1 /**
2   ******************************************************************************
3   * @file    rtl8721d_flash.h
4   * @author
5   * @version V1.0.0
6   * @date    2016-05-17
7   * @brief   This file contains all the functions prototypes for the Flash firmware
8   *          library.
9   ******************************************************************************
10   * @attention
11   *
12   * This module is a confidential and proprietary property of RealTek and
13   * possession or use of this module requires written permission of RealTek.
14   *
15   * Copyright(c) 2016, Realtek Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
16   ******************************************************************************
17   */
19 #ifndef _RTL8710B_SPI_FLASH_H
20 #define _RTL8710B_SPI_FLASH_H
22 #include "rtl8721d_flashclk.h"
24 /** @addtogroup AmebaD_Periph_Driver
25   * @{
26   */
28 /** @defgroup FLASH
29   * @brief SPI Flash driver modules
30   * @{
31   */
33 /** @addtogroup FLASH
34   * @verbatim
35   *****************************************************************************************
36   * Introduction
37   *****************************************************************************************
38   * SPI_Flash_Controller is used to communicate with SPI_Flash.
39   * Support auto mode and user mode to access Flash.
40   * Support multi-channel(1/2/4)data bit to transmit/receive.
41   * Programmable feature:
42   *		SPI channel number - Control channel bits of serial transfer.
43   *		SPI Clock rate - Control the bit rate of serial transfer.
44   *		Flash command registers - Flexible to set the different command codes for
45   *			different flash vendors in automatic mode.
46   *		Dummy cycles- Allow users to add dummy cycles in receiving data path for
47   *			timing tuning or extra pipelining registers.
48   *		Flash address size- Define the size of Flash to enable the slave select output
49   *			in automatic mode.
50   *
51   *****************************************************************************************
52   * How to use SPI_Flash_Controller to Read/Program/Erase flash
53   *****************************************************************************************
54   * To use the SPI_Flash_Controller to Read/Program/Erase flash, you can follow the steps
55   * below:
56   *
57   *   1. Enable SPIC clock by using RCC_PeriphClockCmd(APBPeriph_FLASH, APBPeriph_FLASH_CLOCK_XTAL, ENABLE) function.
58   *
59   *   2. Call Pinmux_SpicCtrl(PinLocation, ON) to configure SPIC pinmux.
60   *
61   *   3. Fill the variable flash_init_para of type FLASH_InitTypeDef with default parameters
62   *      using one of the following functions according to flash vendor:
63   *               flash vendor            Struct Init Function
64   *               Winbond                 FLASH_StructInit(&flash_init_para)
65   *               Gigadevice              FLASH_StructInit_GD(&flash_init_para)
66   *               Micron                  FLASH_StructInit_Micron(&flash_init_para)
67   *               MXIC                    FLASH_StructInit_MXIC(&flash_init_para)
68   *
69   *         Note: (1)We support 4 flash chip vendors above in SDK.
70   *               (2)If the flash chip type is Gigadevic and flash size is more than 2MB,
71   *               you must set the FLASH_cmd_wr_status2 parameter in flash_init_para
72   *               according to spec, because the Write Status Register1 command is
73   *               different from write Status Register2 command.
74   *               (3)If it is Micron flash chip, it is mandatory to set dummy cycles to
75   *               Nonvolatile Configuration Register of flash. The number of dummy cycles is
76   *               determined by Clock Frequency and Bit Mode according to spec.
77   *               (4)If the flash chip type is Micron N25q00aa, you must set FLASH_cmd_chip_e
78   *               parameter according to spec because it is different from default setting.
79   *
80   *   4. Initialize SPIC to designated BitMode using FLASH_Init().
81   *
82   *   5. Enable Quad I/O by setting QuadEnable bit in FLASH status register.
83   *
84   *   6. Switch SPIC to higher clock rate using RCC_PeriphClockCmd(APBPeriph_FLASH, APBPeriph_FLASH_CLOCK_PLL, ENABLE) function.
85   *
86   *   7. Calibrate by calling FLASH_CalibrationNew() function.
87   *
88   *   8. Then you can Read/Program/Erase flash by calling corresponding functions.
89   *      Remember to add flash_write_lock() function before those operations and
90   *      flash_write_unlock() after them to protect them when FLASH XIP.
91   *
92   *       Note: (1)If flash code has some updates when XIP, you need to flush cache by calling
93   *             Cache_Flush() function.
