2 /**
3   * @file     	IHaasImageCodec.h
4   * @author   	HaasAI Group
5   * @version	V1.0.0
6   * @date    	2021-01-10
7   * @license  	GNU General Public License (GPL)
8   * @brief
9   * @attention
10   *  This file is part of HaasAI.                                \n
11   *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 		\n
12   *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as 		    \n
13   *  published by the Free Software Foundation.                               	\n
14   *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License   		\n
15   *  along with HaasAI. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.       			\n
16   *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software       	\n
17   *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,         	\n
18   *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  	\n
19   *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and     	\n
20   *  limitations under the License.   											\n
21   *   																			\n
22   * @htmlonly
23   * <span style="font-weight: bold">History</span>
24   * @endhtmlonly
25   * Version|Author|Date|Describe
26   * ------|----|------|--------
27   * V1.0|HaasAI Group|2021-01-10|Create File
28   * <h2><center>&copy;COPYRIGHT 2021 WELLCASA All Rights Reserved.</center></h2>
29   */
33 #include "base/include/base/HaasCommonImage.h"
34 #include "base/include/base/HaasImageCodecDef.h"
36 /**
37 * @brief image Codec class
38 * @author HaasAI Group
39 */
40 class IHaasImageCodec
41 {
42 public:
~IHaasImageCodec()43 	virtual ~IHaasImageCodec(){}
45 	/**
46 		* @brief		Read A Image from Path
47 		* @param[out]	image : store the image infomation
48 		* @param[in]	filename : the path of image
49 		* @note	        filename is the image full path.
50 		* @return
51 		*	 0 successfully \n
52 		*	-1 failed \n
53 		* @par Sample
54 		* @code
55 		*	IHaasImageCodec * mIHaasImageCodec = NULL;
56         *	ImageBuffer_t image;
57 		*	char* path = "/data/HaasAI/test.jpg";
58 		*	mIHaasImageCodec = IHaasImageCodecInstance();
59 		*	int res = 0;
60 		*   res = mIHaasImageCodec->ImgRead(&image, path.c_str());
61 		* @endcode
62 		*/
63 	virtual int ImgRead(ImageBuffer_t **image, char * filename) = 0;
64 	/**
65 		* @brief		Read Multi Image from Path
66 		* @param[out]	images : store the images infomation
67 		* @param[in]	filename : the path of image
68 		* @note	        filename is the image full path.
69 		* @return
70 		*	 0 successfully \n
71 		*	-1 failed \n
72 		* @par Sample
73 		* @code
74 		*	IHaasImageCodec * mIHaasImageCodec = NULL;
75         *	ImageBuffer_t *image = NULL;
76 		*	char* path = "/data/HaasAI";
77 		*	mIHaasImageCodec = IHaasImageCodecInstance();
78 		*	int res = 0;
79 		*   res = mIHaasImageCodec->ImgReadMulti(&image, path.c_str());
80 		* @endcode
81 		*/
82 	virtual int ImgReadMulti(ImageBuffer_t **images, char * filename) = 0;
83 	/**
84 		* @brief		ImageBuffer_t A Image to Path
85 		* @param[in]	image : store the image infomation
86 		* @param[in]	filename : the path of image
87 		* @note	        filename is the image full path.
88 		* @return
89 		*	 0 successfully \n
90 		*	-1 failed \n
91 		* @par Sample
92 		* @code
93 		*	IHaasImageCodec * mIHaasImageCodec = NULL;
94         *	ImageBuffer_t *image = xx;
95 		*	char* path = "/data/HaasAI/test.jpg";
96 		*	mIHaasImageCodec = IHaasImageCodecInstance();
97 		*	int res = 0;
98 		*   res = mIHaasImageCodec->ImgWrite(image, path.c_str());
99 		* @endcode
100 		*/
101 	virtual int ImgWrite(ImageBuffer_t *image, char * filename) = 0;
102 	/**
103 		* @brief		Write Images to Path
104 		* @param[in]	image : store the image infomation
105 		* @param[in]	filename : the path of image
106 		* @note	        filename is the image full path.
107 		* @return
108 		*	 0 successfully \n
109 		*	-1 failed \n
110 		* @par Sample
111 		* @code
112 		*	IHaasImageCodec * mIHaasImageCodec = NULL;
113         *	ImageBuffer_t **image = xx;
114 		*	char* path = "/data/HaasAI";
115 		*	mIHaasImageCodec = IHaasImageCodecInstance();
116 		*	int res = 0;
117 		*   res = mIHaasImageCodec->ImgWriteMulti(image, path.c_str());
118 		* @endcode
119 		*/
120 	virtual int ImgWriteMulti(ImageBuffer_t **images, char * filename) = 0;
121 	/**
122 		* @brief		Decode image pixels to image Struct
123 		* @param[in]	addr : image pixels address
124 		* @param[out]	image : store the image infomation
125 		* @note	        filename is the image full path.
