/* * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 XenSource Ltd. * Copyright (C) 2008 Citrix Ltd. * Author Vincent Hanquez * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.1 only. with the special * exception on linking described in file LICENSE. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. */ #define _XOPEN_SOURCE 600 #include #include #define CAML_NAME_SPACE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define XC_WANT_COMPAT_MAP_FOREIGN_API #include #include "mmap_stubs.h" #define PAGE_SHIFT 12 #define PAGE_SIZE (1UL << PAGE_SHIFT) #define PAGE_MASK (~(PAGE_SIZE-1)) #define _H(__h) ((xc_interface *)(__h)) #define _D(__d) ((uint32_t)Int_val(__d)) #define Val_none (Val_int(0)) #define string_of_option_array(array, index) \ ((Field(array, index) == Val_none) ? NULL : String_val(Field(Field(array, index), 0))) /* maybe here we should check the range of the input instead of blindly * casting it to uint32 */ #define cpuid_input_of_val(i1, i2, input) \ i1 = (uint32_t) Int64_val(Field(input, 0)); \ i2 = ((Field(input, 1) == Val_none) ? 0xffffffff : (uint32_t) Int64_val(Field(Field(input, 1), 0))); static void Noreturn failwith_xc(xc_interface *xch) { char error_str[1028]; if (xch) { const xc_error *error = xc_get_last_error(xch); if (error->code == XC_ERROR_NONE) snprintf(error_str, sizeof(error_str), "%d: %s", errno, strerror(errno)); else snprintf(error_str, sizeof(error_str), "%d: %s: %s", error->code, xc_error_code_to_desc(error->code), error->message); } else { snprintf(error_str, sizeof(error_str), "Unable to open XC interface"); } caml_raise_with_string(*caml_named_value("xc.error"), error_str); } CAMLprim value stub_sizeof_core_header(value unit) { CAMLparam1(unit); CAMLreturn(Val_int(sizeof(struct xc_core_header))); } CAMLprim value stub_sizeof_vcpu_guest_context(value unit) { CAMLparam1(unit); CAMLreturn(Val_int(sizeof(struct vcpu_guest_context))); } CAMLprim value stub_sizeof_xen_pfn(value unit) { CAMLparam1(unit); CAMLreturn(Val_int(sizeof(xen_pfn_t))); } #define XC_CORE_MAGIC 0xF00FEBED #define XC_CORE_MAGIC_HVM 0xF00FEBEE CAMLprim value stub_marshall_core_header(value header) { CAMLparam1(header); CAMLlocal1(s); struct xc_core_header c_header; c_header.xch_magic = (Field(header, 0)) ? XC_CORE_MAGIC : XC_CORE_MAGIC_HVM; c_header.xch_nr_vcpus = Int_val(Field(header, 1)); c_header.xch_nr_pages = Nativeint_val(Field(header, 2)); c_header.xch_ctxt_offset = Int64_val(Field(header, 3)); c_header.xch_index_offset = Int64_val(Field(header, 4)); c_header.xch_pages_offset = Int64_val(Field(header, 5)); s = caml_alloc_string(sizeof(c_header)); memcpy(String_val(s), (char *) &c_header, sizeof(c_header)); CAMLreturn(s); } CAMLprim value stub_xc_interface_open(void) { CAMLparam0(); xc_interface *xch; /* Don't assert XC_OPENFLAG_NON_REENTRANT because these bindings * do not prevent re-entrancy to libxc */ xch = xc_interface_open(NULL, NULL, 0); if (xch == NULL) failwith_xc(NULL); CAMLreturn((value)xch); } CAMLprim value stub_xc_interface_close(value xch) { CAMLparam1(xch); caml_enter_blocking_section(); xc_interface_close(_H(xch)); caml_leave_blocking_section(); CAMLreturn(Val_unit); } static int domain_create_flag_table[] = { XEN_DOMCTL_CDF_hvm_guest, XEN_DOMCTL_CDF_hap, }; CAMLprim