94   *             (2)When XIP, the flash initialization and calibration have already finished,
95   *             you can Read/Program/Erase flash directly without excuting 1~6 steps described
96   *             above.
97   * @endverbatim
98   */
100 /* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/
102 /** @defgroup FLASH_Exported_Types FLASH Exported Types
103   * @{
104   */
106 /**
107   * @brief  FLASH Init structure definition
108   */
109 typedef struct {
110 	u32 FLASH_Id;				/*!< Specifies the flash vendor ID.
111 								This parameter can be a value of @ref FLASH_VENDOR_ID_definitions */
112 	u8 FLASH_cur_bitmode;		/*!< Specifies the current bitmode of SPIC.
113 								This parameter can be a value of @ref FLASH_BIT_Mode_definitions */
114 	u8 FLASH_baud_rate;			/*!< Specifies the spi_sclk divider value. The frequency of spi_sclk is derived from:
115 								Frequency of spi_sclk = Frequency of oc_clk / (2 * FLASH_baud_rate) */
116 	u8 FLASH_baud_boot;			/*!< Specifies the spi_sclk divider value for rom boot. The frequency of spi_sclk is derived from:
117 								Frequency of spi_sclk = Frequency of oc_clk / (2 * FLASH_baud_rate) */
118 	u32 FLASH_cur_cmd; 			/*!< Specifies the current read cmd which is used to read data from flash
119 								in current bitmode. */
121 	/* status bits define */
122 	u32 FLASH_QuadEn_bit;		/*!< Specifies the QE bit in status register which is used to enable Quad I/O mode . */
123 	u32 FLASH_Busy_bit;			/*!< Specifies the WIP(Write in Progress) bit in status register which indicates whether
124 								the device is busy in program/erase/write status register progress. */
125 	u32 FLASH_WLE_bit; 			/*!< Specifies the WEL(Write Enable Latch) bit in status register which indicates whether
126 								the device will accepts program/erase/write status register instructions*/
127 	u32 FLASH_Status2_exist;		/*!< Specifies whether this flash chip has Status Register2 or not.
128 								This parameter can be 0/1. 0 means it doesn't have Status Register2, 1 means
129 								it has Status Register2.*/
131 	/* calibration data */
132 	u8 FLASH_rd_sample_phase_cal;	/*!< Specifies the read sample phase obtained from calibration. this is cal sample phase get from high speed cal */
133 	u8 FLASH_rd_sample_phase;	/*!< Specifies the read sample phase obtained from calibration. this is current sample phase */
134 	u8 FLASH_rd_dummy_cyle[3];	/*!< Specifies the read dummy cycle of different bitmode according to
135 								flash datasheet*/
137 	/* valid R/W command set */
138 	u32 FLASH_rd_dual_o; 			/*!< Specifies dual data read cmd */
139 	u32 FLASH_rd_dual_io; 			/*!< Specifies dual data/addr read cmd */
140 	u32 FLASH_rd_quad_o; 		/*!< Specifies quad data read cmd */
141 	u32 FLASH_rd_quad_io; 		/*!< Specifies quad data/addr read cmd */
142 	u32 FLASH_wr_dual_i; 			/*!< Specifies dual data write cmd */
143 	u32 FLASH_wr_dual_ii;			/*!< Specifies dual data/addr write cmd */
144 	u32 FLASH_wr_quad_i; 			/*!< Specifies quad data write cmd */
145 	u32 FLASH_wr_quad_ii;			/*!< Specifies quad data/addr write cmd */
146 	u32 FALSH_dual_valid_cmd;		/*!< Specifies valid cmd of dual bitmode to program/read flash in auto mode */
147 	u32 FALSH_quad_valid_cmd;	/*!< Specifies valid cmd of quad bitmode to program/read flash in auto mode */
149 	/* other command set */
150 	u8 FLASH_cmd_wr_en;			/*!< Specifies the Write Enable(WREN) instruction which is for setting WEL bit*/
151 	u8 FLASH_cmd_rd_id;			/*!< Specifies the Read ID instruction which is for getting the identity of the flash divice.*/
152 	u8 FLASH_cmd_rd_status;		/*!< Specifies the Read Status Register instruction which is for getting the status of flash */
153 	u8 FLASH_cmd_rd_status2;		/*!< Specifies the Read Status Register2 instruction which is for getting the status2 of flash */
154 	u8 FLASH_cmd_wr_status;		/*!< Specifies the Write Status Register instruction which is for setting the status register of flash */
155 	u8 FLASH_cmd_wr_status2;		/*!< Specifies the Write Status Register2 instruction which is for setting the status register2 of flash.
