1 /*
2  * @brief LPC15XX System Control registers and control functions
3  *
4  * @note
5  * Copyright(C) NXP Semiconductors, 2014
6  * All rights reserved.
7  *
8  * @par
9  * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
10  * which provides customers with programming information regarding the
11  * LPC products.  This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties of
12  * any kind, and NXP Semiconductors and its licensor disclaim any and
13  * all warranties, express or implied, including all implied warranties of
14  * merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of
15  * intellectual property rights.  NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility
16  * or liability for the use of the software, conveys no license or rights under any
17  * patent, copyright, mask work right, or any other intellectual property rights in
18  * or to any products. NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes
19  * in the software without notification. NXP Semiconductors also makes no
20  * representation or warranty that such application will be suitable for the
21  * specified use without further testing or modification.
22  *
23  * @par
24  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
25  * documentation is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors' and its
26  * licensor's relevant copyrights in the software, without fee, provided that it
27  * is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers.  This
28  * copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of
29  * this code.
30  */
32 #ifndef __SYSCTL_15XX_H_
33 #define __SYSCTL_15XX_H_
35 #ifdef __cplusplus
36 extern "C" {
37 #endif
39 /** @defgroup SYSCTL_15XX CHIP: LPC15xx System Control block driver
40  * @ingroup CHIP_15XX_Drivers
41  * @{
42  */
44 /**
45  * @brief LPC15XX System Control block structure
46  */
47 typedef struct {					/*!< SYSCTL Structure */
48 	__IO uint32_t  SYSMEMREMAP;		/*!< System Memory remap register */
49 	__I  uint32_t  RESERVED0[2];
50 	__IO uint32_t  AHBBUFEN0;
51 	__IO uint32_t  AHBBUFEN1;
52 	__IO uint32_t  SYSTCKCAL;		/*!< System tick counter calibration register */
53 	__I  uint32_t  RESERVED1[1];
54 	__IO uint32_t  NMISRC;			/*!< NMI source control register */
55 	__I  uint32_t  RESERVED2[8];
56 	__IO uint32_t  SYSRSTSTAT;		/*!< System Reset Status register */
57 	__IO uint32_t  PRESETCTRL[2];	/*!< Peripheral reset Control registers */
58 	__I  uint32_t  PIOPORCAP[3];	/*!< POR captured PIO status registers */
59 	__I  uint32_t  RESERVED3[10];
60 	__IO uint32_t  MAINCLKSELA;		/*!< Main clock source A select register */
61 	__IO uint32_t  MAINCLKSELB;		/*!< Main clock source B select register */
62 	__IO uint32_t  USBCLKSEL;		/*!< USB clock source select register */
63 	__IO uint32_t  ADCASYNCCLKSEL;	/*!< ADC asynchronous clock source select register */
64 	__I  uint32_t  RESERVED4[1];
65 	__IO uint32_t  CLKOUTSEL[2];	/*!< Clock out source select registers */
66 	__I  uint32_t  RESERVED5[1];
67 	__IO uint32_t  SYSPLLCLKSEL;	/*!< System PLL clock source select register */
68 	__IO uint32_t  USBPLLCLKSEL;	/*!< USB PLL clock source select register */
69 	__IO uint32_t  SCTPLLCLKSEL;	/*!< SCT PLL clock source select register */
70 	__I  uint32_t  RESERVED6[5];
71 	__IO uint32_t  SYSAHBCLKDIV;	/*!< System Clock divider register */
72 	__IO uint32_t  SYSAHBCLKCTRL[2];/*!< System clock control registers */
73 	__IO uint32_t  SYSTICKCLKDIV;	/*!< SYSTICK clock divider */
74 	__IO uint32_t  UARTCLKDIV;		/*!< UART clock divider register */
75 	__IO uint32_t  IOCONCLKDIV;		/*!< programmable glitch filter divider registers for IOCON */
76 	__IO uint32_t  TRACECLKDIV;		/*!< ARM trace clock divider register */
77 	__I  uint32_t  RESERVED7[4];
78 	__IO uint32_t  USBCLKDIV;		/*!< USB clock source divider register */
79 	__IO uint32_t  ADCASYNCCLKDIV;	/*!< Asynchronous ADC clock divider */
80 	__I  uint32_t  RESERVED8[1];
81 	__IO uint32_t  CLKOUTDIV;		/*!< Clock out divider register */
82 	__I  uint32_t  RESERVED9[9];
83 	__IO uint32_t  FREQMECTRL;		/*!< Frequency measure register */
