1 /**
2   ******************************************************************************
3   * @file    rtl8721d_gpio.h
4   * @author
5   * @version V1.0.0
6   * @date    2016-05-17
7   * @brief   This file contains all the functions prototypes for the GPIO firmware
8   *          library.
9   ******************************************************************************
10   * @attention
11   *
12   * This module is a confidential and proprietary property of RealTek and
13   * possession or use of this module requires written permission of RealTek.
14   *
15   * Copyright(c) 2016, Realtek Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
16   ******************************************************************************
17   */
19 #ifndef _RTL8721D_GPIO_H_
20 #define _RTL8721D_GPIO_H_
22 /** @addtogroup AmebaD_Periph_Driver
23   * @{
24   */
26 /** @defgroup GPIO
27   * @brief GPIO driver modules
28   * @{
29   */
31 /** @addtogroup GPIO
32   * @verbatim
33   *****************************************************************************************
34   * Introduction
35   *****************************************************************************************
36   * GPIO:
37   * 	- Base Address: GPIO
38   * 	- Port number: support A/B two ports
39   * 	- Pin number: 0 ~ 31(portA),  0 ~ 31(portB)
40   * 	- IRQ: GPIO_IRQ
41   * 	- portA/B can be configured to interrupt mode
42   *
43   *****************************************************************************************
44   * How to use GPIO in normal mode
45   *****************************************************************************************
46   *      To use GPIO peripheral in normal mode, the following steps are mandatory:
47   *
48   *      1. Enable the GPIO interface clock using
49   *			RCC_PeriphClockCmd(APBPeriph_GPIO, APBPeriph_GPIO_CLOCK, ENABLE);
50   *
51   *      2. Fill the GPIO_InitStruct with the desired parameters.
52   *
53   *      3. configure GPIO with the configuration(GPIO mode, pull up/down) of step2:
54   *			GPIO_Init(&GPIO_InitStruct)
55   *
56   *      4. Read or write GPIO pin according to GPIO out/in mode using
57   *			GPIO_ReadDataBit() or GPIO_WriteBit()
58   *
59   *****************************************************************************************
60   * How to use GPIO in interrupt mode
61   *****************************************************************************************
62   * 	  To use GPIO in interrupt mode, the following steps are mandatory:
63   *
64   *      1. Enable the GPIO interface clock using
65   *			RCC_PeriphClockCmd(APBPeriph_GPIO, APBPeriph_GPIO_CLOCK, ENABLE);
66   *
67   *      2. Fill the GPIO_InitStruct with the desired parameters.
68   *
69   *      3. configure GPIO with the configuration(GPIO mode, pull up/down) of step2:
70   *			GPIO_Init(&GPIO_InitStruct)
71   *
72   *      4. Register a user interrupt handler:
73   *			GPIO_UserRegIrq
74   *
75   *      5. Configure interrupt mode(trigger, polarity, debounce):
76   *			GPIO_INTMode()
77   *
78   *      6. Enable the interrupt of a specified pin:
79   *		GPIO_INTConfig()
80   *
81   *      @note  PortA/B can configure interrupt mode.
82   *
83   *****************************************************************************************
84   * How to use GPIO port (multiple GPIO pins)
85   *****************************************************************************************
86   * 	  To use GPIO port, the following steps are mandatory:
87   *
88   *      1. Enable the GPIO interface clock using
89   *			RCC_PeriphClockCmd(APBPeriph_GPIO, APBPeriph_GPIO_CLOCK, ENABLE);
90   *
91   *      2. Configure GPIO data direction(IN/OUT)
92   *			GPIO_PortDirection()
93   *
94   *      3. Read or write GPIO pin according to GPIO out/in mode using
95   *			GPIO_PortRead()
96   *			GPIO_PortWrite()
97   *
98   *****************************************************************************************
99   * @endverbatim
100   */
102 /* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/
104 /** @defgroup GPIO_Exported_Types GPIO Exported Types
105   * @{
106   */
108 /**
109   * @brief  GPIO Init structure definition
110   */
111 typedef struct {
112 	u32 GPIO_Mode;      	/*!< Specifies the operating mode for the selected pins.
113 								This parameter can be a value of @ref GPIO_Mode_parameter_definitions */
115 	u32 GPIO_PuPd;     		/*!< Specifies the operating Pull-up/Pull down for the selected pins.
116 								This parameter can be a value of @ref GPIO_Pull_parameter_definitions */
118 	u32 GPIO_ITTrigger;  	/*!< Specifies interrupt mode is level or edge trigger
119 								This parameter can be a value of @ref GPIO_INT_Trigger_parameter_definitions */
121 	u32 GPIO_ITPolarity; 	/*!< Specifies interrupt mode is high or low active trigger
122 								This parameter can be a value of @ref GPIO_INT_Polarity_parameter_definitions */
124 	u32 GPIO_ITDebounce; 	/*!< Specifies enable or disable de-bounce for interrupt
125 								This parameter can be a value of @ref GPIO_INT_Debounce_parameter_definitions*/
127 	u32 GPIO_Pin;    		/*!< Specifies the selected pins.