value stub_xc_domain_create(value xch, value ssidref, value flags, value handle, value domconfig) { CAMLparam4(xch, ssidref, flags, handle); uint32_t domid = 0; xen_domain_handle_t h = { 0 }; int result; int i; uint32_t c_ssidref = Int32_val(ssidref); unsigned int c_flags = 0; value l; xc_domain_configuration_t config = {}; if (Wosize_val(handle) != 16) caml_invalid_argument("Handle not a 16-integer array"); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(h); i++) { h[i] = Int_val(Field(handle, i)) & 0xff; } for (l = flags; l != Val_none; l = Field(l, 1)) { int v = Int_val(Field(l, 0)); c_flags |= domain_create_flag_table[v]; } switch(Tag_val(domconfig)) { case 0: /* ARM - nothing to do */ caml_failwith("Unhandled: ARM"); break; case 1: /* X86 - emulation flags in the block */ for (l = Field(Field(domconfig, 0), 0); l != Val_none; l = Field(l, 1)) config.emulation_flags |= 1u << Int_val(Field(l, 0)); break; default: caml_failwith("Unhandled domconfig type"); } caml_enter_blocking_section(); result = xc_domain_create(_H(xch), c_ssidref, h, c_flags, &domid, &config); caml_leave_blocking_section(); if (result < 0) failwith_xc(_H(xch)); CAMLreturn(Val_int(domid)); } CAMLprim value stub_xc_domain_max_vcpus(value xch, value domid, value max_vcpus) { CAMLparam3(xch, domid, max_vcpus); int r; r = xc_domain_max_vcpus(_H(xch), _D(domid), Int_val(max_vcpus)); if (r) failwith_xc(_H(xch)); CAMLreturn(Val_unit); } value stub_xc_domain_sethandle(value xch, value domid, value handle) { CAMLparam3(xch, domid, handle); xen_domain_handle_t h = { 0 }; int i; if (Wosize_val(handle) != 16) caml_invalid_argument("Handle not a 16-integer array"); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(h); i++) { h[i] = Int_val(Field(handle, i)) & 0xff; } i = xc_domain_sethandle(_H(xch), _D(domid), h); if (i) failwith_xc(_H(xch)); CAMLreturn(Val_unit); } static value dom_op(value xch, value domid, int (*fn)(xc_interface *, uint32_t)) { CAMLparam2(xch, domid); int result; uint32_t c_domid = _D(domid); caml_enter_blocking_section(); result = fn(_H(xch), c_domid); caml_leave_blocking_section(); if (result) failwith_xc(_H(xch)); CAMLreturn(Val_unit); } CAMLprim value stub_xc_domain_pause(value xch, value domid) { return dom_op(xch, domid, xc_domain_pause); } CAMLprim value stub_xc_domain_unpause(value xch, value domid) { return dom_op(xch, domid, xc_domain_unpause); } CAMLprim value stub_xc_domain_destroy(value xch, value domid) { return dom_op(xch, domid, xc_domain_destroy); } CAMLprim value stub_xc_domain_resume_fast(value xch, value domid) { CAMLparam2(xch, domid); int result; uint32_t c_domid = _D(domid); caml_enter_blocking_section(); result = xc_domain_resume(_H(xch), c_domid, 1); caml_leave_blocking_section(); if (result) failwith_xc(_H(xch)); CAMLreturn(Val_unit); } CAMLprim value stub_xc_domain_shutdown(value xch, value domid, value reason) { CAMLparam3(xch, domid, reason); int ret; ret = xc_domain_shutdown(_H(xch), _D(domid), Int_val(reason)); if (ret < 0) failwith_xc(_H(xch)); CAMLreturn(Val_unit); } static value alloc_domaininfo(xc_domaininfo_t * info) { CAMLparam0(); CAMLlocal5(result, tmp, arch_config, x86_arch_config, emul_list); int i; result = caml_alloc_tuple(17); Store_field(result, 0, Val_int(info->domain)); Store_field(result, 1, Val_bool(info->flags & XEN_DOMINF_dying)); Store_field(result, 2, Val_bool(info->flags & XEN_DOMINF_shutdown)); Store_field(result, 3, Val_bool(info->flags & XEN_DOMINF_paused)); Store_field(result, 4, Val_bool(info->flags & XEN_DOMINF_blocked)); Store_field(result, 5, Val_bool(info->flags & XEN_DOMINF_running)); Store_field(result, 6, Val_bool(info->flags & XEN_DOMINF_hvm_guest)); Store_field(result, 7, Val_int((info->flags >> XEN_DOMINF_shutdownshift) & XEN_DOMINF_shutdownmask)); Store_field(result, 8, caml_copy_nativeint(info->tot_pages)); Store_field(result, 9, caml_copy_nativeint(info->max_pages)); Store_field(result, 10, caml_copy_int64(info->shared_info_frame)); Store_field(result, 11, caml_copy_int64(info->cpu_time)); Store_field(result, 12, Val_int(info->nr_online_vcpus)); Store_field(result, 13, Val_int(info->max_vcpu_id)); Store_field(result, 14, caml_copy_int32(info->ssidref)); tmp = caml_alloc_small(16, 0); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { Field(tmp, i) = Val_int(info->handle[i]); } Store_field(result, 15, tmp); /* emulation_flags: x86_arch_emulation_flags list; */ tmp = emul_list = Val_emptylist; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if ((info->arch_config.emulation_flags >> i) & 1) { tmp = caml_alloc_small(2, Tag_cons); Field(tmp, 0) = Val_int(i); Field(tmp, 1) = emul_list; emul_list = tmp; } } /* xen_x86_arch_domainconfig */ x86_arch_config = caml_alloc_tuple(1); Store_field(x86_arch_config, 0, emul_list); /* arch_config: arch_domainconfig */ arch_config = caml_alloc_small(1, 1); Store_field(arch_config, 0, x86_arch_config); Store_field(result, 16, arch_config); CAMLreturn(result); } CAMLprim value stub_xc_domain_getinfolist(value xch, value first_domain, value nb) { CAMLparam3(xch, first_domain, nb); CAMLlocal2(result, temp); xc_domaininfo_t * info; int i, ret, toalloc, retval; unsigned int c_max_domains; uint32_t c_first_domain; /* get the minimum number of allocate byte we need and bump it up to page boundary */ toalloc = (sizeof(xc_domaininfo_t) * Int_val(nb)) | 0xfff; ret = posix_memalign((void **) ((void *) &info), 4096, toalloc); if (ret) caml_raise_out_of_memory(); result = temp = Val_emptylist; c_first_domain = _D(first_domain); c_max_domains = Int_val(nb); caml_enter_blocking_section(); retval = xc_domain_getinfolist(_H(xch), c_first_domain, c_max_domains, info); caml_leave_blocking_section(); if (retval < 0) { free(info); failwith_xc(_H(xch)); } for (i = 0; i < retval; i++) { result = caml_alloc_small(2, Tag_cons); Field(result, 0) = Val_int(0); Field(result, 1) = temp; temp = result; Store_field(result, 0, alloc_domaininfo(info + i)); } free(info); CAMLreturn(result); } CAMLprim value stub_xc_domain_getinfo(value xch, value domid) { CAMLparam2(xch, domid); CAMLlocal1(result); xc_domaininfo_t info; int ret; ret = xc_domain_getinfolist(_H(xch), _D(domid), 1, &info); if (ret != 1) failwith_xc(_H(xch)); if (info.domain != _D(domid)) failwith_xc(_H(xch)); result = alloc_domaininfo(&info); CAMLreturn(result); } CAMLprim value stub_xc_vcpu_getinfo(value xch, value domid, value vcpu) { CAMLparam3(xch, domid, vcpu); CAMLlocal1(result); xc_vcpuinfo_t