1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Alibaba Group Holding Limited
3  */
4 /******************************************************************************
5  * @file     drv_dpu.h
6  * @brief    header file for dpu driver
7  * @version  V1.6
8  * @date     27. May 2019
9  * @model    dpu
10  ******************************************************************************/
12 #ifndef _DRV_DPU_H_
13 #define _DRV_DPU_H_
15 #include <stdint.h>
16 #include <drv/common.h>
18 #ifdef __cplusplus
19 extern "C" {
20 #endif
22 /// definition for dpu handle.
23 typedef void *dpu_handle_t;
24 typedef uint32_t dpu_rgba32_t; /* rrggbbaa */
26 /*----- DPU interrupt event type -----*/
27 typedef enum {
28     DPU_EVENT_VSYNC = 0,  ///< VSYNC event
29     DPU_EVENT_HSYNC,      ///< HSYNC event
30 } dpu_event_e;
32 /*----- DPU extend error type -----*/
33 typedef enum {
36 } dpu_errno_e;
38 /*----- DPU color mode type -----*/
39 typedef enum {
40     DPU_COLORMODE_RGBA8888 = 0, ///< 32-bit RGBA mode
41     DPU_COLORMODE_ABGR8888,     ///< 32-bit ABGR mode
42     DPU_COLORMODE_ARGB8888,     ///< 32-bit ARGB mode
43     DPU_COLORMODE_BGRA8888,     ///< 32-bit BGRA mode
45     DPU_COLORMODE_RGB888,       ///< 24-bit RGB mode
47     DPU_COLORMODE_RGB565,       ///< 16-bit RGB mode
48     DPU_COLORMODE_RGBA5551,     ///< 16-bit RGBA mode
49     DPU_COLORMODE_RGBA4444,     ///< 16-bit RGBA mode
51     DPU_COLORMODE_RGBA3320,     ///< 8-bit RGBA mode
53     DPU_COLORMODE_L1,           ///< 1-bit Grayscale mode from 0(black) to 1 (white)
54     DPU_COLORMODE_L4,           ///< 4-bit Grayscale mode from 0(black) to 15 (white)
55     DPU_COLORMODE_L8,           ///< 8-bit Grayscale mode from 0(black) to 255 (white)
56     DPU_COLORMODE_PALETTE8,     ///< 8-bit Palatte(looked-up table) mode
58     DPU_COLORMODE_YUYV,         ///< 32-bit/2-pixels YUV422 mode. (Y0 U0 Y1 V0)
59     DPU_COLORMODE_YUY2,         ///< 32-bit/2-pixels YUV422 mode. (Y0 U0 Y1 V0)
60     DPU_COLORMODE_YUV420SP,     ///< 48-bit/4-pixels YUV420 planar mode. (YYYY..UV..)
61     DPU_COLORMODE_YUV420P,      ///< 48-bit/4-pixels YUV420 planar mode. (YYYY..U..V..)
62 } dpu_colormode_e;
64 /*----- DPU blend mode type -----*/
65 typedef enum {
66     /* Blended Color = Cs * Fs + Cd * Fd
67      * Cs: Color of source      (previous layer)
68      * Cd: Color of destinaion  (current layer)
69      * Fs: Factor of source     (previous layer)
70      * Fd: Factor of destinaion (current layer)
71      *
72      * The factors are defined in below blend modes:
73      * Sa = Source alpha        (pixel alpha in previous layer)
74      * Da = Destinaion alpha    (pixel alpha in current layer)
75      * Ga = Global alpha        (global alpha in layer configuration)
76      */
77     DPU_BLENDMODE_SIMPLE = 0,   ///< Sa * Sa + Da * (1 - Sa)
78     DPU_BLENDMODE_CLEAR,        ///< 0
79     DPU_BLENDMODE_SRC,          ///< Sa
80     DPU_BLENDMODE_SRC_OVER,     ///< Sa + Da * (1 - Sa)
81     DPU_BLENDMODE_DST_OVER,     ///< Sa * (1 - Da) + Da
82     DPU_BLENDMODE_SRC_IN,       ///< Sa * Da
83     DPU_BLENDMODE_DST_IN,       ///< Da * Sa
84     DPU_BLENDMODE_SRC_OUT,      ///< Sa * (1 - Da)
85     DPU_BLENDMODE_DST_OUT,      ///< Da * (1 - Sa)
86     DPU_BLENDMODE_SRC_ATOP,     ///< Sa * Da + Da * (1 - Sa)
87     DPU_BLENDMODE_DST_ATOP,     ///< Sa * (1 - Da) + Da * Sa