128 								This parameter contains two parts: Pin: [7:5]: port number; [4:0]: pin number */
129 } GPIO_InitTypeDef;
130 /**
131   * @}
132   */
134 /* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/
136 /** @defgroup GPIO_Exported_Constants GPIO Exported Constants
137   * @{
138   */
140 /** @defgroup GPIO_Mode_parameter_definitions
141   * @{
142   */
143 #define GPIO_Mode_IN			0x00 /*!< GPIO Input Mode             */
144 #define GPIO_Mode_OUT			0x01 /*!< GPIO Output Mode                */
145 #define GPIO_Mode_INT			0x02 /*!< GPIO Interrupt Mode                */
146 /**
147   * @}
148   */
150 /** @defgroup GPIO_Pull_parameter_definitions
151   * @{
152   */
153 #define GPIO_PuPd_NOPULL		0x00 /*!< GPIO Interrnal HIGHZ */
154 #define GPIO_PuPd_DOWN			0x01 /*!< GPIO Interrnal Pull DOWN */
155 #define GPIO_PuPd_UP			0x02 /*!< GPIO Interrnal Pull UP */
156 #define GPIO_PuPd_SHUTDOWN		0x03 /*!< GPIO Interrnal PAD shutdown */
158 /**
159   * @}
160   */
162 /** @defgroup GPIO_INT_Trigger_parameter_definitions
163   * @{
164   */
165 #define GPIO_INT_Trigger_LEVEL		0x0 /*!< This interrupt is level trigger  */
166 #define GPIO_INT_Trigger_EDGE		0x1 /*!< This interrupt is edge trigger  */
167 #define GPIO_INT_Trigger_BOTHEDGE	0x2 /*!< This interrupt is both-edge trigger  */
170                                     || ((TYPE) == GPIO_INT_Trigger_EDGE)\
171                                     || ((TYPE) == GPIO_INT_Trigger_BOTHEDGE))
172 /**
173   * @}
174   */
176 /** @defgroup GPIO_INT_Polarity_parameter_definitions
177   * @{
178   */
179 #define GPIO_INT_POLARITY_ACTIVE_LOW		0x0 /*!< Setting interrupt to low active: falling edge or low level  */
180 #define GPIO_INT_POLARITY_ACTIVE_HIGH		0x1 /*!< Setting interrupt to high active: rising edge or high level */
183                                         || ((TYPE) == GPIO_INT_POLARITY_ACTIVE_HIGH))
184 /**
185   * @}
186   */
188 /** @defgroup GPIO_INT_Debounce_parameter_definitions
189   * @{
190   */
191 #define GPIO_INT_DEBOUNCE_DISABLE			0x0 /*!< Disable interrupt debounce  */
192 #define GPIO_INT_DEBOUNCE_ENABLE			0x1 /*!< Enable interrupt debounce   */
195                                         || ((TYPE) == GPIO_INT_DEBOUNCE_ENABLE))
196 /**
197   * @}
198   */
200 /** @defgroup GPIO_Pin_State_definitions
201   * @{
202   */
203 //#define GPIO_PIN_LOW			0				/*!< Pin state is low  */
204 //#define GPIO_PIN_HIGH			1				/*!< Pin state is high  */
205 /**
206   * @}
207   */
209 /** @defgroup GPIO_Port_definitions
210   * @{
211   */
212 #define GPIO_PORT_A				0				/*!< Port number A  */
213 #define GPIO_PORT_B				1				/*!< Port number B  */
214 /**
215   * @}
216   */
218 /** @defgroup GPIO_IRQ_Event_definitions
219   * @{
220   */
221 #define HAL_IRQ_NONE			0				/*!< No interrupt event  */
222 #define HAL_IRQ_RISE			1				/*!< Rising edge or high level interrupt event  */
223 #define HAL_IRQ_FALL			2				/*!< Falling edge or low level interrupt event  */
224 /**
225   * @}
226   */
228 /**
229   * @}
230   */
232 /** @defgroup GPIO_Exported_Functions GPIO Exported Functions
233   * @{
234   */
235 _LONG_CALL_ void GPIO_WriteBit(u32 GPIO_Pin, u32 BitVal);
236 _LONG_CALL_ u32 GPIO_ReadDataBit(u32 GPIO_Pin);
237 _LONG_CALL_ void GPIO_DeInit(u32 GPIO_Pin);
238 _LONG_CALL_ void GPIO_UserRegIrq(u32 GPIO_Pin, VOID *IrqHandler, VOID *IrqData);
239 _LONG_CALL_ void GPIO_INTMode(u32 GPIO_Pin, u32 NewState, u32 GPIO_ITTrigger, u32 GPIO_ITPolarity, u32 GPIO_ITDebounce);
240 _LONG_CALL_ void GPIO_INTConfig(u32 GPIO_Pin, u32 NewState);
241 _LONG_CALL_ void GPIO_Init(GPIO_InitTypeDef  *GPIO_InitStruct);
242 _LONG_CALL_ u32 GPIO_INTHandler(IN VOID *pData);
243 _LONG_CALL_ void GPIO_Direction(u32 GPIO_Pin, u32 data_direction);
244 _LONG_CALL_ u32 GPIO_PortRead(u32 GPIO_Port, u32 GPIO_Mask);
245 _LONG_CALL_ void GPIO_PortWrite(u32 GPIO_Port, u32 GPIO_Mask, u32 Port_State);
246 _LONG_CALL_ void GPIO_PortDirection(u32 GPIO_Port, u32 GPIO_Mask, u32 data_direction);
247 /**
248   * @}
249   */
251 /**
252   * @}
253   */
255 /**
256   * @}
257   */
260 typedef void (*GPIO_IRQ_FUN)(VOID *Data, u32 Id);
261 typedef void (*GPIO_USER_IRQ_FUN)(u32 Id);
263 #endif  // end of "#define _RTL8721D_GPIO_H_"
264 /******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2016 Realtek Semiconductor *****END OF FILE****/