84 	__IO uint32_t  FLASHCFG;		/*!< Flash configuration register */
85 	__IO uint32_t  FRGCTRL;			/*!< USART fractional baud rate generator control register */
86 	__IO uint32_t  USBCLKCTRL;		/*!< USB clock control register */
87 	__I  uint32_t  USBCLKST;		/*!< USB clock status register */
88 	__I  uint32_t  RESERVED10[19];
89 	__IO uint32_t  BODCTRL;			/*!< Brown Out Detect register */
90 	__I  uint32_t  IRCCTRL;
91 	__IO uint32_t  SYSOSCCTRL;		/*!< System Oscillator control register */
92 	__I  uint32_t  RESERVED11[1];
93 	__IO uint32_t  RTCOSCCTRL;		/*!< RTC Oscillator control register */
94 	__I  uint32_t  RESERVED12[1];
95 	__IO uint32_t  SYSPLLCTRL;		/*!< System PLL control register */
96 	__I  uint32_t  SYSPLLSTAT;		/*!< System PLL status register */
97 	__IO uint32_t  USBPLLCTRL;		/*!< USB PLL control register */
98 	__I  uint32_t  USBPLLSTAT;		/*!< USB PLL status register */
99 	__IO uint32_t  SCTPLLCTRL;		/*!< SCT PLL control register */
100 	__I  uint32_t  SCTPLLSTAT;		/*!< SCT PLL status register */
101 	__I  uint32_t  RESERVED13[21];
102 	__IO uint32_t  PDWAKECFG;		/*!< Power down states in wake up from deep sleep register */
103 	__IO uint32_t  PDRUNCFG;		/*!< Power configuration register*/
104 	__I  uint32_t  RESERVED14[3];
105 	__IO uint32_t  STARTERP[2];		/*!< Start logic interrupt wake-up enable registers */
106 	__I  uint32_t  RESERVED15[117];
107 	__I  uint32_t  JTAG_IDCODE;		/*!< JTAG ID code register */
108 	__I  uint32_t  DEVICEID[2];		/*!< Device ID registers */
111 /**
112  * System memory remap modes used to remap interrupt vectors
113  */
114 typedef enum CHIP_SYSCTL_BOOT_MODE_REMAP {
115 	REMAP_BOOT_LOADER_MODE = 0,	/*!< Interrupt vectors are re-mapped to Boot ROM */
116 	REMAP_USER_RAM_MODE,		/*!< Interrupt vectors are re-mapped to Static RAM */
117 	REMAP_USER_FLASH_MODE		/*!< Interrupt vectors are not re-mapped and reside in Flash */
120 /**
121  * @brief	Re-map interrupt vectors
122  * @param	remap	: system memory map value
123  * @return	Nothing
124  */
126 {
127 	LPC_SYSCTL->SYSMEMREMAP = (uint32_t) remap;
128 }
130 /**
131  * Peripheral reset identifiers, not available on all devices
132  */
133 typedef enum {
134 	/* PRESETCTRL0 resets */
135 	RESET_FLASH = 7,		/*!< FLASH controller reset control */
136 	RESET_EEPROM = 9,		/*!< EEPROM controller reset control */
137 	RESET_MUX = 11,			/*!< Input mux reset control */
138 	RESET_IOCON = 13,		/*!< IOCON reset control */
139 	RESET_PININT = 18,		/*!< Pin interrupt (PINT) reset reset control */
140 	RESET_GINT,				/*!< Grouped interrupt (GINT) reset control */
141 	RESET_DMA,				/*!< DMA reset control */
142 	RESET_CRC,				/*!< CRC reset control */
143 	RESET_ADC0 = 27,		/*!< ADC0 reset control */
144 	RESET_ADC1,				/*!< ADC1 reset control */
145 	RESET_ACMP = 30,		/*!< Analog Comparator (all 4 ACMP) reset control */
146 	RESET_MRT = 32 + 0,		/*!< Multi-rate timer (MRT) reset control */
147 	RESET_RIT,				/*!< Repetitive interrupt timer (RIT) reset control */
148 	RESET_SCT0,				/*!< State configurable timer 0 (SCT0) reset control */
149 	RESET_SCT1,				/*!< State configurable timer 1 (SCT1) reset control */
150 	RESET_SCT2,				/*!< State configurable timer 2 (SCT2) reset control */
151 	RESET_SCT3,				/*!< State configurable timer 3 (SCT3) reset control */
152 	RESET_SCTIPU,			/*!< State configurable timer IPU (SCTIPU) reset control */
153 	RESET_CAN,				/*!< CAN reset control */
154 	RESET_SPI0 = 32 + 9,	/*!< SPI0 reset control */
155 	RESET_SPI1,				/*!< SPI1 reset control */
156 	RESET_I2C0 = 32 + 13,	/*!< I2C0 reset control */
157 	RESET_UART0 = 32 + 17,	/*!< UART0 reset control */
158 	RESET_UART1,			/*!< UART1 reset control */
159 	RESET_UART2,			/*!< UART2 reset control */
160 	RESET_QEI0 = 32 + 21,	/*!< QEI0 reset control */
161 	RESET_USB = 32 + 23		/*!< USB reset control */
164 /**
165  * @brief	Assert reset for a peripheral
166  * @param	periph	: Peripheral to assert reset for
167  * @return	Nothing
168  * @note	The peripheral will stay in reset until reset is de-asserted. Call
169  * Chip_SYSCTL_DeassertPeriphReset() to de-assert the reset.
