1(* 2 * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 XenSource Ltd. 3 * Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Citrix Ltd. 4 * Author Vincent Hanquez <vincent.hanquez@eu.citrix.com> 5 * Author Dave Scott <dave.scott@eu.citrix.com> 6 * 7 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 8 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published 9 * by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.1 only. with the special 10 * exception on linking described in file LICENSE. 11 * 12 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 13 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 14 * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the 15 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. 16 *) 17 18type ('a, 'b) either = Right of 'a | Left of 'b 19 20(** apply the clean_f function after fct function has been called. 21 * Even if fct raises an exception, clean_f is applied 22 *) 23let exnhook = ref None 24 25let finally fct clean_f = 26 let result = try 27 fct (); 28 with 29 exn -> 30 (match !exnhook with None -> () | Some f -> f exn); 31 clean_f (); raise exn in 32 clean_f (); 33 result 34 35(** if v is not none, apply f on it and return some value else return none. *) 36let may f v = 37 match v with Some x -> Some (f x) | None -> None 38 39(** default value to d if v is none. *) 40let default d v = 41 match v with Some x -> x | None -> d 42 43(** apply f on v if not none *) 44let maybe f v = 45 match v with None -> () | Some x -> f x 46 47module String = struct include String 48 49let of_char c = String.make 1 c 50 51let rec split ?limit:(limit=(-1)) c s = 52 let i = try String.index s c with Not_found -> -1 in 53 let nlimit = if limit = -1 || limit = 0 then limit else limit - 1 in 54 if i = -1 || nlimit = 0 then 55 [ s ] 56 else 57 let a = String.sub s 0 i 58 and b = String.sub s (i + 1) (String.length s - i - 1) in 59 a :: (split ~limit: nlimit c b) 60 61let fold_left f accu string = 62 let accu = ref accu in 63 for i = 0 to length string - 1 do 64 accu := f !accu string.[i] 65 done; 66 !accu 67 68(** True if string 'x' starts with prefix 'prefix' *) 69let startswith prefix x = 70 let x_l = String.length x and prefix_l = String.length prefix in 71 prefix_l <= x_l && String.sub x 0 prefix_l = prefix 72end 73 74module Unixext = struct 75 76(** remove a file, but doesn't raise an exception if the file is already removed *) 77let unlink_safe file = 78 try Unix.unlink file with (* Unix.Unix_error (Unix.ENOENT, _ , _)*) _ -> () 79 80(** create a directory but doesn't raise an exception if the directory already exist *) 81let mkdir_safe dir perm = 82 try Unix.mkdir dir perm with Unix.Unix_error (Unix.EEXIST, _, _) -> () 83 84(** create a directory, and create parent if doesn't exist *) 85let mkdir_rec dir perm = 86 let rec p_mkdir dir = 87 let p_name = Filename.dirname dir in 88 if p_name <> "/" && p_name <> "." 89 then p_mkdir p_name; 90 mkdir_safe dir perm in 91 p_mkdir dir 92 93(** daemonize a process *) 94(* !! Must call this before spawning any threads !! *) 95let daemonize () = 96 match Unix.fork () with 97 | 0 -> 98 if Unix.setsid () == -1 then 99 failwith "Unix.setsid failed"; 100 101 begin match Unix.fork () with 102 | 0 -> 103 let nullfd = Unix.openfile "/dev/null" [ Unix.O_WRONLY ] 0 in 104 begin try 105 Unix.close Unix.stdin; 106 Unix.dup2 nullfd Unix.stdout; 107 Unix.dup2 nullfd Unix.stderr; 108 with exn -> Unix.close nullfd; raise exn 109 end; 110 Unix.close nullfd 111 | _ -> exit 0 112 end 113 | _ -> exit 0 114 115(** write a pidfile file *) 116let pidfile_write filename = 117 let fd = Unix.openfile filename 118 [ Unix.O_WRONLY; Unix.O_CREAT; Unix.O_TRUNC; ] 119 0o640 in 120 finally 121 (fun () -> 122 let pid = Unix.getpid () in 123 let buf = string_of_int pid ^ "\n" in 124 let len = String.length buf in 125 if Unix.write fd buf 0 len <> len 126 then failwith "pidfile_write failed"; 127 ) 128 (fun () -> Unix.close fd) 129 130end 131