1 /**
2  * \file ctr_drbg.h
3  *
4  * \brief    This file contains definitions and functions for the
5  *           CTR_DRBG pseudorandom generator.
6  *
7  * CTR_DRBG is a standardized way of building a PRNG from a block-cipher
8  * in counter mode operation, as defined in <em>NIST SP 800-90A:
9  * Recommendation for Random Number Generation Using Deterministic Random
10  * Bit Generators</em>.
11  *
12  * The Mbed TLS implementation of CTR_DRBG uses AES-256 (default) or AES-128
13  * (if \c MBEDTLS_CTR_DRBG_USE_128_BIT_KEY is enabled at compile time)
14  * as the underlying block cipher, with a derivation function.
15  *
16  * The security strength as defined in NIST SP 800-90A is
17  * 128 bits when AES-128 is used (\c MBEDTLS_CTR_DRBG_USE_128_BIT_KEY enabled)
18  * and 256 bits otherwise, provided that #MBEDTLS_CTR_DRBG_ENTROPY_LEN is
19  * kept at its default value (and not overridden in config.h) and that the
20  * DRBG instance is set up with default parameters.
21  * See the documentation of mbedtls_ctr_drbg_seed() for more
22  * information.
23  */
24 /*
25  *  Copyright The Mbed TLS Contributors
26  *  SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
27  *
28  *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
29  *  not use this file except in compliance with the License.
30  *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
31  *
32  *  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
33  *
34  *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
35  *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
36  *  WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
37  *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
38  *  limitations under the License.
39  */
44 #if !defined(MBEDTLS_CONFIG_FILE)
45 #include "mbedtls/config.h"
46 #else
48 #endif
50 #include "mbedtls/aes.h"
52 #if defined(MBEDTLS_THREADING_C)
53 #include "mbedtls/threading.h"
54 #endif
56 /** The entropy source failed. */
58 /** The requested random buffer length is too big. */
59 #define MBEDTLS_ERR_CTR_DRBG_REQUEST_TOO_BIG              -0x0036
60 /** The input (entropy + additional data) is too large. */
61 #define MBEDTLS_ERR_CTR_DRBG_INPUT_TOO_BIG                -0x0038
62 /** Read or write error in file. */
63 #define MBEDTLS_ERR_CTR_DRBG_FILE_IO_ERROR                -0x003A
65 #define MBEDTLS_CTR_DRBG_BLOCKSIZE          16 /**< The block size used by the cipher. */
67 #if defined(MBEDTLS_CTR_DRBG_USE_128_BIT_KEY)
68 #define MBEDTLS_CTR_DRBG_KEYSIZE            16
69 /**< The key size in bytes used by the cipher.
70  *
71  * Compile-time choice: 16 bytes (128 bits)
72  * because #MBEDTLS_CTR_DRBG_USE_128_BIT_KEY is enabled.
73  */
74 #else
75 #define MBEDTLS_CTR_DRBG_KEYSIZE            32
76 /**< The key size in bytes used by the cipher.
77  *
78  * Compile-time choice: 32 bytes (256 bits)
79  * because \c MBEDTLS_CTR_DRBG_USE_128_BIT_KEY is disabled.
80  */
81 #endif
83 #define MBEDTLS_CTR_DRBG_KEYBITS            ( MBEDTLS_CTR_DRBG_KEYSIZE * 8 ) /**< The key size for the DRBG operation, in bits. */
84 #define MBEDTLS_CTR_DRBG_SEEDLEN            ( MBEDTLS_CTR_DRBG_KEYSIZE + MBEDTLS_CTR_DRBG_BLOCKSIZE ) /**< The seed length, calculated as (counter + AES key). */
86 /**
87  * \name SECTION: Module settings
88  *
89  * The configuration options you can set for this module are in this section.
90  * Either change them in config.h or define them using the compiler command
91  * line.
92  * \{
93  */
96  *
97  * \brief The amount of entropy used per seed by default, in bytes.
98  */
100 #if defined(MBEDTLS_SHA512_C) && !defined(MBEDTLS_ENTROPY_FORCE_SHA256)
101 /** This is 48 bytes because the entropy module uses SHA-512
102  * (\c MBEDTLS_ENTROPY_FORCE_SHA256 is disabled).
