/* * Copyright (c) 2013 Google, Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style * license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at * https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define LOCAL_TRACE 0 #ifndef MAX_KLOG_SIZE #define MAX_KLOG_SIZE (32*1024) #endif #define KLOG_BUFFER_HEADER_MAGIC 'KLGB' struct klog_buffer_header { uint32_t magic; uint32_t header_crc32; uint32_t log_count; uint32_t current_log; uint32_t total_size; }; #define KLOG_HEADER_MAGIC 'KLOG' struct klog_header { uint32_t magic; uint32_t size; uint32_t head; uint32_t tail; uint32_t data_checksum; uint8_t data[0]; }; /* current klog buffer */ static struct klog_buffer_header *klog_buf; /* current klog */ static struct klog_header *klog; static struct klog_header *find_nth_log(uint log) { DEBUG_ASSERT(klog_buf); DEBUG_ASSERT(klog_buf->magic == KLOG_BUFFER_HEADER_MAGIC); DEBUG_ASSERT(log < klog_buf->log_count); struct klog_header *k = (struct klog_header *)(klog_buf + 1); while (log > 0) { DEBUG_ASSERT(k->magic == KLOG_HEADER_MAGIC); uint8_t *ptr = (uint8_t *)k->data; ptr += k->size; k = (struct klog_header *)ptr; log--; } return k; } static uint32_t get_checksum_klog_buffer_header(const struct klog_buffer_header *kb) { DEBUG_ASSERT(kb); DEBUG_ASSERT(kb->magic == KLOG_BUFFER_HEADER_MAGIC); return crc32(0, (const void *)(&kb->header_crc32 + 1), sizeof(*kb) - 8); } static uint32_t get_checksum_klog_data(const struct klog_header *k) { DEBUG_ASSERT(k); DEBUG_ASSERT(k->magic == KLOG_HEADER_MAGIC); uint32_t sum = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < k->size; i++) { sum += k->data[i]; } return sum; } static void checksum_klog_buffer_header(struct klog_buffer_header *kb) { DEBUG_ASSERT(kb); DEBUG_ASSERT(kb->magic == KLOG_BUFFER_HEADER_MAGIC); kb->header_crc32 = get_checksum_klog_buffer_header(kb); } static void checksum_klog_data(struct klog_header *k) { DEBUG_ASSERT(k); DEBUG_ASSERT(k->magic == KLOG_HEADER_MAGIC); k->data_checksum = get_checksum_klog_data(k); } void klog_init(void) { } status_t klog_create(void *_ptr, size_t len, uint count) { uint8_t *ptr = _ptr; LTRACEF("ptr %p len %zu count %u\n", ptr, len, count); /* check args */ if (!ptr) return ERR_INVALID_ARGS; if (count == 0) return ERR_INVALID_ARGS; /* check that the size is big enough */ if (len < (sizeof(struct klog_buffer_header) + sizeof(struct klog_header) * count + 4 * count)) return ERR_INVALID_ARGS; /* set up the buffer header */ klog_buf = (struct klog_buffer_header *)ptr; klog_buf->magic = KLOG_BUFFER_HEADER_MAGIC; klog_buf->log_count = count; klog_buf->current_log = 0; klog_buf->total_size = len; checksum_klog_buffer_header(klog_buf); ptr += sizeof(struct klog_buffer_header); /* set up each buffer */ uint bufsize = len - sizeof(struct klog_buffer_header) - sizeof(struct klog_header) * count; bufsize /= count; bufsize = ROUNDDOWN(bufsize, 4); while (count > 0) { klog = (struct klog_header *)ptr; klog->magic = KLOG_HEADER_MAGIC; klog->size = bufsize; klog->head = 0; klog->tail = 0; klog->data_checksum = 0; memset(klog + 1, 0, bufsize); checksum_klog_data(klog); ptr += sizeof(struct klog_header) + bufsize; count--; } klog_set_current_buffer(0); DEBUG_ASSERT(klog_buf); DEBUG_ASSERT(klog); return NO_ERROR; } ssize_t