170  */
171 void Chip_SYSCTL_AssertPeriphReset(CHIP_SYSCTL_PERIPH_RESET_T periph);
173 /**
174  * @brief	De-assert reset for a peripheral
175  * @param	periph	: Peripheral to de-assert reset for
176  * @return	Nothing
177  */
178 void Chip_SYSCTL_DeassertPeriphReset(CHIP_SYSCTL_PERIPH_RESET_T periph);
180 /**
181  * @brief	Resets a peripheral
182  * @param	periph	:	Peripheral to reset
183  * @return	Nothing
184  */
186 {
187 	Chip_SYSCTL_AssertPeriphReset(periph);
188 	Chip_SYSCTL_DeassertPeriphReset(periph);
189 }
191 /**
192  * System reset status
193  */
194 #define SYSCTL_RST_POR    (1 << 0)	/*!< POR reset status */
195 #define SYSCTL_RST_EXTRST (1 << 1)	/*!< External reset status */
196 #define SYSCTL_RST_WDT    (1 << 2)	/*!< Watchdog reset status */
197 #define SYSCTL_RST_BOD    (1 << 3)	/*!< Brown-out detect reset status */
198 #define SYSCTL_RST_SYSRST (1 << 4)	/*!< software system reset status */
200 /**
201  * @brief	Get system reset status
202  * @return	An Or'ed value of SYSCTL_RST_*
203  * @note	This function returns the detected reset source(s). Mask with an
204  * SYSCTL_RST_* value to determine if a reset has occurred.
205  */
Chip_SYSCTL_GetSystemRSTStatus(void)206 STATIC INLINE uint32_t Chip_SYSCTL_GetSystemRSTStatus(void)
207 {
209 }
211 /**
212  * @brief	Clear system reset status
213  * @param	reset	: An Or'ed value of SYSCTL_RST_* statuses to clear
214  * @return	Nothing
215  */
Chip_SYSCTL_ClearSystemRSTStatus(uint32_t reset)216 STATIC INLINE void Chip_SYSCTL_ClearSystemRSTStatus(uint32_t reset)
217 {
219 }
221 /**
222  * @brief	Read POR captured PIO status at reset
223  * @param	index	: POR register index 0, 1, or 2
224  * @return	captured POR PIO status for ports 0, 1, or 2
225  */
Chip_SYSCTL_GetPORPIOStatus(int index)226 STATIC INLINE uint32_t Chip_SYSCTL_GetPORPIOStatus(int index)
227 {
228 	return LPC_SYSCTL->PIOPORCAP[index];
229 }
231 /**
232  * Brown-out detector reset level
233  */
234 typedef enum CHIP_SYSCTL_BODRSTLVL {
237 	SYSCTL_BODRSTLVL_2_34V,	/*!< Brown-out reset at 2.34v */
238 	SYSCTL_BODRSTLVL_2_64V,	/*!< Brown-out reset at 2.64v */
241 /**
242  * Brown-out detector interrupt level
243  */
244 typedef enum CHIP_SYSCTL_BODRINTVAL {
247 	SYSCTL_BODINTVAL_2_55V,	/*!< Brown-out interrupt at 2.55v */
248 	SYSCTL_BODINTVAL_2_83V,	/*!< Brown-out interrupt at 2.83v */
251 /**
252  * @brief	Set brown-out detection interrupt and reset levels
253  * @param	rstlvl	: Brown-out detector reset level
254  * @param	intlvl	: Brown-out interrupt level
255  * @return	Nothing
256  * @note	Brown-out detection reset will be disabled upon exiting this function.
