1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Alibaba Group Holding Limited
3  */
8 #ifdef __cplusplus
9 extern "C" {
10 #endif /* __cplusplus */
12 #if defined(__CC_ARM)
13 #define ssize_t int
14 #elif defined(__ICCARM__)
15 #define ssize_t int
16 #endif
18 /***************************Gateway Interface***************************/
20 enum {
21     LINKKIT_EVENT_CLOUD_DISCONNECTED = 0, /* cloud disconnected */
22     LINKKIT_EVENT_CLOUD_CONNECTED = 1,    /* cloud connected    */
23     LINKKIT_EVENT_SUBDEV_DELETED = 2,     /* subdev deleted     */
24     LINKKIT_EVENT_SUBDEV_PERMITED = 3,    /* subdev permit join */
25     LINKKIT_EVENT_SUBDEV_SETUP = 4,       /* subdev install     */
26 };
28 /*
29  *         option                 | default | minimum | maximum
30  *--------------------------------|---------|---------|---------
31  * LINKKIT_OPT_MAX_MSG_SIZE       |  20480  |  512    | 51200
32  * LINKKIT_OPT_MAX_MSG_QUEUE_SIZE |  16     |  2      | 32
33  * LINKKIT_OPT_THREAD_POOL_SIZE   |  4      |  1      | 16
34  * LINKKIT_OPT_THREAD_STACK_SIZE  |  8192   |  1024   | 8388608
35  * LINKKIT_OPT_LOG_LEVEL          |  3      |  0      | 5
36  */
38 enum {
43     LINKKIT_OPT_PROPERTY_POST_REPLY = 5, /* data type: int */
44     LINKKIT_OPT_EVENT_POST_REPLY = 6,    /* data type: int */
45     LINKKIT_OPT_PROPERTY_SET_REPLY = 7   /* data type: int */
46 };
48 typedef struct {
49     int event_type; /* see LINKKIT_EVENT_XXX for more details */
51     union {
52         struct {
53             char *productKey;
54             char *deviceName;
55         } subdev_deleted;
57         struct {
58             char *productKey;
59             int timeoutSec;
60         } subdev_permited;
62         struct {
63             char *
64                 subdevList; /* json
65                                format:[{"productKey":"","deviceName":""},...] */
66         } subdev_install;
67     } event_data;
68 } linkkit_event_t;
70 typedef struct linkkit_params_s {
71     int maxMsgSize;      /* max message size          */
72     int maxMsgQueueSize; /* max message queue size    */
74     int threadPoolSize;  /* number threads in pool    */
75     int threadStackSize; /* default thread stack size */
77     int (*event_cb)(linkkit_event_t *ev, void *ctx);
79     /* user private data */
80     void *ctx;
81 } linkkit_params_t;
83 /**
84  * @brief get default initialize parameters
85  *
86  * @return linkkit default parameters.
87  */
88 linkkit_params_t *linkkit_gateway_get_default_params(void);
90 /**
91  * @brief set option in paremeters
92  *
93  * @param params, linkkit initialize parameters, return from
94  * linkkit_gateway_get_default_params().
95  * @param option, see LINKKIT_OPT_XXX for more detail.
96  * @param value, value of option.
97  * @param value_len, value length.
98  *
99  * @return 0 when success, -1 when fail.
100  */
101 int linkkit_gateway_setopt(linkkit_params_t *params, int option, void *value,
102                            int value_len);
104 /**
105  * @brief set event callback
106  *
107  * @param params, linkkit initialize parameters, return from
108  * linkkit_gateway_get_default_params().
109  * @param event_cb, event callback.
110  * @param ctx, user private data.
111  *
112  * @return 0 when success, < 0 when fail.
113  */
114 int linkkit_gateway_set_event_callback(linkkit_params_t *params,
115                                        int (*event_cb)(linkkit_event_t *ev,
116                                                        void *ctx),
117                                        void *ctx);
119 /**
120  * @brief linkkit initialization.
121  *
122  * @param initParams, linkkit initialize parameters, see linkkit_params_t for
123  * more detail.
124  *
125  * @return 0 when success, < 0 when fail.
