1# This is only for jsoncpp developers/contributors. 2# We use this to sign releases, generate documentation, etc. 3VER?=$(shell cat version.txt) 4 5default: 6 @echo "VER=${VER}" 7sign: jsoncpp-${VER}.tar.gz 8 gpg --armor --detach-sign $< 9 gpg --verify $<.asc 10 # Then upload .asc to the release. 11jsoncpp-%.tar.gz: 12 curl https://github.com/open-source-parsers/jsoncpp/archive/$*.tar.gz -o $@ 13dox: 14 python doxybuild.py --doxygen=$$(which doxygen) --in doc/web_doxyfile.in 15 rsync -va -c --delete dist/doxygen/jsoncpp-api-html-${VER}/ ../jsoncpp-docs/doxygen/ 16 # Then 'git add -A' and 'git push' in jsoncpp-docs. 17build: 18 mkdir -p build/debug 19 cd build/debug; cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debug -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON -G "Unix Makefiles" ../.. 20 make -C build/debug 21 22# Currently, this depends on include/json/version.h generated 23# by cmake. 24test-amalgamate: 25 python2.7 amalgamate.py 26 python3.4 amalgamate.py 27 cd dist; gcc -I. -c jsoncpp.cpp 28 29valgrind: 30 valgrind --error-exitcode=42 --leak-check=full ./build/debug/src/test_lib_json/jsoncpp_test 31 32clean: 33 \rm -rf *.gz *.asc dist/ 34 35.PHONY: build 36