1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Alibaba Group Holding Limited
3  *
4  *
5  */
7 /* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
8 #ifndef __VL53L0X_PLATFORM_H
9 #define __VL53L0X_PLATFORM_H
11 #ifdef __cplusplus
12 extern "C"
13 {
14 #endif
16     /* Includes
17      * ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
19 #include "vl53l0x/vl53l0x_def.h"
20 #include "vl53l0x/vl53l0x_platform_log.h"
22 #define VL53L0X_OsDelay(...) aos_msleep(2)
24     /* Exported types
25      * ------------------------------------------------------------*/
26     /**
27      * @struct  VL53L0X_Dev_t
28      * @brief    Generic PAL device type that does link between API and platform
29      * abstraction layer
30      *
31      */
32     typedef struct
33     {
34         VL53L0X_DevData_t Data; /*!< embed ST Ewok Dev  data as "Data"*/
36         /*!< user specific field */
38         uint8_t I2cDevAddr;
40         char DevLetter;
42         int Id;
43         int Present;
44         int Enabled;
45         int Ready;
47         uint8_t  comms_type;
48         uint16_t comms_speed_khz;
50         int            LeakyRange;
51         int            LeakyFirst;
52         uint8_t        RangeStatus;
53         uint8_t        PreviousRangeStatus;
54         FixPoint1616_t SignalRateRtnMegaCps;
55         uint16_t       EffectiveSpadRtnCount;
57     } VL53L0X_Dev_t;
60     /**
61      * @brief   Declare the device Handle as a pointer of the structure @a
62      * VL53L0X_Dev_t.
63      *
64      */
65     typedef VL53L0X_Dev_t *VL53L0X_DEV;
67 /* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/
68 /* Exported macros -----------------------------------------------------------*/
69 /**
70  * @def PALDevDataGet
71  * @brief Get ST private structure @a VL53L0X_DevData_t data access
72  *
73  * @param Dev       Device Handle
74  * @param field     ST structure field name
75  * It maybe used and as real data "ref" not just as "get" for sub-structure item
76  * like PALDevDataGet(FilterData.field)[i] or
77  * PALDevDataGet(FilterData.MeasurementIndex)++
78  */
79 #define PALDevDataGet(Dev, field) (Dev->Data.field)
81 /**
82  * @def PALDevDataSet(Dev, field, data)
83  * @brief  Set ST private structure @a VL53L0X_DevData_t data field
84  * @param Dev       Device Handle
85  * @param field     ST structure field name
86  * @param data      Data to be set
87  */
88 #define PALDevDataSet(Dev, field, data) (Dev->Data.field) = (data)
90 #define VL53L0X_COPYSTRING(str, ...) strcpy(str, ##__VA_ARGS__)
91     /* Private macros
92      * ------------------------------------------------------------*/
93     /* Exported functions
94      * --------------------------------------------------------*/
96     /**
97      * Lock comms interface to serialize all commands to a shared I2C interface
98      * for a specific device
99      * @param   Dev       Device Handle
100      * @return  VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE        Success
101      * @return  "Other error code"    See ::VL53L0X_Error
102      */
103     VL53L0X_Error VL53L0X_LockSequenceAccess(VL53L0X_DEV Dev);
105     /**
106      * Unlock comms interface to serialize all commands to a shared I2C
107      * interface for a specific device
108      * @param   Dev       Device Handle
109      * @return  VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE        Success
110      * @return  "Other error code"    See ::VL53L0X_Error
111      */
112     VL53L0X_Error VL53L0X_UnlockSequenceAccess(VL53L0X_DEV Dev);
115     /**
116      * Writes the supplied byte buffer to the device
117      * @param   Dev       Device Handle
118      * @param   index     The register index
119      * @param   pdata     Pointer to uint8_t buffer containing the data to be
120      * written
121      * @param   count     Number of bytes in the supplied byte buffer
122      * @return  VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE        Success
123      * @return  "Other error code"    See ::VL53L0X_Error
124      */
125     VL53L0X_Error VL53L0X_WriteMulti(VL53L0X_DEV Dev, uint8_t index,
126                                      uint8_t *pdata, uint32_t count);
128     /**
129      * Reads the requested number of bytes from the device
130      * @param   Dev       Device Handle
131      * @param   index     The register index
132      * @param   pdata     Pointer to the uint8_t buffer to store read data
133      * @param   count     Number of uint8_t's to read
134      * @return  VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE        Success