103  */
104 #define MBEDTLS_CTR_DRBG_ENTROPY_LEN        48
106 #else /* defined(MBEDTLS_SHA512_C) && !defined(MBEDTLS_ENTROPY_FORCE_SHA256) */
108 /** This is 32 bytes because the entropy module uses SHA-256
109  * (the SHA512 module is disabled or
110  * \c MBEDTLS_ENTROPY_FORCE_SHA256 is enabled).
111  */
112 #if !defined(MBEDTLS_CTR_DRBG_USE_128_BIT_KEY)
113 /** \warning To achieve a 256-bit security strength, you must pass a nonce
114  *           to mbedtls_ctr_drbg_seed().
115  */
116 #endif /* !defined(MBEDTLS_CTR_DRBG_USE_128_BIT_KEY) */
117 #define MBEDTLS_CTR_DRBG_ENTROPY_LEN        32
118 #endif /* defined(MBEDTLS_SHA512_C) && !defined(MBEDTLS_ENTROPY_FORCE_SHA256) */
119 #endif /* !defined(MBEDTLS_CTR_DRBG_ENTROPY_LEN) */
123 /**< The interval before reseed is performed by default. */
124 #endif
126 #if !defined(MBEDTLS_CTR_DRBG_MAX_INPUT)
127 #define MBEDTLS_CTR_DRBG_MAX_INPUT          256
128 /**< The maximum number of additional input Bytes. */
129 #endif
132 #define MBEDTLS_CTR_DRBG_MAX_REQUEST        1024
133 /**< The maximum number of requested Bytes per call. */
134 #endif
138 /**< The maximum size of seed or reseed buffer in bytes. */
139 #endif
141 /** \} name SECTION: Module settings */
143 #define MBEDTLS_CTR_DRBG_PR_OFF             0
144 /**< Prediction resistance is disabled. */
145 #define MBEDTLS_CTR_DRBG_PR_ON              1
146 /**< Prediction resistance is enabled. */
148 #ifdef __cplusplus
149 extern "C" {
150 #endif
153 /** The default length of the nonce read from the entropy source.
154  *
155  * This is \c 0 because a single read from the entropy source is sufficient
156  * to include a nonce.
157  * See the documentation of mbedtls_ctr_drbg_seed() for more information.
158  */
160 #else
161 /** The default length of the nonce read from the entropy source.
162  *
163  * This is half of the default entropy length because a single read from
164  * the entropy source does not provide enough material to form a nonce.
165  * See the documentation of mbedtls_ctr_drbg_seed() for more information.
166  */
168 #endif
170 /**
171  * \brief          The CTR_DRBG context structure.
172  */
173 typedef struct mbedtls_ctr_drbg_context
174 {
175     unsigned char counter[16];  /*!< The counter (V). */
176     int reseed_counter;         /*!< The reseed counter.
177                                  * This is the number of requests that have
178                                  * been made since the last (re)seeding,
179                                  * minus one.
180                                  * Before the initial seeding, this field
181                                  * contains the amount of entropy in bytes
182                                  * to use as a nonce for the initial seeding,
183                                  * or -1 if no nonce length has been explicitly
184                                  * set (see mbedtls_ctr_drbg_set_nonce_len()).
185                                  */
186     int prediction_resistance;  /*!< This determines whether prediction
187                                      resistance is enabled, that is
188                                      whether to systematically reseed before
189                                      each random generation. */
190     size_t entropy_len;         /*!< The amount of entropy grabbed on each
191                                      seed or reseed operation, in bytes. */
192     int reseed_interval;        /*!< The reseed interval.
193                                  * This is the maximum number of requests
194                                  * that can be made between reseedings. */
196     mbedtls_aes_context aes_ctx;        /*!< The AES context. */
198     /*
199      * Callbacks (Entropy)
200      */
201     int (*f_entropy)(void *, unsigned char *, size_t);
202                                 /*!< The entropy callback function. */
204     void *p_entropy;            /*!< The context for the entropy function. */
206 #if defined(MBEDTLS_THREADING_C)
207     /* Invariant: the mutex is initialized if and only if f_entropy != NULL.
208      * This means that the mutex is initialized during the initial seeding
209      * in mbedtls_ctr_drbg_seed() and freed in mbedtls_ctr_drbg_free().
210      *
211      * Note that this invariant may change without notice. Do not rely on it
212      * and do not access the mutex directly in application code.
