1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Alibaba Group Holding Limited
3  */
5 /******************************************************************************
6  * @file     drv_usart.h
7  * @brief    header file for usart driver
8  * @version  V1.0
9  * @date     02. June 2017
10  * @model    usart
11  ******************************************************************************/
13 #ifndef _CSI_USART_H_
14 #define _CSI_USART_H_
17 #include <drv/common.h>
19 #ifdef __cplusplus
20 extern "C" {
21 #endif
22 /// definition for usart handle.
23 typedef void *usart_handle_t;
25 /****** USART specific error codes *****/
26 typedef enum {
27     USART_ERROR_MODE  = (DRV_ERROR_SPECIFIC + 1),      ///< Specified Mode not supported
28     USART_ERROR_BAUDRATE,                         ///< Specified baudrate not supported
29     USART_ERROR_DATA_BITS,                        ///< Specified number of Data bits not supported
30     USART_ERROR_PARITY,                           ///< Specified Parity not supported
31     USART_ERROR_STOP_BITS,                        ///< Specified number of Stop bits not supported
32     USART_ERROR_FLOW_CONTROL,                     ///< Specified Flow Control not supported
33     USART_ERROR_CPOL,                             ///< Specified Clock Polarity not supported
34     USART_ERROR_CPHA                              ///< Specified Clock Phase not supported
35 } usart_error_e;
37 /*----- USART Control Codes: Mode -----*/
38 typedef enum {
39     USART_MODE_ASYNCHRONOUS         = 0,   ///< USART (Asynchronous)
40     USART_MODE_SYNCHRONOUS_MASTER,         ///< Synchronous Master
41     USART_MODE_SYNCHRONOUS_SLAVE,          ///< Synchronous Slave (external clock signal)
42     USART_MODE_SINGLE_WIRE,                 ///< USART Single-wire (half-duplex)
43     USART_MODE_SINGLE_IRDA,                 ///< UART IrDA
44     USART_MODE_SINGLE_SMART_CARD,           ///< UART Smart Card
45 } usart_mode_e;
47 /*----- USART Control Codes: Mode Parameters: Data Bits -----*/
48 typedef enum {
49     USART_DATA_BITS_5             = 0,    ///< 5 Data bits
50     USART_DATA_BITS_6,                    ///< 6 Data bit
51     USART_DATA_BITS_7,                    ///< 7 Data bits
52     USART_DATA_BITS_8,                    ///< 8 Data bits (default)
53     USART_DATA_BITS_9                     ///< 9 Data bits
54 } usart_data_bits_e;
56 /*----- USART Control Codes: Mode Parameters: Parity -----*/
57 typedef enum {
58     USART_PARITY_NONE            = 0,       ///< No Parity (default)
59     USART_PARITY_EVEN,                      ///< Even Parity
60     USART_PARITY_ODD,                       ///< Odd Parity
61     USART_PARITY_1,                         ///< Parity forced to 1
62     USART_PARITY_0                          ///< Parity forced to 0
63 } usart_parity_e;
65 /*----- USART Control Codes: Mode Parameters: Stop Bits -----*/
66 typedef enum {
67     USART_STOP_BITS_1            = 0,    ///< 1 Stop bit (default)
68     USART_STOP_BITS_2,                   ///< 2 Stop bits
69     USART_STOP_BITS_1_5,                 ///< 1.5 Stop bits
70     USART_STOP_BITS_0_5                  ///< 0.5 Stop bits
71 } usart_stop_bits_e;
73 /*----- USART Control Codes: Mode Parameters: Clock Polarity (Synchronous mode) -----*/
74 typedef enum {
75     USART_CPOL0                  = 0,    ///< CPOL = 0 (default). data are captured on rising edge (low->high transition)
76     USART_CPOL1                          ///< CPOL = 1. data are captured on falling edge (high->lowh transition)
77 } usart_cpol_e;
79 /*----- USART Control Codes: Mode Parameters: Clock Phase (Synchronous mode) -----*/
80 typedef enum {
