1 /**
2  * @file lv_chart.h
3  *
4  */
6 #ifndef LV_CHART_H
7 #define LV_CHART_H
9 #ifdef __cplusplus
10 extern "C" {
11 #endif
13 /*********************
14  *      INCLUDES
15  *********************/
17 #include "lv_conf.h"
18 #else
19 #include "../../lv_conf.h"
20 #endif
22 #if LV_USE_CHART != 0
24 #include "../lv_core/lv_obj.h"
25 #include "lv_line.h"
27 /*********************
28  *      DEFINES
29  *********************/
31 /**Default value of points. Can be used to not draw a point*/
34 /**Automatically calculate the tick length*/
37 /**********************
38  *      TYPEDEFS
39  **********************/
41 /** Chart types*/
42 enum {
43     LV_CHART_TYPE_NONE           = 0x00, /**< Don't draw the series*/
44     LV_CHART_TYPE_LINE          = 0x01, /**< Connect the points with lines*/
45     LV_CHART_TYPE_COLUMN        = 0x02, /**< Draw columns*/
46     LV_CHART_TYPE_POINT         = 0x04, /**< Draw circles on the points*/
47     LV_CHART_TYPE_VERTICAL_LINE = 0x08, /**< Draw vertical lines on points (useful when chart width == point count)*/
48     LV_CHART_TYPE_AREA          = 0x10, /**< Draw area chart*/
49 };
50 typedef uint8_t lv_chart_type_t;
52 /** Chart update mode for `lv_chart_set_next`*/
53 enum {
54     LV_CHART_UPDATE_MODE_SHIFT,     /**< Shift old data to the left and add the new one o the right*/
55     LV_CHART_UPDATE_MODE_CIRCULAR,  /**< Add the new data in a circular way*/
56 };
57 typedef uint8_t lv_chart_update_mode_t;
59 typedef struct
60 {
61     lv_coord_t * points;
62     lv_color_t color;
63     uint16_t start_point;
64 } lv_chart_series_t;
66 /** Data of axis */
67 enum {
68     LV_CHART_AXIS_SKIP_LAST_TICK = 0x00,    /**< don't draw the last tick */
69     LV_CHART_AXIS_DRAW_LAST_TICK = 0x01     /**< draw the last tick */
70 };
71 typedef uint8_t lv_chart_axis_options_t;
73 typedef struct
74 {
75     const char * list_of_values;
76     lv_chart_axis_options_t options;
77     uint8_t num_tick_marks;
78     uint8_t major_tick_len;
79     uint8_t minor_tick_len;
80 } lv_chart_axis_cfg_t;
82 /*Data of chart */
83 typedef struct
84 {
85     /*No inherited ext*/ /*Ext. of ancestor*/
86     /*New data for this type */
87     lv_ll_t series_ll;    /*Linked list for the data line pointers (stores lv_chart_dl_t)*/
88     lv_coord_t ymin;      /*y min value (used to scale the data)*/
89     lv_coord_t ymax;      /*y max value (used to scale the data)*/
90     uint8_t hdiv_cnt;     /*Number of horizontal division lines*/
91     uint8_t vdiv_cnt;     /*Number of vertical division lines*/
92     uint16_t point_cnt;   /*Point number in a data line*/
93     lv_chart_type_t type; /*Line, column or point chart (from 'lv_chart_type_t')*/
94     lv_chart_axis_cfg_t y_axis;
95     lv_chart_axis_cfg_t x_axis;
96     uint16_t margin;
97     uint8_t update_mode : 1;
98     struct
99     {
100         lv_coord_t width; /*Line width or point radius*/
101         uint8_t num;      /*Number of data lines in dl_ll*/
102         lv_opa_t opa;     /*Opacity of data lines*/
103         lv_opa_t dark;    /*Dark level of the point/column bottoms*/
104     } series;
105 } lv_chart_ext_t;
107 enum {
109 };
110 typedef uint8_t lv_chart_style_t;
112 /**********************
114  **********************/
116 /**
117  * Create a chart background objects
118  * @param par pointer to an object, it will be the parent of the new chart background
119  * @param copy pointer to a chart background object, if not NULL then the new object will be copied
120  * from it
121  * @return pointer to the created chart background
122  */
