1 /**
2   ******************************************************************************
3   * @file    rtl8721d_delay.h
4   * @author
5   * @version V1.0.0
6   * @date    2016-05-17
7   * @brief   This file provides firmware functions to manage the following
8   *          functionalities of the systimer & delay:
9   *           - SYSTIMER_GetPassTime
10   *           - SYSTIMER_TickGet
11   *           - DelayUs
12   *           - DelayMs
13   *           - DelayNop
14   ******************************************************************************
15   * @attention
16   *
17   * This module is a confidential and proprietary property of RealTek and
18   * possession or use of this module requires written permission of RealTek.
19   *
20   * Copyright(c) 2016, Realtek Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
21   ******************************************************************************
22   */
24 #ifndef _8721D_DELAY_H_
25 #define _8721D_DELAY_H_
27 /** @addtogroup AmebaD_Platform
28   * @{
29   */
31 /** @defgroup DELAY
32   * @brief DELAY driver modules
33   * @{
34   */
36 /** @addtogroup DELAY
37   * @verbatim
38   *****************************************************************************************
39   * Delay
40   *****************************************************************************************
41   * 	- DelayUs
42   * 	- DelayMs
43   * 	- DelayNop
44   *
45   *****************************************************************************************
46   * Sys Timer
47   *****************************************************************************************
48   * 	- TIMM00 is used as systimer, so TIMM00 can not be used for other purpose
49   * 	- init when boot in rom code
50   *	- resolution is 31us
51   *	- you can get timer tick use SYSTIMER_TickGet, every tick is 31us
52   *	- you can get passing time use SYSTIMER_GetPassTime in ms
53   *
54   *****************************************************************************************
55   * @endverbatim
56   */
58 /** @defgroup DELAY_Exported_Functions DELAY Exported Functions
59   * @{
60   */
61 _LONG_CALL_ void SYSTIMER_Init(void);
62 _LONG_CALL_ u32 SYSTIMER_TickGet(void);
63 _LONG_CALL_ u32 SYSTIMER_GetPassTime(u32 start);
64 _LONG_CALL_ void DelayUs(u32 us);
65 _LONG_CALL_ void DelayMs(u32 ms);
66 _LONG_CALL_ void DelayNop(u32 count);
67 #define HalDelayUs DelayUs
68 /**
69   * @}
70   */
72 /**
73   * @}
74   */
76 /**
77   * @}
78   */
80 extern u32 RBSS_UDELAY_DIV;
RTIM_TestTimer_GetCount(void)82 static inline u32 RTIM_TestTimer_GetCount(void)
83 {
84 	return RTIM_GetCount(TIMM05);
85 }
87 #endif//_8721D_DELAY_H_
88 /******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2016 Realtek Semiconductor *****END OF FILE****/