1 /**
2  * @file lv_rect.h
3  *
4  */
6 #ifndef LV_LABEL_H
7 #define LV_LABEL_H
9 #ifdef __cplusplus
10 extern "C" {
11 #endif
13 /*********************
14  *      INCLUDES
15  *********************/
17 #include "lv_conf.h"
18 #else
19 #include "../../lv_conf.h"
20 #endif
22 #if LV_USE_LABEL != 0
24 #include "../lv_core/lv_obj.h"
25 #include "../lv_font/lv_font.h"
26 #include "../lv_font/lv_symbol_def.h"
27 #include "../lv_misc/lv_txt.h"
28 #include "../lv_draw/lv_draw.h"
30 /*********************
31  *      DEFINES
32  *********************/
33 #define LV_LABEL_DOT_NUM 3
37 /**********************
38  *      TYPEDEFS
39  **********************/
41 /** Long mode behaviors. Used in 'lv_label_ext_t' */
42 enum {
43     LV_LABEL_LONG_EXPAND,    /**< Expand the object size to the text size*/
44     LV_LABEL_LONG_BREAK,     /**< Keep the object width, break the too long lines and expand the object
45                                 height*/
46     LV_LABEL_LONG_DOT,       /**< Keep the size and write dots at the end if the text is too long*/
47     LV_LABEL_LONG_SROLL,      /**< Keep the size and roll the text back and forth*/
48     LV_LABEL_LONG_SROLL_CIRC, /**< Keep the size and roll the text circularly*/
49     LV_LABEL_LONG_CROP,      /**< Keep the size and crop the text out of it*/
50 };
51 typedef uint8_t lv_label_long_mode_t;
53 /** Label align policy*/
54 enum {
55     LV_LABEL_ALIGN_LEFT, /**< Align text to left */
56     LV_LABEL_ALIGN_CENTER, /**< Align text to center */
57     LV_LABEL_ALIGN_RIGHT, /**< Align text to right */
58 };
59 typedef uint8_t lv_label_align_t;
61 /** Data of label*/
62 typedef struct
63 {
64     /*Inherited from 'base_obj' so no inherited ext.*/ /*Ext. of ancestor*/
65     /*New data for this type */
66     char * text; /*Text of the label*/
67     union
68     {
69         char * tmp_ptr; /* Pointer to the allocated memory containing the character which are replaced by dots (Handled
70                            by the library)*/
71         char tmp[sizeof(char *)]; /* Directly store the characters if <=4 characters */
72     } dot;
73     uint16_t dot_end;  /*The text end position in dot mode (Handled by the library)*/
74     lv_point_t offset; /*Text draw position offset*/
76     lv_draw_label_hint_t hint; /*Used to buffer info about large text*/
77 #endif
80     uint16_t anim_speed; /*Speed of scroll and roll animation in px/sec unit*/
81 #endif
84     uint16_t txt_sel_start; /*Left-most selection character*/
85     uint16_t txt_sel_end;   /*Right-most selection character*/
86 #endif
88     lv_label_long_mode_t long_mode : 3; /*Determinate what to do with the long texts*/
89     uint8_t static_txt : 1;             /*Flag to indicate the text is static*/
90     uint8_t align : 2;                  /*Align type from 'lv_label_align_t'*/
91     uint8_t recolor : 1;                /*Enable in-line letter re-coloring*/
92     uint8_t expand : 1;                 /*Ignore real width (used by the library with LV_LABEL_LONG_ROLL)*/
93     uint8_t body_draw : 1;              /*Draw background body*/
94     uint8_t dot_tmp_alloc : 1; /*True if dot_tmp has been allocated. False if dot_tmp directly holds up to 4 bytes of
95                                   characters */
96 } lv_label_ext_t;
98 /** Label styles*/
99 enum {
101 };
102 typedef uint8_t lv_label_style_t;
104 /**********************
106  **********************/
108 /**
109  * Create a label objects
110  * @param par pointer to an object, it will be the parent of the new label
111  * @param copy pointer to a button object, if not NULL then the new object will be copied from it
112  * @return pointer to the created button
113  */
114 lv_obj_t * lv_label_create(lv_obj_t * par, const lv_obj_t * copy);
116 /*=====================
117  * Setter functions
118  *====================*/
120 /**
121  * Set a new text for a label. Memory will be allocated to store the text by the label.