info; int retval; uint32_t c_domid = _D(domid); uint32_t c_vcpu = Int_val(vcpu); caml_enter_blocking_section(); retval = xc_vcpu_getinfo(_H(xch), c_domid, c_vcpu, &info); caml_leave_blocking_section(); if (retval < 0) failwith_xc(_H(xch)); result = caml_alloc_tuple(5); Store_field(result, 0, Val_bool(info.online)); Store_field(result, 1, Val_bool(info.blocked)); Store_field(result, 2, Val_bool(info.running)); Store_field(result, 3, caml_copy_int64(info.cpu_time)); Store_field(result, 4, caml_copy_int32(info.cpu)); CAMLreturn(result); } CAMLprim value stub_xc_vcpu_context_get(value xch, value domid, value cpu) { CAMLparam3(xch, domid, cpu); CAMLlocal1(context); int ret; vcpu_guest_context_any_t ctxt; ret = xc_vcpu_getcontext(_H(xch), _D(domid), Int_val(cpu), &ctxt); context = caml_alloc_string(sizeof(ctxt)); memcpy(String_val(context), (char *) &ctxt.c, sizeof(ctxt.c)); CAMLreturn(context); } static int get_cpumap_len(value xch, value cpumap) { int ml_len = Wosize_val(cpumap); int xc_len = xc_get_max_cpus(_H(xch)); if (ml_len < xc_len) return ml_len; else return xc_len; } CAMLprim value stub_xc_vcpu_setaffinity(value xch, value domid, value vcpu, value cpumap) { CAMLparam4(xch, domid, vcpu, cpumap); int i, len = get_cpumap_len(xch, cpumap); xc_cpumap_t c_cpumap; int retval; c_cpumap = xc_cpumap_alloc(_H(xch)); if (c_cpumap == NULL) failwith_xc(_H(xch)); for (i=0; i= 0) { size += count - 1; if (size < count) break; ptr = realloc(str, size); if (!ptr) break; str = ptr + count; count = size - count; caml_enter_blocking_section(); ret = xc_readconsolering(_H(xch), str, &count, 0, 1, &index); caml_leave_blocking_section(); count += str - ptr; str = ptr; } /* * If we didn't break because of an overflow with size, and we have * needed to realloc() ourself more space, update our tracking of the * real console ring size. */ if (size > conring_size) conring_size = size; ring = caml_alloc_string(count); memcpy(String_val(ring), str, count); free(str); CAMLreturn(ring); } CAMLprim value stub_xc_send_debug_keys(value xch, value keys) { CAMLparam2(xch, keys); int r; r = xc_send_debug_keys(_H(xch), String_val(keys)); if (r) failwith_xc(_H(xch)); CAMLreturn(Val_unit); } CAMLprim value stub_xc_physinfo(value xch) { CAMLparam1(xch); CAMLlocal3(physinfo, cap_list, tmp); xc_physinfo_t c_physinfo; int r; caml_enter_blocking_section(); r = xc_physinfo(_H(xch), &c_physinfo); caml_leave_blocking_section(); if (r) failwith_xc(_H(xch)); tmp = cap_list = Val_emptylist; for (r = 0; r < 2; r++) { if ((c_physinfo.capabilities >> r) & 1) { tmp = caml_alloc_small(2, Tag_cons); Field(tmp, 0) = Val_int(r); Field(tmp, 1) = cap_list; cap_list = tmp; } } physinfo = caml_alloc_tuple(10); Store_field(physinfo, 0, Val_int(c_physinfo.threads_per_core)); Store_field(physinfo, 1, Val_int(c_physinfo.cores_per_socket)); Store_field(physinfo, 2, Val_int(c_physinfo.nr_cpus)); Store_field(physinfo, 3, Val_int(c_physinfo.max_node_id)); Store_field(physinfo, 4, Val_int(c_physinfo.cpu_khz)); Store_field(physinfo, 5, caml_copy_nativeint(c_physinfo.total_pages)); Store_field(physinfo, 6, caml_copy_nativeint(c_physinfo.free_pages)); Store_field(physinfo, 7, caml_copy_nativeint(c_physinfo.scrub_pages)); Store_field(physinfo, 