81     USART_CPHA0                  = 0,   ///< CPHA = 0 (default). sample on first (leading) edge
82     USART_CPHA1                         ///< CPHA = 1. sample on second (trailing) edge
83 } usart_cpha_e;
85 /*----- USART Control Codes: flush data type-----*/
86 typedef enum {
89 } usart_flush_type_e;
91 /*----- USART Control Codes: flow control type-----*/
92 typedef enum {
97 } usart_flowctrl_type_e;
99 /*----- USART Modem Control -----*/
100 typedef enum {
101     USART_RTS_CLEAR,                  ///< Deactivate RTS
102     USART_RTS_SET,                    ///< Activate RTS
103     USART_DTR_CLEAR,                  ///< Deactivate DTR
104     USART_DTR_SET                     ///< Activate DTR
105 } usart_modem_ctrl_e;
107 /*----- USART Modem Status -----*/
108 typedef struct {
109     uint32_t cts : 1;                     ///< CTS state: 1=Active, 0=Inactive
110     uint32_t dsr : 1;                     ///< DSR state: 1=Active, 0=Inactive
111     uint32_t dcd : 1;                     ///< DCD state: 1=Active, 0=Inactive
112     uint32_t ri  : 1;                     ///< RI  state: 1=Active, 0=Inactive
113 } usart_modem_stat_t;
115 /*----- USART Control Codes: on-off intrrupte type-----*/
116 typedef enum {
119 } usart_intr_type_e;
121 /**
122 \brief USART Status
123 */
124 typedef struct  {
125     uint32_t tx_busy          : 1;        ///< Transmitter busy flag
126     uint32_t rx_busy          : 1;        ///< Receiver busy flag
127     uint32_t tx_underflow     : 1;        ///< Transmit data underflow detected (cleared on start of next send operation)(Synchronous Slave)
128     uint32_t rx_overflow      : 1;        ///< Receive data overflow detected (cleared on start of next receive operation)
129     uint32_t rx_break         : 1;        ///< Break detected on receive (cleared on start of next receive operation)
130     uint32_t rx_framing_error : 1;        ///< Framing error detected on receive (cleared on start of next receive operation)
131     uint32_t rx_parity_error  : 1;        ///< Parity error detected on receive (cleared on start of next receive operation)
132     uint32_t tx_enable        : 1;        ///< Transmitter enable flag
133     uint32_t rx_enable        : 1;        ///< Receiver enbale flag
134 } usart_status_t;
136 /****** USART Event *****/
137 typedef enum {
138     USART_EVENT_SEND_COMPLETE       = 0,  ///< Send completed; however USART may still transmit data
139     USART_EVENT_RECEIVE_COMPLETE    = 1,  ///< Receive completed
140     USART_EVENT_TRANSFER_COMPLETE   = 2,  ///< Transfer completed
141     USART_EVENT_TX_COMPLETE         = 3,  ///< Transmit completed (optional)
142     USART_EVENT_TX_UNDERFLOW        = 4,  ///< Transmit data not available (Synchronous Slave)
143     USART_EVENT_RX_OVERFLOW         = 5,  ///< Receive data overflow
144     USART_EVENT_RX_TIMEOUT          = 6,  ///< Receive character timeout (optional)
145     USART_EVENT_RX_BREAK            = 7,  ///< Break detected on receive
146     USART_EVENT_RX_FRAMING_ERROR    = 8,  ///< Framing error detected on receive
147     USART_EVENT_RX_PARITY_ERROR     = 9,  ///< Parity error detected on receive
148     USART_EVENT_CTS                 = 10, ///< CTS state changed (optional)
149     USART_EVENT_DSR                 = 11, ///< DSR state changed (optional)
150     USART_EVENT_DCD                 = 12, ///< DCD state changed (optional)
151     USART_EVENT_RI                  = 13, ///< RI  state changed (optional)
152     USART_EVENT_RECEIVED            = 14, ///< Data Received, only in usart fifo, call receive()/transfer() get the data
153 } usart_event_e;
155 typedef void (*usart_event_cb_t)(int32_t idx, usart_event_e event);   ///< Pointer to \ref usart_event_cb_t : USART Event call back.
