1 /**
2   ******************************************************************************
3   * @file    rtl8721d_backup_reg.h
4   * @author
5   * @version V1.0.0
6   * @date    2016-05-17
7   * @brief   This file provides firmware functions to manage the 16bytes backup registers
8   ******************************************************************************
9   * @attention
10   *
11   * This module is a confidential and proprietary property of RealTek and
12   * possession or use of this module requires written permission of RealTek.
13   *
14   * Copyright(c) 2016, Realtek Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
15   ******************************************************************************
16   */
18 #ifndef _RTL8721D_BACKUP_REG_H_
19 #define _RTL8721D_BACKUP_REG_H_
21 /** @addtogroup AmebaD_Platform
22   * @{
23   */
25 /** @defgroup BKUP_REG
26   * @brief BKUP_REG driver modules
27   * @{
28   */
30 /** @addtogroup BKUP_REG
31   * @verbatim
32   *****************************************************************************************
33   * Introduction
34   *****************************************************************************************
35   * backup register size:
36   *		-32bytes (8 dwords)
37   *
38   * usage:
39   *		- user can use this registers to save some data before reset happens
40   *
41   * backup register can not be reset by following functions:
42   *		- cpu reset
43   *		- system reset
44   *		- soc sleep mode
45   *
46   * backup register will be reset by following functions:
47   *		- soc deep sleep mode
48   *		- soc power down reset
49   *		- soc power off
50   *
51   * system defined bits (other bits are reserved for user):
52   *		- dword0[0]: system reset
53   *		- dword0[1]: watchdog reset
54   *		- dword0[2]: BOR2 HW temp bit
55   *		- dword0[3]: this is SW set bit before reboot, for uart download
56   *		- dword0[4]: this is SW set bit before reboot, for uart download debug
57   *		- dword0[5]: this is SW set bit before reboot, for rtc init indication
58   *		- dword0[6]: BOR2 HW temp bit
59   *		- dword0[7]: 1: enable bor2 detection;  0: disable
60   *
61   *****************************************************************************************
62   * how to use
63   *****************************************************************************************
64   *		BKUP_Write: write a dword backup register
65   *		BKUP_Read: read a dword backup register
66   *		BKUP_Set: set 1 to some bits of backup register
67   *		BKUP_Clear: set 0 to some bits of backup register
68   *****************************************************************************************
69   * @endverbatim
70   */
72 /* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/
74 /** @defgroup BKUP_REG_Exported_Constants BKUP_REG Exported Constants
75   * @{
76   */
78 /** @defgroup BKUP_REG_Idx_definitions
79   * @{
80   */
81 #define BKUP_REG0				((u32)0x00000000)	/*!< byte1 is used by system */
82 #define BKUP_REG1				((u32)0x00000001)	/*!< all bits can be used by user */
83 #define BKUP_REG2				((u32)0x00000002)	/*!< all bits can be used by user */
84 #define BKUP_REG3				((u32)0x00000003)	/*!< all bits can be used by user */
85 #define BKUP_REG4				((u32)0x00000004)	/*!< all bits can be used by user */
86 #define BKUP_REG5				((u32)0x00000005)	/*!< all bits can be used by user */
87 #define BKUP_REG6				((u32)0x00000006)	/*!< all bits can be used by user */
88 #define BKUP_REG7				((u32)0x00000007)	/*!< all bits can be used by user */
89 #define IS_BKUP_REG(IDX)	(((IDX) == BKUP_REG0) || \
90 							((IDX) == BKUP_REG1) ||\
91 							((IDX) == BKUP_REG2) ||\
92 							((IDX) == BKUP_REG3) ||\
93 							((IDX) == BKUP_REG4) ||\
94 							((IDX) == BKUP_REG5) ||\
95 							((IDX) == BKUP_REG6) ||\
96 							((IDX) == BKUP_REG7))
97 /**
98   * @}
99   */
100 /**
101   * @}
102   */
105 /** @defgroup BKUP_REG_Exported_Functions BKUP_REG Exported Functions
106   * @{
107   */
108 _LONG_CALL_ void BKUP_Write(u32 DwordIdx, u32 WriteVal);
109 _LONG_CALL_ u32 BKUP_Read(u32 DwordIdx);
110 _LONG_CALL_ void BKUP_Set(u32 DwordIdx, u32 BitMask);
111 _LONG_CALL_ void BKUP_Clear(u32 DwordIdx, u32 BitMask);
112 _LONG_CALL_ u32 BOOT_Reason(void);
113 /**
114   * @}
115   */
117 /* Registers Definitions --------------------------------------------------------*/
118 /**************************************************************************//**
119  * @defgroup BKUP_REG_Register_Definitions BKUP_REG Register Definitions
120  * @{
121  *****************************************************************************/
123 /* @defgroup BKUP_REG_WDORD7
124  * @{
125  */
127 #define BIT_MASK_FLASH_STRUCT_ADDR	((u32)0xFFFFFFFF)  /*!< used to backup address of flash_init_para*/
130 /** @} */
132 /**************************************************************************//**
134  * @{
135  *****************************************************************************/
136 #define BIT_RTC_BACKUP						((u32)0x00FF0000)	/*!< used to backup rtc year before reset */
137 #define BIT_RTC_BACKUP_SHIFT					16	/*!< used to backup rtc year before reset */
139 #define BIT_CAPTOUCH_ENABLE				BIT(15)	/*!<  KM4 captouch init controlled by this bit*/
140 #define BIT_KEY_ENABLE						BIT(14)	/*!<  KM4 key init controlled by this bit*/
141 #define BIT_KM4_WAKE_DELAY				BIT(13)	/*!<  km4 wakeup should be delayed if wakeup happend when km4 suspend */
142 #define BIT_RTC_RESTORE						BIT(12)	/*!<  this is SW set bit after rtc init */
143 #define BIT_WIFI_ENABLE						BIT(11)	/*!<  KM0 WIFIFW INIT & KM4 WIFI Driver INIT Controlled by this bit */
144 #define BIT_UARTBURN_DEBUG				BIT(10)	/*!<  this is SW set bit before reboot, for uart download debug */
145 #define BIT_UARTBURN_BOOT					BIT(9)	/*!<  this is SW set bit before reboot, for uart download */
146 #define BIT_SW_SIM_RSVD					BIT(8)	/*!<  1: boot for simulation */
148 #define BIT_RESVED_BIT7						BIT(7)	/*!<  RESVED */
149 #define BIT_RESVED_BIT6						BIT(6)	/*!<  RESVED */
150 #define BIT_GPIO_ENABLE						BIT(5)	/*!<  KM4 GPIO wake up controlled by this bit */
151 #define BIT_KM4WDG_RESET_HAPPEN			BIT(4)	/*!<  km4 watchdog reset */
152 #define BIT_KM4SYS_RESET_HAPPEN			BIT(3)	/*!<  km4 system reset */
153 #define BIT_RESVED_BIT2						BIT(2)	/*!<  RESVED */
154 #define BIT_WDG_RESET_HAPPEN				BIT(1)	/*!<  km0 watchdog reset */
155 #define BIT_SYS_RESET_HAPPEN				BIT(0)	/*!<  km0 system reset */
157 #define BIT_MASK_BOOT_REASON				((u32)0x0000001F)
158 /** @} */
159 /** @} */
161 /**
162   * @}
163   */
165 /**
166   * @}
167   */
169 #endif //_RTL8710B_BACKUP_REG_H_
170 /******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2016 Realtek Semiconductor *****END OF FILE****/