8, cap_list); Store_field(physinfo, 9, Val_int(c_physinfo.max_cpu_id + 1)); CAMLreturn(physinfo); } CAMLprim value stub_xc_pcpu_info(value xch, value nr_cpus) { CAMLparam2(xch, nr_cpus); CAMLlocal2(pcpus, v); xc_cpuinfo_t *info; int r, size; if (Int_val(nr_cpus) < 1) caml_invalid_argument("nr_cpus"); info = calloc(Int_val(nr_cpus) + 1, sizeof(*info)); if (!info) caml_raise_out_of_memory(); caml_enter_blocking_section(); r = xc_getcpuinfo(_H(xch), Int_val(nr_cpus), info, &size); caml_leave_blocking_section(); if (r) { free(info); failwith_xc(_H(xch)); } if (size > 0) { int i; pcpus = caml_alloc(size, 0); for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { v = caml_copy_int64(info[i].idletime); caml_modify(&Field(pcpus, i), v); } } else pcpus = Atom(0); free(info); CAMLreturn(pcpus); } CAMLprim value stub_xc_domain_setmaxmem(value xch, value domid, value max_memkb) { CAMLparam3(xch, domid, max_memkb); int retval; uint32_t c_domid = _D(domid); unsigned int c_max_memkb = Int64_val(max_memkb); caml_enter_blocking_section(); retval = xc_domain_setmaxmem(_H(xch), c_domid, c_max_memkb); caml_leave_blocking_section(); if (retval) failwith_xc(_H(xch)); CAMLreturn(Val_unit); } CAMLprim value stub_xc_domain_set_memmap_limit(value xch, value domid, value map_limitkb) { CAMLparam3(xch, domid, map_limitkb); unsigned long v; int retval; v = Int64_val(map_limitkb); retval = xc_domain_set_memmap_limit(_H(xch), _D(domid), v); if (retval) failwith_xc(_H(xch)); CAMLreturn(Val_unit); } CAMLprim value stub_xc_domain_memory_increase_reservation(value xch, value domid, value mem_kb) { CAMLparam3(xch, domid, mem_kb); int retval; unsigned long nr_extents = ((unsigned long)(Int64_val(mem_kb))) >> (PAGE_SHIFT - 10); uint32_t c_domid = _D(domid); caml_enter_blocking_section(); retval = xc_domain_increase_reservation_exact(_H(xch), c_domid, nr_extents, 0, 0, NULL); caml_leave_blocking_section(); if (retval) failwith_xc(_H(xch)); CAMLreturn(Val_unit); } CAMLprim value stub_xc_domain_set_machine_address_size(value xch, value domid, value width) { CAMLparam3(xch, domid, width); uint32_t c_domid = _D(domid); int c_width = Int_val(width); int retval = xc_domain_set_machine_address_size(_H(xch), c_domid, c_width); if (retval) failwith_xc(_H(xch)); CAMLreturn(Val_unit); } CAMLprim value stub_xc_domain_get_machine_address_size(value xch, value domid) { CAMLparam2(xch, domid); int retval; retval = xc_domain_get_machine_address_size(_H(xch), _D(domid)); if (retval < 0) failwith_xc(_H(xch)); CAMLreturn(Val_int(retval)); } CAMLprim value stub_xc_domain_cpuid_set(value xch, value domid, value input, value config) { CAMLparam4(xch, domid, input, config); CAMLlocal2(array, tmp); #if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__) int r; unsigned int c_input[2]; char *c_config[4], *out_config[4]; c_config[0] = string_of_option_array(config, 0); c_config[1] = string_of_option_array(config, 1); c_config[2] = string_of_option_array(config, 2); c_config[3] = string_of_option_array(config, 3); cpuid_input_of_val(c_input[0], c_input[1], input); array = caml_alloc(4, 0); for (r = 0; r < 4; r++) { tmp = Val_none; if (c_config[r]) { tmp = caml_alloc_small(1, 0); Field(tmp, 0) = caml_alloc_string(32); } Store_field(array, r, tmp); } for (r = 0; r < 4; r++) out_config[r] = (c_config[r]) ? String_val(Field(Field(array, r), 0)) : NULL; r = xc_cpuid_set(_H(xch), _D(domid), c_input, (const char **)c_config, out_config); if (r < 0) failwith_xc(_H(xch)); #else caml_failwith("xc_domain_cpuid_set: not implemented"); #endif CAMLreturn(array); } CAMLprim value stub_xc_domain_cpuid_apply_policy(value xch, value domid) { CAMLparam2(xch, domid); #if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__) int r; r = xc_cpuid_apply_policy(_H(xch), _D(domid), NULL, 0); if (r < 0) failwith_xc(_H(xch)); #else caml_failwith("xc_domain_cpuid_apply_policy: not implemented"); #endif CAMLreturn(Val_unit); } CAMLprim value stub_xc_version_version(value xch) { CAMLparam1(xch); CAMLlocal1(result); xen_extraversion_t extra; long packed; int retval; caml_enter_blocking_section(); packed = xc_version(_H(xch), XENVER_version, NULL); caml_leave_blocking_section(); if (packed < 0) failwith_xc(_H(xch)); caml_enter_blocking_section(); retval = xc_version(_H(xch), XENVER_extraversion, &extra); caml_leave_blocking_section(); if (retval) failwith_xc(_H(xch)); result = caml_alloc_tuple(3); Store_field(result, 0, Val_int(packed >> 16)); Store_field(result, 1, Val_int(packed & 0xffff)); Store_field(result, 2, caml_copy_string(extra)); CAMLreturn(result); } CAMLprim value stub_xc_version_compile_info(value xch) { CAMLparam1(xch); CAMLlocal1(result); xen_compile_info_t ci; int retval; caml_enter_blocking_section(); retval = xc_version(_H(xch), XENVER_compile_info, &ci); caml_leave_blocking_section(); if (retval) failwith_xc(_H(xch)); result = caml_alloc_tuple(4); Store_field(result, 0, caml_copy_string(ci.compiler)); Store_field(result, 1, caml_copy_string(ci.compile_by)); Store_field(result, 2, caml_copy_string(ci.compile_domain)); Store_field(result, 3, caml_copy_string(ci.compile_date)); CAMLreturn(result); } static value xc_version_single_string(value xch, int code, void *info) { CAMLparam1(xch); int retval; caml_enter_blocking_section(); retval = xc_version(_H(xch), code, info); caml_leave_blocking_section(); if (retval) failwith_xc(_H(xch)); CAMLreturn(caml_copy_string((char *)info)); } CAMLprim value stub_xc_version_changeset(value xch) { xen_changeset_info_t ci; return xc_version_single_string(xch, XENVER_changeset, &ci); } CAMLprim value stub_xc_version_capabilities(value xch) { xen_capabilities_info_t ci; return xc_version_single_string(xch, XENVER_capabilities, &ci); } CAMLprim value stub_pages_to_kib(value pages) { CAMLparam1(pages); CAMLreturn(caml_copy_int64(Int64_val(pages) << (PAGE_SHIFT - 10))); } CAMLprim value stub_map_foreign_range(value xch, value dom, value size, value mfn) { CAMLparam4(xch, dom, size, mfn); CAMLlocal1(result); struct mmap_interface *intf; uint32_t c_dom; unsigned long c_mfn; result = caml_alloc(sizeof(struct mmap_interface), Abstract_tag); intf = (struct mmap_interface *) result; intf->len = Int_val(size); c_dom = _D(dom); c_mfn = Nativeint_val(mfn); caml_enter_blocking_section(); intf->addr = xc_map_foreign_range(_H(xch), c_dom, intf->len, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, c_mfn); caml_leave_blocking_section(); if (!intf->addr) caml_failwith("xc_map_foreign_range