=head1 NAME xl-disk-configuration - XL Disk Configuration Syntax =head1 SYNTAX This document specifies the xl config file format disk configuration option. It has the following form: disk = [ 'DISKSPEC', 'DISKSPEC', ... ] where each C is in this form: [=|,]*, [, [, [, []]]], [=|,]* [target=] For example, these strings are equivalent: /dev/vg/guest-volume,,hda /dev/vg/guest-volume,raw,hda,rw format=raw, vdev=hda, access=rw, target=/dev/vg/guest-volume raw:/dev/vg/guest-volume,hda,w (deprecated, see below) As are these: /root/image.iso,,hdc,cdrom /root/image.iso,,hdc,,cdrom /root/image.iso,raw,hdc,devtype=cdrom format=raw, vdev=hdc, access=ro, devtype=cdrom, target=/root/image.iso raw:/root/image.iso,hdc:cdrom,ro (deprecated, see below) These might be specified in the domain config file like this: disk = [ '/dev/vg/guest-volume,,hda', '/root/image.iso,,hdc,cdrom' ] More formally, the string is a series of comma-separated keyword/value pairs, flags and positional parameters. Parameters which are not bare keywords and which do not contain "=" symbols are assigned to the so-far-unspecified positional parameters, in the order below. The positional parameters may also be specified explicitly by name. Each parameter may be specified at most once, either as a positional parameter or a named parameter. Default values apply if the parameter is not specified, or if it is specified with an empty value (whether positionally or explicitly). Whitespace may appear before each parameter and will be ignored. =head1 Positional Parameters =over 4 =item B =over 4 =item Description Block device or image file path. When this is used as a path, F will be prepended if the path doesn't start with a '/'. =item Supported values N/A =item Deprecated values N/A =item Default value None. While a path is provided in most cases there is an exception: for a cdrom device, lack of this attribute would imply an empty cdrom drive. =item Special syntax When this parameter is specified by name, ie with the C syntax in the configuration file, it consumes the whole rest of the C including trailing whitespaces. Therefore in that case it must come last. This is permissible even if an empty value for the target was already specified as a positional parameter. This is the only way to specify a target string containing metacharacters such as commas and (in some cases) colons, which would otherwise be misinterpreted. Future parameter and flag names will start with an ascii letter and contain only ascii alphanumerics, hyphens and underscores, and will not be legal as vdevs. Targets which might match that syntax should not be specified as positional parameters. =back =item B =over 4 =item Description Specifies the format of image file. =item Supported values raw, qcow, qcow2, vhd, qed =item Deprecated values None =item Default value raw =back =item B =over 4 =item Description Virtual device as seen by the guest (also referred to as guest drive designation in some specifications). L =item Supported values hd[x], xvd[x], sd[x] etc. Please refer to the above specification for further details. =item Deprecated values None =item Default Value None, this parameter is mandatory. =back =item B =over 4 =item Description Specified access control information. Whether or not the block device is provided to the guest in read-only or read-write mode depends on this attribute. =item Supported values C, C (specifies read-only) C, C (specifies read/write) =item Deprecated values None =item Default value C unless devtype=cdrom, in which case C =back =back =head1 Other Parameters And Flags =over 4 =item B=I =over 4 =item Description Qualifies virtual device type. =item Supported values cdrom =item Deprecated values None =item Mandatory No =back =item B Convenience alias for "devtype=cdrom". =item B=I =over 4 =item Description Designates a backend domain for the device =item Supported values Valid domain names =item Mandatory No =back Specifies the backend domain which this device should attach to. This defaults to domain 0. Specifying another domain requires setting up a driver domain which is outside the scope of this document. =item B=I =over 4 =item Description Specifies the backend implementation to use =item Supported values phy, tap, qdisk =item Mandatory No =item Default value Automatically determine which backend to use. =back This does not affect the guest's view of the device. It controls which software implementation of the Xen backend driver is used. Not all backend drivers support all combinations of other options. For example, "phy" does not support formats other than "raw". Normally this option should not be specified, in which case libxl will automatically determine the most suitable backend. =item B