257  * Use Chip_SYSCTL_EnableBODReset() to re-enable.
258  */
260 											CHIP_SYSCTL_BODRINTVAL_T intlvl)
261 {
262 	LPC_SYSCTL->BODCTRL = ((uint32_t) rstlvl) | (((uint32_t) intlvl) << 2);
263 }
265 /**
266  * @brief	Enable brown-out detection reset
267  * @return	Nothing
268  */
Chip_SYSCTL_EnableBODReset(void)269 STATIC INLINE void Chip_SYSCTL_EnableBODReset(void)
270 {
271 	LPC_SYSCTL->BODCTRL |= (1 << 4);
272 }
274 /**
275  * @brief	Disable brown-out detection reset
276  * @return	Nothing
277  */
Chip_SYSCTL_DisableBODReset(void)278 STATIC INLINE void Chip_SYSCTL_DisableBODReset(void)
279 {
280 	LPC_SYSCTL->BODCTRL &= ~(1 << 4);
281 }
283 /**
284  * @brief	Set System tick timer calibration value
285  * @param	sysCalVal	: System tick timer calibration value
286  * @return	Nothing
287  */
Chip_SYSCTL_SetSYSTCKCAL(uint32_t sysCalVal)288 STATIC INLINE void Chip_SYSCTL_SetSYSTCKCAL(uint32_t sysCalVal)
289 {
291 }
293 /**
294  * Non-Maskable Interrupt Enable/Disable value
295  */
296 #define SYSCTL_NMISRC_ENABLE   (1UL << 31)	/*!< Enable the Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI) source */
298 /**
299  * @brief	Set source for non-maskable interrupt (NMI)
300  * @param	intsrc	: IRQ number to assign to the NMI
301  * @return	Nothing
302  * @note	The NMI source will be disabled upon exiting this function. Use the
303  * Chip_SYSCTL_EnableNMISource() function to enable the NMI source.
304  */
Chip_SYSCTL_SetNMISource(uint32_t intsrc)305 STATIC INLINE void Chip_SYSCTL_SetNMISource(uint32_t intsrc)
306 {
307 	LPC_SYSCTL->NMISRC = 0;	/* Disable first */
308 	LPC_SYSCTL->NMISRC = intsrc;
309 }
311 /**
312  * @brief	Enable interrupt used for NMI source
313  * @return	Nothing
314  */
Chip_SYSCTL_EnableNMISource(void)315 STATIC INLINE void Chip_SYSCTL_EnableNMISource(void)
316 {
318 }
320 /**
321  * @brief	Disable interrupt used for NMI source
322  * @return	Nothing
323  */
Chip_SYSCTL_DisableNMISource(void)324 STATIC INLINE void Chip_SYSCTL_DisableNMISource(void)
325 {
327 }
329 /**
330  * @brief	Starts a frequency measurement cycle
331  * @return	Nothing
332  * @note	This function is meant to be used with the Chip_INMUX_SetFreqMeasRefClock()
333  * and Chip_INMUX_SetFreqMeasTargClock() functions.
334  */
Chip_SYSCTL_StartFreqMeas(void)335 STATIC INLINE void Chip_SYSCTL_StartFreqMeas(void)
336 {
338 	LPC_SYSCTL->FREQMECTRL = (1UL << 31);
339 }
341 /**
342  * @brief	Indicates when a frequency measurement cycle is complete
343  * @return	true if a measurement cycle is active, otherwise false
344  */
Chip_SYSCTL_IsFreqMeasComplete(void)345 STATIC INLINE bool Chip_SYSCTL_IsFreqMeasComplete(void)
346 {
347 	return (bool) ((LPC_SYSCTL->FREQMECTRL & (1UL << 31)) == 0);
348 }
350 /**
351  * @brief	Returns the raw capture value for a frequency measurement cycle
352  * @return	raw cpature value (this is not a frequency)
353  */
Chip_SYSCTL_GetRawFreqMeasCapval(void)354 STATIC INLINE uint32_t Chip_SYSCTL_GetRawFreqMeasCapval(void)
355 {
356 	return LPC_SYSCTL->FREQMECTRL & 0x3FFF;
357 }
359 /**
360  * @brief	Returns the computed value for a frequency measurement cycle
361  * @param	refClockRate	: Reference clock rate used during the frequency measurement cycle
362  * @return	Computed cpature value
363  */
364 uint32_t Chip_SYSCTL_GetCompFreqMeas(uint32_t refClockRate);
366 /**
367  * @brief FLASH Access time definitions
368  */
369 typedef enum {
370 	SYSCTL_FLASHTIM_25MHZ_CPU = 0,	/*!< Flash accesses use 1 CPU clocks. Use for up to 25 MHz CPU clock*/
371 	SYSCTL_FLASHTIM_55MHZ_CPU = 1,	/*!< Flash accesses use 2 CPU clocks. Use for up to 55 MHz CPU clock*/
372 	SYSCTL_FLASHTIM_72MHZ_CPU = 2,	/*!< Flash accesses use 3 CPU clocks. Use for up to 72 MHz CPU clock*/
375 /**
376  * @brief	Set FLASH access time in clocks
377  * @param	clks	: Clock cycles for FLASH access (minus 1)
378  * @return	Nothing
379  */
381 {
382 	uint32_t tmp = LPC_SYSCTL->FLASHCFG & (~(0x3 << 12));
384 	/* Don't alter other bits */
385 	LPC_SYSCTL->FLASHCFG = tmp | ((clks & 0x03) << 12);
386 }
388 /**
389  * @brief	Setup USB clock control
390  * @param	ap_clk	: USB need_clock signal control (0 or 1)
391  * @param	pol_clk	: USB need_clock polarity for triggering the USB wake-up interrupt (0 or 1)
392  * @return	Nothing
393  * @note	See the USBCLKCTRL register in the user manual for these settings.