126  */
127 int linkkit_gateway_init(linkkit_params_t *initParams);
129 /**
130  * @brief linkkit deinitialization.
131  *
132  * @return 0 when success, < 0 when fail.
133  */
134 int linkkit_gateway_exit(void);
136 typedef struct {
137     int (*register_complete)(void *ctx);
138     /**
139      * @brief get property callback.
140      *
141      * @param in, properties to be get, in JSON array format, terminated by
142      * NULL.
143      * @param out, output buffer fill by user, in json format, terminated by
144      * NULL.
145      * @param out_len, out buffer length.
146      * @param ctx, user private data passed by linkkit_gateway_start() or
147      * linkkit_gateway_subdev_create()
148      *
149      * @return 0 when success, -1 when fail.
150      */
151     int (*get_property)(char *in, char *out, int out_len, void *ctx);
153     /**
154      * @brief set property callback.
155      *
156      * @param in, properties to be set, in JSON object format, terminated by
157      * NULL.
158      * @param ctx, user private data passed by linkkit_gateway_start() or
159      * linkkit_gateway_subdev_create()
160      *
161      * @return 0 when success, -1 when fail.
162      */
163     int (*set_property)(char *in, void *ctx);
165     /**
166      * @brief call service callback.
167      *
168      * @param identifier, service identifier, available services define in TSL
169      * file.
170      * @param in, service input data, in JSON object format, terminated by NULL.
171      * @param out, service output, this buffer will be filled by user, in json
172      * format, terminated by NULL.
173      * @param out_len, out buffer length.
174      * @param ctx, user private data passed by linkkit_gateway_start() or
175      * linkkit_gateway_subdev_create().
176      *
177      * @return 0 when success, -1 when fail.
178      */
179     int (*call_service)(char *identifier, char *in, char *out, int out_len,
180                         void *ctx);
182     /**
183      * @brief raw data from cloud.
184      *
185      * @param in, input data from cloud.
186      * @param in_len, input data length.
187      * @param out, output data to cloud, allocated by linkkit fill by user, no
188      * need to be free.
189      * @param out_len, out buffer length.
190      * @param ctx, user private data passed by linkkit_gateway_start() or
191      * linkkit_gateway_subdev_create().
192      *
193      * @return output data size. < 0 when fail.
194      */
195     int (*down_rawdata)(const void *in, int in_len, void *out, int out_len,
196                         void *ctx);
198     /**
199      * @brief return data from cloud when calling
200      * linkkit_gateway_post_rawdata().
201      *
202      * @param data, return raw data from cloud.
203      * @param len, data length.
204      * @param ctx, user private data passed by linkkit_gateway_start() or
205      * linkkit_gateway_subdev_create().
206      *
207      * @return 0 when success, -1 when fail.
208      */
209     int (*post_rawdata_reply)(const void *data, int len, void *ctx);
210 } linkkit_cbs_t;
212 /**
213  * @brief start linkkit gateway routines and install callback funstions.
214  *
215  * @param cbs, callback function struct to be installed.
216  * @param ctx, user context pointer.
217  *
218  * @return device id, 0 > when success, < 0 when fail.
219  */
220 int linkkit_gateway_start(linkkit_cbs_t *cbs, void *ctx);
222 /**
223  * @brief stop linkkit gateway.
225  * @param devid, device id return from linkkit_gateway_start().
226  *
227  * @return 0 when success, -1 when fail.
228  */
229 int linkkit_gateway_stop(int devid);
231 /**
232  * @brief register subdev to gateway.
234  * @param productKey, subdev's product key.
235  * @param deviceName, subdev's device name.
236  * @param deviceSecret, subdev's device secret.
237  *
238  * @return 0 when success, -1 when fail.
239  */
240 int linkkit_gateway_subdev_register(char *productKey, char *deviceName,
241                                     char *deviceSecret);
243 /**
244  * @brief deregister subdev from gateway.
246  * @param productKey, subdev's product key.
247  * @param deviceName, subdev's device name.
248  *
249  * @return 0 when success, -1 when fail.