123 lv_obj_t * lv_chart_create(lv_obj_t * par, const lv_obj_t * copy);
125 /*======================
126  * Add/remove functions
127  *=====================*/
129 /**
130  * Allocate and add a data series to the chart
131  * @param chart pointer to a chart object
132  * @param color color of the data series
133  * @return pointer to the allocated data series
134  */
135 lv_chart_series_t * lv_chart_add_series(lv_obj_t * chart, lv_color_t color);
137 /**
138  * Clear the point of a serie
139  * @param chart pointer to a chart object
140  * @param serie pointer to the chart's serie to clear
141  */
142 void lv_chart_clear_serie(lv_obj_t * chart, lv_chart_series_t * serie);
144 /*=====================
145  * Setter functions
146  *====================*/
148 /**
149  * Set the number of horizontal and vertical division lines
150  * @param chart pointer to a graph background object
151  * @param hdiv number of horizontal division lines
152  * @param vdiv number of vertical division lines
153  */
154 void lv_chart_set_div_line_count(lv_obj_t * chart, uint8_t hdiv, uint8_t vdiv);
156 /**
157  * Set the minimal and maximal y values
158  * @param chart pointer to a graph background object
159  * @param ymin y minimum value
160  * @param ymax y maximum value
161  */
162 void lv_chart_set_range(lv_obj_t * chart, lv_coord_t ymin, lv_coord_t ymax);
164 /**
165  * Set a new type for a chart
166  * @param chart pointer to a chart object
167  * @param type new type of the chart (from 'lv_chart_type_t' enum)
168  */
169 void lv_chart_set_type(lv_obj_t * chart, lv_chart_type_t type);
171 /**
172  * Set the number of points on a data line on a chart
173  * @param chart pointer r to chart object
174  * @param point_cnt new number of points on the data lines
175  */
176 void lv_chart_set_point_count(lv_obj_t * chart, uint16_t point_cnt);
178 /**
179  * Set the opacity of the data series
180  * @param chart pointer to a chart object
181  * @param opa opacity of the data series
182  */
183 void lv_chart_set_series_opa(lv_obj_t * chart, lv_opa_t opa);
185 /**
186  * Set the line width or point radius of the data series
187  * @param chart pointer to a chart object
188  * @param width the new width
189  */
190 void lv_chart_set_series_width(lv_obj_t * chart, lv_coord_t width);
192 /**
193  * Set the dark effect on the bottom of the points or columns
194  * @param chart pointer to a chart object
195  * @param dark_eff dark effect level (LV_OPA_TRANSP to turn off)
196  */
197 void lv_chart_set_series_darking(lv_obj_t * chart, lv_opa_t dark_eff);
199 /**
200  * Initialize all data points with a value
201  * @param chart pointer to chart object
202  * @param ser pointer to a data series on 'chart'
203  * @param y the new value  for all points
204  */
205 void lv_chart_init_points(lv_obj_t * chart, lv_chart_series_t * ser, lv_coord_t y);
207 /**
208  * Set the value of points from an array
209  * @param chart pointer to chart object
210  * @param ser pointer to a data series on 'chart'
211  * @param y_array array of 'lv_coord_t' points (with 'points count' elements )
212  */
213 void lv_chart_set_points(lv_obj_t * chart, lv_chart_series_t * ser, lv_coord_t y_array[]);
215 /**
216  * Shift all data right and set the most right data on a data line
217  * @param chart pointer to chart object
218  * @param ser pointer to a data series on 'chart'
219  * @param y the new value of the most right data
220  */
221 void lv_chart_set_next(lv_obj_t * chart, lv_chart_series_t * ser, lv_coord_t y);
223 /**
224  * Set update mode of the chart object.