122  * @param label pointer to a label object
123  * @param text '\0' terminated character string. NULL to refresh with the current text.
124  */
125 void lv_label_set_text(lv_obj_t * label, const char * text);
127 /**
128  * Set a new text for a label from a character array. The array don't has to be '\0' terminated.
129  * Memory will be allocated to store the array by the label.
130  * @param label pointer to a label object
131  * @param array array of characters or NULL to refresh the label
132  * @param size the size of 'array' in bytes
133  */
134 void lv_label_set_array_text(lv_obj_t * label, const char * array, uint16_t size);
136 /**
137  * Set a static text. It will not be saved by the label so the 'text' variable
138  * has to be 'alive' while the label exist.
139  * @param label pointer to a label object
140  * @param text pointer to a text. NULL to refresh with the current text.
141  */
142 void lv_label_set_static_text(lv_obj_t * label, const char * text);
144 /**
145  * Set the behavior of the label with longer text then the object size
146  * @param label pointer to a label object
147  * @param long_mode the new mode from 'lv_label_long_mode' enum.
148  *                  In LV_LONG_BREAK/LONG/ROLL the size of the label should be set AFTER this
149  * function
150  */
151 void lv_label_set_long_mode(lv_obj_t * label, lv_label_long_mode_t long_mode);
153 /**
154  * Set the align of the label (left or center)
155  * @param label pointer to a label object
156  * @param align 'LV_LABEL_ALIGN_LEFT' or 'LV_LABEL_ALIGN_LEFT'
157  */
158 void lv_label_set_align(lv_obj_t * label, lv_label_align_t align);
160 /**
161  * Enable the recoloring by in-line commands
162  * @param label pointer to a label object
163  * @param en true: enable recoloring, false: disable
164  */
165 void lv_label_set_recolor(lv_obj_t * label, bool en);
167 /**
168  * Set the label to draw (or not draw) background specified in its style's body
169  * @param label pointer to a label object
170  * @param en true: draw body; false: don't draw body
171  */
172 void lv_label_set_body_draw(lv_obj_t * label, bool en);
174 /**
175  * Set the label's animation speed in LV_LABEL_LONG_SROLL/SCROLL_CIRC modes
176  * @param label pointer to a label object
177  * @param anim_speed speed of animation in px/sec unit
178  */
179 void lv_label_set_anim_speed(lv_obj_t * label, uint16_t anim_speed);
181 /**
182  * Set the style of an label
183  * @param label pointer to an label object
184  * @param type which style should be get (can be only `LV_LABEL_STYLE_MAIN`)
185  * @param style pointer to a style
186  */
lv_label_set_style(lv_obj_t * label,lv_label_style_t type,const lv_style_t * style)187 static inline void lv_label_set_style(lv_obj_t * label, lv_label_style_t type, const lv_style_t * style)
188 {
189     (void)type; /*Unused*/
190     lv_obj_set_style(label, style);
191 }
193 /**
194  * @brief Set the selection start index.
195  * @param label pointer to a label object.
196  * @param index index to set. `LV_LABEL_TXT_SEL_OFF` to select nothing.
197  */
198 void lv_label_set_text_sel_start(lv_obj_t * label, uint16_t index);
200 /**
201  * @brief Set the selection end index.
202  * @param label pointer to a label object.
203  * @param index index to set. `LV_LABEL_TXT_SEL_OFF` to select nothing.
