1 /**
2   ******************************************************************************
3   * @file    rtl8721d_crypto.h
4   * @author
5   * @version V1.0.0
6   * @date    2017-09-15
7   * @brief   This file contains all the functions prototypes for the IPsec firmware
8   *          library
9   ******************************************************************************
10   * @attention
11   *
12   * This module is a confidential and proprietary property of RealTek and
13   * possession or use of this module requires written permission of RealTek.
14   *
15   * Copyright(c) 2017, Realtek Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
16   ******************************************************************************
17   */
19 #ifndef _RTL8721D_CRYPTO_H_
20 #define _RTL8721D_CRYPTO_H_
22 /** @addtogroup AmebaD_Periph_Driver
23   * @{
24   */
26 /** @defgroup CRYPTO
27   * @brief CRYPTO driver modules
28   * @{
29   */
31 /** @addtogroup CRYPTO
32   * @verbatim
33   *****************************************************************************************
34   * Introduction
35   *****************************************************************************************
36   *	-Authentication or Cipher use hardware to improve data process performance
37   *	-Two mode: secure mode and non-secure mode
38   *	-Register base address: Secure mode -0x5007xxxx, non-secure mode -0x4007xxxx
39   *	-IPclk: 100MHz
40   *****************************************************************************************
41   * Authentication
42   *****************************************************************************************
43   *	-MD5
44   *	-SHA1
45   *	-SHA2
46   *	-HMAC-MD5
47   *	-HMAC-SHA1
48   *	-HMAC-SHA2
49   *	-Poly1305
50   *	-Sequential hash
51   *
52   *****************************************************************************************
53   * Cipher
54   *****************************************************************************************
55   *	-AES-CBC
56   *	-AES-ECB
57   *	-AES-CFB
58   *	-AES-OFB
59   *	-AES-CTR
60   *	-AES-GCM
61   *	-3DES-CBC
62   *	-3DES-ECB
63   *	-3DES-CFB
64   *	-3DES-OFB
65   *	-3DES-CTR
66   *	-DES-CBC
67   *	-DES-ECB
68   *	-DES-CFB
69   *	-DES-OFB
70   *	-DES-CTR
71   *
72   *****************************************************************************************
73   * How to use crypto
74   *****************************************************************************************
75   * Method 1 (use the lowest level API)
76   *****************************************************************************************
77   *	-call CRYPTO_Init to open IPSEC function & clock
78   *
79   *	-call following API for set key:
80   *		-CRYPTO_SetSecurityModeAD
81   *
82   *	-call following API for authentication/encrypt/decrypt:
83   *		-CRYPTO_ProcessAD
84   *
85   *****************************************************************************************
86   * @endverbatim
87   */
89 /* Exported Types --------------------------------------------------------*/
91 /** @defgroup CRYPTO_Exported_Types CRYPTO Exported Types
92   * @{
93   */
95 /**
96   * @brief  CRYPTO source descriptor structure definition
97   */
98 typedef union {
99 	struct {
100 		u32 key_len:4;		/*Offset 0, Bit[3:0], key length				*/
101 		u32 iv_len:4;			/*Offset 0, Bit[7:3], IV length				*/
102 		u32 keypad_len:8;		/*Offset 0, Bit[15:8], pad length			*/
