1 /** @file
2  *  @brief Bluetooth subsystem core APIs.
3  */
5 /*
6  * Copyright (c) 2017 Nordic Semiconductor ASA
7  * Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Intel Corporation
8  *
9  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
10  */
14 /**
15  * @brief Bluetooth APIs
16  * @defgroup bluetooth Bluetooth APIs
17  * @{
18  */
20 #include <stdbool.h>
21 #include <string.h>
22 #include <stdio.h>
23 #include <misc/util.h>
24 #include <net/buf.h>
25 #include <bluetooth/gap.h>
26 #include <bluetooth/addr.h>
27 #include <bluetooth/crypto.h>
29 #ifdef __cplusplus
30 extern "C" {
31 #endif
33 /**
34  * @brief Generic Access Profile
35  * @defgroup bt_gap Generic Access Profile
36  * @ingroup bluetooth
37  * @{
38  */
40 /** @def BT_ID_DEFAULT
41  *
42  *  Convenience macro for specifying the default identity. This helps
43  *  make the code more readable, especially when only one identity is
44  *  supported.
45  */
46 #define BT_ID_DEFAULT 0
48 /** Opaque type representing an advertiser. */
49 struct bt_le_ext_adv;
51 /* Don't require everyone to include conn.h */
52 struct bt_conn;
54 struct bt_le_ext_adv_sent_info {
55 	/** The number of advertising events completed. */
56 	u8_t num_sent;
57 };
59 struct bt_le_ext_adv_connected_info {
60 	/** Connection object of the new connection */
61 	struct bt_conn *conn;
62 };
64 struct bt_le_ext_adv_scanned_info {
65 	/** Active scanner LE address and type */
66 	bt_addr_le_t *addr;
67 };
69 struct bt_le_ext_adv_cb {
70 	/** @brief The advertising set has finished sending adv data.
71 	 *
72 	 *  This callback notifies the application that the advertising set has
73 	 *  finished sending advertising data.
74 	 *  The advertising set can either have been stopped by a timeout or
75 	 *  because the specified number of advertising events has been reached.
76 	 *
77 	 *  @param adv  The advertising set object.
78 	 *  @param info Information about the sent event.
79 	 */
80 	void (*sent)(struct bt_le_ext_adv *adv,
81 		     struct bt_le_ext_adv_sent_info *info);
83 	/** @brief The advertising set has accepted a new connection.
84 	 *
85 	 *  This callback notifies the application that the advertising set has
86 	 *  accepted a new connection.
87 	 *
88 	 *  @param adv  The advertising set object.
89 	 *  @param info Information about the connected event.
90 	 */
91 	void (*connected)(struct bt_le_ext_adv *adv,
92 			  struct bt_le_ext_adv_connected_info *info);
94 	/** @brief The advertising set has sent scan response data.
95 	 *
96 	 *  This callback notifies the application that the advertising set has
97 	 *  has received a Scan Request packet, and has sent a Scan Response
98 	 *  packet.
99 	 *
100 	 *  @param adv  The advertising set object.
101 	 *  @param addr Information about the scanned event.
102 	 */
103 	void (*scanned)(struct bt_le_ext_adv *adv,
104 			struct bt_le_ext_adv_scanned_info *info);
105 };
107 /** @typedef bt_ready_cb_t
108  *  @brief Callback for notifying that Bluetooth has been enabled.
109  *
110  *  @param err zero on success or (negative) error code otherwise.
111  */
112 typedef void (*bt_ready_cb_t)(int err);
114 /** @brief Enable Bluetooth
115  *
116  *  Enable Bluetooth. Must be the called before any calls that
117  *  require communication with the local Bluetooth hardware.
118  *
119  *  @param cb Callback to notify completion or NULL to perform the
120  *  enabling synchronously.
121  *
122  *  @return Zero on success or (negative) error code otherwise.
123  */
124 int bt_enable(bt_ready_cb_t cb);
126 /** @brief Set Bluetooth Device Name
127  *
128  *  Set Bluetooth GAP Device Name.
129  *
130  *  @param name New name
131  *
132  *  @return Zero on success or (negative) error code otherwise.
133  */
134 int bt_set_name(const char *name);
136 /** @brief Get Bluetooth Device Name
137  *
138  *  Get Bluetooth GAP Device Name.
139  *
140  *  @return Bluetooth Device Name
141  */
142 const char *bt_get_name(void);
144 /** @brief Set the local Identity Address
145  *
146  *  Allows setting the local Identity Address from the application.
147  *  This API must be called before calling bt_enable(). Calling it at any
148  *  other time will cause it to fail. In most cases the application doesn't
149  *  need to use this API, however there are a few valid cases where
150  *  it can be useful (such as for testing).
151  *
152  *  At the moment, the given address must be a static random address. In the
153  *  future support for public addresses may be added.
154  *
155  *  @return Zero on success or (negative) error code otherwise.
156  */
157 int bt_set_id_addr(const bt_addr_le_t *addr);
159 /** @brief Get the currently configured identities.
160  *
161  *  Returns an array of the currently configured identity addresses. To
162  *  make sure all available identities can be retrieved, the number of
163  *  elements in the @a addrs array should be CONFIG_BT_ID_MAX. The identity
164  *  identifier that some APIs expect (such as advertising parameters) is
165  *  simply the index of the identity in the @a addrs array.
166  *
167  *  @note Deleted identities may show up as BT_LE_ADDR_ANY in the returned
168  *  array.
169  *
170  *  @param addrs Array where to store the configured identities.
171  *  @param count Should be initialized to the array size. Once the function
172  *               returns it will contain the number of returned identities.
173  */
174 void bt_id_get(bt_addr_le_t *addrs, size_t *count);
176 /** @brief Create a new identity.
177  *
178  *  Create a new identity using the given address and IRK. This function
179  *  can be called before calling bt_enable(), in which case it can be used
180  *  to override the controller's public address (in case it has one). However,
181  *  the new identity will only be stored persistently in flash when this API
182  *  is used after bt_enable(). The reason is that the persistent settings
183  *  are loaded after bt_enable() and would therefore cause potential conflicts
184  *  with the stack blindly overwriting what's stored in flash. The identity
185  *  will also not be written to flash in case a pre-defined address is
186  *  provided, since in such a situation the app clearly has some place it got
187  *  the address from and will be able to repeat the procedure on every power
188  *  cycle, i.e. it would be redundant to also store the information in flash.
189  *
190  *  If the application wants to have the stack randomly generate identities
191  *  and store them in flash for later recovery, the way to do it would be
192  *  to first initialize the stack (using bt_enable), then call settings_load(),
193  *  and after that check with bt_id_get() how many identities were recovered.