135      * @return  "Other error code"    See ::VL53L0X_Error
136      */
137     VL53L0X_Error VL53L0X_ReadMulti(VL53L0X_DEV Dev, uint8_t index,
138                                     uint8_t *pdata, uint32_t count);
140     /**
141      * Write single byte register
142      * @param   Dev       Device Handle
143      * @param   index     The register index
144      * @param   data      8 bit register data
145      * @return  VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE        Success
146      * @return  "Other error code"    See ::VL53L0X_Error
147      */
148     VL53L0X_Error VL53L0X_WrByte(VL53L0X_DEV Dev, uint8_t index, uint8_t data);
150     /**
151      * Write word register
152      * @param   Dev       Device Handle
153      * @param   index     The register index
154      * @param   data      16 bit register data
155      * @return  VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE        Success
156      * @return  "Other error code"    See ::VL53L0X_Error
157      */
158     VL53L0X_Error VL53L0X_WrWord(VL53L0X_DEV Dev, uint8_t index, uint16_t data);
160     /**
161      * Write double word (4 byte) register
162      * @param   Dev       Device Handle
163      * @param   index     The register index
164      * @param   data      32 bit register data
165      * @return  VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE        Success
166      * @return  "Other error code"    See ::VL53L0X_Error
167      */
168     VL53L0X_Error VL53L0X_WrDWord(VL53L0X_DEV Dev, uint8_t index,
169                                   uint32_t data);
171     /**
172      * Read single byte register
173      * @param   Dev       Device Handle
174      * @param   index     The register index
175      * @param   data      pointer to 8 bit data
176      * @return  VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE        Success
177      * @return  "Other error code"    See ::VL53L0X_Error
178      */
179     VL53L0X_Error VL53L0X_RdByte(VL53L0X_DEV Dev, uint8_t index, uint8_t *data);
181     /**
182      * Read word (2byte) register
183      * @param   Dev       Device Handle
184      * @param   index     The register index
185      * @param   data      pointer to 16 bit data
186      * @return  VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE        Success
187      * @return  "Other error code"    See ::VL53L0X_Error
188      */
189     VL53L0X_Error VL53L0X_RdWord(VL53L0X_DEV Dev, uint8_t index,
190                                  uint16_t *data);
192     /**
193      * Read dword (4byte) register
194      * @param   Dev       Device Handle
195      * @param   index     The register index
196      * @param   data      pointer to 32 bit data
197      * @return  VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE        Success
198      * @return  "Other error code"    See ::VL53L0X_Error
199      */
200     VL53L0X_Error VL53L0X_RdDWord(VL53L0X_DEV Dev, uint8_t index,
201                                   uint32_t *data);
203     /**
204      * Threat safe Update (read/modify/write) single byte register
205      *
206      * Final_reg = (Initial_reg & and_data) |or_data
207      *
208      * @param   Dev        Device Handle
209      * @param   index      The register index
210      * @param   AndData    8 bit and data
211      * @param   OrData     8 bit or data
212      * @return  VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE        Success
213      * @return  "Other error code"    See ::VL53L0X_Error
214      */
215     VL53L0X_Error VL53L0X_UpdateByte(VL53L0X_DEV Dev, uint8_t index,
216                                      uint8_t AndData, uint8_t OrData);
218     /** @} end of VL53L0X_registerAccess_group */
221     /**
222      * @brief execute delay in all polling API call
223      *
224      * A typical multi-thread or RTOs implementation is to sleep the task for
225      * some 5ms (with 100Hz max rate faster polling is not needed) if nothing
226      * specific is need you can define it as an empty/void macro
227      * @code
228      * #define VL53L0X_PollingDelay(...) (void)0
229      * @endcode
230      * @param Dev       Device Handle
231      * @return  VL53L0X_ERROR_NONE        Success
232      * @return  "Other error code"    See ::VL53L0X_Error
233      */
234     VL53L0X_Error VL53L0X_PollingDelay(
235       VL53L0X_DEV Dev); /* usually best implemented as a real function */
237 #ifdef __cplusplus
238 }
239 #endif
241 #endif /* __VL53L0X_PLATFORM_H */
243 /************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/