394  */
Chip_SYSCTL_SetUSBCLKCTRL(uint32_t ap_clk,uint32_t pol_clk)395 STATIC INLINE void Chip_SYSCTL_SetUSBCLKCTRL(uint32_t ap_clk, uint32_t pol_clk)
396 {
397 	LPC_SYSCTL->USBCLKCTRL = ap_clk | (pol_clk << 1);
398 }
400 /**
401  * @brief	Returns the status of the USB need_clock signal
402  * @return	true if USB need_clock status is high, otherwise false
403  */
Chip_SYSCTL_GetUSBCLKStatus(void)404 STATIC INLINE bool Chip_SYSCTL_GetUSBCLKStatus(void)
405 {
406 	return (bool) ((LPC_SYSCTL->USBCLKST & 0x1) != 0);
407 }
409 /**
410  * Peripheral interrupt wakeup events on STARTERP0 only
411  */
412 #define SYSCTL_ERP0_WAKEUP_WDTINT       (1 << 0)	/*!< WWDT interrupt wake-up */
413 #define SYSCTL_ERP0_WAKEUP_BODINT       (1 << 1)	/*!< Brown out detector interrupt wake-up */
414 #define SYSCTL_ERP0_WAKEUP_GINT0INT     (1 << 5)	/*!< Group interrupt 0 wake-up */
415 #define SYSCTL_ERP0_WAKEUP_GINT1INT     (1 << 6)	/*!< Group interrupt 1 wake-up */
416 #define SYSCTL_ERP0_WAKEUP_PINT0INT     (1 << 7)	/*!< GPIO pin interrupt 0 wake-up */
417 #define SYSCTL_ERP0_WAKEUP_PINT1INT     (1 << 8)	/*!< GPIO pin interrupt 1 wake-up */
418 #define SYSCTL_ERP0_WAKEUP_PINT2INT     (1 << 9)	/*!< GPIO pin interrupt 2 wake-up */
419 #define SYSCTL_ERP0_WAKEUP_PINT3INT     (1 << 10)	/*!< GPIO pin interrupt 3 wake-up */
420 #define SYSCTL_ERP0_WAKEUP_PINT4INT     (1 << 11)	/*!< GPIO pin interrupt 4 wake-up */
421 #define SYSCTL_ERP0_WAKEUP_PINT5INT     (1 << 12)	/*!< GPIO pin interrupt 5 wake-up */
422 #define SYSCTL_ERP0_WAKEUP_PINT6INT     (1 << 13)	/*!< GPIO pin interrupt 6 wake-up */
423 #define SYSCTL_ERP0_WAKEUP_PINT7INT     (1 << 14)	/*!< GPIO pin interrupt 7 wake-up */
424 #define SYSCTL_ERP0_WAKEUP_USART0INT    (1 << 21)	/*!< USART0 interrupt wake-up */
425 #define SYSCTL_ERP0_WAKEUP_USART1INT    (1 << 22)	/*!< USART1 interrupt wake-up */
426 #define SYSCTL_ERP0_WAKEUP_USART2INT    (1 << 23)	/*!< USART2 interrupt wake-up */
427 #define SYSCTL_ERP0_WAKEUP_I2CINT       (1 << 24)	/*!< I2C interrupt wake-up */
428 #define SYSCTL_ERP0_WAKEUP_SPI0INT      (1 << 25)	/*!< SPI0 interrupt wake-up */
429 #define SYSCTL_ERP0_WAKEUP_SPI1INT      (1 << 26)	/*!< SPI1 interrupt wake-up */
430 #define SYSCTL_ERP0_WAKEUP_USB_WAKEUP   (1 << 30)	/*!< USB need_clock signal wake-up */
432 /**
433  * @brief	Enables a peripheral's wakeup logic (STARTERP0 only)
434  * @param	periphmask	: OR'ed values of SYSCTL_ERP0_* for wakeup
435  * @return	Nothing
436  * @note	Use this function only with definitions of type SYSCTL_ERP0_*. Do
437  * not use or mix with SYSCTL_ERP1_* definitions.