156 								 In some flash chips, status2 write cmd != status1 write cmd,
157 								 like: GD25Q32C, GD25Q64C,GD25Q128C etc.*/
158 	u8 FLASH_cmd_chip_e;			/*!< Specifies the Erase Chip instruction which is for erasing the whole chip*/
159 	u8 FLASH_cmd_block_e;		/*!< Specifies the Erase Block instruction which is for erasing 64kB*/
160 	u8 FLASH_cmd_sector_e;		/*!< Specifies the Erase Sector instruction which is for erasing 4kB*/
161 	u8 FLASH_cmd_pwdn_release;	/*!< Specifies the Release from Deep Power Down instruction which is for exiting power down mode.*/
162 	u8 FLASH_cmd_pwdn;			/*!< Specifies the Deep Power Down instruction which is for entering power down mode.*/
164 	/* debug log */
165 	u8 debug;					/*!< Specifies whether or not to print debug log.*/
167 	/* new calibration */
168 	u8 phase_shift_idx;			/*!< Specifies the phase shift idx in new calibration.*/
170 	u8 FLASH_addr_phase_len;	/*!< Specifies the number of bytes in address phase (between command phase and write/read phase).
171 								This parameter can be 0/1/2/3. 0 means 4-byte address mode in SPI Flash.*/
172 	u8 FLASH_pseudo_prm_en;		/*!< Specifies whether SPIC enables SPIC performance read mode or not.*/
173 	u8 FLASH_pinmux;			/*!< Specifies which pinmux is used. PINMUX_S0 or PINMUX_S1*/
175 	u32 FLASH_rd_fast_single;	/*!< Specifies fast read cmd in auto mode.*/
176 } FLASH_InitTypeDef;
177 /**
178   * @}
179   */
182 /* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/
184 /** @defgroup FLASH_Exported_Constants FLASH Exported Constants
185   * @{
186   */
188 /** @defgroup FLASH_CLK_Div_definitions
189   * @{
190   */
191 #define FLASH_CLK_DIV2P0		0
192 #define FLASH_CLK_DIV2P5		1
193 #define FLASH_CLK_DIV3P0		2
194 #define FLASH_CLK_DIV3P5		3
195 #define FLASH_CLK_DIV4P0		4
196 /**
197   * @}
198   */
200 /** @defgroup FLASH_BIT_Mode_definitions
201   * @{
202   */
203 #define SpicOneBitMode			0
204 #define SpicDualBitMode			1
205 #define SpicQuadBitMode		2
206 /**
207   * @}
208   */
210 /** @defgroup FLASH_ERASE_Type_definitions
211   * @{
212   */
213 #define EraseChip				0
214 #define EraseBlock				1
215 #define EraseSector			2
216 /**
217   * @}
218   */
220 /** @defgroup FLASH_WAIT_Type_definitions
221   * @{
222   */
223 #define WAIT_SPIC_BUSY		0
224 #define WAIT_FLASH_BUSY		1
225 #define WAIT_WRITE_DONE		2
226 #define WAIT_WRITE_EN		3
227 /**
228   * @}
229   */
231 /** @defgroup SPIC_ADDR_PHASE_LEN_definitions
232   * @{
233   */
234 #define ADDR_3_BYTE				0x3
235 #define ADDR_4_BYTE				0x0
236 #define ADDR_3_BYTE_USER_PRM		0x0
237 #define ADDR_4_BYTE_USER_PRM		0x4
238 /**
239   * @}
240   */
242 /** @defgroup WINBOND_W25Q16DV_Spec
243   * @{
244   */
245 #define FLASH_CMD_WREN			0x06            //write enable
246 #define FLASH_CMD_WRDI			0x04            //write disable
247 #define FLASH_CMD_WRSR			0x01            //write status register
248 #define FLASH_CMD_RDID			0x9F            //read idenfication
249 #define FLASH_CMD_RDSR			0x05            //read status register
250 #define FLASH_CMD_RDSR2			0x35            //read status register-2
251 #define FLASH_CMD_READ			0x03            //read data
252 #define FLASH_CMD_FREAD			0x0B            //fast read data
253 #define FLASH_CMD_RDSFDP		0x5A            //Read SFDP
254 #define FLASH_CMD_RES			0xAB            //Read Electronic ID
255 #define FLASH_CMD_REMS			0x90            //Read Electronic Manufacturer & Device ID
256 #define FLASH_CMD_DREAD			0x3B            //Double Output Mode command
257 #define FLASH_CMD_SE				0x20            //Sector Erase