250  */
251 int linkkit_gateway_subdev_unregister(char *productKey, char *deviceName);
253 /**
254  * @brief create subdev and install callback funstions.
255  *
256  * @param productKey, subdev's product key.
257  * @param deviceName, subdev's device name.
258  * @param cbs, callback function struct to be installed.
259  * @param ctx, user context pointer.
260  *
261  * @return device id, 0 > when success, < 0 when fail.
262  */
263 int linkkit_gateway_subdev_create(char *productKey, char *deviceName,
264                                   linkkit_cbs_t *cbs, void *ctx);
266 /**
267  * @brief destroy subdev by device id.
269  * @param devid, device id return from linkkit_gateway_subdev_create().
270  *
271  * @return 0 when success, -1 when fail.
272  */
273 int linkkit_gateway_subdev_destroy(int devid);
275 /**
276  * @brief make subdev accessible from cloud.
278  * @param devid, device id return from linkkit_gateway_subdev_create().
279  *
280  * @return 0 when success, -1 when fail.
281  */
282 int linkkit_gateway_subdev_login(int devid);
284 /**
285  * @brief make subdev inaccessible on cloud.
287  * @param devid, device id return from linkkit_gateway_subdev_create().
288  *
289  * @return 0 when success, -1 when fail.
290  */
291 int linkkit_gateway_subdev_logout(int devid);
293 enum {
294     LINKKIT_STATE_ENABLED = 0, /* device is enabled by cloud  */
295     LINKKIT_STATE_DISABLED,    /* device is disabled by cloud */
296     LINKKIT_STATE_REMOVED,     /* device is deleted by cloud  */
297 };
299 typedef struct {
300     char *productKey; /* device's product key */
301     char *deviceName; /* device's device name */
303     int devtype; /* Device Type: 0 - gateway, 1 - subdev */
304     int login;   /* Login State: 0 - logout,  1 - login  */
305     int state;   /* Device State: see LINKKIT_STATE_xxx  */
306     int online;  /* 0 - offline, 1 - online */
307 } linkkit_devinfo_t;
309 /**
310  * @brief get device infomation specific by devid.
311  *
312  * @param devinfo, device information, see linkkit_devinfo_t for more detail.
313  *
314  * @return 0 when success, -1 when fail.
315  */
316 int linkkit_gateway_get_devinfo(int devid, linkkit_devinfo_t *devinfo);
318 /**
319  * @brief post event to cloud.
320  *
321  * @param devid, device id return from linkkit_gateway_start() or
322  * linkkit_gateway_subdev_create().
323  * @param identifier, event identifier, see tsl file for more detail.
324  * @param event, event data, in JSON format.
325  * @param timeout_ms, transmission timeout, in milliseconds. when timeout_ms is
326  * 0, wait no response.
327  *
328  * @return 0 when success, -1 when fail.
329  */
330 int linkkit_gateway_trigger_event_json_sync(int devid, char *identifier,
331                                             char *event, int timeout_ms);
333 /**
334  * @brief post event to cloud asynchronously.
335  *
336  * @param devid, device id return from linkkit_gateway_start() or
337  * linkkit_gateway_subdev_create().
338  * @param identifier, event identifier, see tsl file for more detail.
339  * @param event, event data, in JSON format.
340  * @param timeout_ms, transmission timeout, in milliseconds. when timeout_ms is
341  * 0, wait no response.
342  * @param func, callback function when success(retval > 0), timeout(retval = 0)
343  * or failed(retval < 0).
344  * @param ctx, user data passed to 'func'.
345  *
346  * @return 0 when success, -1 when fail.
347  */
348 int linkkit_gateway_trigger_event_json(int devid, char *identifier, char *event,
349                                        int timeout_ms,
350                                        void (*func)(int retval, void *ctx),
351                                        void *ctx);
353 /**
354  * @brief post property to cloud.
355  *
356  * @param devid, device id return from linkkit_gateway_start() or
357  * linkkit_gateway_subdev_create().
358  * @param property, property data, in JSON format.
359  * @param timeout_ms, transmission timeout, in milliseconds. when timeout_ms is
360  * 0, wait no response.
361  *
362  * @return 0 when success, -1 when fail.
