser General Public License 2.1. * Please see the COPYING-LGPL-2.1 file for details. */ #include #include #include #include #include union semun { int val; struct semid_ds *buf; unsigned short *array; struct seminfo *info; }; key_t ftok(const char *pathname, int proj_id) { printf("%s(%s, %d)\n", __func__, pathname, proj_id); errno = ENOSYS; return -1; } int semget(key_t key, int nsems, int semflg) { printf("%s(%d, %d, %d)\n", __func__, key, nsems, semflg); errno = ENOSYS; return -1; } int semctl(int semid, int semnum, int cmd, ...) { printf("%s(%d, %d, %d)\n", __func__, semid, semnum, cmd); errno = ENOSYS; return -1; } int semop(int semid, struct sembuf *sops, size_t nsops) { printf("%s(%d, %p, %zd)\n", __func__, semid, sops, nsops); errno = ENOSYS; return -1; }