194  *  If an insufficient amount of identities were recovered the app may then
195  *  call bt_id_create() to create new ones.
196  *
197  *  @param addr Address to use for the new identity. If NULL or initialized
198  *              to BT_ADDR_LE_ANY the stack will generate a new static
199  *              random address for the identity and copy it to the given
200  *              parameter upon return from this function (in case the
201  *              parameter was non-NULL).
202  *  @param irk  Identity Resolving Key (16 bytes) to be used with this
203  *              identity. If set to all zeroes or NULL, the stack will
204  *              generate a random IRK for the identity and copy it back
205  *              to the parameter upon return from this function (in case
206  *              the parameter was non-NULL). If privacy
207  *              :option:`CONFIG_BT_PRIVACY` is not enabled this parameter must
208  *              be NULL.
209  *
210  *  @return Identity identifier (>= 0) in case of success, or a negative
211  *          error code on failure.
212  */
213 int bt_id_create(bt_addr_le_t *addr, u8_t *irk);
215 /** @brief Reset/reclaim an identity for reuse.
216  *
217  *  The semantics of the @a addr and @a irk parameters of this function
218  *  are the same as with bt_id_create(). The difference is the first
219  *  @a id parameter that needs to be an existing identity (if it doesn't
220  *  exist this function will return an error). When given an existing
221  *  identity this function will disconnect any connections created using it,
222  *  remove any pairing keys or other data associated with it, and then create
223  *  a new identity in the same slot, based on the @a addr and @a irk
224  *  parameters.
225  *
226  *  @note the default identity (BT_ID_DEFAULT) cannot be reset, i.e. this
227  *  API will return an error if asked to do that.
228  *
229  *  @param id   Existing identity identifier.
230  *  @param addr Address to use for the new identity. If NULL or initialized
231  *              to BT_ADDR_LE_ANY the stack will generate a new static
232  *              random address for the identity and copy it to the given
233  *              parameter upon return from this function (in case the
234  *              parameter was non-NULL).
235  *  @param irk  Identity Resolving Key (16 bytes) to be used with this
236  *              identity. If set to all zeroes or NULL, the stack will
237  *              generate a random IRK for the identity and copy it back
238  *              to the parameter upon return from this function (in case
239  *              the parameter was non-NULL). If privacy
240  *              :option:`CONFIG_BT_PRIVACY` is not enabled this parameter must
241  *              be NULL.
242  *
243  *  @return Identity identifier (>= 0) in case of success, or a negative
244  *          error code on failure.
245  */
246 int bt_id_reset(u8_t id, bt_addr_le_t *addr, u8_t *irk);
248 /** @brief Delete an identity.
249  *
250  *  When given a valid identity this function will disconnect any connections
251  *  created using it, remove any pairing keys or other data associated with
252  *  it, and then flag is as deleted, so that it can not be used for any
253  *  operations. To take back into use the slot the identity was occupying the
254  *  bt_id_reset() API needs to be used.
255  *
256  *  @note the default identity (BT_ID_DEFAULT) cannot be deleted, i.e. this
257  *  API will return an error if asked to do that.
258  *
259  *  @param id   Existing identity identifier.
260  *
261  *  @return 0 in case of success, or a negative error code on failure.
262  */
263 int bt_id_delete(u8_t id);
265 /** @brief Bluetooth data.
266  *
267  *  Description of different data types that can be encoded into
268  *  advertising data. Used to form arrays that are passed to the
269  *  bt_le_adv_start() function.
270  */
271 struct bt_data {
272 	u8_t type;
273 	u8_t data_len;
274 	const u8_t *data;
275 };
277 /** @brief Helper to declare elements of bt_data arrays
278  *
279  *  This macro is mainly for creating an array of struct bt_data
280  *  elements which is then passed to e.g. @ref bt_le_adv_start().
281  *
282  *  @param _type Type of advertising data field
283  *  @param _data Pointer to the data field payload
284  *  @param _data_len Number of bytes behind the _data pointer
285  */
286 #define BT_DATA(_type, _data, _data_len) \
287 	{ \
288 		.type = (_type), \
289 		.data_len = (_data_len), \
290 		.data = (const u8_t *)(_data), \
291 	}
293 /** @brief Helper to declare elements of bt_data arrays
294  *
295  *  This macro is mainly for creating an array of struct bt_data
296  *  elements which is then passed to e.g. @ref bt_le_adv_start().
297  *
298  *  @param _type Type of advertising data field
299  *  @param _bytes Variable number of single-byte parameters
300  */
301 #define BT_DATA_BYTES(_type, _bytes...) \
302 	BT_DATA(_type, ((u8_t []) { _bytes }), \
303 		sizeof((u8_t []) { _bytes }))
305 /** Advertising options */
306 enum {
307 	/** Convenience value when no options are specified. */
308 	BT_LE_ADV_OPT_NONE = 0,
310 	/** @brief Advertise as connectable.
311 	 *
312 	 *  Advertise as connectable. If not connectable then the type of
313 	 *  advertising is determined by providing scan response data.
314 	 *  The advertiser address is determined by the type of advertising
315 	 *  and/or enabling privacy :option:`CONFIG_BT_PRIVACY`.
316 	 */
319 	/** @brief Advertise one time.
320 	 *
321 	 *  Don't try to resume connectable advertising after a connection.
322 	 *  This option is only meaningful when used together with
323 	 *  BT_LE_ADV_OPT_CONNECTABLE. If set the advertising will be stopped
324 	 *  when bt_le_adv_stop() is called or when an incoming (slave)
325 	 *  connection happens. If this option is not set the stack will
326 	 *  take care of keeping advertising enabled even as connections
327 	 *  occur.
328 	 *  If Advertising directed or the advertiser was started with
329 	 *  @ref bt_le_ext_adv_start then this behavior is the default behavior
330 	 *  and this flag has no effect.
331 	 */
334 	/** @brief Advertise using identity address.
335 	 *
336 	 *  Advertise using the identity address as the advertiser address.
337 	 *  @warning This will compromise the privacy of the device, so care
338 	 *           must be taken when using this option.
339 	 *  @note The address used for advertising will not be the same as
340 	 *         returned by @ref bt_le_oob_get_local, instead @ref bt_id_get
341 	 *         should be used to get the LE address.
342 	 */
345 	/** Advertise using GAP device name */
348 	/** @brief Low duty cycle directed advertising.
