/AliOS-Things-master/components/SDL2/src/video/windows/ |
A D | SDL_windowsopengl.h | 45 void *(WINAPI * wglGetProcAddress) (const char *proc); member 46 HGLRC(WINAPI * wglCreateContext) (HDC hdc); 47 BOOL(WINAPI * wglDeleteContext) (HGLRC hglrc); 48 BOOL(WINAPI * wglMakeCurrent) (HDC hdc, HGLRC hglrc); 49 BOOL(WINAPI * wglShareLists) (HGLRC hglrc1, HGLRC hglrc2); 50 BOOL(WINAPI * wglChoosePixelFormatARB) (HDC hdc, 56 BOOL(WINAPI * wglGetPixelFormatAttribivARB) (HDC hdc, int iPixelFormat, 61 BOOL (WINAPI * wglSwapIntervalEXT) (int interval); 62 int (WINAPI * wglGetSwapIntervalEXT) (void); member
A D | SDL_windowsvideo.h | 134 BOOL (WINAPI *CloseTouchInputHandle)( HTOUCHINPUT ); 135 BOOL (WINAPI *GetTouchInputInfo)( HTOUCHINPUT, UINT, PTOUCHINPUT, int ); 136 BOOL (WINAPI *RegisterTouchWindow)( HWND, ULONG ); 139 HRESULT (WINAPI *GetDpiForMonitor)( HMONITOR hmonitor, 174 …UINT (WINAPI *GetReadingString)(HIMC himc, UINT uReadingBufLen, LPWSTR lpwReadingBuf, PINT pnError… 175 BOOL (WINAPI *ShowReadingWindow)(HIMC himc, BOOL bShow); 176 LPINPUTCONTEXT2 (WINAPI *ImmLockIMC)(HIMC himc); 177 BOOL (WINAPI *ImmUnlockIMC)(HIMC himc); 178 LPVOID (WINAPI *ImmLockIMCC)(HIMCC himcc); 179 BOOL (WINAPI *ImmUnlockIMCC)(HIMCC himcc);
A D | SDL_windowsvideo.c | 125 …data->CloseTouchInputHandle = (BOOL (WINAPI *)(HTOUCHINPUT)) SDL_LoadFunction(data->userDLL, "Clos… in WIN_CreateDevice() 126 …data->GetTouchInputInfo = (BOOL (WINAPI *)(HTOUCHINPUT, UINT, PTOUCHINPUT, int)) SDL_LoadFunction(… in WIN_CreateDevice() 127 …data->RegisterTouchWindow = (BOOL (WINAPI *)(HWND, ULONG)) SDL_LoadFunction(data->userDLL, "Regist… in WIN_CreateDevice() 134 …data->GetDpiForMonitor = (HRESULT (WINAPI *)(HMONITOR, MONITOR_DPI_TYPE, UINT *, UINT *)) SDL_Load… in WIN_CreateDevice() 263 typedef IDirect3D9 *(WINAPI *Direct3DCreate9_t) (UINT SDKVersion); in D3D_LoadDLL() 267 typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *Direct3DCreate9Ex_t)(UINT SDKVersion, IDirect3D9Ex **ppD3D); in D3D_LoadDLL() 350 HRESULT (WINAPI *CreateDXGI)(REFIID riid, void **ppFactory); in DXGI_LoadDLL() local 353 (HRESULT (WINAPI *) (REFIID, void**)) SDL_LoadFunction(*pDXGIDLL, in DXGI_LoadDLL()
A D | SDL_windowsopengl.c | 122 _this->gl_data->wglGetProcAddress = (void *(WINAPI *) (const char *)) in WIN_GL_LoadLibrary() 124 _this->gl_data->wglCreateContext = (HGLRC(WINAPI *) (HDC)) in WIN_GL_LoadLibrary() 126 _this->gl_data->wglDeleteContext = (BOOL(WINAPI *) (HGLRC)) in WIN_GL_LoadLibrary() 128 _this->gl_data->wglMakeCurrent = (BOOL(WINAPI *) (HDC, HGLRC)) in WIN_GL_LoadLibrary() 130 _this->gl_data->wglShareLists = (BOOL(WINAPI *) (HGLRC, HGLRC)) in WIN_GL_LoadLibrary() 381 const char *(WINAPI * wglGetExtensionsStringARB) (HDC) = 0; in WIN_GL_InitExtensions() local 412 wglGetExtensionsStringARB = (const char *(WINAPI *) (HDC)) in WIN_GL_InitExtensions() 423 _this->gl_data->wglChoosePixelFormatARB = (BOOL(WINAPI *) in WIN_GL_InitExtensions() 429 (BOOL(WINAPI *) (HDC, int, int, UINT, const int *, int *)) in WIN_GL_InitExtensions()
