1 /*
2  * Copyright 2009-2017 Alibaba Cloud All rights reserved.
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #pragma once
18 #include <memory>
19 #include <alibabacloud/oss/Export.h>
20 #include <alibabacloud/oss/Types.h>
22 namespace AlibabaCloud
23 {
24 namespace OSS
25 {
26     enum class CipherAlgorithm {
27         AES,
28         RSA,
29     };
31     enum class CipherMode {
32         NONE,
33         ECB,
34         CBC,
35         CTR,
36     };
38     enum class CipherPadding {
39         NoPadding,
40         PKCS1Padding,
41         PKCS5Padding,
42         PKCS7Padding,
43         ZeroPadding,
44     };
46     class ALIBABACLOUD_OSS_EXPORT SymmetricCipher
47     {
48     public:
~SymmetricCipher()49         virtual ~SymmetricCipher() {};
51         //algorithm/mode/padding format. ex. AES/CBC/NoPadding
Name()52         const std::string& Name() const { return name_; }
Algorithm()53         CipherAlgorithm Algorithm() { return algorithm_; }
Mode()54         CipherMode Mode() { return mode_; }
Padding()55         CipherPadding Padding() { return padding_; }
BlockSize()57         int BlockSize() { return blockSize_; }
59         virtual void EncryptInit(const ByteBuffer& key, const ByteBuffer& iv) = 0;
60         virtual ByteBuffer Encrypt(const ByteBuffer& data) = 0;
61         virtual int Encrypt(unsigned char * dst, int dstLen, const unsigned char* src, int srcLen) = 0;
62         virtual ByteBuffer EncryptFinish() = 0;
64         virtual void DecryptInit(const ByteBuffer& key, const ByteBuffer& iv) = 0;
65         virtual ByteBuffer Decrypt(const ByteBuffer& data) = 0;
66         virtual int Decrypt(unsigned char * dst, int dstLen, const unsigned char* src, int srcLen) = 0;
67         virtual ByteBuffer DecryptFinish() = 0;
69     public:
70         static ByteBuffer GenerateIV(size_t length);
71         static ByteBuffer GenerateKey(size_t length);
72         static ByteBuffer IncCTRCounter(const ByteBuffer& counter, uint64_t numberOfBlocks);
74         static std::shared_ptr<SymmetricCipher> CreateAES128_CTRImpl();
75         static std::shared_ptr<SymmetricCipher> CreateAES128_CBCImpl();
76         static std::shared_ptr<SymmetricCipher> CreateAES256_CTRImpl();
77     protected:
78         SymmetricCipher(const std::string& impl, CipherAlgorithm algo, CipherMode mode, CipherPadding pad);
79     private:
80         std::string impl_;
81         std::string name_;
82         CipherAlgorithm algorithm_;
83         CipherMode mode_;
84         CipherPadding padding_;
85         int blockSize_;
86     };
88     class ALIBABACLOUD_OSS_EXPORT AsymmetricCipher
89     {
90     public:
~AsymmetricCipher()91         virtual ~AsymmetricCipher() {};
Name()92         const std::string& Name() const { return name_; }
Algorithm()93         CipherAlgorithm Algorithm() { return algorithm_; }
Mode()94         CipherMode Mode() { return mode_; }
Padding()95         CipherPadding Padding() { return padding_; }
setPublicKey(const std::string & key)97         void setPublicKey(const std::string& key) { publicKey_ = key; }
setPrivateKey(const std::string & key)98         void setPrivateKey(const std::string& key) { privateKey_ = key; }
PublicKey()100         const std::string& PublicKey() const { return publicKey_; }
PrivateKey()101         const std::string& PrivateKey() const { return privateKey_; }
103         virtual ByteBuffer Encrypt(const ByteBuffer& data) = 0;
104         virtual ByteBuffer Decrypt(const ByteBuffer& data) = 0;
106     public:
107         static std::shared_ptr<AsymmetricCipher> CreateRSA_NONEImpl();
109     protected:
110         AsymmetricCipher(const std::string& impl, CipherAlgorithm algo, CipherMode mode, CipherPadding pad);
111     private:
112         std::string impl_;
113         std::string name_;
114         CipherAlgorithm algorithm_;
115         CipherMode mode_;
116         CipherPadding padding_;
117         std::string publicKey_;
118         std::string privateKey_;
119     };
120 }
121 }