349 	 *
350 	 *  Use low duty directed advertising mode, otherwise high duty mode
351 	 *  will be used.
352 	 */
355 	/** @brief Directed advertising to privacy-enabled peer.
356 	 *
357 	 *  Enable use of Resolvable Private Address (RPA) as the target address
358 	 *  in directed advertisements when :option:`CONFIG_BT_PRIVACY` is not
359 	 *  enabled.
360 	 *  This is required if the remote device is privacy-enabled and
361 	 *  supports address resolution of the target address in directed
362 	 *  advertisement.
363 	 *  It is the responsibility of the application to check that the remote
364 	 *  device supports address resolution of directed advertisements by
365 	 *  reading its Central Address Resolution characteristic.
366 	 */
369 	/** Use whitelist to filter devices that can request scan response data.
370 	 */
373 	/** Use whitelist to filter devices that can connect. */
376 	/** Notify the application when a scan response data has been sent to an
377 	 *  active scanner.
378 	 */
381 	/** @brief Support scan response data.
382 	 *
383 	 *  When used together with @ref BT_LE_ADV_OPT_EXT_ADV then this option
384 	 *  cannot be used together with the @ref BT_LE_ADV_OPT_CONNECTABLE
385 	 *  option.
386 	 *  When used together with @ref BT_LE_ADV_OPT_EXT_ADV then scan
387 	 *  response data must be set.
388 	 */
391 	/** @brief Advertise with extended advertising.
392 	 *
393 	 *  This options enables extended advertising in the advertising set.
394 	 *  In extended advertising the advertising set will send a small header
395 	 *  packet on the three primary advertising channels. This small header
396 	 *  points to the advertising data packet that will be sent on one of
397 	 *  the 37 secondary advertising channels.
398 	 *  The advertiser will send primary advertising on LE 1M PHY, and
399 	 *  secondary advertising on LE 2M PHY.
400 	 *  Connections will be established on LE 2M PHY.
401 	 *
402 	 *  Without this option the advertiser will send advertising data on the
403 	 *  three primary advertising channels.
404 	 *
405 	 *  @note Enabling this option requires extended advertising support in
406 	 *        the peer devices scanning for advertisement packets.
407 	 */
410 	/** @brief Disable use of LE 2M PHY on the secondary advertising
411 	 *  channel.
412 	 *
413 	 *  Disabling the use of LE 2M PHY could be necessary if scanners don't
414 	 *  support the LE 2M PHY.
415 	 *  The advertiser will send primary advertising on LE 1M PHY, and
416 	 *  secondary advertising on LE 1M PHY.
417 	 *  Connections will be established on LE 1M PHY.
418 	 *
419 	 *  @note Cannot be set if BT_LE_ADV_OPT_CODED is set.
420 	 *
421 	 *  @note Requires @ref BT_LE_ADV_OPT_EXT_ADV.
422 	 */
423 	BT_LE_ADV_OPT_NO_2M = BIT(11),
425 	/** @brief Advertise on the LE Coded PHY (Long Range).
426 	 *
427 	 *  The advertiser will send both primary and secondary advertising
428 	 *  on the LE Coded PHY. This gives the advertiser increased range with
429 	 *  the trade-off of lower data rate and higher power consumption.
430 	 *  Connections will be established on LE Coded PHY.
431 	 *
432 	 *  @note Requires @ref BT_LE_ADV_OPT_EXT_ADV
433 	 */
436 	/** @brief Advertise without a device address (identity or RPA).
437 	 *
438 	 *  @note Requires @ref BT_LE_ADV_OPT_EXT_ADV
439 	 */
442 	/** @brief Advertise with transmit power.
443 	 *
444 	 *  @note Requires @ref BT_LE_ADV_OPT_EXT_ADV
445 	 */
447 };
449 /** LE Advertising Parameters. */
450 struct bt_le_adv_param {
451 	/** @brief Local identity.
452 	 *
453 	 *  @note When extended advertising :option:`CONFIG_BT_EXT_ADV` is not
454 	 *        enabled or not supported by the controller it is not possible
455 	 *        to scan and advertise simultaneously using two different
456 	 *        random addresses.
457 	 *
458 	 *  @note It is not possible to have multiple connectable advertising
459 	 *        sets advertising simultaneously using different identities.
460 	 */
461 	u8_t  id;
463 	/** @brief Advertising Set Identifier, valid range 0x00 - 0x0f.
464 	 *
465 	 *  @note Requires @ref BT_LE_ADV_OPT_EXT_ADV
466 	 **/
467 	u8_t  sid;
469 	/** @brief Secondary channel maximum skip count.
470 	 *
471 	 *  Maximum advertising events the advertiser can skip before it must
472 	 *  send advertising data on the secondary advertising channel.
473 	 *
474 	 *  @note Requires @ref BT_LE_ADV_OPT_EXT_ADV
475 	 */
476 	u8_t  secondary_max_skip;
478 	/** Bit-field of advertising options */
479 	bt_u32_t options;
481 	/** Minimum Advertising Interval (N * 0.625) */
482 	bt_u32_t interval_min;
484 	/** Maximum Advertising Interval (N * 0.625) */
485 	bt_u32_t interval_max;
487 	u8_t channel_map;
488 	/** @brief Directed advertising to peer
489 	 *
490 	 *  When this parameter is set the advertiser will send directed
491 	 *  advertising to the remote device.
492 	 *
493 	 *  The advertising type will either be high duty cycle, or low duty
494 	 *  cycle if the BT_LE_ADV_OPT_DIR_MODE_LOW_DUTY option is enabled.
495 	 *
496 	 *  In case of connectable high duty cycle if the connection could not
497 	 *  be established within the timeout the connected() callback will be
498 	 *  called with the status set to @ref BT_HCI_ERR_ADV_TIMEOUT.
499 	 */
500 	const bt_addr_le_t *peer;
501 };
503 /** @brief Initialize advertising parameters
504  *
505  *  @param _options   Advertising Options
506  *  @param _int_min   Minimum advertising interval
507  *  @param _int_max   Maximum advertising interval
508  *  @param _peer      Peer address, set to NULL for undirected advertising or
509  *                    address of peer for directed advertising.
510  */
511 #define BT_LE_ADV_PARAM_INIT(_options, _int_min, _int_max, _peer) \
512 { \
513 	.id = BT_ID_DEFAULT, \
514 	.sid = 0, \
515 	.secondary_max_skip = 0, \
516 	.options = (_options), \
517 	.interval_min = (_int_min), \
518 	.interval_max = (_int_max), \
519 	.peer = (_peer), \
520 }
522 /** @brief Helper to declare advertising parameters inline
523  *
524  *  @param _options   Advertising Options
525  *  @param _int_min   Minimum advertising interval
526  *  @param _int_max   Maximum advertising interval
527  *  @param _peer      Peer address, set to NULL for undirected advertising or
528  *                    address of peer for directed advertising.
