1 /**
2  * Copyright (C) 2016 CSI Project. All rights reserved.
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #ifndef _CSI_ETH_H_
18 #define _CSI_ETH_H_
20 #include <stdbool.h>
21 #include "drv/eth.h"
23 #ifdef __cplusplus
24 extern "C" {
25 #endif
27 typedef void *eth_mac_handle_t;
29 #define MAX_FRAMELEN   1518        /*  (note: maximum ethernet frame length would be 1518) */
33 #define _CSI_Driver_ETH_MAC_(n)      Driver_ETH_MAC##n
34 #define  CSI_Driver_ETH_MAC_(n) _CSI_Driver_ETH_MAC_(n)
36 /****** Ethernet MAC Control Codes *****/
38 #define CSI_ETH_MAC_CONFIGURE           (0x01)      ///< Configure MAC; arg = configuration
39 #define CSI_ETH_MAC_CONTROL_TX          (0x02)      ///< Transmitter; arg: 0=disabled (default), 1=enabled
40 #define CSI_ETH_MAC_CONTROL_RX          (0x03)      ///< Receiver; arg: 0=disabled (default), 1=enabled
41 #define CSI_ETH_MAC_FLUSH               (0x04)      ///< Flush buffer; arg = CSI_ETH_MAC_FLUSH_...
42 #define CSI_ETH_MAC_SLEEP               (0x05)      ///< Sleep mode; arg: 1=enter and wait for Magic packet, 0=exit
43 #define CSI_ETH_MAC_VLAN_FILTER         (0x06)      ///< VLAN Filter for received frames; arg15..0: VLAN Tag; arg16: optional CSI_ETH_MAC_VLAN_FILTER_ID_ONLY; 0=disabled (default)
44 #define DRV_ETH_MAC_ADJUST_LINK         (0x07)      ///< Adjust MAC link state according to phy state; arg: phy handle
45 #define DRV_ETH_MAC_CONTROL_IRQ         (0x08)      ///< Interrupt request; arg: 0=disable, 1=enable
47 /*----- Ethernet MAC Configuration -----*/
48 #define CSI_ETH_MAC_SPEED_Pos            0
49 #define CSI_ETH_MAC_SPEED_Msk           (3UL                 << CSI_ETH_MAC_SPEED_Pos)
50 #define CSI_ETH_MAC_SPEED_10M           (CSI_ETH_SPEED_10M   << CSI_ETH_MAC_SPEED_Pos)  ///< 10 Mbps link speed
51 #define CSI_ETH_MAC_SPEED_100M          (CSI_ETH_SPEED_100M  << CSI_ETH_MAC_SPEED_Pos)  ///< 100 Mbps link speed
52 #define CSI_ETH_MAC_SPEED_1G            (CSI_ETH_SPEED_1G    << CSI_ETH_MAC_SPEED_Pos)  ///< 1 Gpbs link speed
53 #define CSI_ETH_MAC_DUPLEX_Pos           2
54 #define CSI_ETH_MAC_DUPLEX_Msk          (1UL                 << CSI_ETH_MAC_DUPLEX_Pos)
55 #define CSI_ETH_MAC_DUPLEX_HALF         (CSI_ETH_DUPLEX_HALF << CSI_ETH_MAC_DUPLEX_Pos) ///< Half duplex link
56 #define CSI_ETH_MAC_DUPLEX_FULL         (CSI_ETH_DUPLEX_FULL << CSI_ETH_MAC_DUPLEX_Pos) ///< Full duplex link
57 #define CSI_ETH_MAC_LOOPBACK            (1UL << 4)  ///< Loop-back test mode
