/** ****************************************************************************** * @file stm32f7xx_hal_pcd.c * @author MCD Application Team * @version V1.0.1 * @date 25-June-2015 * @brief PCD HAL module driver. * This file provides firmware functions to manage the following * functionalities of the USB Peripheral Controller: * + Initialization and de-initialization functions * + IO operation functions * + Peripheral Control functions * + Peripheral State functions * @verbatim ============================================================================== ##### How to use this driver ##### ============================================================================== [..] The PCD HAL driver can be used as follows: (#) Declare a PCD_HandleTypeDef handle structure, for example: PCD_HandleTypeDef hpcd; (#) Fill parameters of Init structure in HCD handle (#) Call HAL_PCD_Init() API to initialize the HCD peripheral (Core, Device core, ...) (#) Initialize the PCD low level resources through the HAL_PCD_MspInit() API: (##) Enable the PCD/USB Low Level interface clock using (+++) __OTGFS-OTG_CLK_ENABLE()/__OTGHS-OTG_CLK_ENABLE(); (+++) __OTGHSULPI_CLK_ENABLE(); (For High Speed Mode) (##) Initialize the related GPIO clocks (##) Configure PCD pin-out (##) Configure PCD NVIC interrupt (#)Associate the Upper USB device stack to the HAL PCD Driver: (##) hpcd.pData = pdev; (#)Enable HCD transmission and reception: (##) HAL_PCD_Start(); @endverbatim ****************************************************************************** * @attention * *

© COPYRIGHT(c) 2015 STMicroelectronics

* * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * ****************************************************************************** */ /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "stm32f7xx_hal.h" /** @addtogroup STM32F7xx_HAL_Driver * @{ */ /** @defgroup PCD PCD * @brief PCD HAL module driver * @{ */ #ifdef HAL_PCD_MODULE_ENABLED /* Private types -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private constants ---------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private macros ------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @defgroup PCD_Private_Macros PCD Private Macros * @{ */ #define PCD_MIN(a, b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b)) #define PCD_MAX(a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b)) /** * @} */ /* Private functions prototypes ----------------------------------------------*/ /** @defgroup PCD_Private_Functions PCD Private Functions * @{ */ static HAL_StatusTypeDef PCD_WriteEmptyTxFifo(PCD_HandleTypeDef *hpcd, uint32_t epnum); /** * @} */ /* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @defgroup PCD_Exported_Functions PCD Exported Functions * @{ */ /** @defgroup PCD_Exported_Functions_Group1 Initialization and de-initialization functions * @brief Initialization and Configuration functions * @verbatim =============================================================================== ##### Initialization and de-initialization functions ##### =============================================================================== [..] This section provides functions allowing to: @endverbatim * @{ */ /** * @brief Initializes the PCD according to the specified * parameters in the PCD_InitTypeDef and create the associated handle. * @param hpcd: PCD handle * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_PCD_Init(PCD_HandleTypeDef *hpcd) { uint32_t i = 0; /* Check the PCD handle allocation */ if (hpcd == NULL) { return HAL_ERROR; } /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_PCD_ALL_INSTANCE(hpcd->Instance)); hpcd->State = HAL_PCD_STATE_BUSY; /* Init the low level hardware : GPIO, CLOCK, NVIC... */ HAL_PCD_MspInit(hpcd); /* Disable the Interrupts */ __HAL_PCD_DISABLE(hpcd); /*Init the Core (common init.) */ USB_CoreInit(hpcd->Instance, hpcd->Init); /* Force Device Mode*/ USB_SetCurrentMode(hpcd->Instance , USB_OTG_DEVICE_MODE); /* Init endpoints structures */ for (i = 0; i < 15 ; i++) { /* Init ep structure */ hpcd->IN_ep[i].is_in = 1; hpcd->IN_ep[i].num = i; hpcd->IN_ep[i].tx_fifo_num = i; /* Control until ep is activated */ hpcd->IN_ep[i].type = EP_TYPE_CTRL; hpcd->IN_ep[i].maxpacket = 0; hpcd->IN_ep[i].xfer_buff = 0; hpcd->IN_ep[i].xfer_len = 0; } for (i = 0; i < 15 ; i++) { hpcd->OUT_ep[i].is_in = 0; hpcd->OUT_ep[i].num = i; hpcd->IN_ep[i].tx_fifo_num = i; /* Control until ep is activated */ hpcd->OUT_ep[i].type = EP_TYPE_CTRL; hpcd->OUT_ep[i].maxpacket = 0; hpcd->OUT_ep[i].xfer_buff = 0; hpcd->OUT_ep[i].xfer_len = 0; hpcd->Instance->DIEPTXF[i] = 0; } /* Init Device */ USB_DevInit(hpcd->Instance, hpcd->Init); hpcd->State= HAL_PCD_STATE_READY; /* Activate LPM */ if (hpcd->Init.lpm_enable == 1) { HAL_PCDEx_ActivateLPM(hpcd); } USB_DevDisconnect (hpcd->Instance); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief DeInitializes the PCD peripheral * @param hpcd: PCD handle * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_PCD_DeInit(PCD_HandleTypeDef *hpcd) { /* Check the PCD handle allocation */ if (hpcd == NULL) { return HAL_ERROR; } hpcd->State = HAL_PCD_STATE_BUSY; /* Stop Device */ HAL_PCD_Stop(hpcd); /* DeInit the low level hardware */ HAL_PCD_MspDeInit(hpcd); hpcd->State = HAL_PCD_STATE_RESET; return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Initializes the PCD MSP. * @param hpcd: PCD handle * @retval None */ __weak void HAL_PCD_MspInit(PCD_HandleTypeDef *hpcd) { /* NOTE : This function Should not be modified, when the callback is needed, the HAL_PCD_MspInit could be implemented in the user file */ } /** * @brief DeInitializes PCD MSP. * @param hpcd: PCD handle * @retval None */ __weak void HAL_PCD_MspDeInit(PCD_HandleTypeDef *hpcd) { /* NOTE : This function Should not be modified, when the callback is needed, the HAL_PCD_MspDeInit could be implemented in the user file */ } /** * @} */ /** @defgroup PCD_Exported_Functions_Group2 IO operation functions * @brief Data transfers functions * @verbatim =============================================================================== ##### IO operation functions ##### =============================================================================== [..] This subsection provides a set of functions allowing to manage the PCD data transfers. @endverbatim * @{ */ /** * @brief Start The USB OTG Device. * @param hpcd: PCD handle * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_PCD_Start(PCD_HandleTypeDef *hpcd) { __HAL_LOCK(hpcd); USB_DevConnect (hpcd->Instance); __HAL_PCD_ENABLE(hpcd); __HAL_UNLOCK(hpcd); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Stop The USB OTG Device. * @param hpcd: PCD handle * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_PCD_Stop(PCD_HandleTypeDef *hpcd) { __HAL_LOCK(hpcd); __HAL_PCD_DISABLE(hpcd); USB_StopDevice(hpcd->Instance); USB_DevDisconnect (hpcd->Instance); __HAL_UNLOCK(hpcd); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief This function handles PCD interrupt request. * @param hpcd: PCD handle * @retval HAL status */ void HAL_PCD_IRQHandler(PCD_HandleTypeDef *hpcd) { USB_OTG_GlobalTypeDef *USBx = hpcd->Instance; uint32_t i = 0, ep_intr = 0, epint = 0, epnum = 0; uint32_t fifoemptymsk = 0, temp = 0; USB_OTG_EPTypeDef *ep; /* ensure that we are in device mode */ if (USB_GetMode(hpcd->Instance) == USB_OTG_MODE_DEVICE) { /* avoid spurious interrupt */ if (__HAL_PCD_IS_INVALID_INTERRUPT(hpcd)) { return; } if (__HAL_PCD_GET_FLAG(hpcd, USB_OTG_GINTSTS_MMIS)) { /* incorrect mode, acknowledge the interrupt */ __HAL_PCD_CLEAR_FLAG(hpcd, USB_OTG_GINTSTS_MMIS); } if (__HAL_PCD_GET_FLAG(hpcd, USB_OTG_GINTSTS_OEPINT)) { epnum = 0; /* Read in the device interrupt bits */ ep_intr = USB_ReadDevAllOutEpInterrupt(hpcd->Instance); while ( ep_intr ) { if (ep_intr & 0x1) { epint = USB_ReadDevOutEPInterrupt(hpcd->Instance, epnum); if (( epint & USB_OTG_DOEPINT_XFRC) == USB_OTG_DOEPINT_XFRC) { CLEAR_OUT_EP_INTR(epnum, USB_OTG_DOEPINT_XFRC); if (hpcd->Init.dma_enable == 1) { hpcd->OUT_ep[epnum].xfer_count = hpcd->OUT_ep[epnum].maxpacket- (USBx_OUTEP(epnum)->DOEPTSIZ & USB_OTG_DOEPTSIZ_XFRSIZ); hpcd->OUT_ep[epnum].xfer_buff += hpcd->OUT_ep[epnum].maxpacket; } HAL_PCD_DataOutStageCallback(hpcd, epnum); if (hpcd->Init.dma_enable == 1) { if ((epnum == 0) && (hpcd->OUT_ep[epnum].xfer_len == 0)) { /* this is ZLP, so prepare EP0 for next setup */ USB_EP0_OutStart(hpcd->Instance, 1, (uint8_t *)hpcd->Setup); } } } if (( epint & USB_OTG_DOEPINT_STUP) == USB_OTG_DOEPINT_STUP) { /* Inform the upper layer that a setup packet is available */ HAL_PCD_SetupStageCallback(hpcd); CLEAR_OUT_EP_INTR(epnum, USB_OTG_DOEPINT_STUP); } if (( epint & USB_OTG_DOEPINT_OTEPDIS) == USB_OTG_DOEPINT_OTEPDIS) { CLEAR_OUT_EP_INTR(epnum, USB_OTG_DOEPINT_OTEPDIS); } } epnum++; ep_intr >>= 1; } } if (__HAL_PCD_GET_FLAG(hpcd, USB_OTG_GINTSTS_IEPINT)) { /* Read in the device interrupt bits */ ep_intr = USB_ReadDevAllInEpInterrupt(hpcd->Instance); epnum = 0; while ( ep_intr ) { if (ep_intr & 0x1) { /* In ITR */ epint = USB_ReadDevInEPInterrupt(hpcd->Instance, epnum); if (( epint & USB_OTG_DIEPINT_XFRC) == USB_OTG_DIEPINT_XFRC) { fifoemptymsk = 0x1 << epnum; USBx_DEVICE->DIEPEMPMSK &= ~fifoemptymsk; CLEAR_IN_EP_INTR(epnum, USB_OTG_DIEPINT_XFRC); if (hpcd->Init.dma_enable == 1) { hpcd->IN_ep[epnum].xfer_buff += hpcd->IN_ep[epnum].maxpacket; } HAL_PCD_DataInStageCallback(hpcd, epnum); if (hpcd->Init.dma_enable == 1) { /* this is ZLP, so prepare EP0 for next setup */ if ((epnum == 0) && (hpcd->IN_ep[epnum].xfer_len == 0)) { /* prepare to rx more setup packets */ USB_EP0_OutStart(hpcd->Instance, 1, (uint8_t *)hpcd->Setup); } } } if (( epint & USB_OTG_DIEPINT_TOC) == USB_OTG_DIEPINT_TOC) { CLEAR_IN_EP_INTR(epnum, USB_OTG_DIEPINT_TOC); } if (( epint & USB_OTG_DIEPINT_ITTXFE) == USB_OTG_DIEPINT_ITTXFE) { CLEAR_IN_EP_INTR(epnum, USB_OTG_DIEPINT_ITTXFE); } if (( epint & USB_OTG_DIEPINT_INEPNE) == USB_OTG_DIEPINT_INEPNE) { CLEAR_IN_EP_INTR(epnum, USB_OTG_DIEPINT_INEPNE); } if (( epint & USB_OTG_DIEPINT_EPDISD) == USB_OTG_DIEPINT_EPDISD) { CLEAR_IN_EP_INTR(epnum, USB_OTG_DIEPINT_EPDISD); } if (( epint & USB_OTG_DIEPINT_TXFE) == USB_OTG_DIEPINT_TXFE) { PCD_WriteEmptyTxFifo(hpcd , epnum); } } epnum++; ep_intr >>= 1; } } /* Handle Resume Interrupt */ if (__HAL_PCD_GET_FLAG(hpcd, USB_OTG_GINTSTS_WKUINT)) { /* Clear the Remote Wake-up Signaling */ USBx_DEVICE->DCTL &= ~USB_OTG_DCTL_RWUSIG; if (hpcd->LPM_State == LPM_L1) { hpcd->LPM_State = LPM_L0; HAL_PCDEx_LPM_Callback(hpcd, PCD_LPM_L0_ACTIVE); } else { HAL_PCD_ResumeCallback(hpcd); } __HAL_PCD_CLEAR_FLAG(hpcd, USB_OTG_GINTSTS_WKUINT); } /* Handle Suspend Interrupt */ if (__HAL_PCD_GET_FLAG(hpcd, USB_OTG_GINTSTS_USBSUSP)) { if ((USBx_DEVICE->DSTS & USB_OTG_DSTS_SUSPSTS) == USB_OTG_DSTS_SUSPSTS) { HAL_PCD_SuspendCallback(hpcd); } __HAL_PCD_CLEAR_FLAG(hpcd, USB_OTG_GINTSTS_USBSUSP); } /* Handle LPM Interrupt */ if (__HAL_PCD_GET_FLAG(hpcd, USB_OTG_GINTSTS_LPMINT)) { __HAL_PCD_CLEAR_FLAG(hpcd, USB_OTG_GINTSTS_LPMINT); if ( hpcd->LPM_State == LPM_L0) { hpcd->LPM_State = LPM_L1; hpcd->BESL = (hpcd->Instance->GLPMCFG & USB_OTG_GLPMCFG_BESL) >>2 ; HAL_PCDEx_LPM_Callback(hpcd, PCD_LPM_L1_ACTIVE); } else { HAL_PCD_SuspendCallback(hpcd); } } /* Handle Reset Interrupt */ if (__HAL_PCD_GET_FLAG(hpcd, USB_OTG_GINTSTS_USBRST)) { USBx_DEVICE->DCTL &= ~USB_OTG_DCTL_RWUSIG; USB_FlushTxFifo(hpcd->Instance , 0 ); for (i = 0; i < hpcd->Init.dev_endpoints ; i++) { USBx_INEP(i)->DIEPINT = 0xFF; USBx_OUTEP(i)->DOEPINT = 0xFF; } USBx_DEVICE->DAINT = 0xFFFFFFFF; USBx_DEVICE->DAINTMSK |= 0x10001; if (hpcd->Init.use_dedicated_ep1) { USBx_DEVICE->DOUTEP1MSK |= (USB_OTG_DOEPMSK_STUPM | USB_OTG_DOEPMSK_XFRCM | USB_OTG_DOEPMSK_EPDM); USBx_DEVICE->DINEP1MSK |= (USB_OTG_DIEPMSK_TOM | USB_OTG_DIEPMSK_XFRCM | USB_OTG_DIEPMSK_EPDM); } else { USBx_DEVICE->DOEPMSK |= (USB_OTG_DOEPMSK_STUPM | USB_OTG_DOEPMSK_XFRCM | USB_OTG_DOEPMSK_EPDM); USBx_DEVICE->DIEPMSK |= (USB_OTG_DIEPMSK_TOM | USB_OTG_DIEPMSK_XFRCM | USB_OTG_DIEPMSK_EPDM); } /* Set Default Address to 0 */ USBx_DEVICE->DCFG &= ~USB_OTG_DCFG_DAD; /* setup EP0 to receive SETUP packets */ USB_EP0_OutStart(hpcd->Instance, hpcd->Init.dma_enable, (uint8_t *)hpcd->Setup); __HAL_PCD_CLEAR_FLAG(hpcd, USB_OTG_GINTSTS_USBRST); } /* Handle Enumeration done Interrupt */ if (__HAL_PCD_GET_FLAG(hpcd, USB_OTG_GINTSTS_ENUMDNE)) { USB_ActivateSetup(hpcd->Instance); hpcd->Instance->GUSBCFG &= ~USB_OTG_GUSBCFG_TRDT; if ( USB_GetDevSpeed(hpcd->Instance) == USB_OTG_SPEED_HIGH) { hpcd->Init.speed = USB_OTG_SPEED_HIGH; hpcd->Init.ep0_mps = USB_OTG_HS_MAX_PACKET_SIZE ; hpcd->Instance->GUSBCFG |= (uint32_t)((USBD_HS_TRDT_VALUE << 10) & USB_OTG_GUSBCFG_TRDT); } else { hpcd->Init.speed = USB_OTG_SPEED_FULL; hpcd->Init.ep0_mps = USB_OTG_FS_MAX_PACKET_SIZE ; hpcd->Instance->GUSBCFG |= (uint32_t)((USBD_FS_TRDT_VALUE << 10) & USB_OTG_GUSBCFG_TRDT); } HAL_PCD_ResetCallback(hpcd); __HAL_PCD_CLEAR_FLAG(hpcd, USB_OTG_GINTSTS_ENUMDNE); } /* Handle RxQLevel Interrupt */ if (__HAL_PCD_GET_FLAG(hpcd, USB_OTG_GINTSTS_RXFLVL)) { USB_MASK_INTERRUPT(hpcd->Instance, USB_OTG_GINTSTS_RXFLVL); temp = USBx->GRXSTSP; ep = &hpcd->OUT_ep[temp & USB_OTG_GRXSTSP_EPNUM]; if (((temp & USB_OTG_GRXSTSP_PKTSTS) >> 17) == STS_DATA_UPDT) { if ((temp & USB_OTG_GRXSTSP_BCNT) != 0) { USB_ReadPacket(USBx, ep->xfer_buff, (temp & USB_OTG_GRXSTSP_BCNT) >> 4); ep->xfer_buff += (temp & USB_OTG_GRXSTSP_BCNT) >> 4; ep->xfer_count += (temp & USB_OTG_GRXSTSP_BCNT) >> 4; } } else if (((temp & USB_OTG_GRXSTSP_PKTSTS) >> 17) == STS_SETUP_UPDT) { USB_ReadPacket(USBx, (uint8_t *)hpcd->Setup, 8); ep->xfer_count += (temp & USB_OTG_GRXSTSP_BCNT) >> 4; } USB_UNMASK_INTERRUPT(hpcd->Instance, USB_OTG_GINTSTS_RXFLVL); } /* Handle SOF Interrupt */ if (__HAL_PCD_GET_FLAG(hpcd, USB_OTG_GINTSTS_SOF)) { HAL_PCD_SOFCallback(hpcd); __HAL_PCD_CLEAR_FLAG(hpcd, USB_OTG_GINTSTS_SOF); } /* Handle Incomplete ISO IN Interrupt */ if (__HAL_PCD_GET_FLAG(hpcd, USB_OTG_GINTSTS_IISOIXFR)) { HAL_PCD_ISOINIncompleteCallback(hpcd, epnum); __HAL_PCD_CLEAR_FLAG(hpcd, USB_OTG_GINTSTS_IISOIXFR); } /* Handle Incomplete ISO OUT Interrupt */ if (__HAL_PCD_GET_FLAG(hpcd, USB_OTG_GINTSTS_PXFR_INCOMPISOOUT)) { HAL_PCD_ISOOUTIncompleteCallback(hpcd, epnum); __HAL_PCD_CLEAR_FLAG(hpcd, USB_OTG_GINTSTS_PXFR_INCOMPISOOUT); } /* Handle Connection event Interrupt */ if (__HAL_PCD_GET_FLAG(hpcd, USB_OTG_GINTSTS_SRQINT)) { HAL_PCD_ConnectCallback(hpcd); __HAL_PCD_CLEAR_FLAG(hpcd, USB_OTG_GINTSTS_SRQINT); } /* Handle Disconnection event Interrupt */ if (__HAL_PCD_GET_FLAG(hpcd, USB_OTG_GINTSTS_OTGINT)) { temp = hpcd->Instance->GOTGINT; if ((temp & USB_OTG_GOTGINT_SEDET) == USB_OTG_GOTGINT_SEDET) { HAL_PCD_DisconnectCallback(hpcd); } hpcd->Instance->GOTGINT |= temp; } } } /** * @brief Data out stage callbacks * @param hpcd: PCD handle * @param epnum: endpoint number * @retval None */ __weak void HAL_PCD_DataOutStageCallback(PCD_HandleTypeDef *hpcd, uint8_t epnum) { /* NOTE : This function Should not be modified, when the callback is needed, the HAL_PCD_DataOutStageCallback could be implemented in the user file */ } /** * @brief Data IN stage callbacks * @param hpcd: PCD handle * @param epnum: endpoint number * @retval None */ __weak void HAL_PCD_DataInStageCallback(PCD_HandleTypeDef *hpcd, uint8_t epnum) { /* NOTE : This function Should not be modified, when the callback is needed, the HAL_PCD_DataInStageCallback could be implemented in the user file */ } /** * @brief Setup stage callback * @param hpcd: PCD handle * @retval None */ __weak void HAL_PCD_SetupStageCallback(PCD_HandleTypeDef *hpcd) { /* NOTE : This function Should not be modified, when the callback is needed, the HAL_PCD_SetupStageCallback could be implemented in the user file */ } /** * @brief USB Start Of Frame callbacks * @param hpcd: PCD handle * @retval None */ __weak void HAL_PCD_SOFCallback(PCD_HandleTypeDef *hpcd) { /* NOTE : This function Should not be modified, when the callback is needed, the HAL_PCD_SOFCallback could be implemented in the user file */ } /** * @brief USB Reset callbacks * @param hpcd: PCD handle * @retval None */ __weak void HAL_PCD_ResetCallback(PCD_HandleTypeDef *hpcd) { /* NOTE : This function Should not be modified, when the callback is needed, the HAL_PCD_ResetCallback could be implemented in the user file */ } /** * @brief Suspend event callbacks * @param hpcd: PCD handle * @retval None */ __weak void HAL_PCD_SuspendCallback(PCD_HandleTypeDef *hpcd) { /* NOTE : This function Should not be modified, when the callback is needed, the HAL_PCD_SuspendCallback could be implemented in the user file */ } /** * @brief Resume event callbacks * @param hpcd: PCD handle * @retval None */ __weak void HAL_PCD_ResumeCallback(PCD_HandleTypeDef *hpcd) { /* NOTE : This function Should not be modified, when the callback is needed, the HAL_PCD_ResumeCallback could be implemented in the user file */ } /** * @brief Incomplete ISO OUT callbacks * @param hpcd: PCD handle * @param epnum: endpoint number * @retval None */ __weak