529  */
530 #define BT_LE_ADV_PARAM(_options, _int_min, _int_max, _peer) \
531 	((struct bt_le_adv_param[]) { \
532 		BT_LE_ADV_PARAM_INIT(_options, _int_min, _int_max, _peer) \
533 	 })
536 						  BT_LE_ADV_OPT_ONE_TIME, 0, 0,\
537 						  _peer)
541 				       BT_GAP_ADV_FAST_INT_MIN_2, \
542 				       BT_GAP_ADV_FAST_INT_MAX_2, NULL)
545 					    BT_LE_ADV_OPT_USE_NAME, \
546 					    BT_GAP_ADV_FAST_INT_MIN_2, \
547 					    BT_GAP_ADV_FAST_INT_MAX_2, NULL)
549 #define BT_LE_ADV_CONN_DIR_LOW_DUTY(_peer) \
553 			_peer)
559 					     BT_GAP_ADV_FAST_INT_MIN_2, \
560 					     BT_GAP_ADV_FAST_INT_MAX_2, NULL)
562 /** @brief Start advertising
563  *
564  *  Set advertisement data, scan response data, advertisement parameters
565  *  and start advertising.
566  *
567  *  When the advertisement parameter peer address has been set the advertising
568  *  will be directed to the peer. In this case advertisement data and scan
569  *  response data parameters are ignored. If the mode is high duty cycle
570  *  the timeout will be @ref BT_GAP_ADV_HIGH_DUTY_CYCLE_MAX_TIMEOUT.
571  *
572  *  @param param Advertising parameters.
573  *  @param ad Data to be used in advertisement packets.
574  *  @param ad_len Number of elements in ad
575  *  @param sd Data to be used in scan response packets.
576  *  @param sd_len Number of elements in sd
577  *
578  *  @return Zero on success or (negative) error code otherwise.
579  *  @return -ENOMEM No free connection objects available for connectable
580  *                  advertiser.
581  *  @return -ECONNREFUSED When connectable advertising is requested and there
582  *                        is already maximum number of connections established
583  *                        in the controller.
584  *                        This error code is only guaranteed when using Zephyr
585  *                        controller, for other controllers code returned in
586  *                        this case may be -EIO.
587  */
588 int bt_le_adv_start(const struct bt_le_adv_param *param,
589 		    const struct bt_data *ad, size_t ad_len,
590 		    const struct bt_data *sd, size_t sd_len);
592 /** @brief Update advertising
593  *
594  *  Update advertisement and scan response data.
595  *
596  *  @param ad Data to be used in advertisement packets.
597  *  @param ad_len Number of elements in ad
598  *  @param sd Data to be used in scan response packets.
599  *  @param sd_len Number of elements in sd
600  *
601  *  @return Zero on success or (negative) error code otherwise.
602  */
603 int bt_le_adv_update_data(const struct bt_data *ad, size_t ad_len,
604 			  const struct bt_data *sd, size_t sd_len);
606 /** @brief Stop advertising
607  *
608  *  Stops ongoing advertising.
609  *
610  *  @return Zero on success or (negative) error code otherwise.
611  */
612 int bt_le_adv_stop(void);
614 /** @brief Create advertising set.
615  *
616  *  Create a new advertising set and set advertising parameters.
617  *  Advertising parameters can be updated with @ref bt_le_ext_adv_update_param.
618  *
619  *  @param[in] param Advertising parameters.
620  *  @param[in] cb    Callback struct to notify about advertiser activity. Can be
621  *                   NULL. Must point to valid memory during the lifetime of the
622  *                   advertising set.
623  *  @param[out] adv  Valid advertising set object on success.
624  *
625  *  @return Zero on success or (negative) error code otherwise.
626  */
627 int bt_le_ext_adv_create(const struct bt_le_adv_param *param,
628 			 const struct bt_le_ext_adv_cb *cb,
629 			 struct bt_le_ext_adv **adv);
631 struct bt_le_ext_adv_start_param {
632 	/** @brief Advertiser timeout (N * 10 ms).
633 	 *
634 	 *  Application will be notified by the advertiser sent callback.
635 	 *  Set to zero for no timeout.
636 	 *
637 	 *  When using high duty cycle directed connectable advertising then
638 	 *  this parameters must be set to a non-zero value less than or equal
639 	 *  to the maximum of @ref BT_GAP_ADV_HIGH_DUTY_CYCLE_MAX_TIMEOUT.
640 	 *
641 	 *  If privacy :option:`CONFIG_BT_PRIVACY` is enabled then the timeout
642 	 *  must be less than :option:`CONFIG_BT_RPA_TIMEOUT`.
643 	 */
644 	u16_t timeout;
645 	/** @brief Number of advertising events.
646 	 *
647 	 *  Application will be notified by the advertiser sent callback.
648 	 *  Set to zero for no limit.
649 	 */
650 	u8_t  num_events;
651 };
653 /** @brief Start advertising with the given advertising set
654  *
655  *  If the advertiser is limited by either the timeout or number of advertising
656  *  events the application will be notified by the advertiser sent callback once
657  *  the limit is reached.
658  *  If the advertiser is limited by both the timeout and the number of
659  *  advertising events then the limit that is reached first will stop the
660  *  advertiser.
661  *
662  *  @param adv    Advertising set object.
663  *  @param param  Advertise start parameters.
664  */
665 int bt_le_ext_adv_start(struct bt_le_ext_adv *adv,
666 			struct bt_le_ext_adv_start_param *param);
668 /** @brief Stop advertising with the given advertising set
669  *
670  *  Stop advertising with a specific advertising set. When using this function
671  *  the advertising sent callback will not be called.
672  *
673  *  @param adv Advertising set object.
674  *
675  *  @return Zero on success or (negative) error code otherwise.
676  */
677 int bt_le_ext_adv_stop(struct bt_le_ext_adv *adv);
679 /** @brief Set an advertising set's advertising or scan response data.
680  *
681  *  Set advertisement data or scan response data. If the advertising set is
682  *  currently advertising then the advertising data will be updated in
683  *  subsequent advertising events.
684  *
685  *  If the advertising set has been configured to send advertising data on the
686  *  primary advertising channels then the maximum data length is
687  *  @ref BT_GAP_ADV_MAX_ADV_DATA_LEN bytes.