157 /**
158 \brief USART Driver Capabilities.
159 */
160 typedef struct  {
161     uint32_t asynchronous       : 1;      ///< supports UART (Asynchronous) mode
162     uint32_t synchronous_master : 1;      ///< supports Synchronous Master mode
163     uint32_t synchronous_slave  : 1;      ///< supports Synchronous Slave mode
164     uint32_t single_wire        : 1;      ///< supports UART Single-wire mode
165     uint32_t irda               : 1;      ///< supports UART IrDA mode
166     uint32_t smart_card         : 1;      ///< supports UART Smart Card mode
167     uint32_t smart_card_clock   : 1;      ///< Smart Card Clock generator available
168     uint32_t flow_control_rts   : 1;      ///< RTS Flow Control available
169     uint32_t flow_control_cts   : 1;      ///< CTS Flow Control available
170     uint32_t event_tx_complete  : 1;      ///< Transmit completed event: \ref USART_EVENT_TX_COMPLETE
171     uint32_t event_rx_timeout   : 1;      ///< Signal receive character timeout event: \ref USART_EVENT_RX_TIMEOUT
172     uint32_t rts                : 1;      ///< RTS Line: 0=not available, 1=available
173     uint32_t cts                : 1;      ///< CTS Line: 0=not available, 1=available
174     uint32_t dtr                : 1;      ///< DTR Line: 0=not available, 1=available
175     uint32_t dsr                : 1;      ///< DSR Line: 0=not available, 1=available
176     uint32_t dcd                : 1;      ///< DCD Line: 0=not available, 1=available
177     uint32_t ri                 : 1;      ///< RI Line: 0=not available, 1=available
178     uint32_t event_cts          : 1;      ///< Signal CTS change event: \ref USART_EVENT_CTS
179     uint32_t event_dsr          : 1;      ///< Signal DSR change event: \ref USART_EVENT_DSR
180     uint32_t event_dcd          : 1;      ///< Signal DCD change event: \ref USART_EVENT_DCD
181     uint32_t event_ri           : 1;      ///< Signal RI change event: \ref USART_EVENT_RI
182 } usart_capabilities_t;
184 /**
185   \brief       Initialize USART Interface. 1. Initializes the resources needed for the USART interface 2.registers event callback function
186   \param[in]   idx usart index
187   \param[in]   cb_event  event call back function \ref usart_event_cb_t
188   \return      return usart handle if success
189 */
190 usart_handle_t csi_usart_initialize(int32_t idx, usart_event_cb_t cb_event);
192 /**
193   \brief       De-initialize USART Interface. stops operation and releases the software resources used by the interface
194   \param[in]   handle  usart handle to operate.
195   \return      error code
196 */
197 int32_t csi_usart_uninitialize(usart_handle_t handle);
198 /**
199   \brief       Get driver capabilities.
200   \param[in]   idx usart index
201   \return      \ref usart_capabilities_t
202 */
203 usart_capabilities_t csi_usart_get_capabilities(int32_t idx);
205 /**
206   \brief       config usart mode.
207   \param[in]   handle  usart handle to operate.
208   \param[in]   baud      baud rate.
209   \param[in]   mode      \ref usart_mode_e .
210   \param[in]   parity    \ref usart_parity_e .
211   \param[in]   stopbits  \ref usart_stop_bits_e .
212   \param[in]   bits      \ref usart_data_bits_e .
213   \return      error code
214 */
215 int32_t csi_usart_config(usart_handle_t handle,
216                          uint32_t baud,
217                          usart_mode_e mode,
218                          usart_parity_e parity,
219                          usart_stop_bits_e stopbits,
220                          usart_data_bits_e bits);
223 /**
224   \brief       Start sending data to USART transmitter,(received data is ignored).
225                This function is non-blocking,\ref usart_event_e is signaled when operation completes or error happens.
226                \ref csi_usart_get_status can get operation status.
227   \param[in]   handle  usart handle to operate.
