1 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2  * Project:      CMSIS DSP Library
3  * Title:        arm_rfft_f32.c
4  * Description:  RFFT & RIFFT Floating point process function
5  *
6  * $Date:        27. January 2017
7  * $Revision:    V.1.5.1
8  *
9  * Target Processor: Cortex-M cores
10  * -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
11 /*
12  * Copyright (C) 2010-2017 ARM Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
13  *
14  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
15  *
16  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
17  * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
18  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
19  *
20  * www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
21  *
22  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
23  * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
24  * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
25  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
26  * limitations under the License.
27  */
29 #include "arm_math.h"
stage_rfft_f32(arm_rfft_fast_instance_f32 * S,float32_t * p,float32_t * pOut)31 void stage_rfft_f32(
32   arm_rfft_fast_instance_f32 * S,
33   float32_t * p, float32_t * pOut)
34 {
35    uint32_t  k;								   /* Loop Counter                     */
36    float32_t twR, twI;						   /* RFFT Twiddle coefficients        */
37    float32_t * pCoeff = S->pTwiddleRFFT;  /* Points to RFFT Twiddle factors   */
38    float32_t *pA = p;						   /* increasing pointer               */
39    float32_t *pB = p;						   /* decreasing pointer               */
40    float32_t xAR, xAI, xBR, xBI;				/* temporary variables              */
41    float32_t t1a, t1b;				         /* temporary variables              */
42    float32_t p0, p1, p2, p3;				   /* temporary variables              */
45    k = (S->Sint).fftLen - 1;
47    /* Pack first and last sample of the frequency domain together */
49    xBR = pB[0];
50    xBI = pB[1];
51    xAR = pA[0];
52    xAI = pA[1];
54    twR = *pCoeff++ ;
55    twI = *pCoeff++ ;
57    // U1 = XA(1) + XB(1); % It is real
58    t1a = xBR + xAR  ;
60    // U2 = XB(1) - XA(1); % It is imaginary
61    t1b = xBI + xAI  ;
63    // real(tw * (xB - xA)) = twR * (xBR - xAR) - twI * (xBI - xAI);
64    // imag(tw * (xB - xA)) = twI * (xBR - xAR) + twR * (xBI - xAI);
65    *pOut++ = 0.5f * ( t1a + t1b );
66    *pOut++ = 0.5f * ( t1a - t1b );
68    // XA(1) = 1/2*( U1 - imag(U2) +  i*( U1 +imag(U2) ));
69    pB  = p + 2*k;
70    pA += 2;
72    do
73    {
74       /*
75          function X = my_split_rfft(X, ifftFlag)
76          % X is a series of real numbers
77          L  = length(X);
78          XC = X(1:2:end) +i*X(2:2:end);
79          XA = fft(XC);
80          XB = conj(XA([1 end:-1:2]));
81          TW = i*exp(-2*pi*i*[0:L/2-1]/L).';
82          for l = 2:L/2
83             XA(l) = 1/2 * (XA(l) + XB(l) + TW(l) * (XB(l) - XA(l)));
84          end
85          XA(1) = 1/2* (XA(1) + XB(1) + TW(1) * (XB(1) - XA(1))) + i*( 1/2*( XA(1) + XB(1) + i*( XA(1) - XB(1))));
86          X = XA;
87       */
89       xBI = pB[1];
90       xBR = pB[0];
91       xAR = pA[0];
92       xAI = pA[1];
94       twR = *pCoeff++;
95       twI = *pCoeff++;
97       t1a = xBR - xAR ;
98       t1b = xBI + xAI ;
100       // real(tw * (xB - xA)) = twR * (xBR - xAR) - twI * (xBI - xAI);
101       // imag(tw * (xB - xA)) = twI * (xBR - xAR) + twR * (xBI - xAI);
102       p0 = twR * t1a;
103       p1 = twI * t1a;
104       p2 = twR * t1b;
105       p3 = twI * t1b;
107       *pOut++ = 0.5f * (xAR + xBR + p0 + p3 ); //xAR
108       *pOut++ = 0.5f * (xAI - xBI + p1 - p2 ); //xAI
110       pA += 2;
111       pB -= 2;
112       k--;
113    } while (k > 0u);
114 }
116 /* Prepares data for inverse cfft */
merge_rfft_f32(arm_rfft_fast_instance_f32 * S,float32_t * p,float32_t * pOut)117 void merge_rfft_f32(
118 arm_rfft_fast_instance_f32 * S,