213      */
214     mbedtls_threading_mutex_t mutex;
215 #endif
216 }
217 mbedtls_ctr_drbg_context;
219 /**
220  * \brief               This function initializes the CTR_DRBG context,
221  *                      and prepares it for mbedtls_ctr_drbg_seed()
222  *                      or mbedtls_ctr_drbg_free().
223  *
224  * \note                The reseed interval is
225  *                      #MBEDTLS_CTR_DRBG_RESEED_INTERVAL by default.
226  *                      You can override it by calling
227  *                      mbedtls_ctr_drbg_set_reseed_interval().
228  *
229  * \param ctx           The CTR_DRBG context to initialize.
230  */
231 void mbedtls_ctr_drbg_init( mbedtls_ctr_drbg_context *ctx );
233 /**
234  * \brief               This function seeds and sets up the CTR_DRBG
235  *                      entropy source for future reseeds.
236  *
237  * A typical choice for the \p f_entropy and \p p_entropy parameters is
238  * to use the entropy module:
239  * - \p f_entropy is mbedtls_entropy_func();
240  * - \p p_entropy is an instance of ::mbedtls_entropy_context initialized
241  *   with mbedtls_entropy_init() (which registers the platform's default
242  *   entropy sources).
243  *
244  * The entropy length is #MBEDTLS_CTR_DRBG_ENTROPY_LEN by default.
245  * You can override it by calling mbedtls_ctr_drbg_set_entropy_len().
246  *
247  * The entropy nonce length is:
248  * - \c 0 if the entropy length is at least 3/2 times the entropy length,
249  *   which guarantees that the security strength is the maximum permitted
250  *   by the key size and entropy length according to NIST SP 800-90A §10.2.1;
251  * - Half the entropy length otherwise.
252  * You can override it by calling mbedtls_ctr_drbg_set_nonce_len().
253  * With the default entropy length, the entropy nonce length is
255  *
256  * You can provide a nonce and personalization string in addition to the
257  * entropy source, to make this instantiation as unique as possible.
258  * See SP 800-90A §8.6.7 for more details about nonces.
259  *
260  * The _seed_material_ value passed to the derivation function in
261  * the CTR_DRBG Instantiate Process described in NIST SP 800-90A §
262  * is the concatenation of the following strings:
263  * - A string obtained by calling \p f_entropy function for the entropy
264  *   length.
265  */
267 /**
268  * - If mbedtls_ctr_drbg_set_nonce_len() has been called, a string
269  *   obtained by calling \p f_entropy function for the specified length.
270  */
271 #else
272 /**
273  * - A string obtained by calling \p f_entropy function for the entropy nonce
274  *   length. If the entropy nonce length is \c 0, this function does not
275  *   make a second call to \p f_entropy.
276  */
277 #endif
278 #if defined(MBEDTLS_THREADING_C)
279 /**
280  * \note                When Mbed TLS is built with threading support,
281  *                      after this function returns successfully,
282  *                      it is safe to call mbedtls_ctr_drbg_random()
283  *                      from multiple threads. Other operations, including
284  *                      reseeding, are not thread-safe.
285  */
286 #endif /* MBEDTLS_THREADING_C */
287 /**
288  * - The \p custom string.
289  *
290  * \note                To achieve the nominal security strength permitted
291  *                      by CTR_DRBG, the entropy length must be:
292  *                      - at least 16 bytes for a 128-bit strength
293  *                      (maximum achievable strength when using AES-128);
294  *                      - at least 32 bytes for a 256-bit strength
295  *                      (maximum achievable strength when using AES-256).
296  *
297  *                      In addition, if you do not pass a nonce in \p custom,
298  *                      the sum of the entropy length
299  *                      and the entropy nonce length must be:
300  *                      - at least 24 bytes for a 128-bit strength
301  *                      (maximum achievable strength when using AES-128);
302  *                      - at least 48 bytes for a 256-bit strength
303  *                      (maximum achievable strength when using AES-256).
304  *
305  * \param ctx           The CTR_DRBG context to seed.
306  *                      It must have been initialized with
307  *                      mbedtls_ctr_drbg_init().
308  *                      After a successful call to mbedtls_ctr_drbg_seed(),
309  *                      you may not call mbedtls_ctr_drbg_seed() again on
310  *                      the same context unless you call
311  *                      mbedtls_ctr_drbg_free() and mbedtls_ctr_drbg_init()
312  *                      again first.
313  *                      After a failed call to mbedtls_ctr_drbg_seed(),
314  *                      you must call mbedtls_ctr_drbg_free().
