1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2016 Erik Gilling
3  *
4  * Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
5  * license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
6  * https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
7  */
8 #pragma once
10 #include <stdint.h>
12 typedef enum {
13     DMA_CHANNEL_1 = 1,
14     DMA_CHANNEL_2 = 2,
15     DMA_CHANNEL_3 = 3,
16     DMA_CHANNEL_4 = 4,
17     DMA_CHANNEL_5 = 5,
18     DMA_CHANNEL_6 = 6,
19     DMA_CHANNEL_7 = 7,
20 } dma_channel_t;
22 #define DMA_CHANNELS 7
24 #define DMA_FLAG_FROM_PERIPH      (0 << 4)
25 #define DMA_FLAG_FROM_MEM         (1 << 4)
26 #define DMA_FLAG_PERIPH_INCREMENT (1 << 6)
27 #define DMA_FLAG_MEM_INCREMENT    (1 << 7)
28 #define DMA_FLAG_PERIPH_8_BIT     (0 << 8)
29 #define DMA_FLAG_PERIPH_16_BIT    (1 << 8)
30 #define DMA_FLAG_PERIPH_32_BIT    (2 << 8)
31 #define DMA_FLAG_MEM_8_BIT        (0 << 10)
32 #define DMA_FLAG_MEM_16_BIT       (1 << 10)
33 #define DMA_FLAG_MEM_32_BIT       (2 << 10)
34 #define DMA_FLAG_PRIORITY(x)      (((x) & 0x3) << 12)
36 /**
37  * dmi_init
38  *
39  * Initialize the DMA peripheral.
40  */
41 void dma_init(void);
43 /**
44  * dma_transfer_start
45  *
46  * Initiate a DMA transfer.
47  *
48  * @param[in] chan        DMA channel.
49  * @param[in] periph_addr Address of the peripheral register for the transfer.
50  * @param[in] mem_addr    Address of the memory of the transfer.
51  * @param[in] count       Number of cycles to transfer.
52  * @param[in] flags       Flags to control the transfer (see DMA_FLAG_*.)
53  */
55 void dma_transfer_start(dma_channel_t chan,
56                         uint32_t periph_addr,
57                         uint32_t mem_addr,
58                         uint16_t count,
59                         uint32_t flags);
61 /**
62  * dma_wait
63  *
64  * Wait for a DMA transaction to complete.
65  * TODO(konkers): Add timeout support.
66  * TODO(konkers): Add error reporting.
67  *
68  * @param[in] chan DMA channel.
69  */
70 void dma_wait(dma_channel_t chan);