1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Alibaba Group Holding Limited
3  */
5 #ifndef AOS_GPIOC_H
6 #define AOS_GPIOC_H
8 #include <aos/device.h>
9 #include <aos/gpio.h>
11 typedef aos_dev_ref_t aos_gpioc_ref_t;
13 #ifdef __cplusplus
14 extern "C" {
15 #endif
17 /**
18  * @brief       Get a GPIO controller device.
19  * @param[out]  ref     GPIO controller ref to operate
20  * @param[in]   id      GPIO controller device ID
21  * @return      0: on success; < 0: on failure
22  */
23 aos_status_t aos_gpioc_get(aos_gpioc_ref_t *ref, uint32_t id);
24 /**
25  * @brief       Release a GPIO controller device.
26  * @param[in]   ref     GPIO controller ref to operate
27  * @return      None
28  */
29 void aos_gpioc_put(aos_gpioc_ref_t *ref);
30 /**
31  * @brief       Get number of pins on a GPIO controller device.
32  * @param[in]   ref     GPIO controller ref to operate
33  * @return      >= 0: on success; < 0: on failure
34  */
35 aos_status_t aos_gpioc_get_num_pins(aos_gpioc_ref_t *ref);
36 /**
37  * @brief       Get the parameters associated with a GPIO pin.
38  * @param[in]   ref     GPIO controller ref to operate
39  * @param[in]   pin     pin to operate
40  * @param[out]  mode    pin mode
41  * @return      0: on success; < 0: on failure
42  */
43 aos_status_t aos_gpioc_get_mode(aos_gpioc_ref_t *ref, uint32_t pin, uint32_t *mode);
44 /**
45  * @brief       Set the parameters associated with a GPIO pin.
46  * @param[in]   ref     GPIO controller ref to operate
47  * @param[in]   pin     pin to operate
48  * @param[in]   mode    pin mode
49  * @return      0: on success; < 0: on failure
50  */
51 aos_status_t aos_gpioc_set_mode(aos_gpioc_ref_t *ref, uint32_t pin, uint32_t mode);
52 /**
53  * @brief       Set the parameters and IRQ settings associated with a GPIO pin.
54  * @param[in]   ref             GPIO controller ref to operate
55  * @param[in]   pin             pin to operate
56  * @param[in]   mode            pin mode
57  * @param[in]   irq_handler     IRQ handler
58  * @param[in]   irq_arg         argument passed to IRQ handler
59  * @return      0: on success; < 0: on failure
60  */
61 aos_status_t aos_gpioc_set_mode_irq(aos_gpioc_ref_t *ref, uint32_t pin, uint32_t mode,
62                                     aos_gpio_irq_handler_t irq_handler, void *irq_arg);
63 /**
64  * @brief       Get the input or output level of a GPIO pin.
65  * @param[in]   ref     GPIO controller ref to operate
66  * @param[in]   pin     pin to operate
67  * @return      0: low level; > 0: high level; < 0: on failure
68  */
69 aos_status_t aos_gpioc_get_value(aos_gpioc_ref_t *ref, uint32_t pin);
70 /**
71  * @brief       Set the output level of a GPIO pin.
72  * @param[in]   ref     GPIO controller ref to operate
73  * @param[in]   pin     pin to operate
74  * @param[in]   val     output level
75  * @return      0: on success; < 0: on failure
76  */
77 aos_status_t aos_gpioc_set_value(aos_gpioc_ref_t *ref, uint32_t pin, int val);
78 /**
79  * @brief       Toggle the output level of a GPIO pin.
80  * @param[in]   ref     GPIO controller ref to operate
81  * @param[in]   pin     pin to operate
82  * @return      0: on success; < 0: on failure
83  */
84 aos_status_t aos_gpioc_toggle(aos_gpioc_ref_t *ref, uint32_t pin);
86 #ifdef __cplusplus
87 }
88 #endif
90 #endif /* AOS_GPIOC_H */