228   \param[in]   data  Pointer to buffer with data to send to USART transmitter. data_type is : uint8_t for 5..8 data bits, uint16_t for 9 data bits
229   \param[in]   num   Number of data items to send
230   \return      error code
231 */
232 int32_t csi_usart_send(usart_handle_t handle, const void *data, uint32_t num);
234 /**
235   \brief       Abort Send data to USART transmitter
236   \param[in]   handle  usart handle to operate.
237   \return      error code
238 */
239 int32_t csi_usart_abort_send(usart_handle_t handle);
241 /**
242   \brief       Start receiving data from USART receiver. \n
243                This function is non-blocking,\ref usart_event_e is signaled when operation completes or error happens.
244                \ref csi_usart_get_status can get operation status.
245   \param[in]   handle  usart handle to operate.
246   \param[out]  data  Pointer to buffer for data to receive from USART receiver.data_type is : uint8_t for 5..8 data bits, uint16_t for 9 data bits
247   \param[in]   num   Number of data items to receive
248   \return      error code
249 */
250 int32_t csi_usart_receive(usart_handle_t handle, void *data, uint32_t num);
252 /**
253   \brief       query data from UART receiver FIFO.
254   \param[in]   handle  usart handle to operate.
255   \param[out]  data  Pointer to buffer for data to receive from UART receiver
256   \param[in]   num   Number of data items to receive
257   \return      fifo data num to receive
258 */
259 int32_t csi_usart_receive_query(usart_handle_t handle, void *data, uint32_t num);
261 /**
262   \brief       Abort Receive data from USART receiver
263   \param[in]   handle  usart handle to operate.
264   \return      error code
265 */
266 int32_t csi_usart_abort_receive(usart_handle_t handle);
268 /**
269   \brief       Start synchronously sends data to the USART transmitter and receives data from the USART receiver. used in synchronous mode
270                This function is non-blocking,\ref usart_event_e is signaled when operation completes or error happens.
271                \ref csi_usart_get_status can get operation status.
272   \param[in]   handle  usart handle to operate.
273   \param[in]   data_out  Pointer to buffer with data to send to USART transmitter.data_type is : uint8_t for 5..8 data bits, uint16_t for 9 data bits
274   \param[out]  data_in   Pointer to buffer for data to receive from USART receiver.data_type is : uint8_t for 5..8 data bits, uint16_t for 9 data bits
275   \param[in]   num       Number of data items to transfer
276   \return      error code
277 */
278 int32_t csi_usart_transfer(usart_handle_t handle, const void *data_out, void *data_in, uint32_t num);
280 /**
281   \brief       abort sending/receiving data to/from USART transmitter/receiver.
282   \param[in]   handle  usart handle to operate.
283   \return      error code
284 */
285 int32_t csi_usart_abort_transfer(usart_handle_t handle);
287 /**
288   \brief       Get USART status.
289   \param[in]   handle  usart handle to operate.
290   \return      USART status \ref usart_status_t
291 */
292 usart_status_t csi_usart_get_status(usart_handle_t handle);
294 /**
295   \brief       flush receive/send data.
296   \param[in]   handle usart handle to operate.
297   \param[in]   type \ref usart_flush_type_e .
298   \return      error code
299 */
300 int32_t csi_usart_flush(usart_handle_t handle, usart_flush_type_e type);
302 /**
303   \brief       set interrupt mode.
304   \param[in]   handle usart handle to operate.
305   \param[in]   type \ref usart_intr_type_e.
306   \param[in]   flag 0-OFF, 1-ON.
307   \return      error code
308 */
309 int32_t csi_usart_set_interrupt(usart_handle_t handle, usart_intr_type_e type, int32_t flag);
311 /**
312   \brief       set the baud rate of usart.
313   \param[in]   baud  usart base to operate.
314   \param[in]   baudrate baud rate
315   \return      error code
316 */
317 int32_t csi_usart_config_baudrate(usart_handle_t handle, uint32_t baud);
319 /**
320   \brief       config usart mode.
321   \param[in]   handle  usart handle to operate.