klog_recover(void *_ptr) { uint8_t *ptr = _ptr; LTRACEF("ptr %p\n", ptr); if (!ptr) return ERR_INVALID_ARGS; /* look for header at pointer */ struct klog_buffer_header *kbuf = (struct klog_buffer_header *)ptr; if (kbuf->magic != KLOG_BUFFER_HEADER_MAGIC) return ERR_NOT_FOUND; uint32_t crc = get_checksum_klog_buffer_header(kbuf); if (crc != kbuf->header_crc32) return ERR_NOT_FOUND; /* some sanity checks */ if (kbuf->total_size > MAX_KLOG_SIZE) return ERR_NOT_FOUND; if (kbuf->current_log >= kbuf->log_count) return ERR_NOT_FOUND; /* walk the list of klogs, validating */ ptr += sizeof(struct klog_buffer_header); for (uint i = 0; i < kbuf->log_count; i++) { struct klog_header *k = (struct klog_header *)ptr; /* validate the individual klog */ if (k->magic != KLOG_HEADER_MAGIC) return ERR_NOT_FOUND; /* validate some fields */ if ((k->size > 0) && (k->size & 3)) return ERR_NOT_FOUND; if (k->size > MAX_KLOG_SIZE) return ERR_NOT_FOUND; if (k->head >= k->size) return ERR_NOT_FOUND; if (k->tail >= k->size) return ERR_NOT_FOUND; /* data checksum */ if (k->data_checksum) { crc = get_checksum_klog_data(k); if (crc != k->data_checksum) return ERR_NOT_FOUND; } ptr += sizeof(struct klog_header) + k->size; } /* everything checks out */ klog_buf = kbuf; klog_set_current_buffer(klog_buf->current_log); LTRACEF("found buffer at %p, current log %u (%p) head %u tail %u size %u\n", klog_buf, klog_buf->current_log, klog, klog->head, klog->tail, klog->size); return NO_ERROR; } uint klog_buffer_count(void) { if (!klog_buf) return 0; DEBUG_ASSERT(klog_buf); DEBUG_ASSERT(klog_buf->magic == KLOG_BUFFER_HEADER_MAGIC); return klog_buf->log_count; } uint klog_current_buffer(void) { if (!klog_buf) return 0; DEBUG_ASSERT(klog_buf); DEBUG_ASSERT(klog_buf->magic == KLOG_BUFFER_HEADER_MAGIC); return klog_buf->current_log; } status_t klog_set_current_buffer(uint buffer) { if (!klog_buf) return ERR_NOT_FOUND; DEBUG_ASSERT(klog_buf); DEBUG_ASSERT(klog_buf->magic == KLOG_BUFFER_HEADER_MAGIC); if (buffer >= klog_buf->log_count) return ERR_INVALID_ARGS; /* find the nth buffer */ klog = find_nth_log(buffer); /* update the klog buffer header */ if (buffer != klog_buf->current_log) { klog_buf->current_log = buffer; checksum_klog_buffer_header(klog_buf); } return NO_ERROR; } #include ssize_t klog_read(char *buf, size_t len, int buf_id) { size_t offset = 0; size_t tmp_len; iovec_t vec[2]; LTRACEF("read (len %zu, buf %u)\n", len, buf_id); DEBUG_ASSERT(klog); DEBUG_ASSERT(klog->magic == KLOG_HEADER_MAGIC); /* If a klog wraps around at the end then it becomes two iovecs with * tail being the start of 1 and head being the end of 0. This means we * need to check where we are in the overall klog to properly determine * which iovec we want to read from */ int vec_cnt = klog_get_buffer(buf_id, vec); if (vec_cnt < 1) return vec_cnt; tmp_len = MIN(len, vec[0].iov_len); memcpy(buf, (const char *)vec[0].iov_base, tmp_len); offset += tmp_len; len -= tmp_len; if (len != 0 && vec_cnt > 1) { tmp_len = MIN(len, vec[1].iov_len); memcpy(buf + offset, (const char *)vec[1].iov_base, tmp_len); offset += tmp_len; } /* Since iovecs are generated by get_buffer we only need to update the tail pointer */ klog->tail += offset; if (klog->tail >= klog->size) klog->tail -= klog->size; return offset; } char klog_getc(int buf_id) { char c = '\0'; int err = klog_read(&c, 1, buf_id); return (err < 0) ? err : c; } char klog_getchar(void) { return klog_getc(-1); } /* Returns whether the currently selected klog contains data */ bool klog_has_data(void) { DEBUG_ASSERT(klog); return (klog->head != klog->tail); } static size_t klog_puts_len(const char *str, size_t len) { LTRACEF("puts '%s'\n", str); DEBUG_ASSERT(klog); DEBUG_ASSERT(klog->magic == KLOG_HEADER_MAGIC); LTRACEF("before write head %u tail %u size %u\n", klog->head, klog->tail, klog->size); uint32_t deltasum = 0; size_t count = 0; while (count < len && *str) { /* compute the delta checksum */ deltasum += *str - klog->data[klog->head]; /* store the data */ klog->data[klog->head] = *str; /* bump the head */ uint newhead = klog->head + 1; if (newhead >= klog->size) newhead -= klog->size; DEBUG_ASSERT(newhead < klog->size); /* bump the tail if the head collided with it */ if (klog->tail == newhead) { uint newtail = klog->tail + 1; if (newtail >= klog->size) newtail -= klog->size; DEBUG_ASSERT(newtail < klog->size); klog->tail = newtail; } /* writeback the head */ klog->head = newhead; str++; count++; } LTRACEF("after write head %u tail %u\n", klog->head, klog->tail); klog->data_checksum += deltasum; LTRACEF("kputs len %u\n", count); return count; } void klog_putchar(char c) { klog_puts_len(&c, 1); } void klog_puts(const char *str) { if (!klog_buf) return; klog_puts_len(str, SIZE_MAX); } static int _klog_output_func(const char *str, size_t len, void *state) { return klog_puts_len(str, len); } void klog_printf(const char *fmt, ...) { if (!klog_buf) return; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); _printf_engine(&_klog_output_func, NULL, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } void klog_vprintf(const char *fmt, va_list ap) { if (!klog_buf) return; _printf_engine(&_klog_output_func, NULL, fmt, ap); } int klog_get_buffer(int buffer, iovec_t *vec) { if (!klog_buf) return 0; if (!vec) return ERR_INVALID_ARGS; if (buffer >= 0 && (uint)buffer >= klog_buf->log_count) return ERR_INVALID_ARGS; struct klog_header *k; if (buffer < 0) k = klog; else k = find_nth_log(buffer); DEBUG_ASSERT(k); DEBUG_ASSERT(k->magic == KLOG_HEADER_MAGIC); vec[0].iov_base = &k->data[k->tail]; if (k->head == k->tail) { return 0; } else if (k->head > k->tail) { /* single run of data, between tail and head */ vec[0].iov_len = k->head - k->tail; return 1; } else { vec[0].iov_len = k->size - k->tail; /* two segments */ vec[1].iov_base = &k->data[0]; vec[1].iov_len = k->head; return 2; } } void klog_dump(int buffer) { iovec_t vec[2]; int err = klog_get_buffer(buffer, vec); if (err <= 0) return; for (uint i = 0; i < vec[0].iov_len; i++) putchar(*((const char *)vec[0].iov_base + i)); if (err > 1) { for (uint i = 0; i < vec[1].iov_len; i++) putchar(*((const char *)vec[1].iov_base + i)); } } #define KLOG_RETENTION_TEST 0 #if KLOG_RETENTION_TEST #include _RETENTION_NOCLEAR(static uint8_t klog_test_buf[512]); #endif static int cmd_klog(int argc, const console_cmd_args *argv) { status_t err; if (argc < 2) { notenoughargs: printf("ERROR not enough arguments\n"); usage: printf("usage: %s create \n", argv[0].str); #if KLOG_RETENTION_TEST