1 /*
2  * (c) 2009-2010 Adam Lackorzynski <adam@os.inf.tu-dresden.de>,
3  *               Alexander Warg <warg@os.inf.tu-dresden.de>
4  *     economic rights: Technische Universität Dresden (Germany)
5  *
6  * This file is part of TUD:OS and distributed under the terms of the
7  * GNU General Public License 2.
8  * Please see the COPYING-GPL-2 file for details.
9  *
10  * As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software
11  * library without restriction.  Specifically, if other files instantiate
12  * templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile
13  * this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this
14  * file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by
15  * the GNU General Public License.  This exception does not however
16  * invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
17  * the GNU General Public License.
18  */
20 /**
21  * \file
22  * The C IPC gate interface.
23  *
24  * IPC gates are used to create secure communication channels between protection
25  * domains. An IPC gate can be created using the \ref l4_factory_api interface.
26  *
27  * Depending on the permissions of the capability used, an IPC gate forwards IPC
28  * to the \ref l4_thread_api that is *bound* to the IPC gate (cf.
29  * l4_ipc_gate_bind_thread()). If the capability has the #L4_FPAGE_C_IPCGATE_SVR
30  * permission, only IPC using a protocol different from the #L4_PROTO_KOBJECT
31  * protocol is forwarded. Without the #L4_FPAGE_C_IPCGATE_SVR permission, all
32  * IPC is forwarded. The latter is the usual case for a client in a
33  * client/server scenario. When no thread is bound yet, the forwarded IPC blocks
34  * until a thread is bound or the IPC times out.
35  *
36  * Forwarded IPC is always forwarded to the userland of the bound thread. That
37  * means, the \ref l4_thread_api interface of the bound thread is not accessible
38  * via an IPC gate. The \ref l4_kernel_object_gate_api of an IPC gate is only
39  * accessible if the capability used has the #L4_FPAGE_C_IPCGATE_SVR permission
40  * (cf. previous paragraph). Conversely that means, if the capability used lacks
41  * the #L4_FPAGE_C_IPCGATE_SVR permission, \ref l4_kernel_object_gate_api calls
42  * are forwarded to the bound thread instead of being processed by the IPC gate
43  * itself. In a client/server scenario, a client should only get IPC gate
44  * capabilities without #L4_FPAGE_C_IPCGATE_SVR permission so the client cannot
45  * tamper with the IPC gate.
46  *
47  * When binding a thread to an IPC gate, a user-defined, kernel protected,
48  * machine-word sized payload called the IPC gate’s *label* is assigned to the
49  * IPC gate (cf. l4_ipc_gate_bind_thread()). When a send-only IPC or call IPC is
50  * forwarded via an IPC gate, the label provided by the sender is ignored and
51  * replaced by the IPC gate’s label where the two least significant bits are the
52  * result of bitwise disjunction of the corresponding label bits with the
53  * #L4_CAP_FPAGE_S and #L4_CAP_FPAGE_W permissions of the capability used.
54  * Hence, the label provided via l4_ipc_gate_bind_thread() should usually have
55  * its two least significant bits set to zero. The replaced label is only
56  * visible to the bound thread upon receive. However, the configured label of an
57  * IPC gate can also be queried via l4_ipc_gate_get_infos() if the capability
58  * used has the #L4_FPAGE_C_IPCGATE_SVR permission.
59  *
60  * \includefile{l4/sys/ipc_gate.h}
61  *
62  * For the C++ interface refer to the L4::Ipc_gate documentation.
63  *
64  * \see \ref l4_ipc_api
65  */
67 #pragma once
69 #include <l4/sys/utcb.h>
70 #include <l4/sys/types.h>
71 #include <l4/sys/rcv_endpoint.h>
73 /**
74  * \ingroup l4_kernel_object_gate_api
75  * \copybrief L4::Ipc_gate::get_infos
76  * \param gate  The IPC gate object to get information about.
77  * \copydetails L4::Ipc_gate::get_infos
78  */
79 L4_INLINE l4_msgtag_t
80 l4_ipc_gate_get_infos(l4_cap_idx_t gate, l4_umword_t *label);
82 /**
83  * \internal
84  * \ingroup l4_kernel_object_gate_api
85  */
86 L4_INLINE l4_msgtag_t
87 l4_ipc_gate_get_infos_u(l4_cap_idx_t gate, l4_umword_t *label, l4_utcb_t *utcb);
89 /**
90  * Operations on the IPC-gate.
91  * \ingroup l4_protocol_ops
92  * \hideinitializer
93  * \internal
94  */
95 enum L4_ipc_gate_ops
96 {
97   L4_IPC_GATE_BIND_OP     = 0x10, /**< Bind operation */
98   L4_IPC_GATE_GET_INFO_OP = 0x11, /**< Info operation */
99 };
102 /* IMPLEMENTATION -----------------------------------------------------------*/
104 #include <l4/sys/ipc.h>
106 L4_INLINE l4_msgtag_t
l4_ipc_gate_bind_thread_u(l4_cap_idx_t gate,l4_cap_idx_t thread,l4_umword_t label,l4_utcb_t * utcb)107 l4_ipc_gate_bind_thread_u(l4_cap_idx_t gate,
108                           l4_cap_idx_t thread, l4_umword_t label,
109                           l4_utcb_t *utcb)
110 {
111   return l4_rcv_ep_bind_thread_u(gate, thread, label, utcb);
112 }
114 L4_INLINE l4_msgtag_t
l4_ipc_gate_get_infos_u(l4_cap_idx_t gate,l4_umword_t * label,l4_utcb_t * utcb)115 l4_ipc_gate_get_infos_u(l4_cap_idx_t gate, l4_umword_t *label, l4_utcb_t *utcb)
116 {
117   l4_msgtag_t tag;
118   l4_msg_regs_t *m = l4_utcb_mr_u(utcb);
119   m->mr[0] = L4_IPC_GATE_GET_INFO_OP;
120   tag = l4_ipc_call(gate, utcb, l4_msgtag(L4_PROTO_KOBJECT, 1, 0, 0),
121                     L4_IPC_NEVER);
122   if (!l4_msgtag_has_error(tag) && l4_msgtag_label(tag) >= 0)
123     *label = m->mr[0];
125   return tag;
126 }
130 L4_INLINE l4_msgtag_t
l4_ipc_gate_bind_thread(l4_cap_idx_t gate,l4_cap_idx_t thread,l4_umword_t label)131 l4_ipc_gate_bind_thread(l4_cap_idx_t gate, l4_cap_idx_t thread,
132                         l4_umword_t label)
133 {
134   return l4_rcv_ep_bind_thread_u(gate, thread, label, l4_utcb());
135 }
137 L4_INLINE l4_msgtag_t
l4_ipc_gate_get_infos(l4_cap_idx_t gate,l4_umword_t * label)138 l4_ipc_gate_get_infos(l4_cap_idx_t gate, l4_umword_t *label)
139 {
140   return l4_ipc_gate_get_infos_u(gate, label, l4_utcb());
141 }