58 #define CSI_ETH_MAC_CHECKSUM_OFFLOAD_RX (1UL << 5)  ///< Receiver Checksum offload
59 #define CSI_ETH_MAC_CHECKSUM_OFFLOAD_TX (1UL << 6)  ///< Transmitter Checksum offload
60 #define CSI_ETH_MAC_ADDRESS_BROADCAST   (1UL << 7)  ///< Accept frames with Broadcast address
61 #define CSI_ETH_MAC_ADDRESS_MULTICAST   (1UL << 8)  ///< Accept frames with any Multicast address
62 #define CSI_ETH_MAC_ADDRESS_ALL         (1UL << 9)  ///< Accept frames with any address (Promiscuous Mode)
64 /*----- Ethernet MAC Flush Flags -----*/
65 #define CSI_ETH_MAC_FLUSH_RX            (1UL << 0)  ///< Flush Receive buffer
66 #define CSI_ETH_MAC_FLUSH_TX            (1UL << 1)  ///< Flush Transmit buffer
68 /*----- Ethernet MAC VLAN Filter Flag -----*/
69 #define CSI_ETH_MAC_VLAN_FILTER_ID_ONLY (1UL << 16) ///< Compare only the VLAN Identifier (12-bit)
72 /****** Ethernet MAC Frame Transmit Flags *****/
73 #define CSI_ETH_MAC_TX_FRAME_FRAGMENT   (1UL << 0)  ///< Indicate frame fragment
74 #define CSI_ETH_MAC_TX_FRAME_EVENT      (1UL << 1)  ///< Generate event when frame is transmitted
75 #define CSI_ETH_MAC_TX_FRAME_TIMESTAMP  (1UL << 2)  ///< Capture frame time stamp
78 /****** Ethernet MAC Timer Control Codes *****/
79 #define CSI_ETH_MAC_TIMER_GET_TIME      (0x01)      ///< Get current time
80 #define CSI_ETH_MAC_TIMER_SET_TIME      (0x02)      ///< Set new time
81 #define CSI_ETH_MAC_TIMER_INC_TIME      (0x03)      ///< Increment current time
82 #define CSI_ETH_MAC_TIMER_DEC_TIME      (0x04)      ///< Decrement current time
83 #define CSI_ETH_MAC_TIMER_SET_ALCSI     (0x05)      ///< Set alarm time
84 #define CSI_ETH_MAC_TIMER_ADJUST_CLOCK  (0x06)      ///< Adjust clock frequency; time->ns: correction factor * 2^31
87 /**
88 \brief Ethernet MAC Time
89 */
90 typedef struct eth_mac_time {
91     uint32_t ns;                          ///< Nano seconds
92     uint32_t sec;                         ///< Seconds
93 } eth_mac_time_t;
96 /****** Ethernet MAC Event *****/
97 #define CSI_ETH_MAC_EVENT_RX_FRAME      (1UL << 0)  ///< Frame Received
98 #define CSI_ETH_MAC_EVENT_TX_FRAME      (1UL << 1)  ///< Frame Transmitted
99 #define CSI_ETH_MAC_EVENT_WAKEUP        (1UL << 2)  ///< Wake-up (on Magic Packet)
100 #define CSI_ETH_MAC_EVENT_TIMER_ALCSI   (1UL << 3)  ///< Timer Alarm
101 #define CSI_ETH_MAC_EVENT_LINK_CHANGE   (1UL << 4)  ///< Link state
103 typedef void (*eth_event_cb_t)(int32_t idx, uint32_t event);  ///< Pointer to \ref eth_event_cb_t : Signal Ethernet Event.
