1 /**
2 ******************************************************************************
3 * @file stm32f2xx_cryp.c
4 * @author MCD Application Team
5 * @version V1.1.2
6 * @date 05-March-2012
7 * @brief This file provides firmware functions to manage the following
8 * functionalities of the Cryptographic processor (CRYP) peripheral:
9 * - Initialization and Configuration functions
10 * - Data treatment functions
11 * - Context swapping functions
12 * - DMA interface function
13 * - Interrupts and flags management
14 *
15 * @verbatim
16 *
17 * ===================================================================
18 * How to use this driver
19 * ===================================================================
20 * 1. Enable the CRYP controller clock using
21 * RCC_AHB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_AHB2Periph_CRYP, ENABLE); function.
22 *
23 * 2. Initialise the CRYP using CRYP_Init(), CRYP_KeyInit() and if
24 * needed CRYP_IVInit().
25 *
26 * 3. Flush the IN and OUT FIFOs by using CRYP_FIFOFlush() function.
27 *
28 * 4. Enable the CRYP controller using the CRYP_Cmd() function.
29 *
30 * 5. If using DMA for Data input and output transfer,
31 * Activate the needed DMA Requests using CRYP_DMACmd() function
33 * 6. If DMA is not used for data transfer, use CRYP_DataIn() and
34 * CRYP_DataOut() functions to enter data to IN FIFO and get result
35 * from OUT FIFO.
36 *
37 * 7. To control CRYP events you can use one of the following
38 * two methods:
39 * - Check on CRYP flags using the CRYP_GetFlagStatus() function.
40 * - Use CRYP interrupts through the function CRYP_ITConfig() at
41 * initialization phase and CRYP_GetITStatus() function into
42 * interrupt routines in processing phase.
43 *
44 * 8. Save and restore Cryptographic processor context using
45 * CRYP_SaveContext() and CRYP_RestoreContext() functions.
46 *
47 *
48 * ===================================================================
49 * Procedure to perform an encryption or a decryption
50 * ===================================================================
51 *
52 * Initialization
53 * ===============
54 * 1. Initialize the peripheral using CRYP_Init(), CRYP_KeyInit() and
55 * CRYP_IVInit functions:
56 * - Configure the key size (128-, 192- or 256-bit, in the AES only)
57 * - Enter the symmetric key
58 * - Configure the data type
59 * - In case of decryption in AES-ECB or AES-CBC, you must prepare
60 * the key: configure the key preparation mode. Then Enable the CRYP
61 * peripheral using CRYP_Cmd() function: the BUSY flag is set.
62 * Wait until BUSY flag is reset : the key is prepared for decryption
63 * - Configure the algorithm and chaining (the DES/TDES in ECB/CBC, the
64 * AES in ECB/CBC/CTR)
65 * - Configure the direction (encryption/decryption).
66 * - Write the initialization vectors (in CBC or CTR modes only)
67 *
68 * 2. Flush the IN and OUT FIFOs using the CRYP_FIFOFlush() function
69 *
70 *
71 * Basic Processing mode (polling mode)
72 * ====================================
73 * 1. Enable the cryptographic processor using CRYP_Cmd() function.
74 *
75 * 2. Write the first blocks in the input FIFO (2 to 8 words) using
76 * CRYP_DataIn() function.
77 *
78 * 3. Repeat the following sequence until the complete message has been
79 * processed:
80 *
81 * a) Wait for flag CRYP_FLAG_OFNE occurs (using CRYP_GetFlagStatus()
82 * function), then read the OUT-FIFO using CRYP_DataOut() function
83 * (1 block or until the FIFO is empty)
84 *
85 * b) Wait for flag CRYP_FLAG_IFNF occurs, (using CRYP_GetFlagStatus()
86 * function then write the IN FIFO using CRYP_DataIn() function
87 * (1 block or until the FIFO is full)
88 *
89 * 4. At the end of the processing, CRYP_FLAG_BUSY flag will be reset and
90 * both FIFOs are empty (CRYP_FLAG_IFEM is set and CRYP_FLAG_OFNE is
91 * reset). You can disable the peripheral using CRYP_Cmd() function.
92 *
93 * Interrupts Processing mode
94 * ===========================
95 * In this mode, Processing is done when the data are transferred by the
96 * CPU during interrupts.
97 *
98 * 1. Enable the interrupts CRYP_IT_INI and CRYP_IT_OUTI using
99 * CRYP_ITConfig() function.