printf("usage: %s createret \n", argv[0].str); printf("usage: %s recoverret \n", argv[0].str); #endif printf("usage: %s getbufcount\n", argv[0].str); printf("usage: %s getbufnum\n", argv[0].str); printf("usage: %s getbufptr\n", argv[0].str); printf("usage: %s setbufnum \n", argv[0].str); printf("usage: %s puts \n", argv[0].str); printf("usage: %s read \n", argv[0].str); printf("usage: %s printftest\n", argv[0].str); printf("usage: %s dump [buffer num]\n", argv[0].str); printf("usage: %s vec [buffer num]\n", argv[0].str); return -1; } if (!strcmp(argv[1].str, "create")) { if (argc < 4) goto notenoughargs; uint size = argv[2].u; uint count = argv[3].u; void *ptr = malloc(size); if (!ptr) { printf("error allocating memory for klog\n"); return -1; } err = klog_create(ptr, size, count); printf("klog_create returns %d\n", err); if (err < 0) free(ptr); #if KLOG_RETENTION_TEST } else if (!strcmp(argv[1].str, "createret")) { err = klog_create(klog_test_buf, sizeof(klog_test_buf), 1); printf("klog_create returns %d\n", err); } else if (!strcmp(argv[1].str, "recoverret")) { err = klog_recover(klog_test_buf); printf("klog_recover returns %d\n", err); #endif } else if (!strcmp(argv[1].str, "getbufcount")) { printf("%d buffers\n", klog_buffer_count()); } else if (!strcmp(argv[1].str, "getbufnum")) { printf("%d current buffer\n", klog_current_buffer()); } else if (!strcmp(argv[1].str, "getbufptr")) { printf("ptr %p\n", klog); } else if (!strcmp(argv[1].str, "setbufnum")) { if (argc < 3) goto notenoughargs; err = klog_set_current_buffer(argv[2].u); printf("klog_set_current_buffer returns %d\n", err); } else if (!strcmp(argv[1].str, "puts")) { if (argc < 3) goto notenoughargs; klog_puts(argv[2].str); klog_putchar('\n'); } else if (!strcmp(argv[1].str, "read")) { if (argc < 4) goto notenoughargs; size_t len = argv[2].u; int buf_id = argv[3].i; char *buf = malloc(len); if (!buf) { printf("error allocating memory for klog read\n"); return -1; } size_t count = klog_read(buf, len, buf_id); if (count > 0) { printf("read %zu byte(s): \"", count); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) putchar(buf[i]); putchar('\"'); putchar('\n'); } else { printf("read returned error: %d\n", count); } free(buf); } else if (!strcmp(argv[1].str, "getc")) { if (argc < 3) goto notenoughargs; int buf_id = argv[2].i; printf("read: '%c'\n", klog_getc(buf_id)); } else if (!strcmp(argv[1].str, "printftest")) { klog_printf("a plain string\n"); klog_printf("numbers: %d %d %d %u\n", 1, 2, 3, 99); klog_printf("strings: '%s' '%s'\n", "a little string", "another one"); } else if (!strcmp(argv[1].str, "dump")) { int buffer = -1; if (argc >= 3) buffer = argv[2].u; klog_dump(buffer); } else if (!strcmp(argv[1].str, "vec")) { int buffer = -1; if (argc >= 3) buffer = argv[2].u; iovec_t vec[2]; memset(vec, 0x99, sizeof(vec)); err = klog_get_buffer(buffer, vec); printf("klog_get_buffer returns %d\n", err); printf("vec %d: base %p, len %zu\n", 0, vec[0].iov_base, vec[0].iov_len); printf("vec %d: base %p, len %zu\n", 1, vec[1].iov_base, vec[1].iov_len); } else { printf("ERROR unknown command\n"); goto usage; } return 0; } STATIC_COMMAND_START STATIC_COMMAND("klog", "commands for manipulating klog", &cmd_klog) STATIC_COMMAND_END(klog);