A D | SDL_windowskeyboard.c | 357 …videodata->ImmLockIMC = (LPINPUTCONTEXT2 (WINAPI *)(HIMC))SDL_LoadFunction(videodata->ime_himm32, … in IME_Init() 358 …videodata->ImmUnlockIMC = (BOOL (WINAPI *)(HIMC))SDL_LoadFunction(videodata->ime_himm32, "ImmUnloc… in IME_Init() 359 …videodata->ImmLockIMCC = (LPVOID (WINAPI *)(HIMCC))SDL_LoadFunction(videodata->ime_himm32, "ImmLoc… in IME_Init() 360 …videodata->ImmUnlockIMCC = (BOOL (WINAPI *)(HIMCC))SDL_LoadFunction(videodata->ime_himm32, "ImmUnl… in IME_Init() 657 videodata->GetReadingString = (UINT (WINAPI *)(HIMC, UINT, LPWSTR, PINT, BOOL*, PUINT)) in IME_SetupAPI() 659 videodata->ShowReadingWindow = (BOOL (WINAPI *)(HIMC, BOOL)) in IME_SetupAPI()
/AliOS-Things-master/components/SDL2/src/core/windows/ |
A D | SDL_xinput.h | 133 typedef DWORD (WINAPI *XInputGetState_t) 139 typedef DWORD (WINAPI *XInputSetState_t) 145 typedef DWORD (WINAPI *XInputGetCapabilities_t) 152 typedef DWORD (WINAPI *XInputGetBatteryInformation_t)
/AliOS-Things-master/components/SDL2/src/thread/windows/ |
A D | SDL_systhread.c | 89 static DWORD WINAPI 155 typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *pfnSetThreadDescription)(HANDLE, PCWSTR);
/AliOS-Things-master/components/freetype/src/gzip/ |
A D | zconf.h | 179 # define ZEXPORT(x) x WINAPI 189 # define ZEXPORT(x) x __declspec(dllexport) WINAPI
/AliOS-Things-master/components/SDL2/src/main/windows/ |
A D | SDL_windows_main.c | 100 int WINAPI
/AliOS-Things-master/components/SDL2/src/audio/directsound/ |
A D | SDL_directsound.c | 40 typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *fnDirectSoundCreate8)(LPGUID,LPDIRECTSOUND*,LPUNKNOWN); 41 typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *fnDirectSoundEnumerateW)(LPDSENUMCALLBACKW, LPVOID); 42 typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *fnDirectSoundCaptureCreate8)(LPCGUID,LPDIRECTSOUNDCAPTURE8 *,LPUNKNOWN); 43 typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *fnDirectSoundCaptureEnumerateW)(LPDSENUMCALLBACKW,LPVOID);
/AliOS-Things-master/components/SDL2/src/locale/windows/ |
A D | SDL_syslocale.c | 27 typedef BOOL (WINAPI *pfnGetUserPreferredUILanguages)(DWORD,PULONG,PZZWSTR,PULONG);
/AliOS-Things-master/components/SDL2/src/joystick/windows/ |
A D | SDL_windows_gaming_input.c | 191 … typedef PCWSTR (WINAPI *WindowsGetStringRawBuffer_t)(HSTRING string, UINT32 *length); in IEventHandler_CRawGameControllerVtbl_InvokeAdded() 358 …typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *WindowsCreateString_t)(PCNZWCH sourceString, UINT32 length, HSTRING* stri… in WGI_JoystickInit() 359 typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *WindowsDeleteString_t)(HSTRING string); in WGI_JoystickInit() 360 …typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *RoGetActivationFactory_t)(HSTRING activatableClassId, REFIID iid, void** … in WGI_JoystickInit()