100 *
101 * 2. Enable the cryptographic processor using CRYP_Cmd() function.
102 *
103 * 3. In the CRYP_IT_INI interrupt handler : load the input message into the
104 * IN FIFO using CRYP_DataIn() function . You can load 2 or 4 words at a
105 * time, or load data until the IN FIFO is full. When the last word of
106 * the message has been entered into the IN FIFO, disable the CRYP_IT_INI
107 * interrupt (using CRYP_ITConfig() function).
108 *
109 * 4. In the CRYP_IT_OUTI interrupt handler : read the output message from
110 * the OUT FIFO using CRYP_DataOut() function. You can read 1 block (2 or
111 * 4 words) at a time or read data until the FIFO is empty.
112 * When the last word has been read, INIM=0, BUSY=0 and both FIFOs are
113 * empty (CRYP_FLAG_IFEM is set and CRYP_FLAG_OFNE is reset).
114 * You can disable the CRYP_IT_OUTI interrupt (using CRYP_ITConfig()
115 * function) and you can disable the peripheral using CRYP_Cmd() function.
116 *
117 * DMA Processing mode
118 * ====================
119 * In this mode, Processing is done when the DMA is used to transfer the
120 * data from/to the memory.
121 *
122 * 1. Configure the DMA controller to transfer the input data from the
123 * memory using DMA_Init() function.
124 * The transfer length is the length of the message.
125 * As message padding is not managed by the peripheral, the message
126 * length must be an entire number of blocks. The data are transferred
127 * in burst mode. The burst length is 4 words in the AES and 2 or 4
128 * words in the DES/TDES. The DMA should be configured to set an
129 * interrupt on transfer completion of the output data to indicate that
130 * the processing is finished.
131 * Refer to DMA peripheral driver for more details.
132 *
133 * 2. Enable the cryptographic processor using CRYP_Cmd() function.
134 * Enable the DMA requests CRYP_DMAReq_DataIN and CRYP_DMAReq_DataOUT
135 * using CRYP_DMACmd() function.
136 *
137 * 3. All the transfers and processing are managed by the DMA and the
138 * cryptographic processor. The DMA transfer complete interrupt indicates
139 * that the processing is complete. Both FIFOs are normally empty and
140 * CRYP_FLAG_BUSY flag is reset.
141 *
142 * @endverbatim
143 *
144 ******************************************************************************
145 * @attention
146 *
147 * <h2><center>© COPYRIGHT 2012 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
148 *
149 * Licensed under MCD-ST Liberty SW License Agreement V2, (the "License");
150 * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
151 * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
152 *
153 * http://www.st.com/software_license_agreement_liberty_v2
154 *
155 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
156 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
157 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
158 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
159 * limitations under the License.
160 *
161 ******************************************************************************
162 */
164 /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
165 #include "stm32f2xx_cryp.h"
166 #include "stm32f2xx_rcc.h"
168 /** @addtogroup STM32F2xx_StdPeriph_Driver
169 * @{
170 */
172 /** @defgroup CRYP
173 * @brief CRYP driver modules
174 * @{
175 */
177 /* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/
178 /* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/
179 #define FLAG_MASK ((uint8_t)0x20)
180 #define MAX_TIMEOUT ((uint16_t)0xFFFF)
182 /* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/
183 /* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
184 /* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/
185 /* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/
187 /** @defgroup CRYP_Private_Functions
188 * @{
189 */
191 /** @defgroup CRYP_Group1 Initialization and Configuration functions
192 * @brief Initialization and Configuration functions
193 *
194 @verbatim
195 ===============================================================================
196 Initialization and Configuration functions
197 ===============================================================================
198 This section provides functions allowing to
199 - Initialize the cryptographic Processor using CRYP_Init() function
200 - Encrypt or Decrypt
201 - mode : TDES-ECB, TDES-CBC,
204 - DataType : 32-bit data, 16-bit data, bit data or bit-string
205 - Key Size (only in AES modes)
206 - Configure the Encrypt or Decrypt Key using CRYP_KeyInit() function
207 - Configure the Initialization Vectors(IV) for CBC and CTR modes using
208 CRYP_IVInit() function.
209 - Flushes the IN and OUT FIFOs : using CRYP_FIFOFlush() function.