315  * \param f_entropy     The entropy callback, taking as arguments the
316  *                      \p p_entropy context, the buffer to fill, and the
317  *                      length of the buffer.
318  *                      \p f_entropy is always called with a buffer size
319  *                      less than or equal to the entropy length.
320  * \param p_entropy     The entropy context to pass to \p f_entropy.
321  * \param custom        The personalization string.
322  *                      This can be \c NULL, in which case the personalization
323  *                      string is empty regardless of the value of \p len.
324  * \param len           The length of the personalization string.
325  *                      This must be at most
326  *                      #MBEDTLS_CTR_DRBG_MAX_SEED_INPUT
327  *                      - #MBEDTLS_CTR_DRBG_ENTROPY_LEN.
328  *
329  * \return              \c 0 on success.
330  * \return              #MBEDTLS_ERR_CTR_DRBG_ENTROPY_SOURCE_FAILED on failure.
331  */
332 int mbedtls_ctr_drbg_seed( mbedtls_ctr_drbg_context *ctx,
333                    int (*f_entropy)(void *, unsigned char *, size_t),
334                    void *p_entropy,
335                    const unsigned char *custom,
336                    size_t len );
338 /**
339  * \brief               This function resets CTR_DRBG context to the state immediately
340  *                      after initial call of mbedtls_ctr_drbg_init().
341  *
342  * \param ctx           The CTR_DRBG context to clear.
343  */
344 void mbedtls_ctr_drbg_free( mbedtls_ctr_drbg_context *ctx );
346 /**
347  * \brief               This function turns prediction resistance on or off.
348  *                      The default value is off.
349  *
350  * \note                If enabled, entropy is gathered at the beginning of
351  *                      every call to mbedtls_ctr_drbg_random_with_add()
352  *                      or mbedtls_ctr_drbg_random().
353  *                      Only use this if your entropy source has sufficient
354  *                      throughput.
355  *
356  * \param ctx           The CTR_DRBG context.
357  * \param resistance    #MBEDTLS_CTR_DRBG_PR_ON or #MBEDTLS_CTR_DRBG_PR_OFF.
358  */
359 void mbedtls_ctr_drbg_set_prediction_resistance( mbedtls_ctr_drbg_context *ctx,
360                                          int resistance );
362 /**
363  * \brief               This function sets the amount of entropy grabbed on each
364  *                      seed or reseed.
365  *
366  * The default value is #MBEDTLS_CTR_DRBG_ENTROPY_LEN.
367  *
368  * \note                The security strength of CTR_DRBG is bounded by the
369  *                      entropy length. Thus:
370  *                      - When using AES-256
371  *                        (\c MBEDTLS_CTR_DRBG_USE_128_BIT_KEY is disabled,
372  *                        which is the default),
373  *                        \p len must be at least 32 (in bytes)
374  *                        to achieve a 256-bit strength.
375  *                      - When using AES-128
376  *                        (\c MBEDTLS_CTR_DRBG_USE_128_BIT_KEY is enabled)
377  *                        \p len must be at least 16 (in bytes)
378  *                        to achieve a 128-bit strength.
379  *
380  * \param ctx           The CTR_DRBG context.
381  * \param len           The amount of entropy to grab, in bytes.
382  *                      This must be at most #MBEDTLS_CTR_DRBG_MAX_SEED_INPUT
383  *                      and at most the maximum length accepted by the
384  *                      entropy function that is set in the context.
385  */
386 void mbedtls_ctr_drbg_set_entropy_len( mbedtls_ctr_drbg_context *ctx,
387                                size_t len );
389 /**
390  * \brief               This function sets the amount of entropy grabbed
391  *                      as a nonce for the initial seeding.
392  *
393  * Call this function before calling mbedtls_ctr_drbg_seed() to read
394  * a nonce from the entropy source during the initial seeding.
395  *
396  * \param ctx           The CTR_DRBG context.
397  * \param len           The amount of entropy to grab for the nonce, in bytes.
398  *                      This must be at most #MBEDTLS_CTR_DRBG_MAX_SEED_INPUT
399  *                      and at most the maximum length accepted by the
400  *                      entropy function that is set in the context.
401  *
402  * \return              \c 0 on success.
403  * \return              #MBEDTLS_ERR_CTR_DRBG_INPUT_TOO_BIG if \p len is
404  *                      more than #MBEDTLS_CTR_DRBG_MAX_SEED_INPUT.