void HAL_PCD_ISOOUTIncompleteCallback(PCD_HandleTypeDef *hpcd, uint8_t epnum) { /* NOTE : This function Should not be modified, when the callback is needed, the HAL_PCD_ISOOUTIncompleteCallback could be implemented in the user file */ } /** * @brief Incomplete ISO IN callbacks * @param hpcd: PCD handle * @param epnum: endpoint number * @retval None */ __weak void HAL_PCD_ISOINIncompleteCallback(PCD_HandleTypeDef *hpcd, uint8_t epnum) { /* NOTE : This function Should not be modified, when the callback is needed, the HAL_PCD_ISOINIncompleteCallback could be implemented in the user file */ } /** * @brief Connection event callbacks * @param hpcd: PCD handle * @retval None */ __weak void HAL_PCD_ConnectCallback(PCD_HandleTypeDef *hpcd) { /* NOTE : This function Should not be modified, when the callback is needed, the HAL_PCD_ConnectCallback could be implemented in the user file */ } /** * @brief Disconnection event callbacks * @param hpcd: PCD handle * @retval None */ __weak void HAL_PCD_DisconnectCallback(PCD_HandleTypeDef *hpcd) { /* NOTE : This function Should not be modified, when the callback is needed, the HAL_PCD_DisconnectCallback could be implemented in the user file */ } /** * @} */ /** @defgroup PCD_Exported_Functions_Group3 Peripheral Control functions * @brief management functions * @verbatim =============================================================================== ##### Peripheral Control functions ##### =============================================================================== [..] This subsection provides a set of functions allowing to control the PCD data transfers. @endverbatim * @{ */ /** * @brief Connect the USB device * @param hpcd: PCD handle * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_PCD_DevConnect(PCD_HandleTypeDef *hpcd) { __HAL_LOCK(hpcd); USB_DevConnect(hpcd->Instance); __HAL_UNLOCK(hpcd); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Disconnect the USB device * @param hpcd: PCD handle * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_PCD_DevDisconnect(PCD_HandleTypeDef *hpcd) { __HAL_LOCK(hpcd); USB_DevDisconnect(hpcd->Instance); __HAL_UNLOCK(hpcd); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Set the USB Device address * @param hpcd: PCD handle * @param address: new device address * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_PCD_SetAddress(PCD_HandleTypeDef *hpcd, uint8_t address) { __HAL_LOCK(hpcd); USB_SetDevAddress(hpcd->Instance, address); __HAL_UNLOCK(hpcd); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Open and configure an endpoint * @param hpcd: PCD handle * @param ep_addr: endpoint address * @param ep_mps: endpoint max packet size * @param ep_type: endpoint type * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_PCD_EP_Open(PCD_HandleTypeDef *hpcd, uint8_t ep_addr, uint16_t ep_mps, uint8_t ep_type) { HAL_StatusTypeDef ret = HAL_OK; USB_OTG_EPTypeDef *ep; if ((ep_addr & 0x80) == 0x80) { ep = &hpcd->IN_ep[ep_addr & 0x7F]; } else { ep = &hpcd->OUT_ep[ep_addr & 0x7F]; } ep->num = ep_addr & 0x7F; ep->is_in = (0x80 & ep_addr) != 0; ep->maxpacket = ep_mps; ep->type = ep_type; if (ep->is_in) { /* Assign a Tx FIFO */ ep->tx_fifo_num = ep->num; } /* Set initial data PID. */ if (ep_type == EP_TYPE_BULK ) { ep->data_pid_start = 0; } __HAL_LOCK(hpcd); USB_ActivateEndpoint(hpcd->Instance , ep); __HAL_UNLOCK(hpcd); return ret; } /** * @brief Deactivate