210 - Enable or disable the CRYP Processor using CRYP_Cmd() function
213 @endverbatim
214 * @{
215 */
216 /**
217 * @brief Deinitializes the CRYP peripheral registers to their default reset values
218 * @param None
219 * @retval None
220 */
CRYP_DeInit(void)221 void CRYP_DeInit(void)
222 {
223 /* Enable CRYP reset state */
224 RCC_AHB2PeriphResetCmd(RCC_AHB2Periph_CRYP, ENABLE);
226 /* Release CRYP from reset state */
227 RCC_AHB2PeriphResetCmd(RCC_AHB2Periph_CRYP, DISABLE);
228 }
230 /**
231 * @brief Initializes the CRYP peripheral according to the specified parameters
232 * in the CRYP_InitStruct.
233 * @param CRYP_InitStruct: pointer to a CRYP_InitTypeDef structure that contains
234 * the configuration information for the CRYP peripheral.
235 * @retval None
236 */
CRYP_Init(CRYP_InitTypeDef * CRYP_InitStruct)237 void CRYP_Init(CRYP_InitTypeDef* CRYP_InitStruct)
238 {
239 /* Check the parameters */
240 assert_param(IS_CRYP_ALGOMODE(CRYP_InitStruct->CRYP_AlgoMode));
241 assert_param(IS_CRYP_DATATYPE(CRYP_InitStruct->CRYP_DataType));
242 assert_param(IS_CRYP_ALGODIR(CRYP_InitStruct->CRYP_AlgoDir));
244 /* Select Algorithm mode*/
246 CRYP->CR |= CRYP_InitStruct->CRYP_AlgoMode;
248 /* Select dataType */
250 CRYP->CR |= CRYP_InitStruct->CRYP_DataType;
252 /* select Key size (used only with AES algorithm) */
253 if ((CRYP_InitStruct->CRYP_AlgoMode == CRYP_AlgoMode_AES_ECB) ||
254 (CRYP_InitStruct->CRYP_AlgoMode == CRYP_AlgoMode_AES_CBC) ||
255 (CRYP_InitStruct->CRYP_AlgoMode == CRYP_AlgoMode_AES_CTR) ||
256 (CRYP_InitStruct->CRYP_AlgoMode == CRYP_AlgoMode_AES_Key))
257 {
258 assert_param(IS_CRYP_KEYSIZE(CRYP_InitStruct->CRYP_KeySize));
260 CRYP->CR |= CRYP_InitStruct->CRYP_KeySize; /* Key size and value must be
261 configured once the key has
262 been prepared */
263 }
265 /* Select data Direction */
267 CRYP->CR |= CRYP_InitStruct->CRYP_AlgoDir;
268 }
270 /**
271 * @brief Fills each CRYP_InitStruct member with its default value.
272 * @param CRYP_InitStruct: pointer to a CRYP_InitTypeDef structure which will
273 * be initialized.
274 * @retval None
275 */
CRYP_StructInit(CRYP_InitTypeDef * CRYP_InitStruct)276 void CRYP_StructInit(CRYP_InitTypeDef* CRYP_InitStruct)
277 {
278 /* Initialize the CRYP_AlgoDir member */
279 CRYP_InitStruct->CRYP_AlgoDir = CRYP_AlgoDir_Encrypt;
281 /* initialize the CRYP_AlgoMode member */
282 CRYP_InitStruct->CRYP_AlgoMode = CRYP_AlgoMode_TDES_ECB;
284 /* initialize the CRYP_DataType member */
285 CRYP_InitStruct->CRYP_DataType = CRYP_DataType_32b;
287 /* Initialize the CRYP_KeySize member */
288 CRYP_InitStruct->CRYP_KeySize = CRYP_KeySize_128b;
289 }
291 /**
292 * @brief Initializes the CRYP Keys according to the specified parameters in
293 * the CRYP_KeyInitStruct.
294 * @param CRYP_KeyInitStruct: pointer to a CRYP_KeyInitTypeDef structure that
295 * contains the configuration information for the CRYP Keys.
296 * @retval None
297 */
CRYP_KeyInit(CRYP_KeyInitTypeDef * CRYP_KeyInitStruct)298 void CRYP_KeyInit(CRYP_KeyInitTypeDef* CRYP_KeyInitStruct)
299 {
300 /* Key Initialisation */
301 CRYP->K0LR = CRYP_KeyInitStruct->CRYP_Key0Left;
302 CRYP->K0RR = CRYP_KeyInitStruct->CRYP_Key0Right;
303 CRYP->K1LR = CRYP_KeyInitStruct->CRYP_Key1Left;
304 CRYP->K1RR = CRYP_KeyInitStruct->CRYP_Key1Right;
305 CRYP->K2LR = CRYP_KeyInitStruct->CRYP_Key2Left;
306 CRYP->K2RR = CRYP_KeyInitStruct->CRYP_Key2Right;
307 CRYP->K3LR = CRYP_KeyInitStruct->CRYP_Key3Left;
308 CRYP->K3RR = CRYP_KeyInitStruct->CRYP_Key3Right;
309 }
311 /**
312 * @brief Fills each CRYP_KeyInitStruct member with its default value.
