1 /**
2  * @file httpclient.h
3  * http API header file.
4  *
5  * @version   V1.0
6  * @date      2019-12-24
7  * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Alibaba Group Holding Limited
8  */
10 #ifndef HTTPCLIENT_H
11 #define HTTPCLIENT_H
13 #ifdef __cplusplus
14 extern "C" {
15 #endif
17 #include <stdbool.h>
18 #include <stdint.h>
20 /** @defgroup aos_httpclient_api http
21   * @{
22   */
24 /** @brief   http requst type */
25 typedef enum {
27     HTTP_GET,
28     HTTP_HEAD,
29     HTTP_POST,
30     HTTP_PUT
33 /** @brief   http error code */
34 typedef enum {
35     HTTP_EAGAIN   =  1,  /**< more data to retrieved */
36     HTTP_SUCCESS  =  0,  /**< operation success      */
37     HTTP_ENOBUFS  = -1,  /**< buffer error           */
38     HTTP_EARG     = -2,  /**< illegal argument       */
39     HTTP_ENOTSUPP = -3,  /**< not support            */
40     HTTP_EDNS     = -4,  /**< DNS fail               */
41     HTTP_ECONN    = -5,  /**< connect fail           */
42     HTTP_ESEND    = -6,  /**< send packet fail       */
43     HTTP_ECLSD    = -7,  /**< connect closed         */
44     HTTP_ERECV    = -8,  /**< recv packet fail       */
45     HTTP_EPARSE   = -9,  /**< url parse error        */
46     HTTP_EPROTO   = -10, /**< protocol error         */
47     HTTP_EUNKOWN  = -11, /**< unknown error          */
48     HTTP_ETIMEOUT = -12, /**< timeout                */
51 /** @brief   This structure defines the httpclient_t structure   */
52 typedef struct {
53     int socket;                     /**< socket ID                 */
54     int remote_port;                /**< hTTP or HTTPS port        */
55     int response_code;              /**< response code             */
56     char *header;                   /**< request custom header     */
57     char *auth_user;                /**< username for basic authentication         */
58     char *auth_password;            /**< password for basic authentication         */
59     bool is_http;                   /**< http connection? if 1, http; if 0, https  */
61     const char *server_cert;        /**< server certification      */
62     const char *client_cert;        /**< client certification      */
63     const char *client_pk;          /**< client private key        */
64     int server_cert_len;            /**< server certification lenght, server_cert buffer size  */
65     int client_cert_len;            /**< client certification lenght, client_cert buffer size  */
66     int client_pk_len;              /**< client private key lenght, client_pk buffer size      */
67     void *ssl;                      /**< ssl content               */
68 #endif
69 } httpclient_t;
71 /** @brief   This structure defines the HTTP data structure.  */
72 typedef struct {
73     bool is_more;                /**< indicates if more data needs to be retrieved. */
74     bool is_chunked;             /**< response data is encoded in portions/chunks.*/
75     int retrieve_len;            /**< content length to be retrieved. */
76     int response_content_len;    /**< response content length. */
77     int content_block_len;       /**< the content length of one block. */
78     int post_buf_len;            /**< post data length. */
79     int response_buf_len;        /**< response body buffer length. */
80     int header_buf_len;          /**< response head buffer lehgth. */
81     char *post_content_type;     /**< content type of the post data. */
82     char *post_buf;              /**< user data to be posted. */
83     char *response_buf;          /**< buffer to store the response body data. */
84     char *header_buf;            /**< buffer to store the response head data. */
85     bool  is_redirected;         /**< redirected URL? if 1, has redirect url; if 0, no redirect url */
86     char* redirect_url;          /**< redirect url when got http 3** response code. */
87 } httpclient_data_t;
89 /**
90  * This function executes a GET request on a given URL. It blocks until completion.
91  * @param[in] client             client is a pointer to the #httpclient_t.
92  * @param[in] url                url is the URL to run the request.
93  * @param[in, out] client_data   client_data is a pointer to the #httpclient_data_t instance to collect the data returned by the request.
94  * @return           Please refer to #HTTPC_RESULT.
95  */
96 HTTPC_RESULT httpclient_get(httpclient_t *client, const char *url, httpclient_data_t *client_data);
98 /**
99  * This function executes a HEAD request on a given URL. It blocks until completion.
100  * @param[in] client             client is a pointer to the #httpclient_t.
101  * @param[in] url                url is the URL to run the request.
102  * @param[in, out] client_data   client_data is a pointer to the #httpclient_data_t instance to collect the data returned by the request.
103  * @return           Please refer to #HTTPC_RESULT.
104  */
105 HTTPC_RESULT httpclient_head(httpclient_t *client, const char *url, httpclient_data_t *client_data);
107 /**
108  * This function executes a POST request on a given URL. It blocks until completion.
109  * @param[in] client              client is a pointer to the #httpclient_t.
110  * @param[in] url                 url is the URL to run the request.
111  * @param[in, out] client_data    client_data is a pointer to the #httpclient_data_t instance to collect the data returned by the request. It also contains the data to be posted.
112  * @return           Please refer to #HTTPC_RESULT.
113  */
114 HTTPC_RESULT httpclient_post(httpclient_t *client, const char *url, httpclient_data_t *client_data);
116 /**
117  * This function executes a PUT request on a given URL. It blocks until completion.
118  * @param[in] client              client is a pointer to the #httpclient_t.
119  * @param[in] url                 url is the URL to run the request.