88     DPU_BLENDMODE_ADD,          ///< Sa + Da
89     DPU_BLENDMODE_XOR,          ///< Sa * (1 - Da) + Da * (1 - Sa)
90     DPU_BLENDMODE_MIX,          ///< Sa * Ga + Da
91 } dpu_blendmode_e;
93 /*----- LCD signal active mode -----*/
94 typedef enum {
97 } dpu_signal_polarity_e;
99 /**
100   \brief LCD display timing info
101 */
102 typedef struct {
103     uint32_t resolution_x;      ///< Horizontal valid data width
104     uint32_t resolution_y;      ///< Vertical valid data width
105     uint32_t hsync_width;       ///< HSync pulse width
106     uint32_t vsync_width;       ///< VSync pluse width
107     uint32_t front_porch_x;     ///< HSync front porch
108     uint32_t front_porch_y;     ///< VSync front porch
109     uint32_t back_porch_x;      ///< HSync back porch
110     uint32_t back_porch_y;      ///< VSync back porch
111 } dpu_cfg_display_timing_t;
113 /**
114   \brief LCD signal polarity config info
115 */
116 typedef struct {
117     dpu_signal_polarity_e vsync;        ///< vsync signal polarity
118     dpu_signal_polarity_e hsync;        ///< hsync signal polarity
119     dpu_signal_polarity_e deta_enable;  ///< deta_enable signal polarity
120     dpu_signal_polarity_e pixel_clock;  ///< pixel_clock signal polarity
121 } dpu_cfg_display_signal_polarity_t;
123 /**
124   \brief DPU layer config info
125 */
126 typedef struct {
127     void           *baseaddr;   ///< picture store address
128     dpu_colormode_e colormode;  ///< color mode of the picture
129     dpu_blendmode_e blendmode;  ///< blend mode with other layer(s)
130     uint32_t        resx;       ///< resolution width of target display device
131     uint32_t        resy;       ///< resolution height of target display device
132     int32_t         startx;     ///< display horizontal position on target device
133     int32_t         starty;     ///< display vertical position on target device
134     uint32_t        sizex;      ///< display width on target device
135     uint32_t        sizey;      ///< display height on target device
136     uint8_t         alpha;      ///< display diaphaneity
137 } dpu_layer_cfg_t;
139 /**
140   \brief DPU cursor info
141 */
142 typedef struct {
143     uint8_t width;
144     uint8_t height;
145     uint8_t *img_data;
146 } dpu_cursor_info_t;
148 ///< Pointer to \ref dpu_event_cb_t : DPU Event call back.
149 typedef void (*dpu_event_cb_t)(dpu_handle_t handle, dpu_event_e event, void *user_data);
151 /**
152   \brief       Initialize DPU Interface.
153                 Initialize the resources needed for the DPU interface
154   \param[in]   idx  dpu index
155   \param[in]   cb_event  event call back function \ref dpu_event_cb_t
156   \return      pointer to dpu instance
157 */
158 dpu_handle_t csi_dpu_initialize(int32_t idx, dpu_event_cb_t cb_event, void *user_data);
160 /**
161   \brief       De-initialize DPU Interface.
162                 Stop operation and release the resources used by the interface
163   \param[in]   handle  dpu handle to operate.
164   \return      error code
165 */
166 int32_t csi_dpu_uninitialize(dpu_handle_t handle);
168 /**
169   \brief       Start DPU Interface.
170   \param[in]   handle  dpu handle to operate.
171   \return      error code
172 */
173 int32_t csi_dpu_start(dpu_handle_t handle);
175 /**
176   \brief       Stop DPU Interface.