313 * @param CRYP_KeyInitStruct: pointer to a CRYP_KeyInitTypeDef structure
314 * which will be initialized.
315 * @retval None
316 */
CRYP_KeyStructInit(CRYP_KeyInitTypeDef * CRYP_KeyInitStruct)317 void CRYP_KeyStructInit(CRYP_KeyInitTypeDef* CRYP_KeyInitStruct)
318 {
319 CRYP_KeyInitStruct->CRYP_Key0Left = 0;
320 CRYP_KeyInitStruct->CRYP_Key0Right = 0;
321 CRYP_KeyInitStruct->CRYP_Key1Left = 0;
322 CRYP_KeyInitStruct->CRYP_Key1Right = 0;
323 CRYP_KeyInitStruct->CRYP_Key2Left = 0;
324 CRYP_KeyInitStruct->CRYP_Key2Right = 0;
325 CRYP_KeyInitStruct->CRYP_Key3Left = 0;
326 CRYP_KeyInitStruct->CRYP_Key3Right = 0;
327 }
328 /**
329 * @brief Initializes the CRYP Initialization Vectors(IV) according to the
330 * specified parameters in the CRYP_IVInitStruct.
331 * @param CRYP_IVInitStruct: pointer to a CRYP_IVInitTypeDef structure that contains
332 * the configuration information for the CRYP Initialization Vectors(IV).
333 * @retval None
334 */
CRYP_IVInit(CRYP_IVInitTypeDef * CRYP_IVInitStruct)335 void CRYP_IVInit(CRYP_IVInitTypeDef* CRYP_IVInitStruct)
336 {
337 CRYP->IV0LR = CRYP_IVInitStruct->CRYP_IV0Left;
338 CRYP->IV0RR = CRYP_IVInitStruct->CRYP_IV0Right;
339 CRYP->IV1LR = CRYP_IVInitStruct->CRYP_IV1Left;
340 CRYP->IV1RR = CRYP_IVInitStruct->CRYP_IV1Right;
341 }
343 /**
344 * @brief Fills each CRYP_IVInitStruct member with its default value.
345 * @param CRYP_IVInitStruct: pointer to a CRYP_IVInitTypeDef Initialization
346 * Vectors(IV) structure which will be initialized.
347 * @retval None
348 */
CRYP_IVStructInit(CRYP_IVInitTypeDef * CRYP_IVInitStruct)349 void CRYP_IVStructInit(CRYP_IVInitTypeDef* CRYP_IVInitStruct)
350 {
351 CRYP_IVInitStruct->CRYP_IV0Left = 0;
352 CRYP_IVInitStruct->CRYP_IV0Right = 0;
353 CRYP_IVInitStruct->CRYP_IV1Left = 0;
354 CRYP_IVInitStruct->CRYP_IV1Right = 0;
355 }
357 /**
358 * @brief Flushes the IN and OUT FIFOs (that is read and write pointers of the
359 * FIFOs are reset)
360 * @note The FIFOs must be flushed only when BUSY flag is reset.
361 * @param None
362 * @retval None
363 */
CRYP_FIFOFlush(void)364 void CRYP_FIFOFlush(void)
365 {
366 /* Reset the read and write pointers of the FIFOs */
368 }
370 /**
371 * @brief Enables or disables the CRYP peripheral.
372 * @param NewState: new state of the CRYP peripheral.
373 * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
374 * @retval None
375 */
CRYP_Cmd(FunctionalState NewState)376 void CRYP_Cmd(FunctionalState NewState)
377 {
378 /* Check the parameters */
379 assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
381 if (NewState != DISABLE)
382 {
383 /* Enable the Cryptographic processor */
385 }
386 else
387 {
388 /* Disable the Cryptographic processor */
390 }
391 }
392 /**
393 * @}
394 */
396 /** @defgroup CRYP_Group2 CRYP Data processing functions
397 * @brief CRYP Data processing functions
398 *
399 @verbatim
400 ===============================================================================
401 CRYP Data processing functions
402 ===============================================================================
403 This section provides functions allowing the encryption and decryption
404 operations:
405 - Enter data to be treated in the IN FIFO : using CRYP_DataIn() function.