103 		u32 hash_iv_len:6;		/*Offset 0, Bit[21:16], Hash initial value length	*/
104 		u32 ap:2;				/*Offset 0, Bit[23:22], auto-padding		*/
105 		u32 cl:2;				/*Offset 0, Bit[25:24], Command length		*/
106 		u32 priv_key:1;		/*Offset 0, Bit[26], Secure Key				*/
107 		u32 otp_key:1;		/*Offset 0, Bit[27], Secure Key				*/
108 		u32 ls:1;				/*Offset 0, Bit[28], Last segment descriptor	*/
109 		u32 fs:1;				/*Offset 0, Bit[29], First segment descriptor	*/
110 		u32 rs:1;				/*Offset 0, Bit[30], Read data source 		*/
111 		u32 rsvd:1;			/*Offset 0, Bit[31], Reserved				*/
112 	} b;
114 	struct {
115 		u32 apl:8;			/*Offset 0, Bit[7:0], Auth padding length		*/
116 		u32 a2eo:5;			/*Offset 0, Bit[12:8], Auth to encryption offset	*/
117 		u32 zero:1;			/*Offset 0, Bit[13], 0/1					*/
118 		u32 enl:14;			/*Offset 0, Bit[27:14], Encryption data length	*/
119 		u32 ls:1;				/*Offset 0, Bit[28], Last segment descriptor	*/
120 		u32 fs:1;				/*Offset 0, Bit[29], First segment descriptor	*/
121 		u32 rs:1;				/*Offset 0, Bit[30], Read data source		*/
122 		u32 rsvd:1;			/*Offset 0, Bit[31], Reserved				*/
123 	} d;
125 	u32 w;
126 } rtl_crypto_srcdesc_t;
128 /**
129   * @brief  CRYPTO destination descriptor structure definition
130   */
131 typedef union {
132 	struct {
133 		u32 adl:8;			/*Offset 0, Bit[7:0], Auth data length		*/
134 		u32 rsvd1:19;			/*Offset 0, Bit[26:8], Reserved				*/
135 		u32 enc:1;			/*Offset 0, Bit[27], Cipher or auth			*/
136 		u32 ls:1;				/*Offset 0, Bit[28], Last segment descriptor	*/
137 		u32 fs:1;				/*Offset 0, Bit[29], First segment descriptor	*/
138 		u32 ws:1;			/*Offset 0, Bit[30], Write data source		*/
139 		u32 rsvd2:1;			/*Offset 0, Bit[31], Reserved				*/
140 	} auth;
142 	struct {
143 		u32 enl:24;			/*Offset 0, Bit[23:0], Auth padding length		*/
144 		u32 rsvd1:3;			/*Offset 0, Bit[26:24], Reserved			*/
145 		u32 enc:1;			/*Offset 0, Bit[27], Cipher or auth			*/
146 		u32 ls:1;				/*Offset 0, Bit[28], Last segment descriptor	*/
147 		u32 fs:1;				/*Offset 0, Bit[29], First segment descriptor	*/
148 		u32 ws:1;			/*Offset 0, Bit[30], Write data source		*/
149 		u32 rsvd2:1;			/*Offset 0, Bit[31], Reserved				*/
150 	} cipher;
152 	u32 w;
153 } rtl_crypto_dstdesc_t;
155 /**
156   * @brief  CRYPTO command buffer structure definition
157   */
158 typedef struct rtl_crypto_cl_struct_s {
159 	// offset 0 :
160 	u32 cipher_mode:4;			/*Offset 0, Bit[3:0], Cipher mode			*/
161 	u32 cipher_eng_sel:2;			/*Offset 0, Bit[5:4], Cipher algorithm selected	*/
162 	u32 rsvd1:1;					/*Offset 0, Bit[6], Reserved				*/
163 	u32 cipher_encrypt:1;			/*Offset 0, Bit[7], Encryption or decryption	*/
164 	u32 aes_key_sel:2;			/*Offset 0, Bit[9:8], AES key length			*/
165 	u32 des3_en:1;				/*Offset 0, Bit[10], 3DES					*/
166 	u32 des3_type:1;				/*Offset 0, Bit[11], 3DES type				*/
167 	u32 ckbs:1;					/*Offset 0, Bit[12], Cipher key byte swap		*/
168 	u32 hmac_en:1;				/*Offset 0, Bit[13], HMAC 				*/
169 	u32 hmac_mode:3;				/*Offset 0, Bit[16:14], Hash algorithm		*/
170 	u32 hmac_seq_hash_last:1;		/*Offset 0, Bit[17], the last payload(seq hash)	*/
171 	u32 engine_mode:3;			/*Offset 0, Bit[20:18], engine mode			*/
172 	u32 hmac_seq_hash_first:1;		/*Offset 0, Bit[21], the first payload(seq hash)	*/
173 	u32 hmac_seq_hash:1;			/*Offset 0, Bit[22], Seqential hash			*/
174 	u32 hmac_seq_hash_no_wb:1;	/*Offset 0, Bit[23], Result hash output		*/
175 	u32 icv_total_length:8;			/*Offset 0, Bit[31:24], icv length			*/
177 	// offset 4