126 		* @return
127 		*	 0 successfully \n
128 		*	-1 failed \n
129 		* @par Sample
130 		* @code
131 		*	IHaasImageCodec * mIHaasImageCodec = NULL;
132         *	ImageBuffer_t image;
133         *	void *addr = xx;
134 		*	mIHaasImageCodec = IHaasImageCodecInstance();
135 		*	int res = 0;
136 		*   res = mIHaasImageCodec->ImgWriteMulti(addr, &image);
137 		* @endcode
138 		*/
139 	virtual int ImgDecode(void *addr, ImageBuffer_t **image) = 0;
140 	/**
141 		* @brief		Decode image to image Struct
142 		* @param[in]	filename : image path
143 		* @note	        filename is the image full path.
144 		* @return
145 		*	 !0 successfully \n
146 		*	NULL failed \n
147 		* @par Sample
148 		* @code
149 		*	IHaasImageCodec * mIHaasImageCodec = NULL;
150 		*	char* path = "/data/HaasAI/test.jpg";
151         *	ImageBuffer_t *image = NULL;
152 		*	mIHaasImageCodec = IHaasImageCodecInstance();
153 		*   image = mIHaasImageCodec->ImgWriteMulti(path.c_str());
154 		* @endcode
155 		*/
156     virtual ImageBuffer_t * ImgDecode(const char * filename) = 0;
157 	/**
158 		* @brief		Encode image to image Struct
159 		* @param[in]	addr : image pixels address
160 		* @param[out]	filename : image path
161 		* @note	        filename is the image full path.
162 		* @return
163 		*	 0 successfully \n
164 		*	-1 failed \n
165 		* @par Sample
166 		* @code
167 		*	IHaasImageCodec * mIHaasImageCodec = NULL;
168         *	ImageBuffer_t image;
169         *	void *addr = NULL;
170 		*	mIHaasImageCodec = IHaasImageCodecInstance();
171 		*   image = mIHaasImageCodec->ImgEncode(addr, &image);
172 		* @endcode
173 		*/
174 	virtual int ImgEncode(void *addr, ImageBuffer_t ** image) = 0;
175 	/**
176 		* @brief		check if has the encoder
177 		* @param[in]	filename : image path
178 		* @note	        filename is the image full path.
179 		* @return
180 		*	 0 successfully \n
181 		*	-1 failed \n
182 		* @par Sample
183 		* @code
184 		*	IHaasImageCodec * mIHaasImageCodec = NULL;
185 		*	mIHaasImageCodec = IHaasImageCodecInstance();
186 		*	char* path = "/data/HaasAI/test.jpg";
187 		*	int res = -1;
188 		*   res = mIHaasImageCodec->haveImageReader(path.c_str());
189 		* @endcode
190 		*/
191 	virtual int haveImageReader(char * filename) = 0;
192 	/**
193 		* @brief		check if has the decoder
194 		* @param[in]	filename : image path
195 		* @note	        filename is the image full path.
196 		* @return
197 		*	 0 successfully \n
198 		*	-1 failed \n
199 		* @par Sample
200 		* @code
201 		*	IHaasImageCodec * mIHaasImageCodec = NULL;
202 		*	mIHaasImageCodec = IHaasImageCodecInstance();
203 		*	char* path = "/data/HaasAI/test.jpg";
204 		*	int res = -1;
205 		*   res = mIHaasImageCodec->haveImageWriter(path.c_str());
206 		* @endcode
207 		*/
208 	virtual int haveImageWriter(char * filename) = 0;
209 };
211 extern "C" {
212 	/**
213 		* @brief		Get HaasImageCodec Instance
214 		* @param[in]	type : CodecImageType_t
215 		* @note
216 		* @return
217 		*	 !0 Open successfully \n
218 		*	NULL Open failed \n
219 		* @par Sample
220 		* @code
221 		*	IHaasImageCodec * mHaasImageCodec = NULL;
222 		*	mHaasImageCodec = IHaasImageCodecInstance();
223 		* @endcode
224 		*/
225 IHaasImageCodec* IHaasImageCodecInstance(CodecImageType_t type);
226 }
228 #endif