s=master #b=unstable v=$v-rc1 OR x=4.1 m=1 rc=-rc2 r=$x.$m s=$x-testing #b=$x-testing v=$r$rc t=$r$rc OR t=RELEASE-$r # FIRSTLY # - check (for point releases, but not RCs) all XSAs have been applied (Lars) # * check, even for point releases * http://logs.test-lab.xenproject.org/osstest/results/all-branch-statuses.txt # QEMU git checkout $s git show # should show appropriate intended commit git-tag -u 'Xen.org Xen tree code signing' -m "Xen $v" xen-$v git-push xenbits.xen.org:/home/xen/git/qemu-xen-traditional.git $s:stable-$x xen-$v # consider making tag in minios, and updating xen.git Config.mk git checkout SOMETHING git show # should show appropriate intended commit git-tag -u 'xen tree' -s -m "Xen $r$rc" xen-$t git push xen@xenbits.xen.org:/home/xen/git/mini-os.git xen-$t * Also tag upstream qemu tree (Stefano) git checkout SOMETHING git show # should show appropriate intended commit git tag -u 'xen tree' -s -m "Xen $r$rc" qemu-xen-$v git push osstest@xenbits.xen.org:/home/xen/git/qemu-xen.git qemu-xen-$v * consider bumping sonames of shlibs * change xen-unstable README (should say "Xen 4.5" in releases and on stable branches, "Xen 4.5-unstable" on unstable) * change xen-unstable Config.mk (QEMU_UPSTREAM_REVISION, QEMU_TRADITIONAL_REVISION, MINIOS_UPSTREAM_REVISION) * change xen-unstable xen/Makefile XEN_EXTRAVERSION # if main version number has changed (eg 4.7 -> 4.8) rerun ./autogen.sh * rerun ./autogen.sh to update version number in configure # - XEN_EXTRAVERSION should be `.0-rc$(XEN_VENDORVERSION)' # - debug ?= n on stable branches # - Kconfig.debug default n on stable branches * tag xen-unstable # In xen.git git-fetch origin git-checkout staging-$x git-pull git-show # should show commit updating version to right version git-tag -u 'xen tree' -s -m "Xen $r$rc" $t git-push origin $t ## hg tag ; hg sign -k "Xen tree" HANDLING TAG GENERATED BY RELEASE MANAGER fetch the tag into my tree make the tarball (RELEASE TARBALL, below) test build (see below) website (see below) merge tag into staging and push to staging maybe force push into master definitely push tag to xenbits git-push origin $t RELEASE TARBALL for 4.5 and later, use tarball target git checkout $t git clean -xdff # export http_proxy=http://localhost:3128/ ./configure make src-tarball-release # must be used for actual releases make src-tarball # uses git-describe (best for RCs) # ^find some way to add git-cache-proxy to this (done in ~iwj/.gitconfig) mkdir /volatile/iwj/website-thing/xen.org/oss-xen/release/$v mv dist/xen-$v.tar.gz /volatile/iwj/website-thing/xen.org/oss-xen/release/$v/. # website-thing/xen.org is cvs -d mail.xenproject.org:/home/downloads-cvs/cvs-repos co xen.org cd /volatile/iwj/website-thing/xen.org # test build cd /volatile/iwj/d mkdir build cd build tar zxf /volatile/iwj/website-thing/xen.org/oss-xen/release/$v/xen-$v.tar.gz # rsync -a --delete xen-$v build/ cd xen-$v export http_proxy=http://localhost:3128/ (./configure && make -j4 KERNELS='' && echo ok.) 2>&1 | tee ../log.$v # post 4.2 # [[ test build amd64 ]] cvs add -kb oss-xen/release/$v/ cd oss-xen/release/$v gpg --digest-algo=SHA256 --detach-sign -u 'xen tree' xen-$v.tar.gz cvs add -kb xen-$v.tar.gz cvs add -kb xen-$v.tar.gz.sig cd ../../.. cvs ci -m $v ssh downloads-cvs@mail.xenproject.org cd /data/downloads.xenproject.org/xen.org cvs -q up -d # should show something like # U oss-xen/release/4.8.0-rc2/xen-4.8.0-rc2.tar.gz # U oss-xen/release/4.8.0-rc2/xen-4.8.0-rc2.tar.gz.sig update xenbits front page to change references to old stable branch into references to new stable branch Edit website