1 /*
2  *  TLS 1.3 key schedule
3  *
4  *  Copyright The Mbed TLS Contributors
5  *  SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
6  *
7  *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 ( the "License" ); you may
8  *  not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9  *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
10  *
11  *  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12  *
13  *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14  *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
15  *  WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
16  *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
17  *  limitations under the License.
18  */
19 #if !defined(MBEDTLS_SSL_TLS1_3_KEYS_H)
20 #define MBEDTLS_SSL_TLS1_3_KEYS_H
22 /* This requires MBEDTLS_SSL_TLS1_3_LABEL( idx, name, string ) to be defined at
23  * the point of use. See e.g. the definition of mbedtls_ssl_tls1_3_labels_union
24  * below. */
25 #define MBEDTLS_SSL_TLS1_3_LABEL_LIST                               \
26     MBEDTLS_SSL_TLS1_3_LABEL( finished    , "finished"     ) \
27     MBEDTLS_SSL_TLS1_3_LABEL( resumption  , "resumption"   ) \
28     MBEDTLS_SSL_TLS1_3_LABEL( traffic_upd , "traffic upd"  ) \
29     MBEDTLS_SSL_TLS1_3_LABEL( exporter    , "exporter"     ) \
30     MBEDTLS_SSL_TLS1_3_LABEL( key         , "key"          ) \
31     MBEDTLS_SSL_TLS1_3_LABEL( iv          , "iv"           ) \
32     MBEDTLS_SSL_TLS1_3_LABEL( c_hs_traffic, "c hs traffic" ) \
33     MBEDTLS_SSL_TLS1_3_LABEL( c_ap_traffic, "c ap traffic" ) \
34     MBEDTLS_SSL_TLS1_3_LABEL( c_e_traffic , "c e traffic"  ) \
35     MBEDTLS_SSL_TLS1_3_LABEL( s_hs_traffic, "s hs traffic" ) \
36     MBEDTLS_SSL_TLS1_3_LABEL( s_ap_traffic, "s ap traffic" ) \
37     MBEDTLS_SSL_TLS1_3_LABEL( s_e_traffic , "s e traffic"  ) \
38     MBEDTLS_SSL_TLS1_3_LABEL( e_exp_master, "e exp master" ) \
39     MBEDTLS_SSL_TLS1_3_LABEL( res_master  , "res master"   ) \
40     MBEDTLS_SSL_TLS1_3_LABEL( exp_master  , "exp master"   ) \
41     MBEDTLS_SSL_TLS1_3_LABEL( ext_binder  , "ext binder"   ) \
42     MBEDTLS_SSL_TLS1_3_LABEL( res_binder  , "res binder"   ) \
43     MBEDTLS_SSL_TLS1_3_LABEL( derived     , "derived"      )
45 #define MBEDTLS_SSL_TLS1_3_LABEL( name, string )       \
46     const unsigned char name    [ sizeof(string) - 1 ];
48 union mbedtls_ssl_tls1_3_labels_union
49 {
51 };
52 struct mbedtls_ssl_tls1_3_labels_struct
53 {
55 };
58 extern const struct mbedtls_ssl_tls1_3_labels_struct mbedtls_ssl_tls1_3_labels;
61     mbedtls_ssl_tls1_3_labels.LABEL,              \
62     sizeof(mbedtls_ssl_tls1_3_labels.LABEL)
65     sizeof( union mbedtls_ssl_tls1_3_labels_union )
67 /* The maximum length of HKDF contexts used in the TLS 1.3 standard.
68  * Since contexts are always hashes of message transcripts, this can
69  * be approximated from above by the maximum hash size. */
73 /* Maximum desired length for expanded key material generated
74  * by HKDF-Expand-Label.
75  *
76  * Warning: If this ever needs to be increased, the implementation
77  * ssl_tls1_3_hkdf_encode_label() in ssl_tls13_keys.c needs to be
78  * adjusted since it currently assumes that HKDF key expansion
79  * is never used with more than 255 Bytes of output. */
82 /**
83  * \brief           The \c HKDF-Expand-Label function from
84  *                  the TLS 1.3 standard RFC 8446.