119 float32_t * p, float32_t * pOut)
120 {
121    uint32_t  k;								/* Loop Counter                     */
122    float32_t twR, twI;						/* RFFT Twiddle coefficients        */
123    float32_t *pCoeff = S->pTwiddleRFFT;		/* Points to RFFT Twiddle factors   */
124    float32_t *pA = p;						/* increasing pointer               */
125    float32_t *pB = p;						/* decreasing pointer               */
126    float32_t xAR, xAI, xBR, xBI;			/* temporary variables              */
127    float32_t t1a, t1b, r, s, t, u;			/* temporary variables              */
129    k = (S->Sint).fftLen - 1;
131    xAR = pA[0];
132    xAI = pA[1];
134    pCoeff += 2 ;
136    *pOut++ = 0.5f * ( xAR + xAI );
137    *pOut++ = 0.5f * ( xAR - xAI );
139    pB  =  p + 2*k ;
140    pA +=  2	   ;
142    while (k > 0u)
143    {
144       /* G is half of the frequency complex spectrum */
145       //for k = 2:N
146       //    Xk(k) = 1/2 * (G(k) + conj(G(N-k+2)) + Tw(k)*( G(k) - conj(G(N-k+2))));
147       xBI =   pB[1]    ;
148       xBR =   pB[0]    ;
149       xAR =  pA[0];
150       xAI =  pA[1];
152       twR = *pCoeff++;
153       twI = *pCoeff++;
155       t1a = xAR - xBR ;
156       t1b = xAI + xBI ;
158       r = twR * t1a;
159       s = twI * t1b;
160       t = twI * t1a;
161       u = twR * t1b;
163       // real(tw * (xA - xB)) = twR * (xAR - xBR) - twI * (xAI - xBI);
164       // imag(tw * (xA - xB)) = twI * (xAR - xBR) + twR * (xAI - xBI);
165       *pOut++ = 0.5f * (xAR + xBR - r - s ); //xAR
166       *pOut++ = 0.5f * (xAI - xBI + t - u ); //xAI
168       pA += 2;
169       pB -= 2;
170       k--;
171    }
173 }
175 /**
176 * @ingroup groupTransforms
177 */
179 /**
180  * @defgroup RealFFT Real FFT Functions
181  *
182  * \par
183  * The CMSIS DSP library includes specialized algorithms for computing the
184  * FFT of real data sequences.  The FFT is defined over complex data but
185  * in many applications the input is real.  Real FFT algorithms take advantage
186  * of the symmetry properties of the FFT and have a speed advantage over complex
187  * algorithms of the same length.
188  * \par
189  * The Fast RFFT algorith relays on the mixed radix CFFT that save processor usage.
190  * \par
191  * The real length N forward FFT of a sequence is computed using the steps shown below.
192  * \par
193  * \image html RFFT.gif "Real Fast Fourier Transform"
194  * \par
195  * The real sequence is initially treated as if it were complex to perform a CFFT.
196  * Later, a processing stage reshapes the data to obtain half of the frequency spectrum
197  * in complex format. Except the first complex number that contains the two real numbers
198  * X[0] and X[N/2] all the data is complex. In other words, the first complex sample
199  * contains two real values packed.
200  * \par
201  * The input for the inverse RFFT should keep the same format as the output of the
202  * forward RFFT. A first processing stage pre-process the data to later perform an
203  * inverse CFFT.
204  * \par
205  * \image html RIFFT.gif "Real Inverse Fast Fourier Transform"
206  * \par
207  * The algorithms for floating-point, Q15, and Q31 data are slightly different
208  * and we describe each algorithm in turn.
209  * \par Floating-point
210  * The main functions are arm_rfft_fast_f32() and arm_rfft_fast_init_f32().
211  * The older functions arm_rfft_f32() and arm_rfft_init_f32() have been
212  * deprecated but are still documented.
213  * \par
214  * The FFT of a real N-point sequence has even symmetry in the frequency
215  * domain. The second half of the data equals the conjugate of the first
216  * half flipped in frequency. Looking at the data, we see that we can
217  * uniquely represent the FFT using only N/2 complex numbers. These are
218  * packed into the output array in alternating real and imaginary
219  * components:
220  * \par
221  * X = { real[0], imag[0], real[1], imag[1], real[2], imag[2] ...