178 	u32 aad_last_data_size:4;		/*Offset 4, Bit[3:0], AAD last block data size				*/
179 	u32 enc_last_data_size:4;		/*Offset 4, Bit[7:4], Message last block data size			*/
180 	u32 pad_last_data_size:3;		/*Offset 4, Bit[10:8], Hash padding last block data size		*/
181 	u32 ckws:1;					/*Offset 4, Bit[11], Cipher key word swap					*/
182 	u32 enc_pad_last_data_size:3;	/*Offset 4, Bit[14:12], Encryption padding last block data size	*/
183 	u32 hsibs:1;					/*Offset 4, Bit[15], Hash sequential initial value byte swap		*/
184 	u32 caws:1;					/*Offset 4, Bit[16], Cipher align word swap				*/
185 	u32 cabs:1;					/*Offset 4, Bit[17], Cipher align byte swap				*/
186 	u32 ciws:1;					/*Offset 4, Bit[18], Cipher input word swap				*/
187 	u32 cibs:1;					/*Offset 4, Bit[19], Cipher input byte swap				*/
188 	u32 cows:1;					/*Offset 4, Bit[20], Cipher output word swap				*/
189 	u32 cobs:1;					/*Offset 4, Bit[21], Cipher output byte swap				*/
190 	u32 codws:1;					/*Offset 4, Bit[22], Cipher output double word swap			*/
191 	u32 cidws:1;					/*Offset 4, Bit[23], Cipher input double word swap			*/
192 	u32 haws:1;					/*Offset 4, Bit[24], Hash align word swap					*/
193 	u32 habs:1;					/*Offset 4, Bit[25], Hash align byte swap					*/
194 	u32 hiws:1;					/*Offset 4, Bit[26], Hash input word swap					*/
195 	u32 hibs:1;					/*Offset 4, Bit[27], Hash input byte swap					*/
196 	u32 hows:1;					/*Offset 4, Bit[28], Hash output word swap				*/
197 	u32 hobs:1;					/*Offset 4, Bit[29], Hash output byte swap				*/
198 	u32 hkws:1;					/*Offset 4, Bit[30], Hash key word swap					*/
199 	u32 hkbs:1;					/*Offset 4, Bit[31], Hash key byte swap					*/
201 	// offset 8
202 	u32 hash_pad_len:8;			/*Offset 8, Bit[7:0], Hash padding total length		*/
203 	u32 header_total_len:6;			/*Offset 8, Bit[13:8], A2EO total length			*/
204 	u32 apl:2;					/*Offset 8, Bit[15:14], Encryption padding total length*/
205 	u32 enl:16;					/*Offset 8, Bit[15:14], Message total length		*/
207 	// offset
208 	u32 ap0;						/*Offset 12, Bit[31:0], Message length[31:0]		*/
209 	u32 ap1;						/*Offset 16, Bit[31:0], Message length[63:32]		*/
210 	u32 ap2;						/*Offset 20, Bit[31:0], Message length[95:64]		*/
211 	u32 ap3;						/*Offset 24, Bit[31:0], Message length[127:96]	*/
212 } rtl_crypto_cl_t;
214 /**
215   * @brief  CRYPTO adapter definition
216   */
217 typedef struct _HAL_CRYPTO_ADAPTER_ {
218 	u8 isInit;						/*0: not init, 1: init							*/
219 	u8 isIntMode;					/*0: disable interrupt mode, 1: enable interrupt mode*/
221 	u32 cipher_type;				/*cipher type								*/
222 	u8 des;						/*DES									*/
223 	u8 trides;						/*3DES									*/
224 	u8 aes;						/*AES									*/
225 	u8 chacha;					/*ChaCha									*/
226 	u8 isDecrypt;					/*0: encryption, 1: decryption					*/
228 	u32 auth_type;				/*auth type								*/
229 	u8 isHMAC;					/*0: not HMAC, 1: HMAC						*/
230 	u8 isMD5;					/*MD5									*/
231 	u8 isSHA1;					/*SHA1									*/
232 	u8 isSHA2;					/*SHA2									*/
233 	u8 sha2type;					/*SHA2 type: SHA2_224/SHA2_256			*/
235 	u32 enc_last_data_size;		/*message last data size						*/
236 	u32 aad_last_data_size;		/*AAD last data size							*/
238 	u32 lenAuthKey;				/*Auth key length							*/
239 	const u8*  pAuthKey;			/*Auth key								*/
240 	u32 digestlen;					/*digest									*/
242 	// sequential hash
243 	u8 hmac_seq_hash_first;		/* seq hash the first message payload block		*/
244 	u8 hmac_seq_hash_last;		/* seq hash the last message payload block		*/
