1 #ifndef __INC_RTL8711B_WL_ON_H
2 #define __INC_RTL8711B_WL_ON_H
4 /* this is a subset of hal_com_reg.h */
6 /* BIT_WL_PMC_OFFMAC 0x0020 */
7 #define BIT_WL_PMC_OFFMAC				(0x00000001 << 1) /*!< Auto FSM to Turn On, include clock, isolation, power control for MAC only
8 														(auto set by ICFG, and clear when Power Ready) */
9 #define BIT_WL_APMC_ONMAC				(0x00000001 << 0) /*!< Auto FSM to Turn On, include clock, isolation, power control for MAC only */
11 /* REG_WL_RF_PSS 0x005c */
12 #define BIT_AFE_POWER_MODE_SEL		(0x00000001 << 8) /*!< AFE power mode selection:1:  LDO mode 0:  Power-cut mode */
13 #define BIT_SEL_LDO_RF					(0x00000001 << 2) /*!< Power source selection1: LDO mode (power source is 3.3V,VD33PAD); 0: Power Cut mode (Power source is 1.2V,VDTR). */
14 #define BIT_SEL_LDO_SYN					(0x00000001 << 1) /*!< Power source selection1: LDO mode (power source is 3.3V,VD33SYN); 0: Power Cut mode (Power source is 1.2V,VDSYN). */
15 #define BIT_SEL_LDO_BUF					(0x00000001 << 0) /*!< Power source selection1: LDO mode (power source is 3.3V,VD33SYN); 0: Power Cut mode (Power source is 1.2V,VDSYN). */
17 /* REG_USB_INDIRECT_CTRL 0x006c */
18 #define BIT_USB_HOST_INT_REQ			(0x00000001 << 31) /*!< For USB doggle mode, USB Host write this bit to 1 will trigger interrupt to CM4. After CM4 finishes handling this interrupt , CM4 will clear this bit to 0 */
19 //#define BIT_USB_HOST_INT_TYPE			(0x00000001 << 30) /*!< 0: read efuse, 1: write efuse, 2: host cmd */
20 #define BIT_USB_HOST_CMD				(0x0000001F << 24) /*!< host cmd val */
22 /* REG_USB_SIE_IMR 0x0078 */
23 #define BIT_EFUSE_RD_MSK_CM4			(0x00000001 << 23) /*!< USB host indirect read efuse interrupt mask for cm4 */
24 #define BIT_USB_SUS_MSK_CM4			(0x00000001 << 22) /*!< USB suspend interrupt mask for cm4 */
25 #define BIT_USB_RES_MSK_CM4			(0x00000001 << 21) /*!< USB resume interrupt mask for cm4 */
26 #define BIT_SE0_RST_MSK_CM4			(0x00000001 << 20) /*!< SE0 reset interrupt mask for cm4 */
27 #define BIT_SIE_ACK_DONE_MSK_CM4		(0x00000001 << 19) /*!< SIE ACK done interrupt mask for cm4 */
28 #define BIT_SIE_NAK_DONE_MSK_CM4		(0x00000001 << 18) /*!< SIE NAK done interrupt mask for cm4 */
29 #define BIT_LPM_RSM_MSK_CM4			(0x00000001 << 17) /*!< SIE resume from LPM interrupt mask for cm4 */
30 #define BIT_LPM_ACT_MSK_CM4			(0x00000001 << 16) /*!< SIE enter LPM interrupt mask for cm4 */
31 #define BIT_EFUSE_RD_MSK_DW8051		(0x00000001 << 7) /*!< USB host indirect read efuse interrupt mask for dw8051 */
32 #define BIT_USB_SUS_MSK_DW8051		(0x00000001 << 6) /*!< USB suspend interrupt mask for dw8051 */
33 #define BIT_USB_RES_MSK_DW8051		(0x00000001 << 5) /*!< USB resume interrupt mask for dw8051 */
34 #define BIT_SE0_RST_MSK_DW8051		(0x00000001 << 4) /*!< SE0 reset interrupt mask for dw8051 */