105 typedef enum {
106     FRAME_FILTER_RULE_POSITIVE_MATCHING  = 0,       /*!< Specifies that a filter should match a given pattern     */
107     FRAME_FILTER_RULE_NEGATIVE_MATCHING  = 1,       /*!< Specifies that a filter should NOT match a given pattern */
108 } frame_filter_rule_t;
110 /**
111 \brief Ethernet MAC Capabilities
112 */
113 typedef struct eth_capabilities {
114     uint32_t checksum_offload_rx_ip4  : 1;        ///< 1 = IPv4 header checksum verified on receive
115     uint32_t checksum_offload_rx_ip6  : 1;        ///< 1 = IPv6 checksum verification supported on receive
116     uint32_t checksum_offload_rx_udp  : 1;        ///< 1 = UDP payload checksum verified on receive
117     uint32_t checksum_offload_rx_tcp  : 1;        ///< 1 = TCP payload checksum verified on receive
118     uint32_t checksum_offload_rx_icmp : 1;        ///< 1 = ICMP payload checksum verified on receive
119     uint32_t checksum_offload_tx_ip4  : 1;        ///< 1 = IPv4 header checksum generated on transmit
120     uint32_t checksum_offload_tx_ip6  : 1;        ///< 1 = IPv6 checksum generation supported on transmit
121     uint32_t checksum_offload_tx_udp  : 1;        ///< 1 = UDP payload checksum generated on transmit
122     uint32_t checksum_offload_tx_tcp  : 1;        ///< 1 = TCP payload checksum generated on transmit
123     uint32_t checksum_offload_tx_icmp : 1;        ///< 1 = ICMP payload checksum generated on transmit
124     uint32_t media_interface          : 2;        ///< Ethernet Media Interface type
125     uint32_t mac_address              : 1;        ///< 1 = driver provides initial valid MAC address
126     uint32_t event_rx_frame           : 1;        ///< 1 = callback event generated
127     uint32_t event_tx_frame           : 1;        ///< 1 = callback event generated
128     uint32_t event_wakeup             : 1;        ///< 1 = wakeup event generated
129     uint32_t precision_timer          : 1;        ///< 1 = Precision Timer supported
130     uint32_t reserved                 : 15;       ///< Reserved (must be zero)
131 } eth_capabilities_t;
133 /**
134  * Structure describing a frame filter list item
135  */
136 typedef struct {
137     uint32_t                       id;             /*!< Unique identifier for a packet filter item */
138     frame_filter_rule_t            rule;           /*!< Filter matches are either POSITIVE or NEGATIVE matching */
139     uint16_t                       offset;         /*!< Offset in bytes to start filtering (referenced to the start of the ethernet packet) */
140     uint16_t                       mask_size;      /*!< Size of the mask in bytes */
141     uint8_t                       *mask;           /*!< Pattern mask bytes to be ANDed with the pattern eg. "\xff00" (must be in network byte order) */
142     uint8_t                       *pattern;        /*!< Pattern bytes used to filter eg. "\x0800"  (must be in network byte order) */
143     bool                           enabled_status; /*!< When returned from mhd_get_packet_filters, indicates if the filter is enabled */
144 } eth_frame_filter_t;
146 struct eth_frame_filter_list {
147     struct eth_frame_filter_list  *next;
148 };
150 typedef struct eth_frame_filter_list eth_frame_filter_list_t;
152 typedef struct {
153     eth_event_cb_t      cb_event;
154     eth_capabilities_t  capabilities;
155 } eth_mac_priv_t;
157 /**
158   \brief       Get driver version.
159   \param[in]   handle  ethernet handle
160   \return      ethernet version including chip version and driver version
161 */
162 csi_drv_version_t csi_eth_mac_get_version(eth_mac_handle_t handle);
164 /**
165   \brief       Get driver capabilities.
166   \param[in]   idx device id
167   \return      ethernet capabilities
168 */
169 eth_capabilities_t csi_eth_mac_get_capabilities(int32_t idx);
171 /**
172   \brief       This function is used to initialize Ethernet device and related resource, an event callback is registered. It is called when the middleware component like TCPIP starts operation.
173   \param[in]   idx device id
174   \param[in]   cb  callback to handle ethernet event
175   \return      return ethernet handle if success
176  */
177 eth_mac_handle_t csi_eth_mac_initialize(int32_t idx, eth_event_cb_t cb_event);
179 /**
180   \brief       This function is used to de-initialize Ethernet device. It is called when the middleware component stops operation and releases the software resources used by the interface.
