1 /**
2   ******************************************************************************
3   * @file    rtl8721d_syscfg.h
4   * @author
5   * @version V1.0.0
6   * @date    2016-05-17
7   * @brief   This file contains all the functions prototypes for SYSCFG firmware
8   *          library.
9   ******************************************************************************
10   * @attention
11   *
12   * This module is a confidential and proprietary property of RealTek and
13   * possession or use of this module requires written permission of RealTek.
14   *
15   * Copyright(c) 2015, Realtek Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
16   ******************************************************************************
17   */
19 #ifndef _RTL8710B_SYSCFG_H_
20 #define _RTL8710B_SYSCFG_H_
22 /** @addtogroup AmebaD_Platform
23   * @{
24   */
26 /** @defgroup SYSCFG
27   * @brief SYSCFG driver modules
28   * @{
29   */
31 /** @addtogroup SYSCFG
32   * @verbatim
33   *****************************************************************************************
34   * Introduction
35   *****************************************************************************************
36   * Used for system, user can not used it if not needed.
37   *
38   *****************************************************************************************
39   * REG_SYS_SYSTEM_CFG0 Introduction
40   *****************************************************************************************
41   *
42   *    BIT[31]		Trapped PKG_ENG_SEL value 0: normal package; 1: engineering mode
43   *    BIT[30]		CHIP_EN PIN input value
44   *    BIT[27:24]	BD info
45   *    BIT[16]		1: Test chip;  0:MP
46   *    BIT[11:8]	Vendor ID
47   *    BIT[7:4]		Chip version
48   *    BIT[3:0]		Vendor ID defined in RF
49   *
50   *****************************************************************************************
51   * REG_LP_SYSTEM_CFG1 Introduction
52   *****************************************************************************************
53   *
54   *    BIT[31:28]	is BIT_SYSCFG_TRP_ICFG, value is load from following trap pin:
55   *    			ICFG[0]/ICFG[1]/ICFG[2]/ICFG[3] when trap pin TSET_MODE_SEL = 1
56   *    BIT[27]		is BIT_SYSCFG_TRP_BOOT_SEL
57   *    			0: boot normal, 1: uart flash download
58   *    			value load from trap pin UART_DOWNLOAD_IMAGE
59   *    BIT[25]		is BIT_SYSCFG_TRP_SPSLDO_SEL, Trapped Selection for SPS
60   *    			0: SWR mode; 1: LDO mode
61   *    			load from trap pin SPS_LDO_SEL
62   *    BIT[8]		BIT_SYS_XCLK_VLD	Xtal Clock Stable, 1: Clock Stable
63   *    BIT[0]		BIT_SYSCFG_ALDN_STS 1: SYS CFG autoload done; 0; SYSCFG autoload not ready
64   *
65   *****************************************************************************************
66   * REG_LP_SYSTEM_CFG2 Introduction
67   *****************************************************************************************
68   *
69   *    BIT[7:0]		ROM Information
70   *
71   *
72   *****************************************************************************************
73     * trap pins
74   *****************************************************************************************
75   *
76   *    GPIOA_0:
77   *			TEST_MODE_SEL
78   *			default PD
79   *
80   *    GPIOA_3:
81   *			SPS_LDO_SEL
82   *			default PU, internal PU
83   *			0: SWR 1: LDO
84   *			load to 0x1F4[25]
85   *
86   *    GPIOA_30:
88   *			default PU
89   *			load to 0x1F4[27]
90   *
91   *****************************************************************************************
92   * @endverbatim
93   */
95 /* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/
97 /** @defgroup SYSCFG_Exported_Constants SYSCFG Exported Constants
98   * @{
99   */
101 /** @defgroup SYSCFG_Bounding_Option_definitions
102   * @{
103   */
104 #define SYSCFG_BD_QFN32						((u32)0x000000000)
105 #define SYSCFG_BD_QFN48_MCM_8MBFlash			((u32)0x000000001)
106 #define SYSCFG_BD_QFN48						((u32)0x000000002)
107 #define SYSCFG_BD_QFN48_NEW					((u32)0x000000000)
108 #define SYSCFG_BD_QFN68						((u32)0x000000007)
109 #define SYSCFG_BD_QFN68_NEW					((u32)0x000000005)
110 #define SYSCFG_BD_TFBGA_MCM_8761A			((u32)0x000000004)
111 /**
112   * @}
113   */
115 /** @defgroup SYSCFG_CUT_Version_definitions
116   * @{
117   */
118 #define SYSCFG_CUT_VERSION_A				0
119 #define SYSCFG_CUT_VERSION_B				1
120 /**
121   * @}
122   */
124 /**
125   * @}
126   */
128 /* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/
129 /** @defgroup SYSCFG_Exported_Functions SYSCFG Exported Functions
130   * @{
131   */
132 _LONG_CALL_ u32 SYSCFG_GetChipInfo(void);
133 //_LONG_CALL_ u32 SYSCFG_CUTVersion(void);
134 _LONG_CALL_ u32 SYSCFG_TRP_LDOMode(void);
135 _LONG_CALL_ u32 SYSCFG_TRP_UARTImage(void);
136 _LONG_CALL_ u32 SYSCFG_TRP_ICFG(void);
137 _LONG_CALL_ u32 SYSCFG_ROMINFO_Get(void);
138 _LONG_CALL_ void SYSCFG_ROMINFO_Set(void);
139 /**
140   * @}
141   */
143 /* Registers Definitions --------------------------------------------------------*/
145 static inline u32
SYSCFG_CUTVersion(void)146 SYSCFG_CUTVersion(void)
147 {
148 	u32 tmp = (HAL_READ32(0x48000000, 0x000C) >> 8) & 0xF; //get chip version from REG_AON_BOOT_REASON1
150 	if(0 == tmp) {
151 		return SYSCFG_CUT_VERSION_A; /*A-Cut*/
152 	} else {
153 		tmp = HAL_READ32(0x48000000, 0x03F0) & 0xF; //confirm chip version according to REG_LP_SYSTEM_CFG0
154 		if(0 == tmp)
155 			return SYSCFG_CUT_VERSION_B;
156 		else
157 			return tmp;
158 	}
159 }
161 /** @} */
163 /**
164   * @}
165   */
167 /**
168   * @}
169   */
171 /* Other definations --------------------------------------------------------*/
172 /*******************  Macro definition for TRP_ICFG ********************/
174 #define SYSCFG_TRP_ICFG_FLASH_LOCATION		3 /* Ameba1 used, AmebaZ not use */
175 #endif //_RTL8710B_SYSCFG_H_
176 /******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2016 Realtek Semiconductor *****END OF FILE****/