204  */
205 void lv_label_set_text_sel_end(lv_obj_t * label, uint16_t index);
207 /*=====================
208  * Getter functions
209  *====================*/
211 /**
212  * Get the text of a label
213  * @param label pointer to a label object
214  * @return the text of the label
215  */
216 char * lv_label_get_text(const lv_obj_t * label);
218 /**
219  * Get the long mode of a label
220  * @param label pointer to a label object
221  * @return the long mode
222  */
223 lv_label_long_mode_t lv_label_get_long_mode(const lv_obj_t * label);
225 /**
226  * Get the align attribute
227  * @param label pointer to a label object
229  */
230 lv_label_align_t lv_label_get_align(const lv_obj_t * label);
232 /**
233  * Get the recoloring attribute
234  * @param label pointer to a label object
235  * @return true: recoloring is enabled, false: disable
236  */
237 bool lv_label_get_recolor(const lv_obj_t * label);
239 /**
240  * Get the body draw attribute
241  * @param label pointer to a label object
242  * @return true: draw body; false: don't draw body
243  */
244 bool lv_label_get_body_draw(const lv_obj_t * label);
246 /**
247  * Get the label's animation speed in LV_LABEL_LONG_ROLL and SCROLL modes
248  * @param label pointer to a label object
249  * @return speed of animation in px/sec unit
250  */
251 uint16_t lv_label_get_anim_speed(const lv_obj_t * label);
253 /**
254  * Get the relative x and y coordinates of a letter
255  * @param label pointer to a label object
256  * @param index index of the letter [0 ... text length]. Expressed in character index, not byte
257  * index (different in UTF-8)
258  * @param pos store the result here (E.g. index = 0 gives 0;0 coordinates)
259  */
260 void lv_label_get_letter_pos(const lv_obj_t * label, uint16_t index, lv_point_t * pos);
262 /**
263  * Get the index of letter on a relative point of a label
264  * @param label pointer to label object
265  * @param pos pointer to point with coordinates on a the label
266  * @return the index of the letter on the 'pos_p' point (E.g. on 0;0 is the 0. letter)
267  * Expressed in character index and not byte index (different in UTF-8)
268  */
269 uint16_t lv_label_get_letter_on(const lv_obj_t * label, lv_point_t * pos);
271 /**
272  * Check if a character is drawn under a point.
273  * @param label Label object
274  * @param pos Point to check for characte under
275  * @return whether a character is drawn under the point
276  */
277 bool lv_label_is_char_under_pos(const lv_obj_t * label, lv_point_t * pos);
279 /**
280  * Get the style of an label object
281  * @param label pointer to an label object
282  * @param type which style should be get (can be only `LV_LABEL_STYLE_MAIN`)
283  * @return pointer to the label's style
284  */
lv_label_get_style(const lv_obj_t * label,lv_label_style_t type)285 static inline const lv_style_t * lv_label_get_style(const lv_obj_t * label, lv_label_style_t type)
286 {
287     (void)type; /*Unused*/
288     return lv_obj_get_style(label);
289 }
291 /**
292  * @brief Get the selection start index.
293  * @param label pointer to a label object.
294  * @return selection start index. `LV_LABEL_TXT_SEL_OFF` if nothing is selected.
295  */
296 uint16_t lv_label_get_text_sel_start(const lv_obj_t * label);
298 /**
299  * @brief Get the selection end index.
300  * @param label pointer to a label object.
301  * @return selection end index. `LV_LABEL_TXT_SEL_OFF` if nothing is selected.
302  */
303 uint16_t lv_label_get_text_sel_end(const lv_obj_t * label);
305 /*=====================
306  * Other functions
307  *====================*/
309 /**
310  * Insert a text to the label. The label text can not be static.
311  * @param label pointer to a label object
312  * @param pos character index to insert. Expressed in character index and not byte index (Different
313  * in UTF-8) 0: before first char. LV_LABEL_POS_LAST: after last char.
314  * @param txt pointer to the text to insert
315  */
316 void lv_label_ins_text(lv_obj_t * label, uint32_t pos, const char * txt);
318 /**
319  * Delete characters from a label. The label text can not be static.
320  * @param label pointer to a label object
321  * @param pos character index to insert. Expressed in character index and not byte index (Different
322  * in UTF-8) 0: before first char.
323  * @param cnt number of characters to cut
324  */
325 void lv_label_cut_text(lv_obj_t * label, uint32_t pos, uint32_t cnt);
327 /**********************
328  *      MACROS
329  **********************/
331 #endif /*LV_USE_LABEL*/
333 #ifdef __cplusplus
334 } /* extern "C" */
335 #endif
337 #endif /*LV_LABEL_H*/