120  * @param[in, out] client_data    client_data is a pointer to the #httpclient_data_t instance to collect the data returned by the request. It also contains the data to be put.
121  * @return           Please refer to #HTTPC_RESULT.
122  */
123 HTTPC_RESULT httpclient_put(httpclient_t *client, const char *url, httpclient_data_t *client_data);
125 /**
126  * This function executes a DELETE request on a given URL. It blocks until completion.
127  * @param[in] client               client is a pointer to the #httpclient_t.
128  * @param[in] url                  url is the URL to run the request.
129  * @param[in, out] client_data client_data is a pointer to the #httpclient_data_t instance to collect the data returned by the request.
130  * @return           Please refer to #HTTPC_RESULT.
131  */
132 HTTPC_RESULT httpclient_delete(httpclient_t *client, const char *url, httpclient_data_t *client_data);
134 /**
135  * This function allocates buffer for http header/response
136  * @param[in] client_data      pointer to the #httpclient_data_t.
137  * @param[in] header_size      header buffer size
138  * @param[in] resp_size        response buffer size
139  * @return  HTTP_SUCCESS       success
140  * @return  HTTP_EUNKOWN       fail
141  */
142 HTTPC_RESULT httpclient_prepare(httpclient_data_t *client_data, int header_size, int resp_size);
144 /**
145  * This function deallocates buffer for http header/response.
146  * @param[in] client_data      pointer to the #httpclient_data_t.
147  * @return  HTTP_SUCCESS       success
148  * @return  HTTP_EUNKOWN       fail
149  */
150 HTTPC_RESULT httpclient_unprepare(httpclient_data_t *client_data);
152 /**
153  * This function reset buffer for  http header/response.
154  * @param[in] client_data      pointer to the #httpclient_data_t.
155  * @return           None.
156  */
157 void httpclient_reset(httpclient_data_t *client_data);
159 /**
160  * This function establish http/https connection.
161  * @param[in] client            pointer to the #httpclient_t.
162  * @param[in] url               remote URL
163  * @return           Please refer to #HTTPC_RESULT.
164  */
165 HTTPC_RESULT httpclient_conn(httpclient_t *client, const char *url);
167 /**
168  * This function sends HTTP request.
169  * @param[in] client            a pointer to the #httpclient_t.
170  * @param[in] url               remote URL
171  * @param[in] method            http request method
172  * @param[in] client_data       a pointer to #httpclient_data_t.
173  * @return    Please refer to #HTTPC_RESULT.
174  */
175 HTTPC_RESULT httpclient_send(httpclient_t *client, const char *url, int method, httpclient_data_t *client_data);
177 /**
178  * This function receives response from remote
179  * @param[in]  client               a pointer to #httpclient_t.
180  * @param[out] client_data          a pointer to #httpclient_data_t.
181  * @return     Please refer to #HTTPC_RESULT.
182  */
183 HTTPC_RESULT httpclient_recv(httpclient_t *client, httpclient_data_t *client_data);
185 /**
186  * This function close http connection.
187  * @param[in] client               client is a pointer to the #httpclient_t.
188  * @return           None.
189  */
190 void httpclient_clse(httpclient_t *client);
192 /**
193  * This function sets a custom header.
194  * @param[in] client               client is a pointer to the #httpclient_t.
195  * @param[in] header               header is a custom header string.
196  * @return           None.
197  */
198 void httpclient_set_custom_header(httpclient_t *client, char *header);
200 /**
201  * This function gets the HTTP response code assigned to the last request.
202  * @param[in] client               client is a pointer to the #httpclient_t.
203  * @return           The HTTP response code of the last request.
204  */
205 int httpclient_get_response_code(httpclient_t *client);
207 /**
208  * This function get specified response header value.
209  * @param[in] header_buf header_buf is the response header buffer.
210  * @param[in] name                 name is the specified http response header name.
211  * @param[in, out] val_pos         val_pos is the position of header value in header_buf.
212  * @param[in, out] val_len         val_len is header value length.
213  * @return           0, if value is got. Others, if errors occurred.
214  */
215 int httpclient_get_response_header_value(char *header_buf, char *name, int *val_pos, int *val_len);
217 /**
218  * This function add text formdata information.
219  * @param[in] client_data          client_data is a pointer to the #httpclient_data_t.
220  * @param[in] content_disposition  content_disposition is a pointer to the content disposition string.
221  * @param[in] content_type         content_type is a pointer to the content type string.
222  * @param[in] name                 name is a pointer to the name string.
223  * @param[in] data                 data is a pointer to the data.
224  * @param[in] data_len             data_len is the data length.
225  * @return           The HTTP response code of the last request.
226  */
227 int httpclient_formdata_addtext(httpclient_data_t* client_data, char* content_disposition, char* content_type, char* name, char* data, int data_len);
229 /**
230  * This function add file formdata information.
231  * @param[in] client_data          client_data is a pointer to the #httpclient_data_t.
232  * @param[in] content_disposition  content_disposition is a pointer to the content disposition string.
233  * @param[in] content_type         content_type is a pointer to the content type string.
234  * @param[in] file_path            file_path is a pointer to the file path.
235  * @return           The HTTP response code of the last request.
236  */
237 int httpclient_formdata_addfile(httpclient_data_t* client_data, char* content_disposition, char* name, char* content_type, char* file_path);
239 #ifdef __cplusplus
240 }
241 #endif
243 #endif /* HTTPCLIENT_H */