322   \param[in]   mode    \ref usart_mode_e
323   \return      error code
324 */
325 int32_t csi_usart_config_mode(usart_handle_t handle, usart_mode_e mode);
327 /**
328   \brief       config usart parity.
329   \param[in]   handle  usart handle to operate.
330   \param[in]   parity    \ref usart_parity_e
331   \return      error code
332 */
333 int32_t csi_usart_config_parity(usart_handle_t handle, usart_parity_e parity);
335 /**
336   \brief       config usart stop bit number.
337   \param[in]   handle  usart handle to operate.
338   \param[in]   stopbits  \ref usart_stop_bits_e
339   \return      error code
340 */
341 int32_t csi_usart_config_stopbits(usart_handle_t handle, usart_stop_bits_e stopbit);
343 /**
344   \brief       config usart data length.
345   \param[in]   handle  usart handle to operate.
346   \param[in]   databits      \ref usart_data_bits_e
347   \return      error code
348 */
349 int32_t csi_usart_config_databits(usart_handle_t handle, usart_data_bits_e databits);
351 /**
352   \brief       get character in query mode.
353   \param[in]   handle  usart handle to operate.
354   \param[out]  ch the pointer to the received character.
355   \return      error code
356 */
357 int32_t csi_usart_getchar(usart_handle_t handle, uint8_t *ch);
359 /**
360   \brief       transmit character in query mode.
361   \param[in]   handle  usart handle to operate.
362   \param[in]   ch  the input character
363   \return      error code
364 */
365 int32_t csi_usart_putchar(usart_handle_t handle, uint8_t ch);
367 /**
368   \brief       Get usart send data count.
369   \param[in]   handle  usart handle to operate.
370   \return      number of currently transmitted data bytes
371 */
372 uint32_t csi_usart_get_tx_count(usart_handle_t handle);
374 /**
375   \brief       Get usart received data count.
376   \param[in]   handle  usart handle to operate.
377   \return      number of currently received data bytes
378 */
379 uint32_t csi_usart_get_rx_count(usart_handle_t handle);
381 /**
382   \brief       control usart power.
383   \param[in]   handle  usart handle to operate.
384   \param[in]   state   power state.\ref csi_power_stat_e.
385   \return      error code
386 */
387 int32_t csi_usart_power_control(usart_handle_t handle, csi_power_stat_e state);
389 /**
390   \brief       config usart flow control type.
391   \param[in]   handle  usart handle to operate.
392   \param[in]   flowctrl_type   flow control type.\ref usart_flowctrl_type_e.
393   \return      error code
394 */
395 int32_t csi_usart_config_flowctrl(usart_handle_t handle,
396                                   usart_flowctrl_type_e flowctrl_type);
398 /**
399   \brief       config usart clock Polarity and Phase.
400   \param[in]   handle  usart handle to operate.
401   \param[in]   cpol    Clock Polarity.\ref usart_cpol_e.
402   \param[in]   cpha    Clock Phase.\ref usart_cpha_e.
403   \return      error code
404 */
405 int32_t csi_usart_config_clock(usart_handle_t handle, usart_cpol_e cpol, usart_cpha_e cpha);
407 /**
408   \brief       control the transmitter.
409   \param[in]   handle  usart handle to operate.
410   \param[in]   enable  1 - enable the transmitter. 0 - disable the transmitter
411   \return      error code
412 */
413 int32_t csi_usart_control_tx(usart_handle_t handle, uint32_t enable);
415 /**
416   \brief       control the receiver.
417   \param[in]   handle  usart handle to operate.
418   \param[in]   enable  1 - enable the receiver. 0 - disable the receiver
419   \return      error code
420 */
421 int32_t csi_usart_control_rx(usart_handle_t handle, uint32_t enable);
423 /**
424   \brief       control the break.
425   \param[in]   handle  usart handle to operate.
426   \param[in]   enable  1- Enable continuous Break transmission,0 - disable continuous Break transmission
427   \return      error code
428 */
429 int32_t csi_usart_control_break(usart_handle_t handle, uint32_t enable);
431 #ifdef __cplusplus
432 }
433 #endif
435 #endif /* _CSI_USART_H_ */