245 	u32 hmac_seq_hash_total_len;	/* seq hash message total length 				*/
246 	u8 hmac_seq_is_recorded;		/* enter seq hash or not						*/
247 	u8 *hmac_seq_last_message;	/* previous message payload					*/
248 	u32 hmac_seq_last_msglen;		/* previous message payload length				*/
249 	u8 hmac_seq_buf_is_used_bytes;/* seq buf used bytes(total 64-bytes)			*/
251 	u32 	lenCipherKey;				/*Cipher key length							*/
252 	const u8*  	pCipherKey;		/*Cipher key								*/
254 	u32 a2eo, apl_aad, enl, apl;		/*length									*/
256 	u8 *ipad;						/*HMAC ipad								*/
257 	u8 *opad;					/*HMAC opad								*/
258 	// crc
259 	//int crc_order;					/*CRC order								*/
261 	volatile u8 g_IOPAD[64*2+4] __attribute__((aligned(4)));
262 	volatile u8  gcm_iv[32] __attribute__((aligned(4)));
263 	volatile u8  cl_buffer[32] __attribute__((aligned(4)));
264 	volatile u8  hmac_seq_buf[64] __attribute__((aligned(4)));
266 /**
267   * @}
268   */
270 /* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/
271 /** @defgroup CRYPTO_Exported_Constants CRYPTO Exported Constants
272   * @{
273   */
275 /** @defgroup CRYPTO_LENGTH_definitions
276   * @{
277   */
278 #define CRYPTO_MAX_DIGEST_LENGTH	32  /* SHA256 Digest length : 32 */
279 #define CRYPTO_MAX_KEY_LENGTH		32  /* MAX  is  AES-256 : 32 byte,  3DES : 24 byte */
280 #define CRYPTO_PADSIZE 				64
281 #define CRYPTO_AUTH_PADDING			64
282 #define CRYPTO_MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH 	16
285 /**
286   * @}
287   */
289 /** @defgroup CRYPTO_ATHENTICATION_TYPE_definitions
290   * @{
291   */
292 #define AUTH_TYPE_NO_AUTH 				((u32)-1)
294 #define AUTH_TYPE_MASK_FUNC				0x3	/* bit 0, bit 1*/
295 #define AUTH_TYPE_MD5					0x2
296 #define AUTH_TYPE_SHA1					0x0
297 #define AUTH_TYPE_SHA2					0x1
299 #define AUTH_TYPE_MASK_HMAC 			0x4	/* bit 2 */
306 // SHA2
307 #define AUTH_TYPE_MASK_SHA2 			0x30 /* bit 3,4 */
308 #define AUTH_TYPE_SHA2_224				0x10
309 #define AUTH_TYPE_SHA2_256  				0x20
311 #define AUTH_TYPE_SHA2_224_ALL  			(AUTH_TYPE_SHA2_224|AUTH_TYPE_SHA2)
312 #define AUTH_TYPE_SHA2_256_ALL  			(AUTH_TYPE_SHA2_256|AUTH_TYPE_SHA2)
316 typedef enum _SHA2_TYPE_ {
317 	SHA2_NONE 	= 0,
318 	SHA2_224 	= 224/8,
319 	SHA2_256 	= 256/8,
320 	SHA2_384 	= 384/8,
321 	SHA2_512 	= 512/8
322 } SHA2_TYPE;
323 /**
324   * @}
325   */
327 /** @defgroup CRYPTO_CIPHER_TYPE_definitions
328   * @{
329   */
330 #define CIPHER_TYPE_NO_CIPHER 		((u32)-1)
332 #define CIPHER_TYPE_MODE_ENCRYPT 	0x80
334 #define CIPHER_TYPE_MASK_FUNC 		0x30 /* 0x00 : DES, 0x10: 3DES, 0x20: AES */
335 #define CIPHER_TYPE_FUNC_DES			0x00
336 #define CIPHER_TYPE_FUNC_3DES 		0x10
337 #define CIPHER_TYPE_FUNC_AES 		0x20
338 #define CIPHER_TYPE_FUNC_CHACHA 	0x30
340 #define CIPHER_TYPE_MASK_BLOCK 		0xF 	/*0x0 : ECB, 0x1: CBC, 0x2: CFB , 0x3 : OFB , 0x4 : CTR, 0x5 : GCTR, 0x6: GMAC, 0x7: GHASH, 0x8: GCM*/
341 #define CIPHER_TYPE_BLOCK_ECB 		0x0
342 #define CIPHER_TYPE_BLOCK_CBC 		0x1
343 #define CIPHER_TYPE_BLOCK_CFB 		0x2
344 #define CIPHER_TYPE_BLOCK_OFB 		0x3
345 #define CIPHER_TYPE_BLOCK_CTR 		0x4
346 #define CIPHER_TYPE_BLOCK_GCTR 		0x5
347 #define CIPHER_TYPE_BLOCK_GMAC 		0x6
348 #define CIPHER_TYPE_BLOCK_GHASH 	0x7
349 #define CIPHER_TYPE_BLOCK_GCM 		0x8
351 //
352 #define CIPHER_TYPE_DES_ECB			0x0
353 #define CIPHER_TYPE_DES_CBC 			0x1
354 #define CIPHER_TYPE_DES_CFB			0x2
355 #define CIPHER_TYPE_DES_OFB			0x3
356 #define CIPHER_TYPE_DES_CTR			0x4