688  *  If the advertising set has been configured for extended advertising,
689  *  then the maximum data length is defined by the controller with the maximum
690  *  possible of @ref BT_GAP_ADV_MAX_EXT_ADV_DATA_LEN bytes.
691  *
692  *  @note Not all scanners support extended data length advertising data.
693  *
694  *  @note When updating the advertising data while advertising the advertising
695  *        data and scan response data length must be smaller or equal to what
696  *        can be fit in a single advertising packet. Otherwise the
697  *        advertiser must be stopped.
698  *
699  *  @param adv     Advertising set object.
700  *  @param ad      Data to be used in advertisement packets.
701  *  @param ad_len  Number of elements in ad
702  *  @param sd      Data to be used in scan response packets.
703  *  @param sd_len  Number of elements in sd
704  *
705  *  @return Zero on success or (negative) error code otherwise.
706  */
707 int bt_le_ext_adv_set_data(struct bt_le_ext_adv *adv,
708 			   const struct bt_data *ad, size_t ad_len,
709 			   const struct bt_data *sd, size_t sd_len);
711 /** @brief Update advertising parameters.
712  *
713  *  Update the advertising parameters. The function will return an error if the
714  *  advertiser set is currently advertising. Stop the advertising set before
715  *  calling this function.
716  *
717  *  @param adv   Advertising set object.
718  *  @param param Advertising parameters.
719  *
720  *  @return Zero on success or (negative) error code otherwise.
721  */
722 int bt_le_ext_adv_update_param(struct bt_le_ext_adv *adv,
723 			       const struct bt_le_adv_param *param);
725 /** @brief Delete advertising set.
726  *
727  *  Delete advertising set. This will free up the advertising set and make it
728  *  possible to create a new advertising set.
729  *
730  *  @return Zero on success or (negative) error code otherwise.
731  */
732 int bt_le_ext_adv_delete(struct bt_le_ext_adv *adv);
734 /** @brief Get array index of an advertising set.
735  *
736  *  This function is used to map bt_adv to index of an array of
737  *  advertising sets. The array has CONFIG_BT_EXT_ADV_MAX_ADV_SET elements.
738  *
739  *  @param adv Advertising set.
740  *
741  *  @return Index of the advertising set object.
742  *  The range of the returned value is 0..CONFIG_BT_EXT_ADV_MAX_ADV_SET-1
743  */
744 u8_t bt_le_ext_adv_get_index(struct bt_le_ext_adv *adv);
746 /** @brief Advertising set info structure. */
747 struct bt_le_ext_adv_info {
748 	/* Local identity */
749 	u8_t                    id;
751 	/** Currently selected Transmit Power (dBM). */
752 	s8_t                     tx_power;
753 };
755 /** @brief Get advertising set info
756  *
757  *  @param adv Advertising set object
758  *  @param info Advertising set info object
759  *
760  *  @return Zero on success or (negative) error code on failure.
761  */
762 int bt_le_ext_adv_get_info(const struct bt_le_ext_adv *adv,
763 			   struct bt_le_ext_adv_info *info);
765 /** @typedef bt_le_scan_cb_t
766  *  @brief Callback type for reporting LE scan results.
767  *
768  *  A function of this type is given to the bt_le_scan_start() function
769  *  and will be called for any discovered LE device.
770  *
771  *  @param addr Advertiser LE address and type.
772  *  @param rssi Strength of advertiser signal.
773  *  @param adv_type Type of advertising response from advertiser.
774  *  @param buf Buffer containing advertiser data.
775  */
776 typedef void bt_le_scan_cb_t(const bt_addr_le_t *addr, s8_t rssi,
777 			     u8_t adv_type, struct net_buf_simple *buf);
779 enum {
780 	/** Convenience value when no options are specified. */
783 	/** Filter duplicates. */
786 	/** Filter using whitelist. */
789 	/** Enable scan on coded PHY (Long Range).*/
792 	/** @brief Disable scan on 1M phy.
793 	 *
794 	 *  @note Requires @ref BT_LE_SCAN_OPT_CODED.
795 	 */
796 	BT_LE_SCAN_OPT_NO_1M = BIT(3),
799 		BT_LE_SCAN_OPT_FILTER_DUPLICATE, // __deprecated
801 		BT_LE_SCAN_OPT_FILTER_WHITELIST, // __deprecated
802 };
804 enum {
805 	/** Scan without requesting additional information from advertisers. */
808 	/** Scan and request additional information from advertisers. */
810 };
812 /** LE scan parameters */
813 struct bt_le_scan_param {
815 	u8_t  type;
817 	union {
818 		/** Bit-field of scanning filter options. */
819 		bt_u32_t filter_dup; // __deprecated
821 		/** Bit-field of scanning options. */
822 		bt_u32_t options;
823 	};
825 	/** Scan interval (N * 0.625 ms) */
826 	u16_t interval;
828 	/** Scan window (N * 0.625 ms) */
829 	u16_t window;
831 	/** @brief Scan timeout (N * 10 ms)
832 	 *
833 	 *  Application will be notified by the scan timeout callback.
834 	 *  Set zero to disable timeout.
835 	 */
836 	u16_t timeout;
838 	/** @brief Scan interval LE Coded PHY (N * 0.625 MS)
839 	 *
840 	 *  Set zero to use same as LE 1M PHY scan interval.
841 	 */
842 	u16_t interval_coded;
844 	/** @brief Scan window LE Coded PHY (N * 0.625 MS)
845 	 *
846 	 *  Set zero to use same as LE 1M PHY scan window.
847 	 */
848 	u16_t window_coded;
849 };
851 /** LE advertisement packet information */
852 struct bt_le_scan_recv_info {
853 	/** @brief Advertiser LE address and type.
854 	 *
855 	 *  If advertiser is anonymous then this address will be
856 	 *  @ref BT_ADDR_LE_ANY.
857 	 */
858 	const bt_addr_le_t *addr;
860 	/** Advertising Set Identifier. */
861 	u8_t sid;
863 	/** Strength of advertiser signal. */
864 	s8_t rssi;
866 	/** Transmit power of the advertiser. */
867 	s8_t tx_power;
869 	/** Advertising packet type. */
870 	u8_t adv_type;
872 	/** Advertising packet properties. */
873 	u16_t adv_props;
875 	/** Primary advertising channel PHY. */
876 	u8_t primary_phy;
878 	/** Secondary advertising channel PHY. */
879 	u8_t secondary_phy;
880 };
882 /** Listener context for (LE) scanning. */
883 struct bt_le_scan_cb {
885 	/** @brief Advertisement packet received callback.