181   \param[in]   handle  ethernet handle
182   \return      error code
183  */
184 int32_t csi_eth_mac_uninitialize(eth_mac_handle_t handle);
186 /**
187   \brief       Control Ethernet MAC Device Power.
188   \param[in]   handle  ethernet handle
189   \param[in]   state  Power state
190   \return      error code
191 */
192 int32_t csi_eth_mac_power_control(eth_mac_handle_t handle, eth_power_state_t state);
194 /**
195   \brief       Get Ethernet MAC Address.
196   \param[in]   handle  ethernet handle
197   \param[in]   mac  Pointer to address
198   \return      error code
199 */
200 int32_t csi_eth_mac_get_macaddr(eth_mac_handle_t handle, eth_mac_addr_t *mac);
202 /**
203   \brief       Set Ethernet MAC Address.
204   \param[in]   handle  ethernet handle
205   \param[in]   mac  Pointer to address
206   \return      error code
207 */
208 int32_t csi_eth_mac_set_macaddr(eth_mac_handle_t handle, const eth_mac_addr_t *mac);
210 /**
211   \brief       Configure Address Filter.
212   \param[in]   handle  ethernet handle
213   \param[in]   addr  Pointer to addresses
214   \param[in]   num_addr  Number of addresses to configure
215   \return      error code
216 */
217 int32_t csi_eth_mac_set_addrfilter(eth_mac_handle_t handle, const eth_mac_addr_t *addr, uint32_t num_addr);
219 /**
220   \brief       Send Ethernet frame.
221   \param[in]   handle  ethernet handle
222   \param[in]   frame  Pointer to frame buffer with data to send
223   \param[in]   len    Frame buffer length in bytes
224   \param[in]   flags  Frame transmit flags (see CSI_ETH_MAC_TX_FRAME_...)
225   \return      error code
226 */
227 int32_t csi_eth_mac_send_frame(eth_mac_handle_t handle, const uint8_t *frame, uint32_t len, uint32_t flags);
229 /**
230   \brief       Read data of received Ethernet frame.
231   \param[in]   handle  ethernet handle
232   \param[in]   frame  Pointer to frame buffer for data to read into
233   \param[in]   len    Frame buffer length in bytes
234   \return      number of data bytes read or execution status
235                  - value >= 0: number of data bytes read
236                  - value < 0: error occurred, value is execution status as defined with execution_status
237 */
238 int32_t csi_eth_mac_read_frame(eth_mac_handle_t handle, uint8_t *frame, uint32_t len);
240 /**
241   \brief       Request data of received Ethernet frame.
242                drv_eth_mac_request_frame() and drv_eth_mac_release_frame()
243                must be called in pairs.
244   \param[in]   handle  ethernet handle
245   \param[in]   frame  Pointer to frame buffer pointer
246   \return      number of data bytes read or execution status
247                  - value >= 0: number of data bytes read
248                  - value < 0: error occurred
249 */
250 int32_t drv_eth_mac_request_frame(eth_mac_handle_t handle, uint8_t **frame);
252 /**
253   \brief       Release current Ethernet frame.
254                drv_eth_mac_request_frame() and drv_eth_mac_release_frame()
255                must be called in pairs.
256   \param[in]   handle  ethernet handle
257   \return      error code
258 */
259 int32_t drv_eth_mac_release_frame(eth_mac_handle_t handle);
261 /**
262   \brief       Get size of received Ethernet frame.
263   \param[in]   handle  ethernet handle
264   \return      number of bytes in received frame
265 */
266 int32_t csi_eth_mac_get_rx_framesize(eth_mac_handle_t handle);
268 /**
269   \brief       Get time of received Ethernet frame.