357 #define CIPHER_TYPE_3DES_ECB			0x10
358 #define CIPHER_TYPE_3DES_CBC			0x11
359 #define CIPHER_TYPE_3DES_CFB			0x12
360 #define CIPHER_TYPE_3DES_OFB			0x13
361 #define CIPHER_TYPE_3DES_CTR			0x14
362 #define CIPHER_TYPE_AES_ECB			0x20
363 #define CIPHER_TYPE_AES_CBC			0x21
364 #define CIPHER_TYPE_AES_CFB			0x22
365 #define CIPHER_TYPE_AES_OFB			0x23
366 #define CIPHER_TYPE_AES_CTR			0x24  // 0x29
367 #define CIPHER_TYPE_AES_GCTR			0x25
368 #define CIPHER_TYPE_AES_GMAC		0x26
369 #define CIPHER_TYPE_AES_GHASH		0x27
370 #define CIPHER_TYPE_AES_GCM			0x28
372 #define CIPHER_TYPE_CHACHA_POLY1305	0x30 // chacha+poly1305
373 #define CIPHER_TYPE_CHACHA			0x31
374 #define CIPHER_TYPE_POLY1305			0x33 // poly1305 - mode 2
376 /**
377   * @}
378   */
380 /**
381   * @}
382   */
384 /* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/
385 /**************************************************************************//**
386  * @defgroup CRYPTO_Exported_Functions CRYPTO Exported Functions
387  * @{
388  *****************************************************************************/
390 /** @defgroup Crypto_Normal_Functions
391   * @{
392   */
393 _LONG_CALL_ void CRYPTO_MemDump(const u8 *start, u32 size, char * strHeader);
394 _LONG_CALL_ void CRYPTO_RegDump(void);
395 _LONG_CALL_ void CRYPTO_CleanCmdOk(void);
396 _LONG_CALL_ void CRYPTO_ClearAllINT(void);
398 _LONG_CALL_ int CRYPTO_SetSecurityModeAD(HAL_CRYPTO_ADAPTER *pIE, IN const u32 cipher_type, IN const u32 auth_type,IN const void* pCipherKey, IN const u32 lenCipherKey, IN const void* pAuthKey, IN const u32 lenAuthKey);
400 _LONG_CALL_ int CRYPTO_ProcessAD(HAL_CRYPTO_ADAPTER *pIE, IN const u8 *message, IN const u32 msglen, IN const u8 *pIv, IN const u32 ivlen, IN const u8 *paad, IN const u32 aadlen, OUT u8 *pResult, OUT u8 *pTag);
401 _LONG_CALL_ int CRYPTO_CipherInit(HAL_CRYPTO_ADAPTER *pIE, IN const u32 cipher_type, IN const u8 *key, IN const u32 keylen);
402 _LONG_CALL_ int CRYPTO_CipherEncryptAD(HAL_CRYPTO_ADAPTER *pIE, IN const u8* message, IN const u32 msglen, IN const u8* piv, IN const u32 ivlen, IN const u8* paad, IN const u32 aadlen, OUT u8* pResult, OUT u8* pTag);
403 _LONG_CALL_ int CRYPTO_CipherDecryptAD(HAL_CRYPTO_ADAPTER *pIE, IN const u8* message, IN const u32 msglen, IN const u8* piv, IN const u32 ivlen, IN const u8* paad, IN const u32 aadlen, OUT u8* pResult, OUT u8* pTag);
404  _LONG_CALL_ int CRYPTO_SendSeqBuf(u8 *pDigest);
405 /**
406   * @}
407   */
409 /**
410   * @}
411   */
413 /* Registers Definitions --------------------------------------------------------*/
414 /**************************************************************************//**
415  * @defgroup CRYPTO_Register_Definitions CRYPTO Register Definitions
416  * @{
417  *****************************************************************************/
419 /**************************************************************************//**
420  * @defgroup CRYPTO_SDSR
421  * @{
422  *****************************************************************************/
423 #define SFIFO_EMPTY_CNT  						((u32)0x000000FF)		/* Bit[7:0], Source Descriptor FIFO empty counter         	 */
424 #define SWPTR								((u32)0x0000FF00)		/* Bit[15:8], Source Descriptor FIFO write pointer         	*/
425 #define SRPTR									((u32)0x00FF0000)		/* Bit[23:16], Source Descriptor FIFO read pointer      	*/
426 #define SRC_FAIL								((u32)0x00000001<<24)	/* Bit[24], Source Descriptor fail interrupt                   	*/