258 #define FLASH_CMD_BE				0xD8            //0x52 //64K Block Erase
259 #define FLASH_CMD_CE				0x60            //Chip Erase(or 0xC7)
260 #define FLASH_CMD_PP				0x02            //Page Program
261 #define FLASH_CMD_DP				0xB9            //Deep Power Down
262 #define FLASH_CMD_RDP			0xAB            //Release from Deep Power-Down
263 #define FLASH_CMD_2READ			0xBB            // 2 x I/O read  command
264 #define FLASH_CMD_4READ			0xEB            // 4 x I/O read  command
265 #define FLASH_CMD_QREAD			0x6B            // 1I / 4O read command
266 #define FLASH_CMD_4PP			0x32            //quad page program //this is diff with MXIC
267 #define FLASH_CMD_FF				0xFF            //Release Read Enhanced
268 #define FLASH_CMD_REMS2			0x92            // read ID for 2x I/O mode //this is diff with MXIC
269 #define FLASH_CMD_REMS4			0x94            // read ID for 4x I/O mode //this is diff with MXIC
270 #define FLASH_CMD_RDSCUR		0x48            // read security register //this is diff with MXIC
271 #define FLASH_CMD_WRSCUR		0x42            // write security register //this is diff with MXIC
273 #define FLASH_DM_CYCLE_2O		0x08
274 #define FLASH_DM_CYCLE_2IO		0x04
275 #define FLASH_DM_CYCLE_4O		0x08
276 #define FLASH_DM_CYCLE_4IO		0x06
278 #define FLASH_STATUS_BUSY		((u32)0x00000001)
279 #define FLASH_STATUS_WLE		((u32)0x00000002)
280 /**
281   * @}
282   */
284 /** @defgroup WINBOND_W25Q256FV_Spec
285   * @{
286   */
288 #define FLASH_CMD_ENT_ADDR4B 	0xB7
289 #define FLASH_CMD_EXT_ADDR4B	0xE9
291 /**
292   * @}
293   */
295 /** @defgroup FLASH_VENDOR_ID_definitions
296   * @{
297   */
298 #define FLASH_ID_OTHERS			0
299 #define FLASH_ID_MXIC			1
300 #define FLASH_ID_WINBOND		2
301 #define FLASH_ID_MICRON			3
302 #define FLASH_ID_EON				4
303 #define FLASH_ID_GD				5
304 #define FLASH_ID_BOHONG			6
306 /**
307   * @}
308   */
310 /** @defgroup FLASH_MANUFACTURER_ID_definitions
311   * @{
312   */
313 #define MANUFACTURER_ID_MXIC			0xC2
315 #define MANUFACTURER_ID_MICRON			0x20
316 #define MANUFACTURER_ID_BOHONG			0x68
317 #define MANUFACTURER_ID_GD				0xC8
318 #define MANUFACTURER_ID_EON				0x1C
319 #define MANUFACTURER_ID_FM				0xA1
321 /**
322   * @}
323   */
325 /**
326   * @}
327   */
329 /* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/
330 /** @defgroup FLASH_Exported_Functions FLASH Exported Functions
331   * @{
332   */
333 _LONG_CALL_ void FLASH_Erase(u32 EraseType, u32 Address);
334 _LONG_CALL_ void FLASH_SetStatus(u8 Cmd, u32 Len, u8* Status);
335 _LONG_CALL_ void FLASH_SetStatusBits(u32 SetBits, u32 NewState);
336 _LONG_CALL_ void FLASH_WaitBusy(u32 WaitType);
337 _LONG_CALL_ void FLASH_WriteEn(void);
338 _LONG_CALL_ void FLASH_TxCmd(u8 cmd, u8 DataPhaseLen, u8* pData);
339 _LONG_CALL_ void FLASH_RxCmd(u8 cmd, u32 read_len, u8* read_data);
340 _LONG_CALL_ void FLASH_StructInit(FLASH_InitTypeDef* FLASH_InitStruct);
341 _LONG_CALL_ void FLASH_StructInit_Micron(FLASH_InitTypeDef* FLASH_InitStruct);
342 _LONG_CALL_ void FLASH_StructInit_MXIC(FLASH_InitTypeDef* FLASH_InitStruct);
343 _LONG_CALL_ void FLASH_StructInit_GD(FLASH_InitTypeDef* FLASH_InitStruct);
344 _LONG_CALL_ u8 FLASH_Init(u8 SpicBitMode);
345 _LONG_CALL_ void FLASH_SetSpiMode(FLASH_InitTypeDef *FLASH_InitStruct, u8 SpicBitMode);
346 _LONG_CALL_ void FLASH_DeepPowerDown(u32 NewState);
347 _LONG_CALL_ void FLASH_TxData256B(u32 StartAddr, u32 DataPhaseLen, u8* pData);
348 _LONG_CALL_ void FLASH_TxData12B(u32 StartAddr, u8 DataPhaseLen, u8* pData);
349 _LONG_CALL_ void FLASH_RxData(u8 cmd, u32 StartAddr, u32 read_len, u8* read_data);