886 	 *
887 	 *  @param info Advertiser packet information.
888 	 *  @param buf  Buffer containing advertiser data.
889 	 */
890 	void (*recv)(const struct bt_le_scan_recv_info *info,
891 		     struct net_buf_simple *buf);
893 	/** @brief The scanner has stopped scanning after scan timeout. */
894 	void (*timeout)(void);
896 	sys_snode_t node;
897 };
899 /** @brief Initialize scan parameters
900  *
901  *  @param _type     Scan Type, BT_LE_SCAN_TYPE_ACTIVE or
902  *                   BT_LE_SCAN_TYPE_PASSIVE.
903  *  @param _options  Scan options
904  *  @param _interval Scan Interval (N * 0.625 ms)
905  *  @param _window   Scan Window (N * 0.625 ms)
906  */
907 #define BT_LE_SCAN_PARAM_INIT(_type, _options, _interval, _window) \
908 { \
909 	.type = (_type), \
910 	.options = (_options), \
911 	.interval = (_interval), \
912 	.window = (_window), \
913 	.timeout = 0, \
914 	.interval_coded = 0, \
915 	.window_coded = 0, \
916 }
918 /** @brief Helper to declare scan parameters inline
919  *
920  *  @param _type     Scan Type, BT_LE_SCAN_TYPE_ACTIVE or
921  *                   BT_LE_SCAN_TYPE_PASSIVE.
922  *  @param _options  Scan options
923  *  @param _interval Scan Interval (N * 0.625 ms)
924  *  @param _window   Scan Window (N * 0.625 ms)
925  */
926 #define BT_LE_SCAN_PARAM(_type, _options, _interval, _window) \
927 	((struct bt_le_scan_param[]) { \
928 		BT_LE_SCAN_PARAM_INIT(_type, _options, _interval, _window) \
929 	 })
931 /** Helper macro to enable active scanning to discover new devices. */
937 /** @brief Helper macro to enable passive scanning to discover new devices.
938  *
939  *  This macro should be used if information required for device identification
940  *  (e.g., UUID) are known to be placed in Advertising Data.
941  */
947 /** @brief Start (LE) scanning
948  *
949  *  Start LE scanning with given parameters and provide results through
950  *  the specified callback.
951  *
952  *  @note The LE scanner by default does not use the Identity Address of the
953  *        local device when :option:`CONFIG_BT_PRIVACY` is disabled. This is to
954  *        prevent the active scanner from disclosing the identity information
955  *        when requesting additional information from advertisers.
956  *        In order to enable directed advertiser reports then
957  *        :option:`CONFIG_BT_SCAN_WITH_IDENTITY` must be enabled.
958  *
959  *  @param param Scan parameters.
960  *  @param cb Callback to notify scan results. May be NULL if callback
961  *            registration through @ref bt_le_scan_cb_register is preferred.
962  *
963  *  @return Zero on success or error code otherwise, positive in case of
964  *          protocol error or negative (POSIX) in case of stack internal error.
965  */
966 int bt_le_scan_start(const struct bt_le_scan_param *param, bt_le_scan_cb_t cb);
968 /** @brief Stop (LE) scanning.
969  *
970  *  Stops ongoing LE scanning.
971  *
972  *  @return Zero on success or error code otherwise, positive in case of
973  *          protocol error or negative (POSIX) in case of stack internal error.
974  */
975 int bt_le_scan_stop(void);
977 /** @brief Register scanner packet callbacks.
978  *
979  *  Adds the callback structure to the list of callback structures that monitors
980  *  scanner activity.
981  *
982  *  This callback will be called for all scanner activity, regardless of what
983  *  API was used to start the scanner.
984  *
985  *  @param cb Callback struct. Must point to static memory.
986  */
987 void bt_le_scan_cb_register(struct bt_le_scan_cb *cb);
989 /** @brief Add device (LE) to whitelist.
990  *
991  *  Add peer device LE address to the whitelist.
992  *
993  *  @note The whitelist cannot be modified when an LE role is using
994  *  the whitelist, i.e advertiser or scanner using a whitelist or automatic
995  *  connecting to devices using whitelist.
996  *
997  *  @param addr Bluetooth LE identity address.
998  *
999  *  @return Zero on success or error code otherwise, positive in case of
1000  *          protocol error or negative (POSIX) in case of stack internal error.
1001  */
1002 int bt_le_whitelist_add(const bt_addr_le_t *addr);
1004 /** @brief Remove device (LE) from whitelist.
1005  *
1006  *  Remove peer device LE address from the whitelist.
1007  *
1008  *  @note The whitelist cannot be modified when an LE role is using
1009  *  the whitelist, i.e advertiser or scanner using a whitelist or automatic
1010  *  connecting to devices using whitelist.
1011  *
1012  *  @param addr Bluetooth LE identity address.
1013  *
1014  *  @return Zero on success or error code otherwise, positive in case of
1015  *          protocol error or negative (POSIX) in case of stack internal error.
1016  */
1017 int bt_le_whitelist_rem(const bt_addr_le_t *addr);
1019 /** @brief Clear whitelist.
1020  *
1021  *  Clear all devices from the whitelist.
1022  *
1023  *  @note The whitelist cannot be modified when an LE role is using
1024  *  the whitelist, i.e advertiser or scanner using a whitelist or automatic
1025  *  connecting to devices using whitelist.
1026  *
1027  *  @return Zero on success or error code otherwise, positive in case of
1028  *          protocol error or negative (POSIX) in case of stack internal error.
1029  */
1030 int bt_le_whitelist_clear(void);
1032 int bt_le_whitelist_size(u8_t *size);
1034 /** @brief Set (LE) channel map.
1035  *
1036  * @param chan_map Channel map.
1037  *
1038  *  @return Zero on success or error code otherwise, positive in case of
1039  *          protocol error or negative (POSIX) in case of stack internal error.
1040  */
1041 int bt_le_set_chan_map(u8_t chan_map[5]);
1043 /** @brief Helper for parsing advertising (or EIR or OOB) data.
1044  *
1045  *  A helper for parsing the basic data types used for Extended Inquiry
1046  *  Response (EIR), Advertising Data (AD), and OOB data blocks. The most
1047  *  common scenario is to call this helper on the advertising data
1048  *  received in the callback that was given to bt_le_scan_start().
1049  *
1050  *  @param ad        Advertising data as given to the bt_le_scan_cb_t callback.