406 - Get the data result from the OUT FIFO : using CRYP_DataOut() function.
408 @endverbatim
409 * @{
410 */
412 /**
413 * @brief Writes data in the Data Input register (DIN).
414 * @note After the DIN register has been read once or several times,
415 * the FIFO must be flushed (using CRYP_FIFOFlush() function).
416 * @param Data: data to write in Data Input register
417 * @retval None
418 */
CRYP_DataIn(uint32_t Data)419 void CRYP_DataIn(uint32_t Data)
420 {
421 CRYP->DR = Data;
422 }
424 /**
425 * @brief Returns the last data entered into the output FIFO.
426 * @param None
427 * @retval Last data entered into the output FIFO.
428 */
CRYP_DataOut(void)429 uint32_t CRYP_DataOut(void)
430 {
431 return CRYP->DOUT;
432 }
433 /**
434 * @}
435 */
437 /** @defgroup CRYP_Group3 Context swapping functions
438 * @brief Context swapping functions
439 *
440 @verbatim
441 ===============================================================================
442 Context swapping functions
443 ===============================================================================
445 This section provides functions allowing to save and store CRYP Context
447 It is possible to interrupt an encryption/ decryption/ key generation process
448 to perform another processing with a higher priority, and to complete the
449 interrupted process later on, when the higher-priority task is complete. To do
450 so, the context of the interrupted task must be saved from the CRYP registers
451 to memory, and then be restored from memory to the CRYP registers.
453 1. To save the current context, use CRYP_SaveContext() function
454 2. To restore the saved context, use CRYP_RestoreContext() function
457 @endverbatim
458 * @{
459 */
461 /**
462 * @brief Saves the CRYP peripheral Context.
463 * @note This function stops DMA transfer before to save the context. After
464 * restoring the context, you have to enable the DMA again (if the DMA
465 * was previously used).
466 * @param CRYP_ContextSave: pointer to a CRYP_Context structure that contains
467 * the repository for current context.
468 * @param CRYP_KeyInitStruct: pointer to a CRYP_KeyInitTypeDef structure that
469 * contains the configuration information for the CRYP Keys.
470 * @retval None
471 */
CRYP_SaveContext(CRYP_Context * CRYP_ContextSave,CRYP_KeyInitTypeDef * CRYP_KeyInitStruct)472 ErrorStatus CRYP_SaveContext(CRYP_Context* CRYP_ContextSave,
473 CRYP_KeyInitTypeDef* CRYP_KeyInitStruct)
474 {
475 __IO uint32_t timeout = 0;
476 uint32_t ckeckmask = 0, bitstatus;
477 ErrorStatus status = ERROR;
479 /* Stop DMA transfers on the IN FIFO by clearing the DIEN bit in the CRYP_DMACR */
480 CRYP->DMACR &= ~(uint32_t)CRYP_DMACR_DIEN;
482 /* Wait until both the IN and OUT FIFOs are empty
483 (IFEM=1 and OFNE=0 in the CRYP_SR register) and the
484 BUSY bit is cleared. */
486 if ((CRYP->CR & (uint32_t)(CRYP_CR_ALGOMODE_TDES_ECB | CRYP_CR_ALGOMODE_TDES_CBC)) != (uint32_t)0 )/* TDES */
487 {
488 ckeckmask = CRYP_SR_IFEM | CRYP_SR_BUSY ;
489 }
490 else /* AES or DES */
491 {
493 }
495 do
496 {
497 bitstatus = CRYP->SR & ckeckmask;
498 timeout++;
499 }
500 while ((timeout != MAX_TIMEOUT) && (bitstatus != CRYP_SR_IFEM));
502 if ((CRYP->SR & ckeckmask) != CRYP_SR_IFEM)
503 {
504 status = ERROR;
505 }
506 else
507 {
508 /* Stop DMA transfers on the OUT FIFO by
509 - writing the DOEN bit to 0 in the CRYP_DMACR register
510 - and clear the CRYPEN bit. */
512 CRYP->DMACR &= ~(uint32_t)CRYP_DMACR_DOEN;
513 CRYP->CR &= ~(uint32_t)CRYP_CR_CRYPEN;