270   \param[in]   handle  ethernet handle
271   \param[in]   time  Pointer to time structure for data to read into
272   \return      error code
273 */
274 int32_t csi_eth_mac_get_rx_frametime(eth_mac_handle_t handle, eth_mac_time_t *time);
276 /**
277   \brief       Get time of transmitted Ethernet frame.
278   \param[in]   handle  ethernet handle
279   \param[in]   time  Pointer to time structure for data to read into
280   \return      error code
281 */
282 int32_t csi_eth_mac_get_tx_frametime(eth_mac_handle_t handle, eth_mac_time_t *time);
284 /**
285   \brief       Control Ethernet Interface.
286   \param[in]   handle  ethernet handle
287   \param[in]   control  Operation
288   \param[in]   arg      Argument of operation (optional)
289   \return      error code
290 */
291 int32_t csi_eth_mac_control(eth_mac_handle_t handle, uint32_t control, uint32_t arg);
293 /**
294   \brief       Control Precision Timer.
295   \param[in]   handle  ethernet handle
296   \param[in]   control  Operation
297   \param[in]   time     Pointer to time structure
298   \return      error code
299 */
300 int32_t csi_eth_mac_control_time(eth_mac_handle_t handle, uint32_t control, eth_mac_time_t *time);
302 /**
303   \brief       Read Ethernet PHY Register through Management Interface.
304   \param[in]   handle  ethernet handle
305   \param[in]   phy_addr  5-bit device address
306   \param[in]   reg_addr  5-bit register address
307   \param[out]  data      Pointer where the result is written to
308   \return      error code
309 */
310 int32_t csi_eth_mac_phy_read(eth_mac_handle_t handle, uint8_t phy_addr, uint8_t reg_addr, uint16_t *data);
312 /**
313   \brief       Write Ethernet PHY Register through Management Interface.
314   \param[in]   handle  ethernet handle
315   \param[in]   phy_addr  5-bit device address
316   \param[in]   reg_addr  5-bit register address
317   \param[in]   data      16-bit data to write
318   \return      error code
319 */
320 int32_t csi_eth_mac_phy_write(eth_mac_handle_t handle, uint8_t phy_addr, uint8_t reg_addr, uint16_t data);
322 /**
323   \brief       Callback function that signals a Ethernet Event.
324   \param[in]   handle  ethernet handle
325   \param[in]   event  event notification mask
326   \return      none
327 */
328 void csi_eth_mac_signal_event(eth_mac_handle_t handle, uint32_t event);
330 /**
331   \brief       Add Frame Filter Setting with Filter ID.
332   \param[in]   handle  ethernet handle
333   \param[in]   filter  Pointer to filter setting
334   \return      error code
335 */
336 int32_t csi_eth_mac_add_framefilter(eth_mac_handle_t handle, const eth_frame_filter_t *filter);
338 /**
339   \brief       Remove Frame Filter Setting.
340   \param[in]   handle  ethernet handle
341   \param[in]   filter_id  Frame Filter ID
342   \return      error code
343 */
344 int32_t csi_eth_mac_remove_framefilter(eth_mac_handle_t handle, uint32_t filter_id);
346 /**
347   \brief       Enable/Disable Specified Frame Filter ID.
348   \param[in]   handle  ethernet handle
349   \param[in]   filter_id  Frame Filter ID
350   \param[in]   en  Enable or disable
351   \return      error code
352 */
353 int32_t csi_eth_mac_en_framefilter(eth_mac_handle_t handle, uint32_t filter_id, bool en);
355 /**
356   \brief       Get frame filter table list.
357   \param[in]   handle  ethernet handle
358   \param[in]   list  frame filter table list
359   \param[in]   count_out  the count of filter setting added
360   \param[in]   max_count  max filter setting can be supported
361   \return      error code
362 */
363 int32_t csi_eth_mac_get_framefilter(eth_mac_handle_t handle, eth_frame_filter_list_t *list, uint32_t *count_out, uint32_t max_count);
365 #ifdef __cplusplus
366 }
367 #endif
369 #endif