1051  *  @param func      Callback function which will be called for each element
1052  *                   that's found in the data. The callback should return
1053  *                   true to continue parsing, or false to stop parsing.
1054  *  @param user_data User data to be passed to the callback.
1055  */
1056 void bt_data_parse(struct net_buf_simple *ad,
1057 		   bool (*func)(struct bt_data *data, void *user_data),
1058 		   void *user_data);
1060 /** LE Secure Connections pairing Out of Band data. */
1061 struct bt_le_oob_sc_data {
1062 	/** Random Number. */
1063 	u8_t r[16];
1065 	/** Confirm Value. */
1066 	u8_t c[16];
1067 };
1069 /** LE Out of Band information. */
1070 struct bt_le_oob {
1071 	/** LE address. If privacy is enabled this is a Resolvable Private
1072 	 *  Address.
1073 	 */
1074 	bt_addr_le_t addr;
1076 	/** LE Secure Connections pairing Out of Band data. */
1077 	struct bt_le_oob_sc_data le_sc_data;
1078 };
1080 /** @brief Get local LE Out of Band (OOB) information.
1081  *
1082  *  This function allows to get local information that are useful for
1083  *  Out of Band pairing or connection creation.
1084  *
1085  *  If privacy :option:`CONFIG_BT_PRIVACY` is enabled this will result in
1086  *  generating new Resolvable Private Address (RPA) that is valid for
1087  *  :option:`CONFIG_BT_RPA_TIMEOUT` seconds. This address will be used for
1088  *  advertising started by @ref bt_le_adv_start, active scanning and
1089  *  connection creation.
1090  *
1091  *  @note If privacy is enabled the RPA cannot be refreshed in the following
1092  *        cases:
1093  *        - Creating a connection in progress, wait for the connected callback.
1094  *       In addition when extended advertising :option:`CONFIG_BT_EXT_ADV` is
1095  *       not enabled or not supported by the controller:
1096  *        - Advertiser is enabled using a Random Static Identity Address for a
1097  *          different local identity.
1098  *        - The local identity conflicts with the local identity used by other
1099  *          roles.
1100  *
1101  *  @param[in]  id  Local identity, in most cases BT_ID_DEFAULT.
1102  *  @param[out] oob LE OOB information
1103  *
1104  *  @return Zero on success or error code otherwise, positive in case of
1105  *          protocol error or negative (POSIX) in case of stack internal error.
1106  */
1107 int bt_le_oob_get_local(u8_t id, struct bt_le_oob *oob);
1109 /** @brief Get local LE Out of Band (OOB) information.
1110  *
1111  *  This function allows to get local information that are useful for
1112  *  Out of Band pairing or connection creation.
1113  *
1114  *  If privacy :option:`CONFIG_BT_PRIVACY` is enabled this will result in
1115  *  generating new Resolvable Private Address (RPA) that is valid for
1116  *  :option:`CONFIG_BT_RPA_TIMEOUT` seconds. This address will be used by the
1117  *  advertising set.
1118  *
1119  *  @note When generating OOB information for multiple advertising set all
1120  *        OOB information needs to be generated at the same time.
1121  *
1122  *  @note If privacy is enabled the RPA cannot be refreshed in the following
1123  *        cases:
1124  *        - Creating a connection in progress, wait for the connected callback.
1125  *
1126  *  @param[in]  adv The advertising set object
1127  *  @param[out] oob LE OOB information
1128  *
1129  *  @return Zero on success or error code otherwise, positive in case
1130  *  of protocol error or negative (POSIX) in case of stack internal error.
1131  */
1132 int bt_le_ext_adv_oob_get_local(struct bt_le_ext_adv *adv,
1133 				struct bt_le_oob *oob);
1135 /** @brief BR/EDR discovery result structure */
1136 struct bt_br_discovery_result {
1137 	/** private */
1138 	u8_t _priv[4];
1140 	/** Remote device address */
1141 	bt_addr_t addr;
1143 	/** RSSI from inquiry */
1144 	s8_t rssi;
1146 	/** Class of Device */
1147 	u8_t cod[3];
1149 	/** Extended Inquiry Response */
1150 	u8_t eir[240];
1151 };
1153 /** @typedef bt_br_discovery_cb_t
1154  *  @brief Callback type for reporting BR/EDR discovery (inquiry)
1155  *         results.
1156  *
1157  *  A callback of this type is given to the bt_br_discovery_start()
1158  *  function and will be called at the end of the discovery with
1159  *  information about found devices populated in the results array.
1160  *
1161  *  @param results Storage used for discovery results
1162  *  @param count Number of valid discovery results.
1163  */
1164 typedef void bt_br_discovery_cb_t(struct bt_br_discovery_result *results,
1165 				  size_t count);
1167 /** BR/EDR discovery parameters */
1168 struct bt_br_discovery_param {
1169 	/** Maximum length of the discovery in units of 1.28 seconds.
1170 	 *  Valid range is 0x01 - 0x30.
1171 	 */
1172 	u8_t length;
1174 	/** True if limited discovery procedure is to be used. */
1175 	bool limited;
1176 };
1178 /** @brief Start BR/EDR discovery
1179  *
1180  *  Start BR/EDR discovery (inquiry) and provide results through the specified
1181  *  callback. When bt_br_discovery_cb_t is called it indicates that discovery
1182  *  has completed. If more inquiry results were received during session than
1183  *  fits in provided result storage, only ones with highest RSSI will be
1184  *  reported.
1185  *
1186  *  @param param Discovery parameters.
1187  *  @param results Storage for discovery results.
1188  *  @param count Number of results in storage. Valid range: 1-255.
1189  *  @param cb Callback to notify discovery results.
1190  *
1191  *  @return Zero on success or error code otherwise, positive in case
1192  *  of protocol error or negative (POSIX) in case of stack internal error
1193  */
1194 int bt_br_discovery_start(const struct bt_br_discovery_param *param,
1195 			  struct bt_br_discovery_result *results, size_t count,
1196 			  bt_br_discovery_cb_t cb);
1198 /** @brief Stop BR/EDR discovery.
1199  *
1200  *  Stops ongoing BR/EDR discovery. If discovery was stopped by this call
1201  *  results won't be reported
1202  *
1203  *  @return Zero on success or error code otherwise, positive in case of
1204  *          protocol error or negative (POSIX) in case of stack internal error.
1205  */
1206 int bt_br_discovery_stop(void);
1208 struct bt_br_oob {
1209 	/** BR/EDR address. */
1210 	bt_addr_t addr;
1211 };
1213 /** @brief Get BR/EDR local Out Of Band information
1214  *
1215  *  This function allows to get local controller information that are useful
1216  *  for Out Of Band pairing or connection creation process.
