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Name Date Size #Lines LOC


README A D29-Oct-2021463 128

accept_nonblock.py A D29-Oct-2021331 1713

accept_nonblock.py.exp A D29-Oct-20215 21

accept_timeout.py A D29-Oct-2021469 2318

accept_timeout.py.exp A D29-Oct-20215 21

connect_nonblock.py A D29-Oct-2021427 2114

connect_nonblock.py.exp A D29-Oct-20215 21

connect_poll.py A D29-Oct-2021650 3217

connect_poll.py.exp A D29-Oct-202111 43

ssl_getpeercert.py A D29-Oct-2021403 2215

ssl_getpeercert.py.exp A D29-Oct-202121 21


1This directory contains network tests which require just "peer to peer"
2network connection between test host and device under test, instead of
3full Internet connection.
5Note that setup for these tests and tests themselves are WIP, and may
6not yet fully correspond to the functional specification above.
8So far, these tests are not run as part of the main testsuite and need
9to be run seperately (from the main test/ directory):
11    ./run-tests net_hosted/*.py