1 /**
2  ********************************************************************************************************
3  Copyright (c) 2015, Realtek Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
4  *********************************************************************************************************
5  * @file      cycle_queue.c
6  * @brief     Cycle Queue functions Implementation.
7  * @details
8  *
9  * @author  lory_xu
10  * @date        2015-07-13
11  * @version v0.1
12  */
14 #include <string.h>
15 #include "os_sync.h"
16 #include "cycle_queue.h"
17 #include "trace_app.h"
18 #include "os_mem.h"
21 /** @detailed  cyc_buffer stores all the printing information which will be print in the PrintTask */
22 uint8_t *cyc_buffer = NULL;
23 volatile uint16_t pRead = 0;
24 volatile uint16_t pWrite = 0;
26 bool MallocCycQueue(void);
27 /**
28  * @brief  check if write queue empty
29  *
30  * @param
31  *
32  * @return
33  */
IsCycQueueEmpty()34 uint8_t IsCycQueueEmpty()
35 {
36     uint16_t tmpRead = pRead;
37     uint16_t tmpWrite = pWrite;
38     return (tmpRead == tmpWrite);
39 }
41 /**
42  * @brief  check if write queue full
43  *
44  * @param
45  *
46  * @return
47  */
IsCycQueueFull()48 uint8_t IsCycQueueFull()
49 {
50     uint16_t tmpRead = pRead;
51     uint16_t tmpWrite = pWrite;
52     return ((tmpWrite + 1) & (MAX_BUFFER_SIZE - 1)) == tmpRead;
53 }
55 /**
56  * @brief  get data size in cycle queue
57  *
58  * @param
59  *
60  * @return
61  */
CycQueueSize()62 uint16_t CycQueueSize()
63 {
64     uint16_t tmpRead = pRead;
65     uint16_t tmpWrite = pWrite;
66     return (tmpWrite - tmpRead + MAX_BUFFER_SIZE) & (MAX_BUFFER_SIZE - 1);
67 }
69 /**
70  * @brief  remain cycle queue size
71  *
72  * @param
73  *
74  * @return
75  */
CycQueueRemainSize()76 uint16_t CycQueueRemainSize()
77 {
78     uint16_t tmpRead = pRead;
79     uint16_t tmpWrite = pWrite;
80     return (MAX_BUFFER_SIZE - tmpWrite + tmpRead - 1) & (MAX_BUFFER_SIZE - 1);
81 }
83 /**
84  * @brief  write data to cycle queue
85  *
86  * @param pWriteBuf: data buf
87  * @param length: data length
88  *
89  * @return
90  */
CycQueueWrite(uint8_t * pWriteBuf,uint16_t length)91 bool CycQueueWrite(uint8_t *pWriteBuf, uint16_t length)
92 {
93     bool     ret = true;
94     uint32_t s;
96     if (cyc_buffer == NULL)
97     {
98        // DiagPutChar("cyc_buffer is init\r\n");
99         MallocCycQueue();
100         if(cyc_buffer == NULL)
101         {
102             APP_PRINT_ERROR0("cyc_buffer is NULL, malloc fail");
103             return false;
104         }
105     }
107     s = os_lock();
109     if (CycQueueRemainSize() >= length)
110     {
111         if ((pWrite + length) <= MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)
112         {
113             memcpy(cyc_buffer + pWrite, pWriteBuf, length);
114             pWrite = (pWrite + length) & (MAX_BUFFER_SIZE - 1);
115         }
116         else
117         {
118             uint16_t part_length = MAX_BUFFER_SIZE - pWrite;
119             memcpy(cyc_buffer + pWrite, pWriteBuf, part_length);
120             memcpy(cyc_buffer, (pWriteBuf + part_length), (length - part_length));
121             pWrite = length - part_length;
122         }
123     }
124     else
125     {
126         ret = false;
127     }
129     os_unlock(s);
131     return ret;
132 }
134 /**
135  * @brief  upate read ponit of cycle queue
136  *
137  * @param SendSize
138  *
139  * @return
140  */
UpdateQueueRead(uint16_t SendSize)141 void UpdateQueueRead(uint16_t SendSize)
142 {
143     uint32_t s;
145     s     = os_lock();
146     pRead = (pRead + SendSize) & (MAX_BUFFER_SIZE - 1);
147     os_unlock(s);
148 }
151 /**
152  * @brief malloc the buffer
153  *
154  * @param malloc the cycle
155  *
156  * @return
157  */
MallocCycQueue()158 bool MallocCycQueue()
159 {
160     if(cyc_buffer != NULL)
161     {
162         APP_PRINT_ERROR0("cyc_buffer is not free");
163         FreeCycQueue();
164     }
165     cyc_buffer = os_mem_zalloc(RAM_TYPE_DATA_ON, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE);
166     pRead = 0;
167     pWrite = 0;
168     return true;
169 }
171 /**
172  * @brief free the buffer
173  *
174  * @param free the buffer
175  *
176  * @return
177  */
FreeCycQueue()178 void FreeCycQueue()
179 {
180 	if (cyc_buffer != NULL) {
181     	os_mem_free(cyc_buffer);
182 	}
183     pRead = 0;
184     pWrite = 0;
185     cyc_buffer = NULL;
186 }