350 _LONG_CALL_ u32 FLASH_Calibration(FLASH_InitTypeDef* FLASH_InitStruct, u8 SpicBitMode, u8 LineDelay);
352 _LONG_CALL_ u32 FLASH_ClockDiv(u8 Div);
353 _LONG_CALL_ u32 FLASH_CalibrationNew(FLASH_InitTypeDef* FLASH_InitStruct, u8 SpicBitMode, u8 Div, u8 CalStep, u8 LineDelay, u8 StartIdx);
354 _LONG_CALL_ u32 FLASH_CalibrationNewCmd(u32 NewStatus);
355 _LONG_CALL_ u32 FLASH_CalibrationPhaseIdx(u8 phase_idx);
356 _LONG_CALL_ u32 FLASH_CalibrationPhase(u8 phase_int, u8 phase_sel);
357 _LONG_CALL_ u32 FLASH_Calibration500MPSCmd(u32 NewStatus);
358 _LONG_CALL_ u32 FLASH_CalibrationInit(u8 CalibrationEnd);
359 _LONG_CALL_ void FLASH_ClockSwitch(u32 Source, u32 Protection);
360 _LONG_CALL_ int  FLASH_WriteStream(u32 address, u32 len, u8 * data);
362 /**
363   * @}
364   */
366 /** @defgroup FLASH_Exported_XIP_Functions FLASH Exported XIP Functions
367   * @note these functions will lock cpu when exec to forbit XIP, and flush cache after exec
368   * @{
369   */
370 void FLASH_Write_Lock(void);
371 void FLASH_Write_Unlock(void);
372 void FLASH_RxCmdXIP(u8 cmd, u32 read_len, u8* read_data);
373 void FLASH_SetStatusXIP(u8 Cmd, u32 Len, u8* Status);
374 void FLASH_SetStatusBitsXIP(u32 SetBits, u32 NewState);
375 void FLASH_TxData12BXIP(u32 StartAddr, u8 DataPhaseLen, u8* pData);
376 void FLASH_TxData256BXIP(u32 StartAddr, u32 DataPhaseLen, u8* pData);
377 void FLASH_EraseXIP(u32 EraseType, u32 Address);
378 void FLASH_EreaseDwordsXIP(u32 address, u32 dword_num);
379 void FLASH_Write_IPC_Int(VOID *Data, u32 IrqStatus, u32 ChanNum);
380 /**
381   * @}
382   */
384 /* Registers Definitions --------------------------------------------------------*/
385 /**************************************************************************//**
386  * @defgroup FLASH_Register_Definitions FLASH Register Definitions
387  * @{
388  *****************************************************************************/
390 /**************************************************************************//**
391  * @defgroup SPIC_CTRLR0
392  * @{
393  *****************************************************************************/
394 /********************  Bits definition for SPIC_CTRLR0 register  *******************/
395 #define BIT_CMD_CH(x)				(((x) & 0x00000003) << 20)
396 #define BIT_DATA_CH(x)			(((x) & 0x00000003) << 18)
397 #define BIT_ADDR_CH(x)			(((x) & 0x00000003) << 16)
398 #define BIT_TMOD(x)				(((x) & 0x00000003) << 8)
399 #define BIT_SCPOL					(0x00000001 << 7)
400 #define BIT_SCPH					(0x00000001 << 6)
401 /** @} */
403 /**************************************************************************//**
404  * @defgroup SPIC_CTRLR1
405  * @{
406  *****************************************************************************/
407 /********************  Bits definition for SPIC_CTRLR1 register  *******************/
408 #define BIT_NDF(x)					((x) & 0xffff)
409 /** @} */
411 /**************************************************************************//**
412  * @defgroup SPIC_SSIENR
413  * @{
414  *****************************************************************************/
415 /********************  Bits definition for SPIC_SSIENR register  *******************/
416 #define BIT_ATCK_CMD				(0x00000001 << 1)
417 #define BIT_SPIC_EN				(0x00000001)
418 /** @} */
420 /**************************************************************************//**
421  * @defgroup SPIC_SER
422  * @{
423  *****************************************************************************/
424 /********************  Bits definition for SPIC_SER register  *******************/
425 #define BIT_SER					(0x00000001)