515 /* Save the current configuration (bits [9:2] in the CRYP_CR register) */
516 CRYP_ContextSave->CR_bits9to2 = CRYP->CR & (CRYP_CR_KEYSIZE |
521 /* and, if not in ECB mode, the initialization vectors. */
522 CRYP_ContextSave->CRYP_IV0LR = CRYP->IV0LR;
523 CRYP_ContextSave->CRYP_IV0RR = CRYP->IV0RR;
524 CRYP_ContextSave->CRYP_IV1LR = CRYP->IV1LR;
525 CRYP_ContextSave->CRYP_IV1RR = CRYP->IV1RR;
527 /* save The key value */
528 CRYP_ContextSave->CRYP_K0LR = CRYP_KeyInitStruct->CRYP_Key0Left;
529 CRYP_ContextSave->CRYP_K0RR = CRYP_KeyInitStruct->CRYP_Key0Right;
530 CRYP_ContextSave->CRYP_K1LR = CRYP_KeyInitStruct->CRYP_Key1Left;
531 CRYP_ContextSave->CRYP_K1RR = CRYP_KeyInitStruct->CRYP_Key1Right;
532 CRYP_ContextSave->CRYP_K2LR = CRYP_KeyInitStruct->CRYP_Key2Left;
533 CRYP_ContextSave->CRYP_K2RR = CRYP_KeyInitStruct->CRYP_Key2Right;
534 CRYP_ContextSave->CRYP_K3LR = CRYP_KeyInitStruct->CRYP_Key3Left;
535 CRYP_ContextSave->CRYP_K3RR = CRYP_KeyInitStruct->CRYP_Key3Right;
537 /* When needed, save the DMA status (pointers for IN and OUT messages,
538 number of remaining bytes, etc.) */
540 status = SUCCESS;
541 }
543 return status;
544 }
546 /**
547 * @brief Restores the CRYP peripheral Context.
548 * @note Since teh DMA transfer is stopped in CRYP_SaveContext() function,
549 * after restoring the context, you have to enable the DMA again (if the
550 * DMA was previously used).
551 * @param CRYP_ContextRestore: pointer to a CRYP_Context structure that contains
552 * the repository for saved context.
553 * @note The data that were saved during context saving must be rewrited into
554 * the IN FIFO.
555 * @retval None
556 */
CRYP_RestoreContext(CRYP_Context * CRYP_ContextRestore)557 void CRYP_RestoreContext(CRYP_Context* CRYP_ContextRestore)
558 {
560 /* Configure the processor with the saved configuration */
561 CRYP->CR = CRYP_ContextRestore->CR_bits9to2;
563 /* restore The key value */
564 CRYP->K0LR = CRYP_ContextRestore->CRYP_K0LR;
565 CRYP->K0RR = CRYP_ContextRestore->CRYP_K0RR;
566 CRYP->K1LR = CRYP_ContextRestore->CRYP_K1LR;
567 CRYP->K1RR = CRYP_ContextRestore->CRYP_K1RR;
568 CRYP->K2LR = CRYP_ContextRestore->CRYP_K2LR;
569 CRYP->K2RR = CRYP_ContextRestore->CRYP_K2RR;
570 CRYP->K3LR = CRYP_ContextRestore->CRYP_K3LR;
571 CRYP->K3RR = CRYP_ContextRestore->CRYP_K3RR;
573 /* and the initialization vectors. */
574 CRYP->IV0LR = CRYP_ContextRestore->CRYP_IV0LR;
575 CRYP->IV0RR = CRYP_ContextRestore->CRYP_IV0RR;
576 CRYP->IV1LR = CRYP_ContextRestore->CRYP_IV1LR;
577 CRYP->IV1RR = CRYP_ContextRestore->CRYP_IV1RR;
579 /* Enable the cryptographic processor */
581 }
582 /**
583 * @}
584 */
586 /** @defgroup CRYP_Group4 CRYP's DMA interface Configuration function
587 * @brief CRYP's DMA interface Configuration function
588 *
589 @verbatim
590 ===============================================================================
591 CRYP's DMA interface Configuration function
592 ===============================================================================
594 This section provides functions allowing to configure the DMA interface for
595 CRYP data input and output transfer.
597 When the DMA mode is enabled (using the CRYP_DMACmd() function), data can be
598 transferred:
599 - From memory to the CRYP IN FIFO using the DMA peripheral by enabling
600 the CRYP_DMAReq_DataIN request.
601 - From the CRYP OUT FIFO to the memory using the DMA peripheral by enabling
602 the CRYP_DMAReq_DataOUT request.
604 @endverbatim
605 * @{
606 */
608 /**
609 * @brief Enables or disables the CRYP DMA interface.