438  */
Chip_SYSCTL_EnableERP0PeriphWakeup(uint32_t periphmask)439 STATIC INLINE void Chip_SYSCTL_EnableERP0PeriphWakeup(uint32_t periphmask)
440 {
441 	LPC_SYSCTL->STARTERP[0] |= periphmask;
442 }
444 /**
445  * @brief	Disables a peripheral's wakeup logic (STARTERP0 only)
446  * @param	periphmask	: OR'ed values of SYSCTL_ERP0_* for wakeup
447  * @return	Nothing
448  * @note	Use this function only with definitions of type SYSCTL_ERP0_*. Do
449  * not use or mix with SYSCTL_ERP1_* definitions.
450  */
Chip_SYSCTL_DisableERP0PeriphWakeup(uint32_t periphmask)451 STATIC INLINE void Chip_SYSCTL_DisableERP0PeriphWakeup(uint32_t periphmask)
452 {
453 	LPC_SYSCTL->STARTERP[0] &= ~periphmask;
454 }
456 /**
457  * Peripheral interrupt wakeup events on STARTERP1 only
458  */
459 #define SYSCTL_ERP1_WAKEUP_ACMP0INT     (1 << 8)	/*!< Analog comparator 0 interrupt wake-up */
460 #define SYSCTL_ERP1_WAKEUP_ACMP1INT     (1 << 9)	/*!< Analog comparator 1 interrupt wake-up */
461 #define SYSCTL_ERP1_WAKEUP_ACMP2INT     (1 << 10)	/*!< Analog comparator 2 interrupt wake-up */
462 #define SYSCTL_ERP1_WAKEUP_ACMP3INT     (1 << 11)	/*!< Analog comparator 3 interrupt wake-up */
463 #define SYSCTL_ERP1_WAKEUP_RTCALARMINT  (1 << 13)	/*!< RTC alarm interrupt wake-up */
464 #define SYSCTL_ERP1_WAKEUP_RTCWAKEINT   (1 << 14)	/*!< RTC wake (1KHz wake) interrupt wake-up */
466 /**
467  * @brief	Enables a peripheral's wakeup logic (STARTERP0 only)
468  * @param	periphmask	: OR'ed values of SYSCTL_ERP1_* for wakeup
469  * @return	Nothing
470  * @note	Use this function only with definitions of type SYSCTL_ERP1_*. Do
471  * not use or mix with SYSCTL_ERP1_* definitions.
472  */
Chip_SYSCTL_EnableERP1PeriphWakeup(uint32_t periphmask)473 STATIC INLINE void Chip_SYSCTL_EnableERP1PeriphWakeup(uint32_t periphmask)
474 {
475 	LPC_SYSCTL->STARTERP[1] |= periphmask;
476 }
478 /**
479  * @brief	Disables a peripheral's wakeup logic (STARTERP1 only)
480  * @param	periphmask	: OR'ed values of SYSCTL_ERP1_* for wakeup
481  * @return	Nothing
482  * @note	Use this function only with definitions of type SYSCTL_ERP1_*. Do
483  * not use or mix with SYSCTL_ERP1_* definitions.