427 #define SRC_FAIL_STATUS						((u32)0x00000003<<25)	/* Bit[26:25], Source Descriptor fail status                  	*/
428 #define SRC_FAIL_M							((u32)0x00000001<<27)	/* Bit[27], Source Descriptor fail interrupt mask            	*/
429 #define PK_UP									((u32)0x00000001<<30)	/* Bit[30], packet base update wptr to engine                 	*/
430 #define SRC_RST								((u32)0x00000001<<31)	/* Bit[31], Source Descriptor reset(only for pk_up=1'b1)	*/
431 /** @} */
433 /**************************************************************************//**
434  * @defgroup CRYPTO_RST_ISR_CON
435  * @{
436  *****************************************************************************/
437 #define SOFT_RST								((u32)0x00000001)		/* Bit[0], Software Reset write 1 to reset									*/
438 #define DMA_BUSY								((u32)0x00000001<<3)	/* Bit[3], Ipsec dma busy												*/
439 #define CMD_OK								((u32)0x00000001<<4)	/* Bit[4], Command OK interrupt										*/
440 #define INTR_MODE							((u32)0x00000001<<7)	/* Bit[7], Select ok interrupt mode										*/
441 #define INTR_NORMAL_MODE					((u32)0x00000000<<7)	/* Bit[7], interrupt normal mode										*/
442 #define INTR_COUNT_MODE						((u32)0x00000001<<7)	/* Bit[7], interrupt counter mode										*/
443 #define OK_INTR_CNT							((u32)0x000000FF<<8)	/* Bit[15:8], OK interrupt counter										*/
444 #define CLEAR_OK_INTR_NUM					((u32)0x000000FF<<16)	/* Bit[23:16], Clear OK interrupt number									*/
445 #define IPSEC_RST								((u32)0x00000001<<31)	/* Bit[31], Ipsec engine Reset Write 1 to reset the crypto engine and DMA engine	*/
446 /** @} */
448 /**************************************************************************//**
449  * @defgroup CRYPTO_IMR
450  * @{
451  *****************************************************************************/
452 #define CMD_OK_M								((u32)0x00000001)		/* Bit[0], Command OK interrupt Mask				*/
453 #define SRC_ERR0_M							((u32)0x00000001<<3)	/* Bit[3], Source Descriptor Error 0 Interrupt Mask		*/
454 #define SRC_ERR1_M							((u32)0x00000001<<4)	/* Bit[4], Source Descriptor Error 1 Interrupt Mask		*/
455 #define SRC_ERR2_M							((u32)0x00000001<<5)	/* Bit[5], Source Descriptor Error 2 Interrupt Mask		*/
456 #define SRC_ERR3_M							((u32)0x00000001<<6)	/* Bit[6], Source Descriptor Error 3 Interrupt Mask		*/
457 #define SRC_ERR4_M							((u32)0x00000001<<7)	/* Bit[7], Source Descriptor Error 4 Interrupt Mask		*/
458 #define SRC_ERR5_M							((u32)0x00000001<<8)	/* Bit[8], Source Descriptor Error 5 Interrupt Mask		*/
459 #define SRC_ERR6_M							((u32)0x00000001<<9)	/* Bit[9], Source Descriptor Error 6 Interrupt Mask		*/
460 #define SRC_ERR7_M 							((u32)0x00000001<<10)	/* Bit[10], Source Descriptor Error 7 Interrupt Mask		*/
461 #define SRC_ERR8_M							((u32)0x00000001<<11)	/* Bit[11], Source Descriptor Error 8 Interrupt Mask		*/
462 #define SRC_ERR9_M 							((u32)0x00000001<<12)	/* Bit[12], Source Descriptor Error 9 Interrupt Mask		*/
463 #define DST_ERR1_M							((u32)0x00000001<<13)	/* Bit[13], Destination Descriptor Error 1 Interrupt Mask	*/
464 #define DST_ERR2_M							((u32)0x00000001<<14)	/* Bit[14], Destination Descriptor Error 2 Interrupt Mask	*/
465 #define DST_ERR3_M 							((u32)0x00000001<<15)	/* Bit[15], Destination Descriptor Error 3 Interrupt Mask	*/
466 #define DST_ERR4_M							((u32)0x00000001<<16)	/* Bit[16], Destination Descriptor Error 4 Interrupt Mask	*/
