1 /*
2  * Copyright 2020, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230)
3  *
4  * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
5  */
6 #pragma once
8 #include <types.h>
9 #include <api/failures.h>
10 #include <object/structures.h>
12 exception_t decodeSchedContextInvocation(word_t label, cap_t cap, word_t *buffer);
14 /* Bind a tcb and a scheduling context. This allows a tcb to enter the scheduler.
15  * If the tcb is runnable, insert into scheduler
16  *
17  * @param sc the scheduling context to bind
18  * @param tcb the tcb to bind
19  *
20  * @pre  the scheduling context must not already be bound to a tcb,
21  *       tcb->tcbSchedContext == NULL && sc->scTcb == NULL
22  * @post tcb->tcbSchedContext == sc && sc->scTcb == tcb
23  */
24 void schedContext_bindTCB(sched_context_t *sc, tcb_t *tcb);
26 /* Unbind a specific tcb from a scheduling context. If the tcb is runnable,
27  * remove from the scheduler.
28  *
29  * @param sc  scheduling context to unbind
30  * @param tcb the tcb to unbind
31  *
32  * @pre   the tcb is bound to the sc,
33  *        (sc->scTcb == tcb && tcb->tcbSchedContext == sc);
34  * @post  (tcb->tcbSchedContext == NULL && sc->scTcb == NULL)
35  */
36 void schedContext_unbindTCB(sched_context_t *sc, tcb_t *tcb);
38 /*
39  * Unbind any tcb from a scheduling context. If the tcb bound to the scheduling
40  * context is runnable, remove from the scheduler.
41  *
42  * @param sc the scheduling context to unbind
43  * @post  (sc->scTcb == NULL)
44  */
45 void schedContext_unbindAllTCBs(sched_context_t *sc);
47 /*
48  * Resume a scheduling context. This will check if a the tcb bound to the scheduling context
49  * is runnable, if so, it will then check if the budget is due to be recharged and do so.
50  * If the scheduling context has insufficient budget the bound tcb is placed in the release queue.
51  *
52  * @pre (sc != NULL)
53  */
54 void schedContext_resume(sched_context_t *sc);
56 /*
57  * Donate sc to tcb.
58  *
59  * @pre (sc != NULL && tcb != NULL)
60  * @post (sc->scTcb == tcb && tcb->tcbSchedContext == sc)
61  */
62 void schedContext_donate(sched_context_t *sc, tcb_t *to);
64 /* Bind scheduling context to a notification */
65 void schedContext_bindNtfn(sched_context_t *sc, notification_t *ntfn);
66 /* unbind scheduling context from a notification */
67 void schedContext_unbindNtfn(sched_context_t *sc);
69 time_t schedContext_updateConsumed(sched_context_t *sc);
70 void schedContext_completeYieldTo(tcb_t *yielder);
71 void schedContext_cancelYieldTo(tcb_t *yielder);