222  * real[(N/2)-1], imag[(N/2)-1 }
223  * \par
224  * It happens that the first complex number (real[0], imag[0]) is actually
225  * all real. real[0] represents the DC offset, and imag[0] should be 0.
226  * (real[1], imag[1]) is the fundamental frequency, (real[2], imag[2]) is
227  * the first harmonic and so on.
228  * \par
229  * The real FFT functions pack the frequency domain data in this fashion.
230  * The forward transform outputs the data in this form and the inverse
231  * transform expects input data in this form. The function always performs
232  * the needed bitreversal so that the input and output data is always in
233  * normal order. The functions support lengths of [32, 64, 128, ..., 4096]
234  * samples.
235  * \par Q15 and Q31
236  * The real algorithms are defined in a similar manner and utilize N/2 complex
237  * transforms behind the scenes.
238  * \par
239  * The complex transforms used internally include scaling to prevent fixed-point
240  * overflows.  The overall scaling equals 1/(fftLen/2).
241  * \par
242  * A separate instance structure must be defined for each transform used but
243  * twiddle factor and bit reversal tables can be reused.
244  * \par
245  * There is also an associated initialization function for each data type.
246  * The initialization function performs the following operations:
247  * - Sets the values of the internal structure fields.
248  * - Initializes twiddle factor table and bit reversal table pointers.
249  * - Initializes the internal complex FFT data structure.
250  * \par
251  * Use of the initialization function is optional.
252  * However, if the initialization function is used, then the instance structure
253  * cannot be placed into a const data section. To place an instance structure
254  * into a const data section, the instance structure should be manually
255  * initialized as follows:
256  * <pre>
257  *arm_rfft_instance_q31 S = {fftLenReal, fftLenBy2, ifftFlagR, bitReverseFlagR, twidCoefRModifier, pTwiddleAReal, pTwiddleBReal, pCfft};
258  *arm_rfft_instance_q15 S = {fftLenReal, fftLenBy2, ifftFlagR, bitReverseFlagR, twidCoefRModifier, pTwiddleAReal, pTwiddleBReal, pCfft};
259  * </pre>
260  * where <code>fftLenReal</code> is the length of the real transform;
261  * <code>fftLenBy2</code> length of  the internal complex transform.
262  * <code>ifftFlagR</code> Selects forward (=0) or inverse (=1) transform.
263  * <code>bitReverseFlagR</code> Selects bit reversed output (=0) or normal order
264  * output (=1).
265  * <code>twidCoefRModifier</code> stride modifier for the twiddle factor table.
266  * The value is based on the FFT length;
267  * <code>pTwiddleAReal</code>points to the A array of twiddle coefficients;
268  * <code>pTwiddleBReal</code>points to the B array of twiddle coefficients;
269  * <code>pCfft</code> points to the CFFT Instance structure. The CFFT structure
270  * must also be initialized.  Refer to arm_cfft_radix4_f32() for details regarding
271  * static initialization of the complex FFT instance structure.
272  */
274 /**
275 * @addtogroup RealFFT
276 * @{
277 */
279 /**
280 * @brief Processing function for the floating-point real FFT.
281 * @param[in]  *S              points to an arm_rfft_fast_instance_f32 structure.
282 * @param[in]  *p              points to the input buffer.
283 * @param[in]  *pOut           points to the output buffer.
284 * @param[in]  ifftFlag        RFFT if flag is 0, RIFFT if flag is 1
285 * @return none.
286 */
arm_rfft_fast_f32(arm_rfft_fast_instance_f32 * S,float32_t * p,float32_t * pOut,uint8_t ifftFlag)288 void arm_rfft_fast_f32(
289 arm_rfft_fast_instance_f32 * S,
290 float32_t * p, float32_t * pOut,
291 uint8_t ifftFlag)
292 {
293    arm_cfft_instance_f32 * Sint = &(S->Sint);
294    Sint->fftLen = S->fftLenRFFT / 2;
296    /* Calculation of Real FFT */
297    if (ifftFlag)
298    {
299       /*  Real FFT compression */
300       merge_rfft_f32(S, p, pOut);
302       /* Complex radix-4 IFFT process */
303       arm_cfft_f32( Sint, pOut, ifftFlag, 1);
304    }
305    else
306    {
307       /* Calculation of RFFT of input */
308       arm_cfft_f32( Sint, p, ifftFlag, 1);
310       /*  Real FFT extraction */
311       stage_rfft_f32(S, p, pOut);
312    }
313 }
315 /**
316 * @} end of RealFFT group
317 */