406  *                      if the initial seeding has already taken place.
407  */
408 int mbedtls_ctr_drbg_set_nonce_len( mbedtls_ctr_drbg_context *ctx,
409                                     size_t len );
411 /**
412  * \brief               This function sets the reseed interval.
413  *
414  * The reseed interval is the number of calls to mbedtls_ctr_drbg_random()
415  * or mbedtls_ctr_drbg_random_with_add() after which the entropy function
416  * is called again.
417  *
418  * The default value is #MBEDTLS_CTR_DRBG_RESEED_INTERVAL.
419  *
420  * \param ctx           The CTR_DRBG context.
421  * \param interval      The reseed interval.
422  */
423 void mbedtls_ctr_drbg_set_reseed_interval( mbedtls_ctr_drbg_context *ctx,
424                                    int interval );
426 /**
427  * \brief               This function reseeds the CTR_DRBG context, that is
428  *                      extracts data from the entropy source.
429  *
430  * \note                This function is not thread-safe. It is not safe
431  *                      to call this function if another thread might be
432  *                      concurrently obtaining random numbers from the same
433  *                      context or updating or reseeding the same context.
434  *
435  * \param ctx           The CTR_DRBG context.
436  * \param additional    Additional data to add to the state. Can be \c NULL.
437  * \param len           The length of the additional data.
438  *                      This must be less than
439  *                      #MBEDTLS_CTR_DRBG_MAX_SEED_INPUT - \c entropy_len
440  *                      where \c entropy_len is the entropy length
441  *                      configured for the context.
442  *
443  * \return              \c 0 on success.
444  * \return              #MBEDTLS_ERR_CTR_DRBG_ENTROPY_SOURCE_FAILED on failure.
445  */
446 int mbedtls_ctr_drbg_reseed( mbedtls_ctr_drbg_context *ctx,
447                      const unsigned char *additional, size_t len );
449 /**
450  * \brief              This function updates the state of the CTR_DRBG context.
451  *
452  * \note                This function is not thread-safe. It is not safe
453  *                      to call this function if another thread might be
454  *                      concurrently obtaining random numbers from the same
455  *                      context or updating or reseeding the same context.
456  *
457  * \param ctx          The CTR_DRBG context.
458  * \param additional   The data to update the state with. This must not be
459  *                     \c NULL unless \p add_len is \c 0.
460  * \param add_len      Length of \p additional in bytes. This must be at
461  *                     most #MBEDTLS_CTR_DRBG_MAX_SEED_INPUT.
462  *
463  * \return             \c 0 on success.
464  * \return             #MBEDTLS_ERR_CTR_DRBG_INPUT_TOO_BIG if
465  *                     \p add_len is more than
466  *                     #MBEDTLS_CTR_DRBG_MAX_SEED_INPUT.
467  * \return             An error from the underlying AES cipher on failure.
468  */
469 int mbedtls_ctr_drbg_update_ret( mbedtls_ctr_drbg_context *ctx,
470                                  const unsigned char *additional,
471                                  size_t add_len );
473 /**
474  * \brief   This function updates a CTR_DRBG instance with additional
475  *          data and uses it to generate random data.
476  *
477  * This function automatically reseeds if the reseed counter is exceeded
478  * or prediction resistance is enabled.
479  *
480  * \note                This function is not thread-safe. It is not safe
481  *                      to call this function if another thread might be
482  *                      concurrently obtaining random numbers from the same
483  *                      context or updating or reseeding the same context.
484  *
485  * \param p_rng         The CTR_DRBG context. This must be a pointer to a
486  *                      #mbedtls_ctr_drbg_context structure.
487  * \param output        The buffer to fill.
488  * \param output_len    The length of the buffer in bytes.
489  * \param additional    Additional data to update. Can be \c NULL, in which
490  *                      case the additional data is empty regardless of
491  *                      the value of \p add_len.
492  * \param add_len       The length of the additional data
493  *                      if \p additional is not \c NULL.
494  *                      This must be less than #MBEDTLS_CTR_DRBG_MAX_INPUT
495  *                      and less than
496  *                      #MBEDTLS_CTR_DRBG_MAX_SEED_INPUT - \c entropy_len
497  *                      where \c entropy_len is the entropy length
498  *                      configured for the context.
499  *
500  * \return    \c 0 on success.
502  *            #MBEDTLS_ERR_CTR_DRBG_REQUEST_TOO_BIG on failure.