A D | SDL_rawinputjoystick.c | 345 …typedef BOOLEAN (WINAPI * HidD_GetStringFunc)(HANDLE HidDeviceObject, PVOID Buffer, ULONG BufferLe… in RAWINPUT_AddDevice()
/AliOS-Things-master/components/SDL2/src/audio/wasapi/ |
A D | SDL_wasapi_win32.c | 58 typedef HANDLE(WINAPI *pfnAvSetMmThreadCharacteristicsW)(LPWSTR, LPDWORD); 59 typedef BOOL(WINAPI *pfnAvRevertMmThreadCharacteristics)(HANDLE);
/AliOS-Things-master/components/SDL2/src/filesystem/windows/ |
A D | SDL_sysfilesystem.c | 39 typedef DWORD (WINAPI *GetModuleFileNameExW_t)(HANDLE, HMODULE, LPWSTR, DWORD); in SDL_GetBasePath()
/AliOS-Things-master/components/py_engine/external/unzip/internal/ |
A D | zconf.in.h | 225 # define ZEXPORT WINAPI
A D | zconf.h | 297 # define ZEXPORT WINAPI
/AliOS-Things-master/components/SDL2/src/image/external/zlib-1.2.11/contrib/vstudio/ |
A D | readme.txt | 58 It uses the WINAPI calling convention for the exported functions, and
/AliOS-Things-master/components/SDL2/src/image/external/zlib-1.2.11/ |
A D | zconf.h.cmakein | 346 /* If building or using zlib with the WINAPI/WINAPIV calling convention, 356 /* For complete Windows compatibility, use WINAPI, not __stdcall. */ 357 # define ZEXPORT WINAPI
A D | zconf.h.in | 344 /* If building or using zlib with the WINAPI/WINAPIV calling convention, 354 /* For complete Windows compatibility, use WINAPI, not __stdcall. */ 355 # define ZEXPORT WINAPI
A D | zconf.h | 355 # define ZEXPORT WINAPI
/AliOS-Things-master/components/SDL2/src/joystick/hidapi/ |
A D | SDL_hidapi_xbox360.c | 449 …typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *WindowsCreateString_t)(PCNZWCH sourceString, UINT32 length, HSTRING* stri… in HIDAPI_DriverXbox360_InitWindowsGamingInput() 450 typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *WindowsDeleteString_t)(HSTRING string); in HIDAPI_DriverXbox360_InitWindowsGamingInput() 451 …typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *RoGetActivationFactory_t)(HSTRING activatableClassId, REFIID iid, void** … in HIDAPI_DriverXbox360_InitWindowsGamingInput()
/AliOS-Things-master/components/SDL2/src/image/VisualC/external/include/ |
A D | zconf.h | 355 # define ZEXPORT WINAPI
/AliOS-Things-master/components/SDL2/src/image/external/libpng-1.6.37/contrib/gregbook/ |
A D | rpng-win.c | 167 int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInst, HINSTANCE hPrevInst, PSTR cmd, int showmode) in WinMain()
/AliOS-Things-master/components/SDL2/src/image/external/zlib-1.2.11/win32/ |
A D | DLL_FAQ.txt | 145 indeed the WINAPI convention (which translates to STDCALL in 150 WINAPI. But if ANSI C or POSIX portability is a goal (e.g. 195 Basic). The ZLIB_WINAPI macro will switch on the WINAPI