426 /** @} */
428 /**************************************************************************//**
429  * @defgroup SPIC_BAUDR
430  * @{
431  *****************************************************************************/
432 /********************  Bits definition for SPIC_BAUDR register  *******************/
433 #define BIT_SCKDV(x)				((x) & 0x0fff)
434 /** @} */
436 /**************************************************************************//**
437  * @defgroup SPIC_SR
438  * @{
439  *****************************************************************************/
440 /********************  Bits definition for SPIC_SR register  *******************/
441 #define BIT_TXE					(0x00000001 << 5)
442 #define BIT_RFF					(0x00000001 << 4)
443 #define BIT_RFNE					(0x00000001 << 3)
444 #define BIT_TFE					(0x00000001 << 2)
445 #define BIT_TFNF					(0x00000001 << 1)
446 #define BIT_BUSY					(0x00000001)
447 /** @} */
449 /**************************************************************************//**
450  * @defgroup SPIC_IMR
451  * @{
452  *****************************************************************************/
453 /********************  Bits definition for SPIC_IMR register  *******************/
454 #define BIT_TXSIM					(0x00000001 << 9)
455 #define BIT_ACEIM                             	(0x00000001 << 8)
456 #define BIT_BYEIM                             	(0x00000001 << 7)
457 #define BIT_WBEIM                             	(0x00000001 << 6)
458 #define BIT_FSEIM                             	(0x00000001 << 5)
459 #define BIT_RXFIM                             	(0x00000001 << 4)
460 #define BIT_RXOIM                             	(0x00000001 << 3)
461 #define BIT_RXUIM                             	(0x00000001 << 2)
462 #define BIT_TXOIM                             	(0x00000001 << 1)
463 #define BIT_TXEIM                             	(0x00000001)
464 /** @} */
466 /**************************************************************************//**
467  * @defgroup SPIC_ISR
468  * @{
469  *****************************************************************************/
470 /********************  Bits definition for SPIC_ISR register  *******************/
471 #define BIT_TXSIS                             	(0x00000001 << 9)
472 #define BIT_ACEIS                             	(0x00000001 << 8)
473 #define BIT_BYEIS                             	(0x00000001 << 7)
474 #define BIT_WBEIS                             	(0x00000001 << 6)
475 #define BIT_FSEIS                             	(0x00000001 << 5)
476 #define BIT_RXFIS                             	(0x00000001 << 4)
477 #define BIT_RXOIS                             	(0x00000001 << 3)
478 #define BIT_RXUIS                             	(0x00000001 << 2)
479 #define BIT_TXOIS                             	(0x00000001 << 1)
480 #define BIT_TXEIS                             	(0x00000001)
481 /** @} */
483 /**************************************************************************//**
484  * @defgroup SPIC_RISR
485  * @{
486  *****************************************************************************/
487 /********************  Bits definition for SPIC_RISR register  *******************/
488 #define BIT_ACEIR                             	(0x00000001 << 8)
489 #define BIT_BYEIR                             	(0x00000001 << 7)
490 #define BIT_WBEIR                             	(0x00000001 << 6)
491 #define BIT_FSEIR                             	(0x00000001 << 5)
492 #define BIT_RXFIR                             	(0x00000001 << 4)
493 #define BIT_RXOIR                             	(0x00000001 << 3)