35 #define BIT_SIE_ACK_DONE_MSK_DW8051	(0x00000001 << 3) /*!< SIE ACK done interrupt mask for dw8051 */
36 #define BIT_SIE_NAK_DONE_MSK_DW8051	(0x00000001 << 2) /*!< SIE NAK done interrupt mask for dw8051 */
37 #define BIT_LPM_RSM_MSK_DW8051		(0x00000001 << 1) /*!< SIE resume from LPM interrupt mask for dw8051 */
38 #define BIT_LPM_ACT_MSK_DW8051		(0x00000001 << 0) /*!< SIE enter LPM interrupt mask for dw8051 */
40 /* REG_USB_SIE_INT 0x007c */
41 #define BIT_USB_CMD_INT				((u32)(0x00000001 << 7)) /*!<  USB host indirect read/write efuse or host cmd interrupt */
42 #define BIT_USB_SUS_INT					((u32)(0x00000001 << 6)) /*!<  USB suspend interrupt */
43 #define BIT_USB_RES_INT					((u32)(0x00000001 << 5)) /*!<  USB resume interrupt */
44 #define BIT_SE0_RST_INT					((u32)(0x00000001 << 4)) /*!<  SE0 reset interrupt */
45 #define BIT_SIE_ACK_DONE_INT			((u32)(0x00000001 << 3)) /*!<  SIE ACK done interrupt */
46 #define BIT_SIE_NAK_DONE_INT			((u32)(0x00000001 << 2)) /*!<  SIE NAK done interrupt */
47 #define BIT_LPM_RSM_INT				((u32)(0x00000001 << 1)) /*!<  SIE resume from LPM interrupt */
48 #define BIT_LPM_ACT_INT					((u32)(0x00000001 << 0)) /*!<  IE enter LPM interrupt */
50 /* REG_USB_PWR_OPT 0x0088 */
51 #define BIT_CM4_WAKE_USB				((u32)(0x00000001 << 6)) /*!<  R/W	0 		cm4 wakeup usb device,  1: wakeup  0: not wakeup */
52 #define BIT_HOST_WAKE_DEV_EN			((u32)(0x00000001 << 5)) /*!<  R/W	0		usb host wake device function enable,  1: Enable,  0:Disable */
53 #define BIT_HOST_WAKE_DEV				((u32)(0x00000001 << 4)) /*!<  R/W	0		usb host wake device, 1: wake */
54 #define BIT_USB_LPS_BLOCK				((u32)(0x00000001 << 3)) /*!<  R/W	0		Block USB RX for wlan is in LPS,  1: Block  RX ;   0: Not block */
55 #define BIT_USB_LPM_NY					((u32)(0x00000001 << 2)) /*!<  R/W	0		USB LPM Not Yet */
56 #define BIT_USB_SUS_DIS					((u32)(0x00000001 << 1)) /*!<  R/W	0		Disable USB enter suspend,  1: Disable,  0: enable */
57 #define BIT_USB_LPMACT_EN				((u32)(0x00000001 << 0)) /*!<  R/W	0		Enable USB enter LPM ,   1:  Enable,   0: Disable */
59 /* REG_SYS_CFG_8710B 0xF0 */
60 #define BIT_USB_DOGGLE_MODE			((u32)(0x00000001 << 1)) /*!< 1: enable usb host access wifi mac, this bit should set by host driver */
61 #define BIT_MCLK_VLD					((u32)(0x00000001 << 0)) /*!< 1: MAC clock ready flag */
64 #define REG_WL_PMC_CTRL			0x0020
66 #define REG_WL_RF_PSS				0x005C /*!< select RF power source: LDO:3.3V, PC: 1.2V*/
68 #define REG_SYS_CFG_8710B			0x00F0
70 #define REG_USB_INDIRECT_CTRL		0x006C
71 #define REG_USB_SIE_IMR			0x0078
72 #define REG_USB_SIE_INT				0x007c
73 #define REG_WL_PMC_ISR_8711B		0x0084
74 #define REG_USB_PWR_OPT			0x0088
76 #define REG_USB_HOST_RW_DATA		0x009C
77 #define REG_USB_HOST_RW_ADDR	0x00F8
78 #endif //__INC_RTL8711B_WL_ON_H