467 #define DST_ERR5_M							((u32)0x00000001<<17)	/* Bit[17], Destination Descriptor Error 5 Interrupt Mask	*/
468 #define DST_ERR6_M							((u32)0x00000001<<18)	/* Bit[18], Destination Descriptor Error 6 Interrupt Mask	*/
469 /** @} */
471 /**************************************************************************//**
472  * @defgroup CRYPTO_DEBUG
473  * @{
474  *****************************************************************************/
475 #define DMA_WAIT_CYCLE						((u32)0x0000FFFF)		/* Bit[15:0], Wait dma_wait_cycle to assert next dma request	*/
476 #define ARBITER_MODE							((u32)0x00000001<<16)	/* Bit[16], dma arbiter mode							*/
477 #define DEBUG_PORT_SEL						((u32)0x0000000F<<20)	/* Bit[23:20], dma arbiter mode						*/
478 #define ENGINE_CLK_EN						((u32)0x00000001<<24)	/* Bit[24], Ipsec Engine clock enable						*/
479 #define DEBUG_WB								((u32)0x00000001<<31)	/* Bit[31], Debug : write back mode						*/
480 /** @} */
481 /**************************************************************************//**
482  * @defgroup CRYPTO_ERR_STAT
483  * @{
484  *****************************************************************************/
485 #define SRC_ERR0								((u32)0x00000001)		/* Bit[0], Source Descriptor Error 0 interrupt		*/
486 #define SRC_ERR1								((u32)0x00000001<<1)	/* Bit[1], Source Descriptor Error 1 interrupt		*/
487 #define SRC_ERR2								((u32)0x00000001<<2)	/* Bit[2], Source Descriptor Error 2 interrupt		*/
488 #define SRC_ERR3								((u32)0x00000001<<3)	/* Bit[3], Source Descriptor Error 3 interrupt		*/
489 #define SRC_ERR4								((u32)0x00000001<<4)	/* Bit[4], Source Descriptor Error 4 interrupt		*/
490 #define SRC_ERR5								((u32)0x00000001<<5)	/* Bit[5], Source Descriptor Error 5 interrupt		*/
491 #define SRC_ERR6								((u32)0x00000001<<6)	/* Bit[6], Source Descriptor Error 6 interrupt		*/
492 #define SRC_ERR7								((u32)0x00000001<<7)	/* Bit[7], Source Descriptor Error 7 interrupt		*/
493 #define SRC_ERR8								((u32)0x00000001<<8)	/* Bit[8], Source Descriptor Error 8 interrupt		*/
494 #define SRC_ERR9								((u32)0x00000001<<9)	/* Bit[9], Source Descriptor Error 9 interrupt		*/
495 #define DST_ERR1								((u32)0x00000001<<10)	/* Bit[10], Destination Descriptor Error 1 interrupt	*/
496 #define DST_ERR2								((u32)0x00000001<<11)	/* Bit[11], Destination Descriptor Error 2 interrupt	*/
497 #define DST_ERR3								((u32)0x00000001<<12)	/* Bit[12], Destination Descriptor Error 2 interrupt	*/
498 #define DST_ERR4								((u32)0x00000001<<13)	/* Bit[13], Destination Descriptor Error 4 interrupt	*/
499 #define DST_ERR5								((u32)0x00000001<<14)	/* Bit[14], Destination Descriptor Error 5 interrupt	*/
500 #define DST_ERR6								((u32)0x00000001<<15)	/* Bit[15], Destination Descriptor Error 6 interrupt	*/
501 /** @} */
503 /**************************************************************************//**
504  * @defgroup CRYPTO_SWAP_BURST
505  * @{
506  *****************************************************************************/
507 #define SET_SWAP								((u32)0x00000001)		/* Bit[0], Byte swap for command setting data		*/
508 #define KEY_IV_SWAP							((u32)0x00000001<<1)	/* Bit[1], Byte swap for key and iv				*/
509 #define KEY_PAD_SWAP						((u32)0x00000001<<2)	/* Bit[2], Byte swap for hmac key				*/
510 #define HASH_INITIAL_VALUE_SWAP				((u32)0x00000001<<3)	/* Bit[3], Byte swap for sequential hash initial value	*/
511 #define DMA_IN_LITTLE_ENDIAN					((u32)0x00000001<<4)	/* Bit[4], Input data is little endian				*/