484  */
Chip_SYSCTL_DisableERP1PeriphWakeup(uint32_t periphmask)485 STATIC INLINE void Chip_SYSCTL_DisableERP1PeriphWakeup(uint32_t periphmask)
486 {
487 	LPC_SYSCTL->STARTERP[1] &= ~periphmask;
488 }
490 /**
491  * Deep sleep to wakeup setup values
492  */
493 #define SYSCTL_SLPWAKE_TBD0_PD      (1 << 0)	/*!< TBD0 wake-up configuration */
494 #define SYSCTL_SLPWAKE_TBD1_PD      (1 << 1)	/*!< TBD1 wake-up configuration */
495 #define SYSCTL_SLPWAKE_TBD2_PD      (1 << 2)	/*!< TBD2 wake-up configuration */
496 #define SYSCTL_SLPWAKE_IRCOUT_PD    (1 << 3)	/*!< IRC oscillator output wake-up configuration */
497 #define SYSCTL_SLPWAKE_IRC_PD       (1 << 4)	/*!< IRC oscillator power-down wake-up configuration */
498 #define SYSCTL_SLPWAKE_FLASH_PD     (1 << 5)	/*!< Flash wake-up configuration */
499 #define SYSCTL_SLPWAKE_EEPROM_PD    (1 << 6)	/*!< EEPROM wake-up configuration */
500 #define SYSCTL_SLPWAKE_BOD_PD       (1 << 8)	/*!< BOD wake-up configuration */
501 #define SYSCTL_SLPWAKE_USBPHY_PD    (1 << 9)	/*!< USB PHY wake-up configuration */
502 #define SYSCTL_SLPWAKE_ADC0_PD      (1 << 10)	/*!< ADC0 wake-up configuration */
503 #define SYSCTL_SLPWAKE_ADC1_PD      (1 << 11)	/*!< ADC1 wake-up configuration */
504 #define SYSCTL_SLPWAKE_DAC_PD       (1 << 12)	/*!< DAC wake-up configuration */
505 #define SYSCTL_SLPWAKE_ACMP0_PD     (1 << 13)	/*!< ACMP0 wake-up configuration */
506 #define SYSCTL_SLPWAKE_ACMP1_PD     (1 << 14)	/*!< ACMP0 wake-up configuration */
507 #define SYSCTL_SLPWAKE_ACMP2_PD     (1 << 15)	/*!< ACMP0 wake-up configuration */
508 #define SYSCTL_SLPWAKE_ACMP3_PD     (1 << 16)	/*!< ACMP0 wake-up configuration */
509 #define SYSCTL_SLPWAKE_IREF_PD      (1 << 17)	/*!< Internal voltage reference wake-up configuration */
510 #define SYSCTL_SLPWAKE_TS_PD        (1 << 18)	/*!< Temperature sensor wake-up configuration */
511 #define SYSCTL_SLPWAKE_VDDADIV_PD   (1 << 19)	/*!< VDDA divider wake-up configuration */
512 #define SYSCTL_SLPWAKE_WDTOSC_PD    (1 << 20)	/*!< Watchdog oscillator wake-up configuration */
513 #define SYSCTL_SLPWAKE_SYSOSC_PD    (1 << 21)	/*!< System oscillator wake-up configuration */
514 #define SYSCTL_SLPWAKE_SYSPLL_PD    (1 << 22)	/*!< System PLL wake-up configuration */
515 #define SYSCTL_SLPWAKE_USBPLL_PD    (1 << 23)	/*!< USB PLL wake-up configuration */
516 #define SYSCTL_SLPWAKE_SCTPLL_PD    (1 << 24)	/*!< SCT PLL wake-up configuration */
518 /**
519  * @brief	Setup wakeup behaviour from deep sleep
520  * @param	wakeupmask	: OR'ed values of SYSCTL_SLPWAKE_* values (high is powered down)
521  * @return	Nothing
522  * @note	This must be setup prior to using deep sleep. See the user manual
523  * (PDWAKECFG register) for more info on setting this up. This function selects
524  * which peripherals are powered up on exit from deep sleep.
525  * This function should only be called once with all options for wakeup
526  * in that call.
527  */
528 void Chip_SYSCTL_SetWakeup(uint32_t wakeupmask);
530 /**
531  * @brief	Return current wakeup mask
532  * @return	OR'ed values of SYSCTL_SLPWAKE_* values
533  * @note	A high state indicates the peripehral will powerup on wakeup.