503  */
504 int mbedtls_ctr_drbg_random_with_add( void *p_rng,
505                               unsigned char *output, size_t output_len,
506                               const unsigned char *additional, size_t add_len );
508 /**
509  * \brief   This function uses CTR_DRBG to generate random data.
510  *
511  * This function automatically reseeds if the reseed counter is exceeded
512  * or prediction resistance is enabled.
513  */
514 #if defined(MBEDTLS_THREADING_C)
515 /**
516  * \note                When Mbed TLS is built with threading support,
517  *                      it is safe to call mbedtls_ctr_drbg_random()
518  *                      from multiple threads. Other operations, including
519  *                      reseeding, are not thread-safe.
520  */
521 #endif /* MBEDTLS_THREADING_C */
522 /**
523  * \param p_rng         The CTR_DRBG context. This must be a pointer to a
524  *                      #mbedtls_ctr_drbg_context structure.
525  * \param output        The buffer to fill.
526  * \param output_len    The length of the buffer in bytes.
527  *
528  * \return              \c 0 on success.
529  * \return              #MBEDTLS_ERR_CTR_DRBG_ENTROPY_SOURCE_FAILED or
530  *                      #MBEDTLS_ERR_CTR_DRBG_REQUEST_TOO_BIG on failure.
531  */
532 int mbedtls_ctr_drbg_random( void *p_rng,
533                      unsigned char *output, size_t output_len );
538 #define MBEDTLS_DEPRECATED    __attribute__((deprecated))
539 #else
541 #endif
542 /**
543  * \brief              This function updates the state of the CTR_DRBG context.
544  *
545  * \deprecated         Superseded by mbedtls_ctr_drbg_update_ret()
546  *                     in 2.16.0.
547  *
548  * \note               If \p add_len is greater than
549  *                     #MBEDTLS_CTR_DRBG_MAX_SEED_INPUT, only the first
550  *                     #MBEDTLS_CTR_DRBG_MAX_SEED_INPUT Bytes are used.
551  *                     The remaining Bytes are silently discarded.
552  *
553  * \param ctx          The CTR_DRBG context.
554  * \param additional   The data to update the state with.
555  * \param add_len      Length of \p additional data.
556  */
557 MBEDTLS_DEPRECATED void mbedtls_ctr_drbg_update(
558     mbedtls_ctr_drbg_context *ctx,
559     const unsigned char *additional,
560     size_t add_len );
564 #if defined(MBEDTLS_FS_IO)
565 /**
566  * \brief               This function writes a seed file.
567  *
568  * \param ctx           The CTR_DRBG context.
569  * \param path          The name of the file.
570  *
571  * \return              \c 0 on success.
572  * \return              #MBEDTLS_ERR_CTR_DRBG_FILE_IO_ERROR on file error.
573  * \return              #MBEDTLS_ERR_CTR_DRBG_ENTROPY_SOURCE_FAILED on reseed
574  *                      failure.
575  */
576 int mbedtls_ctr_drbg_write_seed_file( mbedtls_ctr_drbg_context *ctx, const char *path );
578 /**
579  * \brief               This function reads and updates a seed file. The seed
580  *                      is added to this instance.
581  *
582  * \param ctx           The CTR_DRBG context.
583  * \param path          The name of the file.
584  *
585  * \return              \c 0 on success.
586  * \return              #MBEDTLS_ERR_CTR_DRBG_FILE_IO_ERROR on file error.
587  * \return              #MBEDTLS_ERR_CTR_DRBG_ENTROPY_SOURCE_FAILED on
588  *                      reseed failure.
589  * \return              #MBEDTLS_ERR_CTR_DRBG_INPUT_TOO_BIG if the existing
590  *                      seed file is too large.
591  */
592 int mbedtls_ctr_drbg_update_seed_file( mbedtls_ctr_drbg_context *ctx, const char *path );
593 #endif /* MBEDTLS_FS_IO */
595 #if defined(MBEDTLS_SELF_TEST)
597 /**
598  * \brief               The CTR_DRBG checkup routine.
599  *
600  * \return              \c 0 on success.
601  * \return              \c 1 on failure.
602  */
603 int mbedtls_ctr_drbg_self_test( int verbose );
605 #endif /* MBEDTLS_SELF_TEST */
607 #ifdef __cplusplus
608 }
609 #endif
611 #endif /* ctr_drbg.h */