512 #define TX_BYTE_SWAP							((u32)0x00000001<<8)	/* Bit[8], Byte swap for dma_tx engine input data	*/
513 #define DATA_OUT_LITTLE_ENDIAN				((u32)0x00000001<<9)	/* Bit[9], Output data is little endian				*/
514 #define MAC_OUT_LITTLE_ENDIAN				((u32)0x00000001<<10)	/* Bit[10], Output mac is little endian			*/
515 #define RX_WD_SWAP							((u32)0x00000001<<11)	/* Bit[11], Word swap for dma_rx engine input data	*/
516 #define TX_WD_SWAP							((u32)0x00000001<<12)	/* Bit[12], Word swap for dma_tx engine input data	*/
517 #define DMA_BURST_LENGTH					((u32)0x0000003F<<16)	/* Bit[21:16], dma burst length				*/
518 /** @} */
520 /**************************************************************************//**
521  * @defgroup CRYPTO_DDSR
522  * @{
523  *****************************************************************************/
524 #define DFIFO_EMPTY_CNT  						((u32)0x000000FF)		/* Bit[7:0], Destination Descriptor FIFO empty counter         	*/
525 #define DWPTR								((u32)0x0000FF00)		/* Bit[15:8], Destination Descriptor FIFO write pointer         	*/
526 #define DRPTR									((u32)0x00FF0000)		/* Bit[23:16], Destination Descriptor FIFO read pointer      	*/
527 #define DST_FAIL								((u32)0x00000001<<24)	/* Bit[24], Destination Descriptor fail interrupt                   	*/
528 #define DST_FAIL_STATUS						((u32)0x00000003<<25)	/* Bit[26:25], Destination Descriptor fail status                  	*/
529 #define DST_FAIL_M							((u32)0x00000001<<27)	/* Bit[27], Destination Descriptor fail interrupt mask            	*/
530 #define DST_RST								((u32)0x00000001<<31)	/* Bit[31], Destination Descriptor reset(only for pk_up=1'b1)	*/
531 /** @} */
533 /**************************************************************************//**
534  * @defgroup CRYPTO_DESC_PKT_CONF
535  * @{
536  *****************************************************************************/
537 /********************  Bits definition for  register  *******************/
538 #define DBG_SPTR								(u32)0x000000FF)		/* Bit[7:0], Source Descriptor FIFO empty counter		*/
539 #define DBG_DPTR								(u32)0x0000FF00)		/* Bit[15:8], Destination Descriptor FIFO write pointer	*/
540 #define PK_ARBITER							((u32)0x00000003<<16)	/* Bit[17:16], Packet arbiter						*/
541 #define BUS1_PRIORITY_TH						((u32)0x00000003<<24)	/* Bit[25:24], Bus1 priority threshold				*/
542 #define BUS2_PRIORITY_TH						((u32)0x00000003<<26)	/* Bit[27:26], Bus2 priority threshold				*/
543 #define PK_ARBITER_MODE						((u32)0x00000003<<30)	/* Bit[31:30], Packet arbiter mode					*/
544 /** @} */
546 /** @} */
548 /**
549   * @}
550   */
552 /**
553   * @}
554   */
556 /* Other Definitions --------------------------------------------------------*/
557 #define FIFOCNT_TIMEOUT		0x100000
558 extern HAL_CRYPTO_ADAPTER crypto_engine;
rtl_cryptoEngine_init(void)561 int rtl_cryptoEngine_init(void)
562 {
563 	return CRYPTO_Init(NULL);
564 }
566 /* *** dump macro definition *** */
567 #undef crypto_dbg_mem_dump
568 #define crypto_dbg_mem_dump(start, size, str_header) \
569 	if (ConfigDebug[LEVEL_INFO] & BIT(MODULE_IPSEC)) { \
570 		DiagPrintf("%s(): memdump : address: %08x, size: %d\n", "rtl_cryptoEngine_dbg", start, size); \
571 		CRYPTO_MemDump((const u8*)(start), size, (char*)(str_header)); \
572 	}
573 #endif
574 /******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2017 Realtek Semiconductor *****END OF FILE****/