494 #define BIT_RXUIR                             	(0x00000001 << 2)
495 #define BIT_TXOIR                             	(0x00000001 << 1)
496 #define BIT_TXEIR                             	(0x00000001)
497 /** @} */
499 /**************************************************************************//**
500  * @defgroup SPIC_CTRLR2
501  * @{
502  *****************************************************************************/
503 /********************  Bits definition for SPIC_CTRLR2 register  *******************/
504 #define BIT_FIFO_ENTRY(x)			(((x) & 0x0000000f) << 4)
505 #define BIT_WR_SEQ				(0x00000001 << 3)
506 #define BIT_WPN_DNUM			(0x00000001 << 2) /* Indicate the WPn input pin of SPI Flash is connected to, 0(default): WP=spi_sout[2], 1:WP=spi_sout[3]. */
507 #define BIT_WPN_SET				(0x00000001 << 1) /* To implement write protect function. spi_wen_out and the bit of spi_sout which connects to WPN would be initial to 0. */
508 #define BIT_SO_DUM				(0x00000001) /* SO input pin of SPI Flash, 0: SO connects to spi_sout[0]. 1(default): SO connects to spi_sout[1].*/
509 /** @} */
511 /**************************************************************************//**
512  * @defgroup SPIC_ADDR_LENGTH
513  * @{
514  *****************************************************************************/
515 /********************  Bits definition for SPIC_ADDR_LENGTH register  *******************/
516 #define BIT_ADDR_PHASE_LENGTH(x)	((x) & 0x00000007)
517 /** @} */
519 /**************************************************************************//**
520  * @defgroup SPIC_AUTO_LENGTH
521  * @{
522  *****************************************************************************/
523 /********************  Bits definition for SPIC_AUTO_LENGTH register  *******************/
524 #define BIT_CS_H_WR_DUM_LEN(x)	(((x) & 0x0000000f) << 28)
525 #define BIT_CS_H_RD_DUM_LEN(x)	(((x) & 0x00000003) << 26)
526 #define BIT_AUTO_DUM_LEN(x)		(((x) & 0x000000ff) << 18)
527 #define BIT_AUTO_ADDR_LENGTH(x)	(((x) & 0x00000003) << 16)
528 #define BIT_RD_DUMMY_LENGTH(x)	(((x) & 0x00000fff))
529 /** @} */
531 /**************************************************************************//**
532  * @defgroup SPIC_VALID_CMD
533  * @{
534  *****************************************************************************/
535 /********************  Bits definition for SPIC_VALID_CMD register  *******************/
536 #define BIT_CTRLR0_CH			(0x00000001 << 12)
537 #define BIT_PRM_EN				(0x00000001 << 11)
538 #define BIT_WR_BLOCKING			(0x00000001 << 9)
539 #define BIT_WR_QUAD_II			(0x00000001 << 8)
540 #define BIT_WR_QUAD_I			(0x00000001 << 7)
541 #define BIT_WR_DUAL_II			(0x00000001 << 6)
542 #define BIT_WR_DUAL_I			(0x00000001 << 5)
543 #define BIT_RD_QUAD_IO			(0x00000001 << 4)
544 #define BIT_RD_QUAD_O			(0x00000001 << 3)
545 #define BIT_RD_DUAL_IO			(0x00000001 << 2)
546 #define BIT_RD_DUAL_I			(0x00000001 << 1)
547 #define BIT_FRD_SINGEL			(0x00000001)
548 #define SPIC_VALID_CMD_MASK		(0x7fff)
550 #define DUAL_PRM_CYCLE_NUM		4
551 #define QUAD_PRM_CYCLE_NUM		2
552 /** @} */
554 /**
555   * @}
556   */
558 /**
559   * @}
560   */
561 /**
562   * @}
563   */
565 /* Other definations --------------------------------------------------------*/
566 extern FLASH_InitTypeDef flash_init_para;
567 extern u32 SPIC_CALIB_PATTERN[2];
569 typedef void (*FLASH_STRUCT_INIT_FUNC)(FLASH_InitTypeDef* FLASH_InitStruct);
572 #endif  //_RTL8710B_SPI_FLASH_H
573 /******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2016 Realtek Semiconductor *****END OF FILE****/