1217  *
1218  *  @param oob Out Of Band information
1219  */
1220 int bt_br_oob_get_local(struct bt_br_oob *oob);
1222 /** @def BT_ADDR_STR_LEN
1223  *
1224  *  @brief Recommended length of user string buffer for Bluetooth address
1225  *
1226  *  @details The recommended length guarantee the output of address
1227  *  conversion will not lose valuable information about address being
1228  *  processed.
1229  */
1230 #define BT_ADDR_STR_LEN 18
1232 /** @def BT_ADDR_LE_STR_LEN
1233  *
1234  *  @brief Recommended length of user string buffer for Bluetooth LE address
1235  *
1236  *  @details The recommended length guarantee the output of address
1237  *  conversion will not lose valuable information about address being
1238  *  processed.
1239  */
1240 #define BT_ADDR_LE_STR_LEN 30
1242 /** @brief Converts binary Bluetooth address to string.
1243  *
1244  *  @param addr Address of buffer containing binary Bluetooth address.
1245  *  @param str Address of user buffer with enough room to store formatted
1246  *  string containing binary address.
1247  *  @param len Length of data to be copied to user string buffer. Refer to
1248  *  BT_ADDR_STR_LEN about recommended value.
1249  *
1250  *  @return Number of successfully formatted bytes from binary address.
1251  */
bt_addr_to_str(const bt_addr_t * addr,char * str,size_t len)1252 static inline int bt_addr_to_str(const bt_addr_t *addr, char *str, size_t len)
1253 {
1254 	return snprintf(str, len, "%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X",
1255 			addr->val[5], addr->val[4], addr->val[3],
1256 			addr->val[2], addr->val[1], addr->val[0]);
1257 }
1259 /** @brief Converts binary LE Bluetooth address to string.
1260  *
1261  *  @param addr Address of buffer containing binary LE Bluetooth address.
1262  *  @param str Address of user buffer with enough room to store
1263  *  formatted string containing binary LE address.
1264  *  @param len Length of data to be copied to user string buffer. Refer to
1265  *  BT_ADDR_LE_STR_LEN about recommended value.
1266  *
1267  *  @return Number of successfully formatted bytes from binary address.
1268  */
bt_addr_le_to_str(const bt_addr_le_t * addr,char * str,size_t len)1269 static inline int bt_addr_le_to_str(const bt_addr_le_t *addr, char *str,
1270 				    size_t len)
1271 {
1272 	char type[10];
1274 	switch (addr->type) {
1275 	case BT_ADDR_LE_PUBLIC:
1276 		strcpy(type, "public");
1277 		break;
1278 	case BT_ADDR_LE_RANDOM:
1279 		strcpy(type, "random");
1280 		break;
1281 	case BT_ADDR_LE_PUBLIC_ID:
1282 		strcpy(type, "public-id");
1283 		break;
1284 	case BT_ADDR_LE_RANDOM_ID:
1285 		strcpy(type, "random-id");
1286 		break;
1287 	default:
1288 		snprintf(type, sizeof(type), "0x%02x", addr->type);
1289 		break;
1290 	}
1292 	return snprintf(str, len, "%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X (%s)",
1293 			addr->a.val[5], addr->a.val[4], addr->a.val[3],
1294 			addr->a.val[2], addr->a.val[1], addr->a.val[0], type);
1295 }
1297 /** @brief Convert Bluetooth address from string to binary.
1298  *
1299  *  @param[in]  str   The string representation of a Bluetooth address.
1300  *  @param[out] addr  Address of buffer to store the Bluetooth address
1301  *
1302  *  @return Zero on success or (negative) error code otherwise.
1303  */
1304 int bt_addr_from_str(const char *str, bt_addr_t *addr);
1306 /** @brief Convert LE Bluetooth address from string to binary.
1307  *
1308  *  @param[in]  str   The string representation of an LE Bluetooth address.
1309  *  @param[in]  type  The string representation of the LE Bluetooth address
1310  *                    type.
1311  *  @param[out] addr  Address of buffer to store the LE Bluetooth address
1312  *
1313  *  @return Zero on success or (negative) error code otherwise.
1314  */
1315 int bt_addr_le_from_str(const char *str, const char *type, bt_addr_le_t *addr);
1317 /** @brief Enable/disable set controller in discoverable state.
1318  *
1319  *  Allows make local controller to listen on INQUIRY SCAN channel and responds
1320  *  to devices making general inquiry. To enable this state it's mandatory
1321  *  to first be in connectable state.
1322  *
1323  *  @param enable Value allowing/disallowing controller to become discoverable.
1324  *
1325  *  @return Negative if fail set to requested state or requested state has been
1326  *          already set. Zero if done successfully.
1327  */
1328 int bt_br_set_discoverable(bool enable);
1330 /** @brief Enable/disable set controller in connectable state.
1331  *
1332  *  Allows make local controller to be connectable. It means the controller
1333  *  start listen to devices requests on PAGE SCAN channel. If disabled also
1334  *  resets discoverability if was set.
1335  *
1336  *  @param enable Value allowing/disallowing controller to be connectable.
1337  *
1338  *  @return Negative if fail set to requested state or requested state has been
1339  *          already set. Zero if done successfully.
1340  */
1341 int bt_br_set_connectable(bool enable);
1343 /** @brief Clear pairing information.
1344  *
1345  *  @param id    Local identity (mostly just BT_ID_DEFAULT).
1346  *  @param addr  Remote address, NULL or BT_ADDR_LE_ANY to clear all remote
1347  *               devices.
1348  *
1349  *  @return 0 on success or negative error value on failure.
1350  */
1351 int bt_unpair(u8_t id, const bt_addr_le_t *addr);
1353 /** Information about a bond with a remote device. */
1354 struct bt_bond_info {
1355 	/** Address of the remote device. */
1356 	bt_addr_le_t addr;
1357 };
1359 /** @brief Iterate through all existing bonds.
1360  *
1361  *  @param id         Local identity (mostly just BT_ID_DEFAULT).
1362  *  @param func       Function to call for each bond.
1363  *  @param user_data  Data to pass to the callback function.
1364  */
1365 void bt_foreach_bond(u8_t id, void (*func)(const struct bt_bond_info *info,
1366 					   void *user_data),
1367 		     void *user_data);
1369 /**
1370  * @}
1371  */
1373 #ifdef __cplusplus
1374 }
1375 #endif
1376 /**
1377  * @}
1378  */