177   \param[in]   handle  dpu handle to operate.
178   \return      error code
179 */
180 int32_t csi_dpu_stop(dpu_handle_t handle);
182 /**
183   \brief       Configurate display parameters.
184   \param[in]   handle   dpu handle to operate.
185   \param[in]   timing   the display's timing parameters.
186   \param[in]   polarity the display's signal parameters.
187   \return      error code
188 */
189 int32_t csi_dpu_config_display(dpu_handle_t handle,
190                                dpu_cfg_display_timing_t *timing,
191                                dpu_cfg_display_signal_polarity_t *polarity);
193 /**
194   \brief       Wait for display vsync.
195   \param[in]   handle  dpu handle to operate.
196   \return      error code
197 */
198 int32_t csi_dpu_wait_vsync(dpu_handle_t handle);
200 /**
201   \brief       Set background color.
202   \param[in]   handle  dpu handle to operate.
203   \param[in]   color   the background color.
204   \return      error code
205 */
206 int32_t csi_dpu_set_bgcolor(dpu_handle_t handle, dpu_rgba32_t color);
208 /**
209   \brief       Set cursor image.
210   \param[in]   handle  dpu handle to operate.
211   \param[in]   img     cursor image address.
212   \return      error code
213 */
214 int32_t csi_dpu_cursor_set_img(dpu_handle_t handle, dpu_cursor_info_t *cursor);
216 /**
217   \brief       Set cursor color palette.
218   \param[in]   handle  dpu handle to operate.
219   \param[in]   index   palette index.
220   \param[in]   color   palette color of index.
221   \return      error code
222 */
223 int32_t csi_dpu_cursor_set_palette(dpu_handle_t handle, uint32_t index, dpu_rgba32_t color);
225 /**
226   \brief       Enable/Disable cursor
227   \param[in]   handle  dpu handle to operate.
228   \param[in]   enable  set cursor enable or not. 0:disable; 1:enable.
229   \return      error code
230 */
231 int32_t csi_dpu_cursor_enable(dpu_handle_t handle, int32_t enable);
233 /**
234   \brief       Set cursor position.
235   \param[in]   handle  dpu handle to operate.
236   \param[in]   x       cursor's x position.
237   \param[in]   y       cursor's y position.
238   \return      error code
239 */
240 int32_t csi_dpu_cursor_set_position(dpu_handle_t handle, uint32_t x, uint32_t y);
242 /**
243   \brief       Set layer's configuration parameters.
244   \param[in]   handle    dpu handle to operate.
245   \param[in]   layer_id  layer index number.
246   \param[in]   config    layer configuration parameters.
247   \return      error code
248 */
249 int32_t csi_dpu_layer_set_config(dpu_handle_t handle, uint8_t layer_id, dpu_layer_cfg_t *config);
251 /**
252   \brief       Get layer's configuration parameters.
253   \param[in]   handle    dpu handle to operate.
254   \param[in]   layer_id  layer index number.
255   \param[out]  config    layer configuration parameters.
256   \return      error code
257 */
258 int32_t csi_dpu_layer_get_config(dpu_handle_t handle, uint8_t layer_id, dpu_layer_cfg_t *config);
260 /**
261   \brief       Enable/Disable layer
262   \param[in]   handle    dpu handle to operate.
263   \param[in]   layer_id  layer index number.
264   \param[in]   enable    Set layer enable or not. 0:disable; 1:enable.
265   \return      error code
266 */
267 int32_t csi_dpu_layer_enable(dpu_handle_t handle, uint8_t layer_id, int32_t enable);
269 /**
270   \brief       Set layer's palette lookup table color
271   \param[in]   handle    dpu handle to operate.
272   \param[in]   layer_id  layer index number.
273   \param[in]   index     the index of palette.
274   \param[in]   color     the color of the specific palette index.
275   \return      error code
276 */
277 int32_t csi_dpu_set_palette(dpu_handle_t handle, uint8_t layer_id,
278                             uint32_t index, dpu_rgba32_t color);
280 #ifdef __cplusplus
281 }
282 #endif
284 #endif /* _DRV_DPU_H_ */