534  */
Chip_SYSCTL_GetWakeup(void)535 STATIC INLINE uint32_t Chip_SYSCTL_GetWakeup(void)
536 {
538 }
540 /**
541  * Power down configuration values
542  */
543 #define SYSCTL_POWERDOWN_TBD0_PD    (1 << 0)	/*!< TBD0 wake-up power down */
544 #define SYSCTL_POWERDOWN_TBD1_PD    (1 << 1)	/*!< TBD1 wake-up power down */
545 #define SYSCTL_POWERDOWN_TBD2_PD    (1 << 2)	/*!< TBD2 wake-up power down */
546 #define SYSCTL_POWERDOWN_IRCOUT_PD  (1 << 3)	/*!< IRC oscillator output wake-up power down */
547 #define SYSCTL_POWERDOWN_IRC_PD     (1 << 4)	/*!< IRC oscillator power-down wake-up power down */
548 #define SYSCTL_POWERDOWN_FLASH_PD   (1 << 5)	/*!< Flash wake-up power down */
549 #define SYSCTL_POWERDOWN_EEPROM_PD  (1 << 6)	/*!< EEPROM wake-up power down */
550 #define SYSCTL_POWERDOWN_BOD_PD     (1 << 8)	/*!< BOD wake-up power down */
551 #define SYSCTL_POWERDOWN_USBPHY_PD  (1 << 9)	/*!< USB PHY wake-up power down */
552 #define SYSCTL_POWERDOWN_ADC0_PD    (1 << 10)	/*!< ADC0 wake-up power down */
553 #define SYSCTL_POWERDOWN_ADC1_PD    (1 << 11)	/*!< ADC1 wake-up power down */
554 #define SYSCTL_POWERDOWN_DAC_PD     (1 << 12)	/*!< DAC wake-up power down */
555 #define SYSCTL_POWERDOWN_ACMP0_PD   (1 << 13)	/*!< ACMP0 wake-up power down */
556 #define SYSCTL_POWERDOWN_ACMP1_PD   (1 << 14)	/*!< ACMP0 wake-up power down */
557 #define SYSCTL_POWERDOWN_ACMP2_PD   (1 << 15)	/*!< ACMP0 wake-up power down */
558 #define SYSCTL_POWERDOWN_ACMP3_PD   (1 << 16)	/*!< ACMP0 wake-up power down */
559 #define SYSCTL_POWERDOWN_IREF_PD    (1 << 17)	/*!< Internal voltage reference wake-up power down */
560 #define SYSCTL_POWERDOWN_TS_PD      (1 << 18)	/*!< Temperature sensor wake-up power down */
561 #define SYSCTL_POWERDOWN_VDDADIV_PD (1 << 19)	/*!< VDDA divider wake-up power down */
562 #define SYSCTL_POWERDOWN_WDTOSC_PD  (1 << 20)	/*!< Watchdog oscillator wake-up power down */
563 #define SYSCTL_POWERDOWN_SYSOSC_PD  (1 << 21)	/*!< System oscillator wake-up power down */
564 #define SYSCTL_POWERDOWN_SYSPLL_PD  (1 << 22)	/*!< System PLL wake-up power down */
565 #define SYSCTL_POWERDOWN_USBPLL_PD  (1 << 23)	/*!< USB PLL wake-up power down */
566 #define SYSCTL_POWERDOWN_SCTPLL_PD  (1 << 24)	/*!< SCT PLL wake-up power down */
568 /**
569  * @brief	Power down one or more blocks or peripherals
570  * @param	powerdownmask	: OR'ed values of SYSCTL_POWERDOWN_* values
571  * @return	Nothing
572  */
573 void Chip_SYSCTL_PowerDown(uint32_t powerdownmask);
575 /**
576  * @brief	Power up one or more blocks or peripherals
577  * @param	powerupmask	: OR'ed values of SYSCTL_POWERDOWN_* values
578  * @return	Nothing
579  */
580 void Chip_SYSCTL_PowerUp(uint32_t powerupmask);
582 /**
583  * @brief	Get power status
584  * @return	OR'ed values of SYSCTL_POWERDOWN_* values
585  * @note	A high state indicates the peripheral is powered down.
586  */
Chip_SYSCTL_GetPowerStates(void)587 STATIC INLINE uint32_t Chip_SYSCTL_GetPowerStates(void)
588 {
590 }
592 /**
593  * @brief	Return the JTAG ID code
594  * @return	the JTAG ID code
595  */
Chip_SYSCTL_GetJTAGIDCode(void)596 STATIC INLINE uint32_t Chip_SYSCTL_GetJTAGIDCode(void)
597 {
599 }
601 /**
602  * @brief	Return the device ID
603  * @param	index	: Index of device ID to get, 0 or 1
604  * @return	the device ID
605  */
Chip_SYSCTL_GetDeviceID(int index)606 STATIC INLINE uint32_t Chip_SYSCTL_GetDeviceID(int index)
607 {
608 	return LPC_SYSCTL->DEVICEID[index];
609 }
611 /**
612  * @}
613  */
615 #ifdef __cplusplus
616 }
617 #endif
619 #endif /*!< __SYSCTL_15XX_H_ */