85  *
86  * <tt>
87  *                  HKDF-Expand-Label( Secret, Label, Context, Length ) =
88  *                       HKDF-Expand( Secret, HkdfLabel, Length )
89  * </tt>
90  *
91  * \param hash_alg  The identifier for the hash algorithm to use.
92  * \param secret    The \c Secret argument to \c HKDF-Expand-Label.
93  *                  This must be a readable buffer of length \p slen Bytes.
94  * \param slen      The length of \p secret in Bytes.
95  * \param label     The \c Label argument to \c HKDF-Expand-Label.
96  *                  This must be a readable buffer of length \p llen Bytes.
97  * \param llen      The length of \p label in Bytes.
98  * \param ctx       The \c Context argument to \c HKDF-Expand-Label.
99  *                  This must be a readable buffer of length \p clen Bytes.
100  * \param clen      The length of \p context in Bytes.
101  * \param buf       The destination buffer to hold the expanded secret.
102  *                  This must be a writable buffer of length \p blen Bytes.
103  * \param blen      The desired size of the expanded secret in Bytes.
104  *
105  * \returns         \c 0 on success.
106  * \return          A negative error code on failure.
107  */
109 int mbedtls_ssl_tls1_3_hkdf_expand_label(
110                      mbedtls_md_type_t hash_alg,
111                      const unsigned char *secret, size_t slen,
112                      const unsigned char *label, size_t llen,
113                      const unsigned char *ctx, size_t clen,
114                      unsigned char *buf, size_t blen );
116 /**
117  * \brief           This function is part of the TLS 1.3 key schedule.
118  *                  It extracts key and IV for the actual client/server traffic
119  *                  from the client/server traffic secrets.
120  *
121  * From RFC 8446:
122  *
123  * <tt>
124  *   [sender]_write_key = HKDF-Expand-Label(Secret, "key", "", key_length)
125  *   [sender]_write_iv  = HKDF-Expand-Label(Secret, "iv", "", iv_length)*
126  * </tt>
127  *
128  * \param hash_alg      The identifier for the hash algorithm to be used
129  *                      for the HKDF-based expansion of the secret.
130  * \param client_secret The client traffic secret.
131  *                      This must be a readable buffer of size \p slen Bytes
132  * \param server_secret The server traffic secret.
133  *                      This must be a readable buffer of size \p slen Bytes
134  * \param slen          Length of the secrets \p client_secret and
135  *                      \p server_secret in Bytes.
136  * \param key_len       The desired length of the key to be extracted in Bytes.
137  * \param iv_len        The desired length of the IV to be extracted in Bytes.
138  * \param keys          The address of the structure holding the generated
139  *                      keys and IVs.
140  *
141  * \returns             \c 0 on success.
142  * \returns             A negative error code on failure.
143  */
145 int mbedtls_ssl_tls1_3_make_traffic_keys(
146                      mbedtls_md_type_t hash_alg,
147                      const unsigned char *client_secret,
148                      const unsigned char *server_secret,
149                      size_t slen, size_t key_len, size_t iv_len,
150                      mbedtls_ssl_key_set *keys );
156 /**
157  * \brief The \c Derive-Secret function from the TLS 1.3 standard RFC 8446.
158  *
159  * <tt>
160  *   Derive-Secret( Secret, Label, Messages ) =
161  *      HKDF-Expand-Label( Secret, Label,
162  *                         Hash( Messages ),
163  *                         Hash.Length ) )
164  * </tt>
165  *
166  * \param hash_alg   The identifier for the hash function used for the
167  *                   applications of HKDF.
168  * \param secret     The \c Secret argument to the \c Derive-Secret function.
169  *                   This must be a readable buffer of length \p slen Bytes.
170  * \param slen       The length of \p secret in Bytes.
171  * \param label      The \c Label argument to the \c Derive-Secret function.
172  *                   This must be a readable buffer of length \p llen Bytes.
173  * \param llen       The length of \p label in Bytes.
174  * \param ctx        The hash of the \c Messages argument to the
175  *                   \c Derive-Secret function, or the \c Messages argument
176  *                   itself, depending on \p context_already_hashed.