error"); CAMLreturn(result); } CAMLprim value stub_sched_credit_domain_get(value xch, value domid) { CAMLparam2(xch, domid); CAMLlocal1(sdom); struct xen_domctl_sched_credit c_sdom; int ret; caml_enter_blocking_section(); ret = xc_sched_credit_domain_get(_H(xch), _D(domid), &c_sdom); caml_leave_blocking_section(); if (ret != 0) failwith_xc(_H(xch)); sdom = caml_alloc_tuple(2); Store_field(sdom, 0, Val_int(c_sdom.weight)); Store_field(sdom, 1, Val_int(c_sdom.cap)); CAMLreturn(sdom); } CAMLprim value stub_sched_credit_domain_set(value xch, value domid, value sdom) { CAMLparam3(xch, domid, sdom); struct xen_domctl_sched_credit c_sdom; int ret; c_sdom.weight = Int_val(Field(sdom, 0)); c_sdom.cap = Int_val(Field(sdom, 1)); caml_enter_blocking_section(); ret = xc_sched_credit_domain_set(_H(xch), _D(domid), &c_sdom); caml_leave_blocking_section(); if (ret != 0) failwith_xc(_H(xch)); CAMLreturn(Val_unit); } CAMLprim value stub_shadow_allocation_get(value xch, value domid) { CAMLparam2(xch, domid); CAMLlocal1(mb); unsigned long c_mb; int ret; caml_enter_blocking_section(); ret = xc_shadow_control(_H(xch), _D(domid), XEN_DOMCTL_SHADOW_OP_GET_ALLOCATION, NULL, 0, &c_mb, 0, NULL); caml_leave_blocking_section(); if (ret != 0) failwith_xc(_H(xch)); mb = Val_int(c_mb); CAMLreturn(mb); } CAMLprim value stub_shadow_allocation_set(value xch, value domid, value mb) { CAMLparam3(xch, domid, mb); unsigned long c_mb; int ret; c_mb = Int_val(mb); caml_enter_blocking_section(); ret = xc_shadow_control(_H(xch), _D(domid), XEN_DOMCTL_SHADOW_OP_SET_ALLOCATION, NULL, 0, &c_mb, 0, NULL); caml_leave_blocking_section(); if (ret != 0) failwith_xc(_H(xch)); CAMLreturn(Val_unit); } CAMLprim value stub_xc_domain_get_pfn_list(value xch, value domid, value nr_pfns) { CAMLparam3(xch, domid, nr_pfns); CAMLlocal2(array, v); unsigned long c_nr_pfns; long ret, i; uint64_t *c_array; c_nr_pfns = Nativeint_val(nr_pfns); c_array = malloc(sizeof(uint64_t) * c_nr_pfns); if (!c_array) caml_raise_out_of_memory(); ret = xc_get_pfn_list(_H(xch), _D(domid), c_array, c_nr_pfns); if (ret < 0) { free(c_array); failwith_xc(_H(xch)); } array = caml_alloc(ret, 0); for (i = 0; i < ret; i++) { v = caml_copy_nativeint(c_array[i]); Store_field(array, i, v); } free(c_array); CAMLreturn(array); } CAMLprim value stub_xc_domain_ioport_permission(value xch, value domid, value start_port, value nr_ports, value allow) { CAMLparam5(xch, domid, start_port, nr_ports, allow); uint32_t c_start_port, c_nr_ports; uint8_t c_allow; int ret; c_start_port = Int_val(start_port); c_nr_ports = Int_val(nr_ports); c_allow = Bool_val(allow); ret = xc_domain_ioport_permission(_H(xch), _D(domid), c_start_port, c_nr_ports, c_allow); if (ret < 0) failwith_xc(_H(xch)); CAMLreturn(Val_unit); } CAMLprim value stub_xc_domain_iomem_permission(value xch, value domid, value start_pfn, value nr_pfns, value allow) { CAMLparam5(xch, domid, start_pfn, nr_pfns, allow); unsigned long c_start_pfn, c_nr_pfns; uint8_t c_allow; int ret; c_start_pfn = Nativeint_val(start_pfn); c_nr_pfns = Nativeint_val(nr_pfns); c_allow = Bool_val(allow); ret = xc_domain_iomem_permission(_H(xch), _D(domid), c_start_pfn, c_nr_pfns, c_allow); if (ret < 0) failwith_xc(_H(xch)); CAMLreturn(Val_unit); } CAMLprim value