610 * @param CRYP_DMAReq: specifies the CRYP DMA transfer request to be enabled or disabled.
611 * This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
612 * @arg CRYP_DMAReq_DataOUT: DMA for outgoing(Tx) data transfer
613 * @arg CRYP_DMAReq_DataIN: DMA for incoming(Rx) data transfer
614 * @param NewState: new state of the selected CRYP DMA transfer request.
615 * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
616 * @retval None
617 */
CRYP_DMACmd(uint8_t CRYP_DMAReq,FunctionalState NewState)618 void CRYP_DMACmd(uint8_t CRYP_DMAReq, FunctionalState NewState)
619 {
620 /* Check the parameters */
621 assert_param(IS_CRYP_DMAREQ(CRYP_DMAReq));
622 assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
624 if (NewState != DISABLE)
625 {
626 /* Enable the selected CRYP DMA request */
628 }
629 else
630 {
631 /* Disable the selected CRYP DMA request */
632 CRYP->DMACR &= (uint8_t)~CRYP_DMAReq;
633 }
634 }
635 /**
636 * @}
637 */
639 /** @defgroup CRYP_Group5 Interrupts and flags management functions
640 * @brief Interrupts and flags management functions
641 *
642 @verbatim
643 ===============================================================================
644 Interrupts and flags management functions
645 ===============================================================================
647 This section provides functions allowing to configure the CRYP Interrupts and
648 to get the status and Interrupts pending bits.
650 The CRYP provides 2 Interrupts sources and 7 Flags:
652 Flags :
653 -------
655 1. CRYP_FLAG_IFEM : Set when Input FIFO is empty.
656 This Flag is cleared only by hardware.
658 2. CRYP_FLAG_IFNF : Set when Input FIFO is not full.
659 This Flag is cleared only by hardware.
662 3. CRYP_FLAG_INRIS : Set when Input FIFO Raw interrupt is pending
663 it gives the raw interrupt state prior to masking
664 of the input FIFO service interrupt.
665 This Flag is cleared only by hardware.
667 4. CRYP_FLAG_OFNE : Set when Output FIFO not empty.
668 This Flag is cleared only by hardware.
670 5. CRYP_FLAG_OFFU : Set when Output FIFO is full.
671 This Flag is cleared only by hardware.
673 6. CRYP_FLAG_OUTRIS : Set when Output FIFO Raw interrupt is pending
674 it gives the raw interrupt state prior to masking
675 of the output FIFO service interrupt.
676 This Flag is cleared only by hardware.
678 7. CRYP_FLAG_BUSY : Set when the CRYP core is currently processing a
679 block of data or a key preparation (for AES
680 decryption).
681 This Flag is cleared only by hardware.
682 To clear it, the CRYP core must be disabled and the
683 last processing has completed.
685 Interrupts :
686 ------------
688 1. CRYP_IT_INI : The input FIFO service interrupt is asserted when there
689 are less than 4 words in the input FIFO.
690 This interrupt is associated to CRYP_FLAG_INRIS flag.
692 @note This interrupt is cleared by performing write operations
693 to the input FIFO until it holds 4 or more words. The
694 input FIFO service interrupt INMIS is enabled with the
695 CRYP enable bit. Consequently, when CRYP is disabled, the
696 INMIS signal is low even if the input FIFO is empty.
700 2. CRYP_IT_OUTI : The output FIFO service interrupt is asserted when there
701 is one or more (32-bit word) data items in the output FIFO.
702 This interrupt is associated to CRYP_FLAG_OUTRIS flag.
704 @note This interrupt is cleared by reading data from the output
705 FIFO until there is no valid (32-bit) word left (that is,
706 the interrupt follows the state of the OFNE (output FIFO
707 not empty) flag).
710 Managing the CRYP controller events :
711 ------------------------------------
712 The user should identify which mode will be used in his application to manage
713 the CRYP controller events: Polling mode or Interrupt mode.
715 1. In the Polling Mode it is advised to use the following functions:
716 - CRYP_GetFlagStatus() : to check if flags events occur.
718 @note The CRYPT flags do not need to be cleared since they are cleared as
719 soon as the associated event are reset.
722 2. In the Interrupt Mode it is advised to use the following functions:
723 - CRYP_ITConfig() : to enable or disable the interrupt source.
724 - CRYP_GetITStatus() : to check if Interrupt occurs.
726 @note The CRYPT interrupts have no pending bits, the interrupt is cleared as
727 soon as the associated event is reset.