225  * @param chart pointer to a chart object
226  * @param update mode
227  */
228 void lv_chart_set_update_mode(lv_obj_t * chart, lv_chart_update_mode_t update_mode);
230 /**
231  * Set the style of a chart
232  * @param chart pointer to a chart object
233  * @param type which style should be set (can be only `LV_CHART_STYLE_MAIN`)
234  * @param style pointer to a style
235  */
lv_chart_set_style(lv_obj_t * chart,lv_chart_style_t type,const lv_style_t * style)236 static inline void lv_chart_set_style(lv_obj_t * chart, lv_chart_style_t type, const lv_style_t * style)
237 {
238     (void)type; /*Unused*/
239     lv_obj_set_style(chart, style);
240 }
242 /**
243  * Set the length of the tick marks on the x axis
244  * @param chart pointer to the chart
245  * @param major_tick_len the length of the major tick or `LV_CHART_TICK_LENGTH_AUTO` to set automatically
246  *                       (where labels are added)
247  * @param minor_tick_len the length of the minor tick, `LV_CHART_TICK_LENGTH_AUTO` to set automatically
248  *                       (where no labels are added)
249  */
250 void lv_chart_set_x_tick_length(lv_obj_t * chart, uint8_t major_tick_len, uint8_t minor_tick_len);
252 /**
253  * Set the length of the tick marks on the y axis
254  * @param chart pointer to the chart
255  * @param major_tick_len the length of the major tick or `LV_CHART_TICK_LENGTH_AUTO` to set automatically
256  *                       (where labels are added)
257  * @param minor_tick_len the length of the minor tick, `LV_CHART_TICK_LENGTH_AUTO` to set automatically
258  *                       (where no labels are added)
259  */
260 void lv_chart_set_y_tick_length(lv_obj_t * chart, uint8_t major_tick_len, uint8_t minor_tick_len);
262 /**
263  * Set the x-axis tick count and labels of a chart
264  * @param chart             pointer to a chart object
265  * @param list_of_values    list of string values, terminated with \n, except the last
266  * @param num_tick_marks    if list_of_values is NULL: total number of ticks per axis
267  *                          else number of ticks between two value labels
268  * @param options           extra options
269  */
270 void lv_chart_set_x_tick_texts(lv_obj_t * chart, const char * list_of_values, uint8_t num_tick_marks,
271                                lv_chart_axis_options_t options);
273 /**
274  * Set the y-axis tick count and labels of a chart
275  * @param chart             pointer to a chart object
276  * @param list_of_values    list of string values, terminated with \n, except the last
277  * @param num_tick_marks    if list_of_values is NULL: total number of ticks per axis
278  *                          else number of ticks between two value labels
279  * @param options           extra options
280  */
281 void lv_chart_set_y_tick_texts(lv_obj_t * chart, const char * list_of_values, uint8_t num_tick_marks,
282                                lv_chart_axis_options_t options);
284 /**
285  * Set the margin around the chart, used for axes value and ticks
286  * @param chart     pointer to an chart object
287  * @param margin    value of the margin [px]
288  */
289 void lv_chart_set_margin(lv_obj_t * chart, uint16_t margin);
291 /*=====================
292  * Getter functions
293  *====================*/
295 /**
296  * Get the type of a chart
297  * @param chart pointer to chart object
298  * @return type of the chart (from 'lv_chart_t' enum)
299  */
300 lv_chart_type_t lv_chart_get_type(const lv_obj_t * chart);
302 /**
303  * Get the data point number per data line on chart
304  * @param chart pointer to chart object
305  * @return point number on each data line
306  */
307 uint16_t lv_chart_get_point_cnt(const lv_obj_t * chart);
309 /**
310  * Get the opacity of the data series
311  * @param chart pointer to chart object
312  * @return the opacity of the data series
313  */
314 lv_opa_t lv_chart_get_series_opa(const lv_obj_t * chart);
316 /**
317  * Get the data series width
318  * @param chart pointer to chart object
319  * @return the width the data series (lines or points)
320  */
321 lv_coord_t lv_chart_get_series_width(const lv_obj_t * chart);
323 /**
324  * Get the dark effect level on the bottom of the points or columns
325  * @param chart pointer to chart object
326  * @return dark effect level (LV_OPA_TRANSP to turn off)
327  */
328 lv_opa_t lv_chart_get_series_darking(const lv_obj_t * chart);
330 /**
331  * Get the style of an chart object
332  * @param chart pointer to an chart object
333  * @param type which style should be get (can be only `LV_CHART_STYLE_MAIN`)
334  * @return pointer to the chart's style
335  */
lv_chart_get_style(const lv_obj_t * chart,lv_chart_style_t type)336 static inline const lv_style_t * lv_chart_get_style(const lv_obj_t * chart, lv_chart_style_t type)
337 {
338     (void)type; /*Unused*/
339     return lv_obj_get_style(chart);
340 }
342 /**
343  * Get the margin around the chart, used for axes value and labels
344  * @param chart pointer to an chart object
345  * @param return value of the margin
346  */
347 uint16_t lv_chart_get_margin(lv_obj_t * chart);
349 /*=====================
350  * Other functions
351  *====================*/
353 /**
354  * Refresh a chart if its data line has changed
355  * @param chart pointer to chart object
356  */
357 void lv_chart_refresh(lv_obj_t * chart);
359 /**********************
360  *      MACROS
361  **********************/
363 #endif /*LV_USE_CHART*/
365 #ifdef __cplusplus
366 } /* extern "C" */
367 #endif
369 #endif /*LV_CHART_H*/