363  */
364 int linkkit_gateway_post_property_json_sync(int devid, char *property,
365                                             int timeout_ms);
367 /**
368  * @brief post property to cloud asynchronously.
369  *
370  * @param devid, device id return from linkkit_gateway_start() or
371  * linkkit_gateway_subdev_create().
372  * @param property, property data, in JSON format.
373  * @param timeout_ms, transmission timeout, in milliseconds. when timeout_ms is
374  * 0, wait no response.
375  * @param func, callback function when success(retval > 0), timeout(retval = 0)
376  * or failed(retval < 0).
377  * @param ctx, user data passed to 'func'.
378  *
379  * @return 0 when success, -1 when fail.
380  */
381 int linkkit_gateway_post_property_json(int devid, char *property,
382                                        int timeout_ms,
383                                        void (*func)(int retval, void *ctx),
384                                        void *ctx);
386 /**
387  * @brief post raw data to cloud.
388  *
389  * @param devid, device id return from linkkit_gateway_start() or
390  * linkkit_gateway_subdev_create().
391  * @param data, raw data buffer pointer.
392  * @param len, raw data length.
393  *
394  * @return 0 when success, -1 when fail.
395  */
396 int linkkit_gateway_post_rawdata(int devid, void *data, int len);
398 typedef enum {
400 } linkkit_ota_event_t;
402 typedef enum {
403     service_fota_callback_type_new_version_detected = 10,
405     service_fota_callback_type_number,
406 } service_fota_callback_type_t;
408 typedef void (*handle_service_fota_callback_fp_t)(
409     service_fota_callback_type_t callback_type, const char *version);
411 /**
412  * @brief this function used to register callback for firmware ota.
413  *
414  * @param callback_fp, user callback which register to fota. (NULL for
415  * unregister)
416  *
417  * @return 0 when success, -1 when fail.
418  */
419 int linkkit_gateway_fota_init(handle_service_fota_callback_fp_t callback_fp);
421 /**
422  * @brief this function used to execute fota process.
423  *
424  * @param data_buf, data buf that used to do ota. ota service will use this
425  * buffer to download bin.
426  * @param data_buf_length, data buf length that used to do ota.
427  *
428  * @return 0 when success, -1 when fail.
429  */
430 int linkkit_gateway_invoke_fota_service(void *data_buf, int data_buf_length);
432 typedef struct {
433     char *attrKey;   /* the key of extend info. */
434     char *attrValue; /* the value of extend info. */
435 } linkkit_extinfo_t;
437 /**
438  * @brief post group of extend info to cloud
439  *
440  * @param devid, device id return from linkkit_gateway_start() or
441  * linkkit_gateway_subdev_create().
442  * @param extinfos, group of extend info to be post.
443  * @param nb_extinfos, number of extend infos in extinfos.
444  * @param timeout_ms, transmission timeout, in milliseconds. when timeout_ms is
445  * 0, wait no response.
446  *
447  * @return 0 when success, < 0 when fail.
448  */
449 int linkkit_gateway_post_extinfos(int devid, linkkit_extinfo_t *extinfos,
450                                   int nb_extinfos, int timeout_ms);
452 /**
453  * @brief delete extend info specific by key
454  *
455  * @param devid, device id return from linkkit_gateway_start() or
456  * linkkit_gateway_subdev_create().
457  * @param extinfos, group of extend info to be deleted, attrValue in
458  * linkkit_extinfo_t will be ignore.
459  * @param nb_extinfos, number of extend infos in extinfos.
460  * @param timeout_ms, transmission timeout, in milliseconds. when timeout_ms is
461  * 0, wait no response.
462  *
463  * @return 0 when success, < 0 when fail.
464  */
465 int linkkit_gateway_delete_extinfos(int devid, linkkit_extinfo_t *extinfos,
466                                     int nb_extinfos, int timeout_ms);
468 /**
469  * @brief get number devices currently in gateway
470  *
471  * @return number devinfos.
472  */
473 int linkkit_gateway_get_num_devices(void);
475 #ifdef __cplusplus
476 }
477 #endif /* __cplusplus */