stub_xc_domain_irq_permission(value xch, value domid, value pirq, value allow) { CAMLparam4(xch, domid, pirq, allow); uint8_t c_pirq; uint8_t c_allow; int ret; c_pirq = Int_val(pirq); c_allow = Bool_val(allow); ret = xc_domain_irq_permission(_H(xch), _D(domid), c_pirq, c_allow); if (ret < 0) failwith_xc(_H(xch)); CAMLreturn(Val_unit); } static uint32_t encode_sbdf(int domain, int bus, int dev, int func) { return ((uint32_t)domain & 0xffff) << 16 | ((uint32_t)bus & 0xff) << 8 | ((uint32_t)dev & 0x1f) << 3 | ((uint32_t)func & 0x7); } CAMLprim value stub_xc_domain_test_assign_device(value xch, value domid, value desc) { CAMLparam3(xch, domid, desc); int ret; int domain, bus, dev, func; uint32_t sbdf; domain = Int_val(Field(desc, 0)); bus = Int_val(Field(desc, 1)); dev = Int_val(Field(desc, 2)); func = Int_val(Field(desc, 3)); sbdf = encode_sbdf(domain, bus, dev, func); ret = xc_test_assign_device(_H(xch), _D(domid), sbdf); CAMLreturn(Val_bool(ret == 0)); } static int domain_assign_device_rdm_flag_table[] = { XEN_DOMCTL_DEV_RDM_RELAXED, }; CAMLprim value stub_xc_domain_assign_device(value xch, value domid, value desc, value rflag) { CAMLparam4(xch, domid, desc, rflag); int ret; int domain, bus, dev, func; uint32_t sbdf, flag; domain = Int_val(Field(desc, 0)); bus = Int_val(Field(desc, 1)); dev = Int_val(Field(desc, 2)); func = Int_val(Field(desc, 3)); sbdf = encode_sbdf(domain, bus, dev, func); ret = Int_val(Field(rflag, 0)); flag = domain_assign_device_rdm_flag_table[ret]; ret = xc_assign_device(_H(xch), _D(domid), sbdf, flag); if (ret < 0) failwith_xc(_H(xch)); CAMLreturn(Val_unit); } CAMLprim value stub_xc_domain_deassign_device(value xch, value domid, value desc) { CAMLparam3(xch, domid, desc); int ret; int domain, bus, dev, func; uint32_t sbdf; domain = Int_val(Field(desc, 0)); bus = Int_val(Field(desc, 1)); dev = Int_val(Field(desc, 2)); func = Int_val(Field(desc, 3)); sbdf = encode_sbdf(domain, bus, dev, func); ret = xc_deassign_device(_H(xch), _D(domid), sbdf); if (ret < 0) failwith_xc(_H(xch)); CAMLreturn(Val_unit); } CAMLprim value stub_xc_get_cpu_featureset(value xch, value idx) { CAMLparam2(xch, idx); CAMLlocal1(bitmap_val); #if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__) /* Safe, because of the global ocaml lock. */ static uint32_t fs_len; if (fs_len == 0) { int ret = xc_get_cpu_featureset(_H(xch), 0, &fs_len, NULL); if (ret || (fs_len == 0)) failwith_xc(_H(xch)); } { /* To/from hypervisor to retrieve actual featureset */ uint32_t fs[fs_len], len = fs_len; unsigned int i; int ret = xc_get_cpu_featureset(_H(xch), Int_val(idx), &len, fs); if (ret) failwith_xc(_H(xch)); bitmap_val = caml_alloc(len, 0); for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) Store_field(bitmap_val, i, caml_copy_int64(fs[i])); } #else caml_failwith("xc_get_cpu_featureset: not implemented"); #endif CAMLreturn(bitmap_val); } CAMLprim value stub_xc_watchdog(value xch, value domid, value timeout) { CAMLparam3(xch, domid, timeout); int ret; unsigned int c_timeout = Int32_val(timeout); ret = xc_watchdog(_H(xch), _D(domid), c_timeout); if (ret < 0) failwith_xc(_H(xch)); CAMLreturn(Val_int(ret)); } /* * Local variables: * indent-tabs-mode: t * c-basic-offset: 8 * tab-width: 8 * End: */