1 /*
2  * Arm SCP/MCP Software
3  * Copyright (c) 2015-2022, Arm Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
6  *
7  * Description:
8  *    Framework core definitions.
9  */
11 #ifndef FWK_CORE_H
12 #define FWK_CORE_H
14 #include <internal/fwk_core.h>
16 #include <fwk_event.h>
17 #include <fwk_id.h>
19 #include <stdbool.h>
20 #include <stdint.h>
22 /*!
23  * \addtogroup GroupLibFramework Framework
24  * \{
25  */
27 /*!
28  * \defgroup GroupFwkCore Core
29  *
30  * \{
31  */
33 /*!
34  * \brief Put an event in one of the event queues.
35  *
36  * \details The framework copies the event description into its internal data
37  *      and so does not keep track of the pointer passed as a parameter.
38  *
39  *      In the runtime phase, the source identifier of the event is populated
40  *      with the identifier of the caller, and it is therefore unnecessary for
41  *      the caller to do so manually. Note that this does not occur in the
42  *      pre-runtime phase.
43  *
44  *      If the function is called from an ISR, the event is put in the ISR
45  *      event queue.
46  *
47  *      In both cases, the event identifier and target identifier are checked
48  *      to be valid and to refer to the same module.
49  *
50  *      In the case of a delayed response event, the event's 'is_response' flag
51  *      must be set.
52  *
53  *
54  * \param[in] event Pointer to the event to queue. Must not be \c NULL.
55  *
56  * \retval ::FWK_SUCCESS The event was queued.
57  * \retval ::FWK_E_INIT The core framework component is not initialized.
58  * \retval ::FWK_E_PARAM An invalid parameter was encountered:
59  *      - The `event` parameter was a null pointer value.
60  *      - One or more fields of the event were invalid.
61  * \retval ::FWK_E_OS Operating system error.
62  *
63  * \return Status code representing the result of the operation.
64  */
65 #define fwk_put_event(event) \
66     _Generic((event), struct fwk_event * \
67              : __fwk_put_event, struct fwk_event_light * \
68              : __fwk_put_event_light)(event)
70 /*!
71  * \brief Processing events already raised by modules and interrupt handlers.
72  */
73 void fwk_process_event_queue(void);
75 /*!
76  * \brief Get a copy of a delayed response event.
77  *
78  * \details When a module or element delays a response as part of the processing
79  *      of an event requiring a response, the framework automatically stores the
80  *      delayed response as part of the module or element data internal to the
81  *      framework. This function allows to get a copy of such delayed response
82  *      event. The event is not removed from the module or element internal
83  *      data. If called from an interrupt handler, the function returns in
84  *      error.
85  *
86  * \param[in] id Identifier of the module or element that delayed the response.
87  * \param[in] cookie Cookie of the event which the response has been delayed
88  *      for. The cookie identifies the response event among the response events
89  *      the entity \p id may have delayed.
90  * \param[out] event The copy of the response event.
91  *
92  * \retval ::FWK_SUCCESS The event was returned.
93  * \retval ::FWK_E_PARAM One or more parameters were invalid.
94  * \retval ::FWK_E_ACCESS Access violation due to call from interrupt handler.
95  *
96  * \return Status code representing the result of the operation.
97  */
98 int fwk_get_delayed_response(
99     fwk_id_t id,
100     uint32_t cookie,
101     struct fwk_event *event);
103 /*!
104  * \brief Check if the list of delayed response events of a given module or
105  *     element is empty.
106  *
107  * \details When a module or element delays a response as part of the processing
108  *      of an event requiring a response, the framework automatically queues the
109  *      delayed response in a list that is part of the module or element data
110  *      internal to the framework. This function checks if such a list is empty
111  *      or not. If called from an interrupt handler, the function returns in
112  *      error.
113  *
114  * \param[in] id Identifier of the module or element.
115  * \param[out] is_empty \c true if the list is empty, \c false otherwise.
116  *
117  * \retval ::FWK_SUCCESS The flag was returned.
118  * \retval ::FWK_E_PARAM One or more parameters were invalid.
119  * \retval ::FWK_E_ACCESS Access violation due to call from interrupt handler.
120  *
121  * \return Status code representing the result of the operation.
122  */
123 int fwk_is_delayed_response_list_empty(fwk_id_t id, bool *is_empty);
125 /*!
126  * \brief Get a copy of the first delayed response event in the list of
127  *     delayed response events of a given module or element.
128  *
129  * \details When a module or element delays a response as part of the processing
130  *      of an event requiring a response, the framework automatically queues
131  *      the delayed response in a list that is part of the module or element
132  *      data internal to the framework. This function allows a copy of the first
133  *      event of such a list to be retrieved. The event is not removed from the
134  *      module or element internal data. This function may be use to process the
135  *      delayed responses in the order they were queued. If called from an
136  *      interrupt handler, the function returns in error.
137  *
138  * \param[in] id Identifier of the module or element that delayed the response.
139  * \param[out] event The copy of the response event.
140  *
141  * \retval ::FWK_SUCCESS The event was returned.
142  * \retval ::FWK_E_STATE The list of delayed response event for \p id is empty.
143  * \retval ::FWK_E_PARAM One or more parameters were invalid.
144  * \retval ::FWK_E_ACCESS Access violation due to call from interrupt handler.
145  *
146  * \return Status code representing the result of the operation.
147  */
148 int fwk_get_first_delayed_response(fwk_id_t id, struct fwk_event *event);
150 /*!
151  * \}
152  */
154 /*!
155  * \}
156  */
157 #endif /* FWK_CORE_H */