1# default xenstored config
3# Where the pid file is stored
4pid-file = @XEN_RUN_DIR@/xenstored.pid
6# Randomly failed a transaction with EAGAIN. Used for testing Xs user
7test-eagain = false
9# Activate transaction merge support
10merge-activate = true
12# Limits applied to domains whose writes cause other domains' transaction
13# commits to fail. Must include decimal point.
15# The burst limit is the number of conflicts a domain can cause to
16# fail in a short period; this value is used for both the initial and
17# the maximum value of each domain's conflict-credit, which falls by
18# one point for each conflict caused, and when it reaches zero the
19# domain's requests are ignored.
20conflict-burst-limit = 5.0
22# The conflict-credit is replenished over time:
23# one point is issued after each conflict-max-history-seconds, so this
24# is the minimum pause-time during which a domain will be ignored.
25conflict-max-history-seconds = 0.05
27# If the conflict-rate-limit-is-aggregate flag is true then after each
28# tick one point of conflict-credit is given to just one domain: the
29# one at the front of the queue. If false, then after each tick each
30# domain gets a point of conflict-credit.
32# In environments where it is known that every transaction will
33# involve a set of nodes that is writable by at most one other domain,
34# then it is safe to set this aggregate-limit flag to false for better
35# performance. (This can be determined by considering the layout of
36# the xenstore tree and permissions, together with the content of the
37# transactions that require protection.)
39# A transaction which involves a set of nodes which can be modified by
40# multiple other domains can suffer conflicts caused by any of those
41# domains, so the flag must be set to true.
42conflict-rate-limit-is-aggregate = true
44# Activate node permission system
45perms-activate = true
47# Activate quota
48quota-activate = true
49quota-maxentity = 1000
50quota-maxsize = 2048
51quota-maxwatch = 100
52quota-transaction = 10
53quota-maxrequests = 1024
55# Activate filed base backend
56persistent = false
58# Xenstored logs
59# xenstored-log-file = @XEN_LOG_DIR@/xenstored.log
60# xenstored-log-level = null
61# xenstored-log-nb-files = 10
63# Xenstored access logs
64# access-log-file = @XEN_LOG_DIR@/xenstored-access.log
65# access-log-nb-lines = 13215
66# acesss-log-nb-chars = 180
67# access-log-special-ops = false
69# Perodically scanning all the rings as a safenet for lazy clients.
70# Define the interval in seconds, set to negative to disable.
71# ring-scan-interval = 20
73xenstored-kva = @XENSTORED_KVA@
74xenstored-port = @XENSTORED_PORT@