an endpoint * @param hpcd: PCD handle * @param ep_addr: endpoint address * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_PCD_EP_Close(PCD_HandleTypeDef *hpcd, uint8_t ep_addr) { USB_OTG_EPTypeDef *ep; if ((ep_addr & 0x80) == 0x80) { ep = &hpcd->IN_ep[ep_addr & 0x7F]; } else { ep = &hpcd->OUT_ep[ep_addr & 0x7F]; } ep->num = ep_addr & 0x7F; ep->is_in = (0x80 & ep_addr) != 0; __HAL_LOCK(hpcd); USB_DeactivateEndpoint(hpcd->Instance , ep); __HAL_UNLOCK(hpcd); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Receive an amount of data * @param hpcd: PCD handle * @param ep_addr: endpoint address * @param pBuf: pointer to the reception buffer * @param len: amount of data to be received * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_PCD_EP_Receive(PCD_HandleTypeDef *hpcd, uint8_t ep_addr, uint8_t *pBuf, uint32_t len) { USB_OTG_EPTypeDef *ep; ep = &hpcd->OUT_ep[ep_addr & 0x7F]; /*setup and start the Xfer */ ep->xfer_buff = pBuf; ep->xfer_len = len; ep->xfer_count = 0; ep->is_in = 0; ep->num = ep_addr & 0x7F; if (hpcd->Init.dma_enable == 1) { ep->dma_addr = (uint32_t)pBuf; } __HAL_LOCK(hpcd); if ((ep_addr & 0x7F) == 0 ) { USB_EP0StartXfer(hpcd->Instance , ep, hpcd->Init.dma_enable); } else { USB_EPStartXfer(hpcd->Instance , ep, hpcd->Init.dma_enable); } __HAL_UNLOCK(hpcd); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Get Received Data Size * @param hpcd: PCD handle * @param ep_addr: endpoint address * @retval Data Size */ uint16_t HAL_PCD_EP_GetRxCount(PCD_HandleTypeDef *hpcd, uint8_t ep_addr) { return hpcd->OUT_ep[ep_addr & 0x7F].xfer_count; } /** * @brief Send an amount of data * @param hpcd: PCD handle * @param ep_addr: endpoint address * @param pBuf: pointer to the transmission buffer * @param len: amount of data to be sent * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_PCD_EP_Transmit(PCD_HandleTypeDef *hpcd, uint8_t ep_addr, uint8_t *pBuf, uint32_t len) { USB_OTG_EPTypeDef *ep; ep = &hpcd->IN_ep[ep_addr & 0x7F]; /*setup and start the Xfer */ ep->xfer_buff = pBuf; ep->xfer_len = len; ep->xfer_count = 0; ep->is_in = 1; ep->num = ep_addr & 0x7F; if (hpcd->Init.dma_enable == 1) { ep->dma_addr = (uint32_t)pBuf; } __HAL_LOCK(hpcd); if ((ep_addr & 0x7F) == 0 ) { USB_EP0StartXfer(hpcd->Instance , ep, hpcd->Init.dma_enable); } else { USB_EPStartXfer(hpcd->Instance , ep, hpcd->Init.dma_enable); } __HAL_UNLOCK(hpcd); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Set a STALL condition over an endpoint * @param hpcd: PCD handle * @param ep_addr: endpoint address * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_PCD_EP_SetStall(PCD_HandleTypeDef *hpcd, uint8_t ep_addr) { USB_OTG_EPTypeDef *ep; if ((0x80 & ep_addr) == 0x80) { ep = &hpcd->IN_ep[ep_addr & 0x7F]; } else { ep = &hpcd->OUT_ep[ep_addr]; } ep->is_stall = 1; ep->num = ep_addr & 0x7F; ep->is_in = ((ep_addr & 0x80) == 0x80); __HAL_LOCK(hpcd); USB_EPSetStall(hpcd->Instance , ep); if ((ep_addr & 0x7F) == 0) { USB_EP0_OutStart(hpcd->Instance, hpcd->Init.dma_enable, (uint8_t *)hpcd->Setup); } __HAL_UNLOCK(hpcd); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Clear a STALL condition over in an endpoint * @param hpcd: PCD handle * @param ep_addr: endpoint address * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_PCD_EP_ClrStall(PCD_HandleTypeDef *hpcd, uint8_t ep_addr) { USB_OTG_EPTypeDef *ep; if ((0x80 & ep_addr) == 0x80) { ep = &hpcd->IN_ep[ep_addr & 0x7F]; } else { ep = &hpcd->OUT_ep[ep_addr]; } ep->is_stall = 0; ep->num = ep_addr & 0x7F; ep->is_in = ((ep_addr & 0x80) == 0x80); __HAL_LOCK(hpcd); USB_EPClearStall(hpcd->Instance , ep); __HAL_UNLOCK(hpcd); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief Flush an endpoint * @param hpcd: PCD handle * @param ep_addr: endpoint address * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_PCD_EP_Flush(PCD_HandleTypeDef *hpcd, uint8_t ep_addr) { __HAL_LOCK(hpcd); if ((ep_addr & 0x80) == 0x80) { USB_FlushTxFifo(hpcd->Instance, ep_addr & 0x7F); } else { USB_FlushRxFifo(hpcd->Instance); } __HAL_UNLOCK(hpcd); return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief HAL_PCD_ActivateRemoteWakeup : Active remote wake-up signalling * @param hpcd: PCD handle * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_PCD_ActivateRemoteWakeup(PCD_HandleTypeDef *hpcd) { USB_OTG_GlobalTypeDef *USBx = hpcd->Instance; if ((USBx_DEVICE->DSTS & USB_OTG_DSTS_SUSPSTS) == USB_OTG_DSTS_SUSPSTS) { /* Activate Remote wake-up signaling */ USBx_DEVICE->DCTL |= USB_OTG_DCTL_RWUSIG; } return HAL_OK; } /** * @brief HAL_PCD_DeActivateRemoteWakeup : de-active remote wake-up signalling * @param hpcd: PCD handle * @retval HAL status */ HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_PCD_DeActivateRemoteWakeup(PCD_HandleTypeDef *hpcd) { USB_OTG_GlobalTypeDef *USBx = hpcd->Instance; /* De-activate Remote wake-up signaling */ USBx_DEVICE->DCTL &= ~(USB_OTG_DCTL_RWUSIG); return HAL_OK; } /** * @} */ /** @defgroup PCD_Exported_Functions_Group4 Peripheral State functions * @brief Peripheral State functions * @verbatim =============================================================================== ##### Peripheral State functions ##### =============================================================================== [..] This subsection permits to get in run-time the status of the peripheral and the data flow. @endverbatim * @{ */ /** * @brief Return the PCD state * @param hpcd: PCD handle * @retval HAL state */ PCD_StateTypeDef HAL_PCD_GetState(PCD_HandleTypeDef *hpcd) { return hpcd->State; } /** * @} */ /** * @} */ /* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @addtogroup PCD_Private_Functions * @{ */ /** * @brief DCD_WriteEmptyTxFifo * check FIFO for the next packet to be loaded * @param hpcd: PCD handle * @param epnum : endpoint number * @retval HAL status */ static HAL_StatusTypeDef PCD_WriteEmptyTxFifo(PCD_HandleTypeDef *hpcd, uint32_t epnum) { USB_OTG_GlobalTypeDef *USBx = hpcd->Instance; USB_OTG_EPTypeDef *ep; int32_t len = 0; uint32_t len32b; uint32_t fifoemptymsk = 0; ep = &hpcd->IN_ep[epnum]; len = ep->xfer_len - ep->xfer_count; if (len > (int32_t)ep->maxpacket) { len = ep->maxpacket; } len32b = (len + 3) / 4; while ( (USBx_INEP(epnum)->DTXFSTS & USB_OTG_DTXFSTS_INEPTFSAV) > len32b && ep->xfer_count < ep->xfer_len && ep->xfer_len != 0) { /* Write the FIFO */ len = ep->xfer_len - ep->xfer_count; if (len > (int32_t)ep->maxpacket) { len = ep->maxpacket; } len32b = (len + 3) / 4; USB_WritePacket(USBx, ep->xfer_buff, epnum, len, hpcd->Init.dma_enable); ep->xfer_buff += len; ep->xfer_count += len; } if (len <= 0) { fifoemptymsk = 0x1 << epnum; USBx_DEVICE->DIEPEMPMSK &= ~fifoemptymsk; } return HAL_OK; } /** * @} */ #endif /* HAL_PCD_MODULE_ENABLED */ /** * @} */ /** * @} */ /************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/