Most files in this directory are covered by version 2 of the GNU General Public License except where explicitly stated. See the main COPYING file in xen.git for more information. Notable exceptions are in the following directories vtpm ==== Exclusively contains code licensed under a MIT license Also see vtpm/COPYING vtpmmgr ======= Contains a significant portion of files which are licensed under a BSD-3-Clause license. These files were imported from elsewhere and are copyrighted as follows: Copyright (c) 2005, Intel Corp. All rights reserved. See README.source for a complete list of files Otherwise, this directory contains several files licensed under GPLv2+, or without copyright headers. *.patch and *.diff files ======================== This directory contains a number of *.patch and *.diff files. These files describe changes to source files and are thus licensed under the license from which the *.patch and *.diff were generated.