729 @endverbatim
730 * @{
731 */
733 /**
734 * @brief Enables or disables the specified CRYP interrupts.
735 * @param CRYP_IT: specifies the CRYP interrupt source to be enabled or disabled.
736 * This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
737 * @arg CRYP_IT_INI: Input FIFO interrupt
738 * @arg CRYP_IT_OUTI: Output FIFO interrupt
739 * @param NewState: new state of the specified CRYP interrupt.
740 * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
741 * @retval None
742 */
CRYP_ITConfig(uint8_t CRYP_IT,FunctionalState NewState)743 void CRYP_ITConfig(uint8_t CRYP_IT, FunctionalState NewState)
744 {
745 /* Check the parameters */
746 assert_param(IS_CRYP_CONFIG_IT(CRYP_IT));
747 assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
749 if (NewState != DISABLE)
750 {
751 /* Enable the selected CRYP interrupt */
753 }
754 else
755 {
756 /* Disable the selected CRYP interrupt */
757 CRYP->IMSCR &= (uint8_t)~CRYP_IT;
758 }
759 }
761 /**
762 * @brief Checks whether the specified CRYP interrupt has occurred or not.
763 * @note This function checks the status of the masked interrupt (i.e the
764 * interrupt should be previously enabled).
765 * @param CRYP_IT: specifies the CRYP (masked) interrupt source to check.
766 * This parameter can be one of the following values:
767 * @arg CRYP_IT_INI: Input FIFO interrupt
768 * @arg CRYP_IT_OUTI: Output FIFO interrupt
769 * @retval The new state of CRYP_IT (SET or RESET).
770 */
CRYP_GetITStatus(uint8_t CRYP_IT)771 ITStatus CRYP_GetITStatus(uint8_t CRYP_IT)
772 {
773 ITStatus bitstatus = RESET;
774 /* Check the parameters */
775 assert_param(IS_CRYP_GET_IT(CRYP_IT));
777 /* Check the status of the specified CRYP interrupt */
778 if ((CRYP->MISR & CRYP_IT) != (uint8_t)RESET)
779 {
780 /* CRYP_IT is set */
781 bitstatus = SET;
782 }
783 else
784 {
785 /* CRYP_IT is reset */
786 bitstatus = RESET;
787 }
788 /* Return the CRYP_IT status */
789 return bitstatus;
790 }
792 /**
793 * @brief Checks whether the specified CRYP flag is set or not.
794 * @param CRYP_FLAG: specifies the CRYP flag to check.
795 * This parameter can be one of the following values:
796 * @arg CRYP_FLAG_IFEM: Input FIFO Empty flag.
797 * @arg CRYP_FLAG_IFNF: Input FIFO Not Full flag.
798 * @arg CRYP_FLAG_OFNE: Output FIFO Not Empty flag.
799 * @arg CRYP_FLAG_OFFU: Output FIFO Full flag.
800 * @arg CRYP_FLAG_BUSY: Busy flag.
801 * @arg CRYP_FLAG_OUTRIS: Output FIFO raw interrupt flag.
802 * @arg CRYP_FLAG_INRIS: Input FIFO raw interrupt flag.
803 * @retval The new state of CRYP_FLAG (SET or RESET).
804 */
CRYP_GetFlagStatus(uint8_t CRYP_FLAG)805 FlagStatus CRYP_GetFlagStatus(uint8_t CRYP_FLAG)
806 {
807 FlagStatus bitstatus = RESET;
808 uint32_t tempreg = 0;
810 /* Check the parameters */
811 assert_param(IS_CRYP_GET_FLAG(CRYP_FLAG));
813 /* check if the FLAG is in RISR register */
814 if ((CRYP_FLAG & FLAG_MASK) != 0x00)
815 {
816 tempreg = CRYP->RISR;
817 }
818 else /* The FLAG is in SR register */
819 {
820 tempreg = CRYP->SR;
821 }
824 /* Check the status of the specified CRYP flag */
825 if ((tempreg & CRYP_FLAG ) != (uint8_t)RESET)
826 {
827 /* CRYP_FLAG is set */
828 bitstatus = SET;
829 }
830 else
831 {
832 /* CRYP_FLAG is reset */
833 bitstatus = RESET;
834 }
836 /* Return the CRYP_FLAG status */
837 return bitstatus;
838 }
840 /**
841 * @}
842 */
844 /**
845 * @}
846 */
848 /**
849 * @}
850 */
852 /**
853 * @}
854 */
856 /************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/