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LICENSE A D29-Oct-20211.1 KiB2217

README.md A D29-Oct-20212.8 KiB7258

mpremote.py A D29-Oct-202184 73

pyproject.toml A D29-Oct-2021104 76

setup.cfg A D29-Oct-2021683 2623


1# mpremote -- MicroPython remote control
3This CLI tool provides an integrated set of utilities to remotely interact with
4and automate a MicroPython device over a serial connection.
6The simplest way to use this tool is:
8    mpremote
10This will automatically connect to the device and provide an interactive REPL.
12The full list of supported commands are:
14    mpremote connect <device>        -- connect to given device
15                                        device may be: list, auto, id:x, port:x
16                                        or any valid device name/path
17    mpremote disconnect              -- disconnect current device
18    mpremote mount <local-dir>       -- mount local directory on device
19    mpremote eval <string>           -- evaluate and print the string
20    mpremote exec <string>           -- execute the string
21    mpremote run <file>              -- run the given local script
22    mpremote fs <command> <args...>  -- execute filesystem commands on the device
23                                        command may be: cat, ls, cp, rm, mkdir, rmdir
24                                        use ":" as a prefix to specify a file on the device
25    mpremote repl                    -- enter REPL
26                                        options:
27                                            --capture <file>
28                                            --inject-code <string>
29                                            --inject-file <file>
31Multiple commands can be specified and they will be run sequentially.  Connection
32and disconnection will be done automatically at the start and end of the execution
33of the tool, if such commands are not explicitly given.  Automatic connection will
34search for the first available serial device.  If no action is specified then the
35REPL will be entered.
37Shortcuts can be defined using the macro system.  Built-in shortcuts are:
39- a0, a1, a2, a3: connect to `/dev/ttyACM?`
40- u0, u1, u2, u3: connect to `/dev/ttyUSB?`
41- c0, c1, c2, c3: connect to `COM?`
42- cat, ls, cp, rm, mkdir, rmdir, df: filesystem commands
43- reset: reset the device
44- bootloader: make the device enter its bootloader
46Any user configuration, including user-defined shortcuts, can be placed in
47.config/mpremote/config.py.  For example:
49    # Custom macro commands
50    commands = {
51        "c33": "connect id:334D335C3138",
52        "bl": "bootloader",
53        "double x=4": "eval x*2",
54    }
58    mpremote
59    mpremote a1
60    mpremote connect /dev/ttyUSB0 repl
61    mpremote ls
62    mpremote a1 ls
63    mpremote exec "import micropython; micropython.mem_info()"
64    mpremote eval 1/2 eval 3/4
65    mpremote mount .
66    mpremote mount . exec "import local_script"
67    mpremote ls
68    mpremote cat boot.py
69    mpremote cp :main.py .
70    mpremote cp main.py :
71    mpremote cp -r dir/ :