177  * \param clen       The length of \p hash.
178  * \param ctx_hashed This indicates whether the \p ctx contains the hash of
179  *                   the \c Messages argument in the application of the
180  *                   \c Derive-Secret function
181  *                   (value MBEDTLS_SSL_TLS1_3_CONTEXT_HASHED), or whether
182  *                   it is the content of \c Messages itself, in which case
183  *                   the function takes care of the hashing
184  *                   (value MBEDTLS_SSL_TLS1_3_CONTEXT_UNHASHED).
185  * \param dstbuf     The target buffer to write the output of
186  *                   \c Derive-Secret to. This must be a writable buffer of
187  *                   size \p buflen Bytes.
188  * \param buflen     The length of \p dstbuf in Bytes.
189  *
190  * \returns        \c 0 on success.
191  * \returns        A negative error code on failure.
192  */
193 int mbedtls_ssl_tls1_3_derive_secret(
194                    mbedtls_md_type_t hash_alg,
195                    const unsigned char *secret, size_t slen,
196                    const unsigned char *label, size_t llen,
197                    const unsigned char *ctx, size_t clen,
198                    int ctx_hashed,
199                    unsigned char *dstbuf, size_t buflen );
201 /**
202  * \brief Compute the next secret in the TLS 1.3 key schedule
203  *
204  * The TLS 1.3 key schedule proceeds as follows to compute
205  * the three main secrets during the handshake: The early
206  * secret for early data, the handshake secret for all
207  * other encrypted handshake messages, and the master
208  * secret for all application traffic.
209  *
210  * <tt>
211  *                    0
212  *                    |
213  *                    v
214  *     PSK ->  HKDF-Extract = Early Secret
215  *                    |
216  *                    v
217  *     Derive-Secret( ., "derived", "" )
218  *                    |
219  *                    v
220  *  (EC)DHE -> HKDF-Extract = Handshake Secret
221  *                    |
222  *                    v
223  *     Derive-Secret( ., "derived", "" )
224  *                    |
225  *                    v
226  *     0 -> HKDF-Extract = Master Secret
227  * </tt>
228  *
229  * Each of the three secrets in turn is the basis for further
230  * key derivations, such as the derivation of traffic keys and IVs;
231  * see e.g. mbedtls_ssl_tls1_3_make_traffic_keys().
232  *
233  * This function implements one step in this evolution of secrets:
234  *
235  * <tt>
236  *                old_secret
237  *                    |
238  *                    v
239  *     Derive-Secret( ., "derived", "" )
240  *                    |
241  *                    v
242  *     input -> HKDF-Extract = new_secret
243  * </tt>
244  *
245  * \param hash_alg    The identifier for the hash function used for the
246  *                    applications of HKDF.
247  * \param secret_old  The address of the buffer holding the old secret
248  *                    on function entry. If not \c NULL, this must be a
249  *                    readable buffer whose size matches the output size
250  *                    of the hash function represented by \p hash_alg.
251  *                    If \c NULL, an all \c 0 array will be used instead.
252  * \param input       The address of the buffer holding the additional
253  *                    input for the key derivation (e.g., the PSK or the
254  *                    ephemeral (EC)DH secret). If not \c NULL, this must be
255  *                    a readable buffer whose size \p input_len Bytes.
256  *                    If \c NULL, an all \c 0 array will be used instead.
257  * \param input_len   The length of \p input in Bytes.
258  * \param secret_new  The address of the buffer holding the new secret
259  *                    on function exit. This must be a writable buffer
260  *                    whose size matches the output size of the hash
261  *                    function represented by \p hash_alg.
262  *                    This may be the same as \p secret_old.
263  *
264  * \returns           \c 0 on success.
265  * \returns           A negative error code on failure.
266  */
268 int mbedtls_ssl_tls1_3_evolve_secret(
269                    mbedtls_md_type_t hash_alg,
270                    const unsigned char *secret_old,
271                    const unsigned char *input, size_t input_len,
272                    unsigned char *secret_new );
274 #endif /* MBEDTLS_SSL_TLS1_3_KEYS_H */